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The Sema System

The code examples below work for one sematic language, the default demo language. To run these commands, paste them in the top window and hit cmd+enter. That will evaluate the line. To evaluate many lines, you need to separate them with a semicolon ";" after every line.

There are two windows in the sema system. The top one is the sematic window for the unique language. The bottom one is a window for JavaScript code, where we, for example, run machine learning models.


first argument is always the frequency, the last argument the phase.

// sine

{500}sin {500,0.2}sin

// saw


// triangle


// phasor


// phasor with start and end phase


// square


// pulse (second argument is pulsewidth)


// impulse (single impulse, useful for triggering)

{2}imp {2,0.2}imp

// saw negative



argument is the amplitude



//sample and hold



The envelope is an adsr envelope, so the arguments are "input signal", attack (in ms), decay (in ms), sustain level (0-1), release (in ms). So here with a square wave as input:


multiplied with a sine wave:


With a pulse wave as trigger:


Note that the pulse starts at -1, so higher pulse widths give shorter envelopes (gate is open shorter), and they start after the low level of the pulse. You can solve this by multiplying the pulse with -1.


audio input



sample playback

Play a sample:


These are preloaded when the audio engine starts up, look at the filenames at the top of the console window to see what is there.



With some rhythm:



// lowpass: arguments are "input signal" and a cutoff factor between 0 and 1. The function implemented internally is: output=outputs[0] + cutoff*(input-outputs[0]);


// hipass: arguments are "input signal" and a cutoff factor between 0 and 1. The function implemented internally is: output=input-(outputs[0] + cutoff*(input-outputs[0]));


// lowpass with resonance: first argument is input, then cuttof freq in Hz. res is between 1 and whatever.


// hipass with resonance: first argument is input, then cuttof freq in Hz. res is between 1 and whatever.



// distortion: arguments: input, and shape: from 1 (soft clipping) to infinity (hard clipping) atan distortion, see atan distortion on


// flanger: arguments:

  • input signal
  • delay = delay time - ~800 sounds good
  • feedback = 0 - 1
  • speed = lfo speed in Hz, 0.0001 - 10 sounds good
  • depth = 0 - 1


// chorus: arguments:

  • input signal
  • delay = delay time - ~800 sounds good
  • feedback = 0 - 1
  • speed = lfo speed in Hz, 0.0001 - 10 sounds good
  • depth = 0 - 1


// delayline: input, delay time in samples, amount of feedback (between 0 and 1)



  • gt : greater than
  • lt : less than
  • mod : modulo
  • add : add
  • mul : multiply
  • sub : substract
  • div : divide
  • pow : power of
  • abs : absolute value

operators over lists:

Sum signals: (this will clip in this example:)


Mix signals: (sum and divide by length)


so similar to:


Multiply signals:


mapping values

  • blin : bipolar linear map from range -1,1 to range between arg 2 and arg 3

  • ulin : unipolar linear map from range 0,1 to range between arg 2 and arg 3

  • bexp : bipolar exponential map from range -1,1 to range between arg 2 and arg 3

  • uexp : unipolar exponential map from range 0,1 to range between arg 2 and arg 3

  • linlin : arbitrary linear map from range between arg 2 and 3, to range between arg 4 and arg 5

  • linexp : arbitrary exponential map from range between arg 2 and 3, to range between arg 4 and arg 5

communication to the model (lower editor window)

Send data ten times per second (argument 1) with ID 0 (argument 2). The third argument is what to send (in this case the output of {1}sin.


In js (lower window):

input = (id,x) => {console.log([id,x])};

Receive data from model:


In js (lower window):

output = (x) => {console.log("in "+x); y++; return y;}

Note: to separate the two functions in the model window you use 10 underscores:


osc communication

??? how to select data from incoming osc to use in signal chain???

// forward data coming at the osc address /minibee/data to the model fifty times per second with ID 2


// receive it in the lower editor

input = (id,x) => {console.log([id,x])};

x will be an array of values