Huff challenge #1: Write the minimal Huff code for a contract that returns the current block number if called
forge test --match-contract Challenge1Test -vvvv
Huff challenge #2 (getting slightly harder but still going easy): Write the most efficient possible Huff contract that returns true (1) if the input is an even number and false (0) if it is odd.
forge test --match-contract Challenge2Test -vvvv
Huff Challenge #3 (a bit harder... and much more real) Exploit this contract and steal the Ether inside. It's deployed at
and has 0.1 ETH for you :) Interface: deposit(), withdraw(), and setWithdrawer(address)
forge test --match-contract Challenge3Test -vvvv
Huff challenge #4 🗿🍾⛳️: Write the minimal OR most efficient Huff smart contract that reverses all calldata that it receives
forge test --match-contract Challenge4Test -vvvv
Huff challenge #5 🗿🍾⛳️ : We got another fun one for ya Implement the most gas efficient contract that returns true if the calldata represents a signed message from the sender of the tx. If it isn't, do something that makes the transaction run out of gas.
forge test --match-contract Challenge5Test -vvvv