Table of Contents
- What is MEV-Share CTF?
- Common Info for All Challenges
- Challenge 1: MevShareCTFSimple 1
- Challenge 2: MevShareCTFSimple 2
- Challenge 3: MevShareCTFSimple 3
- Challenge 4: MevShareCTFSimple 4
- Challenge 5: MevShareCTFMagicNumberV1
- Challenge 6: MevShareCTFMagicNumberV2
- Challenge 7: MevShareCTFMagicNumberV3
- Challenge 8: MevShareCTFNewContract (Address)
- Challenge 9: MevShareCTFNewContract (Salt)
- Challenge 10: MevShareCTFTriple
The MEV-Share CTF was a CTF organized by Flashbots that ran for 48 hours from August 5 to August 7, 2023. As the name MEV-Share CTF implies, to solve the challenges, getting the transactions distributed from the MEV-Share event stream and backrunning using the MEV-Share infrastructure were required. I had never seen this type of CTF before, and it was very interesting. The challenges were easy for me, and I finished solving all of them in about 3 hours, but they were all new and educational.
There were 10 challenges in this CTF. All challenges were deployed on the Goerli testnet. Basically, blockchain CTF challenges would be less interesting if they did not use a private chain for each participant, as the solution transactions could be copied, but this is not the case when using MEV infrastructure, as in the MEV-Share CTF.
All challenge contracts are managed by the following MevShareCaptureLogger
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
// ________ __ __ __
// / ____/ /___ ______/ /_ / /_ ____ / /______
// / /_ / / __ `/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/
// / __/ / / /_/ (__ ) / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_(__ )
// /_/ /_/\__,_/____/_/ /_/_.___/\____/\__/____/
// Join the MEV-Share CTF at
// The goal of this challenge is to emit `Capture()` events with your own address (from tx.origin)
// These challenges require backrunning private transactions using MEV-Share
// Learn about MEV-Share at
// Join the Flashbots Discord and learn about Flashbots at
contract MevShareCaptureLogger is Ownable {
mapping(address => bool) public ctfContracts;
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) public winnerCaptures;
mapping(address => uint256) public totalPoints;
event Capture(uint256 points, address winner, uint256 captureId);
event CaptureContract(address captureContract, bool isCaptureContract);
modifier onlyCtfContracts() {
function setCaptureContract(address captureContract, bool isCaptureContract) public payable onlyOwner {
ctfContracts[captureContract] = isCaptureContract;
emit CaptureContract(captureContract, isCaptureContract);
function setCaptureContracts(address[] calldata captureContracts, bool isCaptureContract) external payable onlyOwner {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < captureContracts.length; i++) {
setCaptureContract(captureContracts[i], isCaptureContract);
function call(address destination, uint256 value, bytes memory data) external onlyOwner returns (bool) {
(bool success,) ={value: value}(data);
return success;
function registerCapture(uint256 captureId, address winner) external payable onlyCtfContracts {
require(winnerCaptures[winner][captureId] == false);
winnerCaptures[winner][captureId] = true;
uint256 points = captureId / 100;
totalPoints[winner] += points;
emit Capture(points, winner, captureId);
When a player successfully backruns, the registerCapture
function is called from the challenge contract and they can earned points.
Transactions that should backrun are distributed in the following SSE endpoint:
All challenge contracts are deployed in the following single transaction, and the address of each challenge contract is in the transaction log:
Challenge contract address:
The source code is as follows:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "contracts/MevShareCaptureLogger.sol";
import "./MevShareCTF.sol";
contract MevShareCTFSimple is MevShareCTFBase {
uint256 public activeBlock;
uint256 immutable captureId;
event Activate();
constructor(MevShareCaptureLogger _mevShareCaptureLogger, uint256 _captureId) MevShareCTFBase(_mevShareCaptureLogger) payable {
captureId = _captureId;
function activateRewardSimple() external payable onlyOwner {
activeBlock = block.number;
emit Activate();
function claimReward() external {
require (activeBlock == block.number);
activeBlock = 0;
mevShareCaptureLogger.registerCapture(captureId, tx.origin);
The goal of this challenge is to call the claimReward
function that has the condition activeBlock == block.number
To satisfy the condition, we have to call the claimReward
function in the same block after the transaction that is called the activateRewardSimple
function executed by the challenge owner.
In short, we have to create a bundle transaction and backrun.
We want to find a transaction by the owner for this contract address 0x98997b55bb271e254bec8b85763480719dab0e53
The transaction can be found in the MEV-Share event stream:
data: {"hash":"0xfb776d6ac28856a91938f4de392caf3da77c36fe526bdbc4868e56664f3d14ca","logs":[{"address":"0x98997b55bb271e254bec8b85763480719dab0e53","topics":["0x59d3ce47d6ad6c6003cef97d136155b29d88653eb355c8bed6e03fbf694570ca"],"data":"0x"}],"txs":null,"mevGasPrice":"0x2faf080","gasUsed":"0x7530"}
This data include the transaction hash as well as logs
and topics
To backrun this transaction, first, we filter transactions with the following code:
function transactionIsRelatedToTarget(pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
return (pendingTx.logs || []).some(log => log.address === TARGET_ADDRESS)
Next, construct the bundle as follows:
const mevShareBundle = {
inclusion: { block: currentBlockNumber + 1, maxBlock: currentBlockNumber + MAX_BLOCK },
body: [
{ hash: pendingTxHash },
{ tx: backrunSignedTx, canRevert: false }
Finally, the following code will get the flag:
import MevShareClient, { IPendingTransaction } from '@flashbots/mev-share-client'
import { Contract, JsonRpcProvider, Wallet } from 'ethers'
import { MEV_SHARE_CTF_SIMPLE_ABI } from './abi'
import dotenv from "dotenv"
const RPC_URL = process.env.RPC_URL || ''
const EXECUTOR_KEY = process.env.EXECUTOR_KEY || Wallet.createRandom().privateKey
const FB_REPUTATION_PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.FB_REPUTATION_KEY || Wallet.createRandom().privateKey
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(RPC_URL)
const executorWallet = new Wallet(EXECUTOR_KEY, provider)
const authSigner = new Wallet(FB_REPUTATION_PRIVATE_KEY, provider)
const mevShare = MevShareClient.useEthereumGoerli(authSigner)
const TARGET_ADDRESS = "0x118bcb654d9a7006437895b51b5cd4946bf6cdc2"
const targetContract = new Contract(TARGET_ADDRESS, MEV_SHARE_CTF_SIMPLE_ABI, executorWallet)
const MAX_BLOCK = 24
const TX_GAS_LIMIT = 400000
const MAX_GAS_PRICE = 40n
const MAX_PRIORITY_FEE = 30n
const GWEI = 10n ** 9n
async function main() {
console.log("mev-share auth address: " + authSigner.address)
console.log("executor address: " + executorWallet.address)
const nonce = await executorWallet.getNonce("latest")
mevShare.on('transaction', async (pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) => {
if (!transactionIsRelatedToTarget(pendingTx)) {
console.log('skipping tx: ' + pendingTx.hash)
const currentBlockNumber = await provider.getBlockNumber()
backrunAttempt(currentBlockNumber, nonce, pendingTx.hash)
async function getSignedBackrunTx(nonce: number) {
const backrunTx = await targetContract.claimReward.populateTransaction()
const backrunTxFull = {
chainId: 5,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: MAX_PRIORITY_FEE * GWEI,
gasLimit: TX_GAS_LIMIT,
nonce: nonce
return executorWallet.signTransaction(backrunTxFull)
function bigintJsonEncoder(key: any, value: any) {
return typeof value === 'bigint'
? value.toString()
: value
async function backrunAttempt(currentBlockNumber: number, nonce: number, pendingTxHash: string) {
const backrunSignedTx = await getSignedBackrunTx(nonce)
try {
const mevShareBundle = {
inclusion: { block: currentBlockNumber + 1, maxBlock: currentBlockNumber + MAX_BLOCK },
body: [
{ hash: pendingTxHash },
{ tx: backrunSignedTx, canRevert: false }
const sendBundleResult = await mevShare.sendBundle(mevShareBundle)
console.log('Bundle Hash: ' + sendBundleResult.bundleHash)
if (process.env.BUNDLE_SIMULATION !== undefined) {
mevShare.simulateBundle(mevShareBundle).then(simResult => {
console.log(`Simulation result for bundle hash: ${sendBundleResult.bundleHash}`)
console.log(JSON.stringify(simResult, bigintJsonEncoder))
}).catch(error => {
console.log(`Simulation error for bundle hash: ${sendBundleResult.bundleHash}`)
} catch (e) {
console.log('err', e)
function transactionIsRelatedToTarget(pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
return (pendingTx.logs || []).some(log => log.address === TARGET_ADDRESS)
The command to execute it is:
npx ts-node 10x/solver.ts
Challenge contract address:
The source code of this contract is the same as in the previous challenge.
Similar to the previous challenge, by searching for the challenge contract address 0x1cdDB0BA9265bb3098982238637C2872b7D12474
in the event stream, we find the following transaction:
data: {"hash":"0xbb07f1b54e52597eedb12bb4d640b6e248524d11a5d2ec94b55ca6ee08d8073a","logs":null,"txs":[{"to":"0x1cddb0ba9265bb3098982238637c2872b7d12474","functionSelector":"0xa3c356e4","callData":"0xa3c356e4"}],"mevGasPrice":"0x2faf080","gasUsed":"0x7530"}
In this challenge, we see that the data have the to
address instead of an address of logs
Therefore, we replace the filtering function of the solver in the previous challenge with the following one:
function transactionIsRelatedToTarget(pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
Challenge contract address:
The source code of the contract is also the same as in the first challenge.
Searching the event stream by this contract address gets the following transaction data:
data: {"hash":"0x21f58a50def7108ed648c6baf23e56b2e34597161293b7e8b9956d68bb39bd76","logs":null,"txs":[{"to":"0x65459dd36b03af9635c06bad1930db660b968278","functionSelector":"0xa3c356e4"}],"mevGasPrice":"0x2faf080","gasUsed":"0xb798"}
Unlike the previous challenge, there is no callData
, but since the to
address is given similarly to it, it can be solved by the same solver as the previous one.
Challenge contract address:
The source code of this contract is the same as in the previous challenges.
However, we try to find the contract address in the event stream, but none are found.
The same is true when we look for it in the function selector 0xa3c356e4
It seems that data except transaction hashes are not given by the challenge owner.
We replace the filter with the following function and solve it by sending bundle transactions for all transactions.
function transactionIsRelatedToTarget(pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
return true
Challenge contract address:
The source code of the contract is as follows:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "contracts/MevShareCaptureLogger.sol";
import "./MevShareCTFMagicNumber.sol";
contract MevShareCTFMagicNumberV1 is MevShareCTFMagicNumber {
constructor(MevShareCaptureLogger _mevShareCaptureLogger) MevShareCTFMagicNumber(_mevShareCaptureLogger) payable {
function claimReward(uint256 _magicNumber) external {
require(claimRewardInternal(_magicNumber, 201));
The code for the MevShareCTFMagicNumber
is as follows.
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "contracts/MevShareCaptureLogger.sol";
import "./MevShareCTF.sol";
contract MevShareCTFMagicNumber is MevShareCTFBase {
uint256 public activeBlock;
uint256 private magicNumber;
event Activate(uint256 lowerBound, uint256 upperBound);
constructor(MevShareCaptureLogger _mevShareCaptureLogger) MevShareCTFBase(_mevShareCaptureLogger) payable {
function activateRewardMagicNumber(uint256 _lowerBound, uint256 _upperBound, uint256 _magicNumber) external payable onlyOwner {
require (_lowerBound <= _magicNumber && _upperBound >= _magicNumber);
activeBlock = block.number;
magicNumber = _magicNumber;
emit Activate(_lowerBound, _upperBound);
function claimRewardInternal(uint256 _magicNumber, uint256 _captureId) internal returns (bool) {
if (activeBlock != block.number || _magicNumber != magicNumber) {
return false;
activeBlock = 0;
magicNumber = 0;
mevShareCaptureLogger.registerCapture(_captureId, tx.origin);
return true;
Searching by the contract address gets the following transaction data in the event stream:
data: {"hash":"0xf32b23b764f806bbbec39825512e5fbe2020b21cb698c7e1089f876c16880561","logs":[{"address":"0x118bcb654d9a7006437895b51b5cd4946bf6cdc2","topics":["0x86a27c2047f889fafe51029e28e24f466422abe8a82c0c27de4683dda79a0b5d"],"data":"0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001582b5507e065a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001582b5507e0682"}],"txs":null,"mevGasPrice":"0x2faf080","gasUsed":"0x8ca0"}
It shows that we can backrun the activateRewardMagicNumber
function with the claimReward
However, the magic number must be guessed.
The event emit Activate(_lowerBound, _upperBound);
is given, so _lowerBound
and _upperBound
for the magic number are known.
_upperBound - _lowerBound
>>> 0x1582b5507e0682 - 0x1582b5507e065a
Thus, we can bruteforce the magic number. We can create a contract that calls the function with all 40 values, but we can simply send 40 bundled transactions.
The solver is as follows:
import MevShareClient, { IPendingTransaction } from '@flashbots/mev-share-client'
import { Contract, JsonRpcProvider, Wallet } from 'ethers'
import { MEV_SHARE_CTF_MAGIC_NUMBER } from './abi'
import dotenv from "dotenv"
const RPC_URL = process.env.RPC_URL || ''
const EXECUTOR_KEY = process.env.EXECUTOR_KEY || Wallet.createRandom().privateKey
const FB_REPUTATION_PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.FB_REPUTATION_KEY || Wallet.createRandom().privateKey
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(RPC_URL)
const executorWallet = new Wallet(EXECUTOR_KEY, provider)
const authSigner = new Wallet(FB_REPUTATION_PRIVATE_KEY, provider)
const mevShare = MevShareClient.useEthereumGoerli(authSigner)
const TARGET_ADDRESS = "0x118bcb654d9a7006437895b51b5cd4946bf6cdc2";
const targetContract = new Contract(TARGET_ADDRESS, MEV_SHARE_CTF_MAGIC_NUMBER, executorWallet)
const MAX_BLOCK = 24
const TX_GAS_LIMIT = 400000
const MAX_GAS_PRICE = 40n
const MAX_PRIORITY_FEE = 30n
const GWEI = 10n ** 9n
async function main() {
console.log("mev-share auth address: " + authSigner.address)
console.log("executor address: " + executorWallet.address)
const nonce = await executorWallet.getNonce("latest")
mevShare.on('transaction', async (pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) => {
if (!transactionIsRelatedToTarget(pendingTx)) {
console.log('skipping tx: ' + pendingTx.hash);
const currentBlockNumber = await provider.getBlockNumber()
backrunAttempt(currentBlockNumber, nonce, pendingTx)
async function getSignedBackrunTx(nonce: number, magicNumber: number) {
const backrunTx = await targetContract.claimReward.populateTransaction(magicNumber)
const backrunTxFull = {
chainId: 5,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: MAX_PRIORITY_FEE * GWEI,
gasLimit: TX_GAS_LIMIT,
nonce: nonce
return executorWallet.signTransaction(backrunTxFull)
function bigintJsonEncoder(key: any, value: any) {
return typeof value === 'bigint'
? value.toString()
: value
async function backrunAttempt(currentBlockNumber: number, nonce: number, pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
const pendingTxHash = pendingTx.hash
const logs = pendingTx.logs
if (logs === undefined) {
throw new Error("logs is undefined")
const args = logs[0].data.slice(2);
if (args === undefined) {
throw new Error("args is undefined")
const lowerBound = parseInt(args.slice(0, 64), 16)
const upperBound = parseInt(args.slice(64, 128), 16)
for (let magicNumber = lowerBound; magicNumber <= upperBound; magicNumber++) {
const backrunSignedTx = await getSignedBackrunTx(nonce, magicNumber)
try {
const mevShareBundle = {
inclusion: { block: currentBlockNumber + 1, maxBlock: currentBlockNumber + MAX_BLOCK },
body: [
{ hash: pendingTxHash },
{ tx: backrunSignedTx, canRevert: false }
const sendBundleResult = await mevShare.sendBundle(mevShareBundle)
console.log('Bundle Hash: ' + sendBundleResult.bundleHash)
if (process.env.BUNDLE_SIMULATION !== undefined) {
mevShare.simulateBundle(mevShareBundle).then(simResult => {
console.log(`Simulation result for bundle hash: ${sendBundleResult.bundleHash}`)
console.log(JSON.stringify(simResult, bigintJsonEncoder))
}).catch(error => {
console.log(`Simulation error for bundle hash: ${sendBundleResult.bundleHash}`)
} catch (e) {
console.log('err', e)
function transactionIsRelatedToTarget(pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
return (pendingTx.logs || []).some(log => log.address === TARGET_ADDRESS)
Challenge contract address:
The source code of this contract is as follows:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "contracts/MevShareCaptureLogger.sol";
import "./MevShareCTFMagicNumber.sol";
contract MevShareCTFMagicNumberV2 is MevShareCTFMagicNumber {
constructor(MevShareCaptureLogger _mevShareCaptureLogger) MevShareCTFMagicNumber(_mevShareCaptureLogger) payable {
function claimReward(uint256 _magicNumber) external {
require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
require(claimRewardInternal(_magicNumber, 202));
The transaction data given in the event stream is as follows:
data: {"hash":"0x8ffc7e266bdd75b5644a8c716a2fdedec9abad068c20c9bd1d5ab08d97d698d2","logs":[{"address":"0x9be957d1c1c1f86ba9a2e1215e9d9eefde615a56","topics":["0x86a27c2047f889fafe51029e28e24f466422abe8a82c0c27de4683dda79a0b5d"],"data":"0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000378f03dcf4928000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000378f03dcf4950"}],"txs":null,"mevGasPrice":"0x2faf080","gasUsed":"0x8ca0"}
Unlike the previous challenge, require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
is added, but it can be solved in the same way.
Challenge contract address:
The source code of this contract is as follows:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "contracts/MevShareCaptureLogger.sol";
import "./MevShareCTFMagicNumber.sol";
contract MevShareCTFMagicNumberV3 is MevShareCTFMagicNumber {
// V3 only gets one shot per tx.origin. If any tx lands that is incorrect, that tx.origin does not get another shot
mapping(address => bool) public registeredV3Attempts;
constructor(MevShareCaptureLogger _mevShareCaptureLogger) MevShareCTFMagicNumber(_mevShareCaptureLogger) payable {
function claimReward(uint256 _magicNumber) external {
require(tx.origin == msg.sender);
require(registeredV3Attempts[tx.origin] == false);
registeredV3Attempts[tx.origin] = true;
claimRewardInternal(_magicNumber, 203);
The transaction data given in the event stream is as follows:
data: {"hash":"0xae91fccc59f7687f30008d30b67993e8d4d876344eafacdaa27f328b76205af2","logs":[{"address":"0xe8b7475e2790409715af793f799f3cc80de6f071","topics":["0x86a27c2047f889fafe51029e28e24f466422abe8a82c0c27de4683dda79a0b5d"],"data":"0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001471b82d1714c2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001471b82d1714ea"}],"txs":null,"mevGasPrice":"0x2faf080","gasUsed":"0x8ca0"}
Unlike the previous two challenges, once we call the claimReward
function, we can never do it again.
In other words, we cannot simply send 40 bundle transactions because failure is not allowed in this challenge.
What we can solve is to check if the challenge was solved at the end of the bundle transaction.
For example, we can create the following checker:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
contract ClearChecker {
function requireClear(uint256 captureId) public view {
IMevShareCaptureLogger logger = IMevShareCaptureLogger(0x6C9c151642C0bA512DE540bd007AFa70BE2f1312);
require(logger.winnerCaptures(tx.origin, captureId));
interface IMevShareCaptureLogger {
function winnerCaptures(address, uint256) external view returns (bool);
Then, calling this requireClear
function is included at the end of the bundle transaction, and it can be solved.
const mevShareBundle = {
inclusion: { block: currentBlockNumber + 1, maxBlock: currentBlockNumber + BLOCKS_TO_TRY },
body: [
{ hash: pendingTxHash },
{ tx: backrunSignedTx, canRevert: false },
{ tx: backrunSignedTx2, canRevert: false },
Challenge contract address:
The source code of this contract is as follows:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "contracts/MevShareCaptureLogger.sol";
import "./MevShareCTF.sol";
contract MevShareCTFNewContracts is MevShareCTFBase {
uint256 public magicNumber;
// maps addresses to child contracts, acts both as check for valid caller and which CTF is being targeted
// value of 1 = emitted by address
// value of 2 = emitted by salt
mapping (address => uint256) childContracts;
event Activate(address newlyDeployedContract);
event ActivateBySalt(bytes32 salt);
constructor(MevShareCaptureLogger _mevShareCaptureLogger) MevShareCTFBase(_mevShareCaptureLogger) payable {
function proxyRegisterCapture() external {
uint256 childContractType = childContracts[msg.sender];
if (childContractType == 0) {
revert("Not called by a child contract");
mevShareCaptureLogger.registerCapture(300 + childContractType, tx.origin);
function activateRewardNewContract(bytes32 salt) external payable onlyOwner {
MevShareCTFNewContract newlyDroppedContract = new MevShareCTFNewContract{salt: salt}();
childContracts[address(newlyDroppedContract)] = 1;
emit Activate(address(newlyDroppedContract));
function activateRewardBySalt(bytes32 salt) external payable onlyOwner {
MevShareCTFNewContract newlyDroppedContract = new MevShareCTFNewContract{salt: salt}();
childContracts[address(newlyDroppedContract)] = 2;
emit ActivateBySalt(salt);
contract MevShareCTFNewContract {
MevShareCTFNewContracts immutable mevShareCTFNewContracts;
uint256 public activeBlock;
constructor() payable {
mevShareCTFNewContracts = MevShareCTFNewContracts(msg.sender);
activeBlock = block.number;
function claimReward() external {
require (activeBlock == block.number);
activeBlock = 0;
From this code, it can be seen that this contract has two challenges, 301 and 302.
The transaction data given in the event stream is as follows:
data: {"hash":"0xee08b12e1adca7790108a0c88e531c74fe151f7d0353c10b664268e2960bb4bc","logs":[{"address":"0x5ea0fea0164e5aa58f407debb344876b5ee10dea","topics":["0xf7e9fe69e1d05372bc855b295bc4c34a1a0a5882164dd2b26df30a26c1c8ba15"],"data":"0x00000000000000000000000017bda556c8dfd723c6886f60b87e4b2a2aaa3842"}],"txs":null,"mevGasPrice":"0x2faf080","gasUsed":"0x27100"}
We see that we can backrun the claimReward
function of the MevShareCTFNewContract
contract deployed by the activation function.
The emit Activate(address(newlyDroppedContract))
in the activateRewardNewContract
function simply gives us the address of the deployed MevShareCTFNewContract
contract, and we can use it to solve the problem.
The solver is in the writeup for the next challenge.
Challenge contract address:
The source code of this contract is the same as in the previous challenge. The transaction data given in the event stream is as follows:
data: {"hash":"0xce1fcf4da31b0bf463bfa87fdb98f64e75837dc85b1c3b5ce90d7781b24b66e8","logs":[{"address":"0x5ea0fea0164e5aa58f407debb344876b5ee10dea","topics":["0x71fd33d3d871c60dc3d6ecf7c8e5bb086aeb6491528cce181c289a411582ff1c"],"data":"0xc14628cdd6dca1f66dec7d5ecc3d285ddca8eb8507e63d77865ee27e75cb8f62"}],"txs":null,"mevGasPrice":"0x2faf080","gasUsed":"0x27100"}
salt is given via emit ActivateBySalt(salt)
in the activateRewardBySalt
The deployed address by CREATE2
can be calculated using ethers.utils.getCreate2Address(from ,salt ,initCodeHash)
Thus, we need to know the initCode
to calculate the initCodeHash
The initCode
can be found from the EVM instruction-level tracing result of cast
as follows:
$ cast run 0x7946c084fe313cabe484470310b97f035506ac8de35ac64966af4c318a3c04f7 --trace-printer | grep CREATE2
depth:1, PC:935, gas:0x435a6(275878), OPCODE: "CREATE2"(245) refund:0x0(0) Stack:[0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c03f4641_U256, 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000bc_U256, 0xcd04426d29b0bc305d2e8013ae967ce8d3fde4e4ac59ace4afbec4420c9cfd05_U256, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_U256, 0xcd04426d29b0bc305d2e8013ae967ce8d3fde4e4ac59ace4afbec4420c9cfd05_U256, 0xcd04426d29b0bc305d2e8013ae967ce8d3fde4e4ac59ace4afbec4420c9cfd05_U256, 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000013c_U256, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080_U256, 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000_U256], Data size:448, Data: 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
The solvers for this challenge and the previous one are as follows:
import MevShareClient, { IPendingTransaction } from '@flashbots/mev-share-client'
import { getCreate2Address, keccak256, Contract, JsonRpcProvider, Wallet, ContractTransaction } from 'ethers'
import { MEV_SHARE_CTF_SIMPLE_ABI } from '../10x/abi';
import dotenv from "dotenv"
const RPC_URL = process.env.RPC_URL || ''
const EXECUTOR_KEY = process.env.EXECUTOR_KEY || Wallet.createRandom().privateKey
const FB_REPUTATION_PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.FB_REPUTATION_KEY || Wallet.createRandom().privateKey
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(RPC_URL)
const executorWallet = new Wallet(EXECUTOR_KEY, provider)
const authSigner = new Wallet(FB_REPUTATION_PRIVATE_KEY, provider)
const mevShare = MevShareClient.useEthereumGoerli(authSigner)
const TARGET_ADDRESS_301 = "0x5ea0fea0164e5aa58f407debb344876b5ee10dea";
const TARGET_ADDRESS_302 = "0x5ea0fea0164e5aa58f407debb344876b5ee10dea";
const MAX_BLOCK = 24
const TX_GAS_LIMIT = 400000
const MAX_GAS_PRICE = 40n
const MAX_PRIORITY_FEE = 30n
const GWEI = 10n ** 9n
async function main() {
console.log("mev-share auth address: " + authSigner.address)
console.log("executor address: " + executorWallet.address)
const nonce = await executorWallet.getNonce("latest")
mevShare.on('transaction', async (pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) => {
if (!transactionIsRelatedToTarget(pendingTx)) {
console.log('skipping tx: ' + pendingTx.hash);
const currentBlockNumber = await provider.getBlockNumber()
backrunAttempt(currentBlockNumber, nonce, pendingTx)
async function getSignedBackrunTx(backrunTx: ContractTransaction, nonce: number) {
const backrunTxFull = {
chainId: 5,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: MAX_PRIORITY_FEE * GWEI,
gasLimit: TX_GAS_LIMIT,
nonce: nonce
return executorWallet.signTransaction(backrunTxFull)
function bigintJsonEncoder(key: any, value: any) {
return typeof value === 'bigint'
? value.toString()
: value
async function backrunAttempt(currentBlockNumber: number, nonce: number, pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
const pendingTxHash = pendingTx.hash;
const logs = pendingTx.logs;
if (logs === undefined) {
throw new Error("logs is undefined")
console.log("logs", logs);
const args = logs[0].data;
if (args === undefined) {
throw new Error("args is undefined")
let addr;
if (args.slice(2, 4) == "00") {
addr = "0x" + args.slice(24, 64);
} else {
const initCode = "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";
const initCodeHash = keccak256(initCode);
addr = getCreate2Address(TARGET_ADDRESS_302, args, initCodeHash);
console.log("addr", addr);
const newContract = new Contract(addr, MEV_SHARE_CTF_SIMPLE_ABI, executorWallet)
const backrunTx = await newContract.claimReward.populateTransaction()
const backrunSignedTx = await getSignedBackrunTx(backrunTx, nonce);
try {
const mevShareBundle = {
inclusion: { block: currentBlockNumber + 1, maxBlock: currentBlockNumber + MAX_BLOCK },
body: [
{ hash: pendingTxHash },
{ tx: backrunSignedTx, canRevert: false }
const sendBundleResult = await mevShare.sendBundle(mevShareBundle);
console.log('Bundle Hash: ' + sendBundleResult.bundleHash)
if (process.env.BUNDLE_SIMULATION !== undefined) {
mevShare.simulateBundle(mevShareBundle).then(simResult => {
console.log(`Simulation result for bundle hash: ${sendBundleResult.bundleHash}`)
console.log(JSON.stringify(simResult, bigintJsonEncoder))
}).catch(error => {
console.log(`Simulation error for bundle hash: ${sendBundleResult.bundleHash}`)
} catch (e) {
console.log('err', e)
function transactionIsRelatedToTarget(pendingTx: IPendingTransaction) {
return (pendingTx.logs || []).some(log => (log.address === TARGET_ADDRESS_301 || log.address === TARGET_ADDRESS_302));
Challenge contract address:
The source code of this contract is as follows:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
import "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "contracts/MevShareCaptureLogger.sol";
import "./MevShareCTF.sol";
contract MevShareCTFTriple is MevShareCTFBase {
uint256 public activeBlock;
mapping (address => mapping (uint256 => uint256)) addressBlockCount;
event Activate();
constructor(MevShareCaptureLogger _mevShareCaptureLogger) MevShareCTFBase(_mevShareCaptureLogger) payable {
function activateRewardTriple() external payable onlyOwner {
activeBlock = block.number;
emit Activate();
function claimReward() external {
require (activeBlock == block.number);
require (tx.origin == msg.sender);
uint256 claimCount = addressBlockCount[tx.origin][block.number] + 1;
if (claimCount == 3) {
mevShareCaptureLogger.registerCapture(401, tx.origin);
addressBlockCount[tx.origin][block.number] = claimCount;
The transaction data given in the event stream is as follows:
data: {"hash":"0xc47ca9e62168daaca7490f58730c392a299ee5a960c288f894d225796b2534c2","logs":[{"address":"0x1ea6fb65bab1f405f8bdb26d163e6984b9108478","topics":["0x59d3ce47d6ad6c6003cef97d136155b29d88653eb355c8bed6e03fbf694570ca"],"data":"0x"}],"txs":null,"mevGasPrice":"0x2faf080","gasUsed":"0x7530"}
It is necessary to call claimReward
three times in the same block as the activateRewardTriple
It can be solved by simply constructing a bundle transaction as follows:
const mevShareBundle = {
inclusion: { block: currentBlockNumber + 1, maxBlock: currentBlockNumber + MAX_BLOCK },
body: [
{ hash: pendingTxHash },
{ tx: backrunSignedTx, canRevert: false },
{ tx: backrunSignedTx2, canRevert: false },
{ tx: backrunSignedTx3, canRevert: false },