- [engine] Modify UIBuilder.copy() to support multiple items copy/paste
- [editor] Implement multiple items copy/paste
- [editor] Monitor file changes and auto refresh assets
- [editor] Add ignore_assets to texture_options.json
- [editor] Error handling improvement
- [editor] Add inverse layer order option (click on menu File->Setting->Layer order->Photoshop
- [editor] Hit shift or control to select multiple items in layout tab
- [editor] Implement group and ungroup operation (Click on menu Edit -> Group with Sprite / Group with LayoutGroup / Ungroup)
- [editor] When a texture is missing, it will load the default empty texture and show errors in a popup
- [editor] Drag objects in layout tab will keep them in the same position
- [editor] While holding space key, DocumentManager will enter dragMode
- [editor] Add tooltip support
- [editor] Fix duplicate should copy and paste not in place
- [template] Fix DropShaderFilter alpha not being saved when alpha=1
- [engine] Add IAssetMediator.getCustomData()
- [editor] Improve load time
- [editor] Inspector UI fully customizable by setting
- [editor] Inspector UI can drag mouse horizontal and vertical at the same time
- [editor] Separate ui_builder item inside editor_template.json to ui_builder.json
- [extensions] Support DragonBones animation framework
- [demo_workspace] Add sample layout for DragonBones
- [editor] Add ILocalizationFileWrapper to better support custom localization override, add defaultLocale to editor_template.json
- [editor] texture_options.json supports more properties beside scale (mipMapping, format and repeat)
- [editor] Drag select works with empty container
- [template] New supported feathers component: VideoPlayer
- [editor] Implement FilesTab to be able to quickly open layout files in a specific path
- [editor] Implement multiple resolution support for TestPanel
- [editor] Implement fitBackground in BackgroundTab and TestPanel
- [extensions] Fix bug of pixel mask not working correctly with starling 1.7+ when stencil buffer is enabled (especially web build)
- [extensions] Fix interaction issue of FFParticleSprite
- [demo] Add pixelmask to demo project
- [editor] Implement workspace setting UI and save to settings/workspace_setting.json
- [editor] Change copy/paste shortcut to ctrl+c and ctrl+v
- [editor] Fix some DocumentManager focus issues
- [editor] Improve error handling
- [editor] Memory optimization
- [demo_workspace] Removed fonts folders by default, asset folders can be added through main menu -> workspace -> workspace setting
- [engine] Extends IAssetMediator to support getXml() and getObject()
- [engine] Support feathers.data.ListColletion and feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection
- [engine] Fixed that localization doesn’t work on external layout
- [template] Support dataProvider property for feathers Components
- [template] Support more feathers components: ButtonGroup, SpinnerList and TabBar
- [template] Add leading and batchable property to TextField
- [extensions] Reimplement ContainerButton
- [extensions] Integrate with FFParticleSystem through FFParticleSprite
- [engine] UIElementFactory set property order is now deterministic
- [engine] Add UIBuilder.findByTag()
- [editor] Fix performance problem when dragging UI component on canvas
- [editor] Arrow key UX improvement
- [editor] Localization and TweenBuilder implementation become configurable through editor_template.json
- [template] Add a tag field to customParams
- [extensions] Add new custom UI component: Gauge
- [engine] Add fromDelta field to DefaultTweenBuilder
- [engine] Add LayoutLoader.loadByClass()
- [engine] Add StageUtil.fitBackground() and StageUtil.fitNativeBackground()
- [editor] Added tween property editor to tween tab
- [template] Add scaleX and scaleY property for Scale3Image/Scale9Image/TiledImage
- [engine] Add LayoutLoader helper class
- [engine] Add ASDoc and documentation
- [editor] New UI components can be dragged to canvas
- [editor] Sort selectedObjects horizontally/vertically in PositionToolbar
- [editor] Add distribute horizontal/vertical buttons in PositionToolbar
- [editor] Add layout data compatibility check for Starling 2.0
- [editor] Add defaultHorizontalPivot and defaultVerticalPivot to SettingPopup
- [editor] Add shift key for multiple selection
- [editor] Fix ColorFilter limitation
- [editor] Add filter support (BlurFilter, GlowFilter, DropShadowFilter, ColorFilter)
- [editor] Implement canvas snapshot
- [editor] New UI element position will default to center of the canvas
- [editor] Replace hidden and lock check to icons
- [editor] Upgrade to Starling 1.8 and AIR19
- [editor] Add default_option to texture_options.json
- [editor] Various bug fixes
- [template] Add scaleWhenDown property to starling.display.Button
- [extensions] Add a universal ContainerButton (A customized button you can add whatever you want inside. You need to download the new latest demo_workspace.zip to try it)
- [editor] Multiple selection support
- [editor] Multiple objects positioning tools
- [editor] Display object property can set Image/Scale3/Scale9/TiledImage
- [editor] Vertical arrow slide for fields like y
- [editor] Canvas color picker
- [editor] Add pretty/minimized JSON option to setting popup
- [editor] Various bug fixes
- [engine] Add delta field to DefaultTweenBuilder to support position offset tween
- [template] Add blendMode to all components, add textureScale to Scale3Image/Scale9Image/TiledImage
- [editor] Image, Button, Scale3Image, Scale9Image, TiledImage can change texture after creation
- [engine] Implement LocalizationHandler
- [editor] Persist hidden and lock flag to layout
- [template] Add backgroundSkin property to LayoutGroup, add layout property to Panel
- [engine] Add TweenBuilder support
- [editor] Add Tween preview tab
- [editor] Implement Unity liked slidable label
- [editor] Add explicit check box for feathers components
- [editor] Support more feathers layouts and components
- [editor] Various bug fixes
- [editor] Fix bug: open recent with dirty file override the newly open file
- [editor] Layout tab support drag and drop
- [editor] Right panel becomes scrollable
- [editor] Implement help button for quick documentation lookup
- [editor] Fix bug: theme pollution issue with EmbeddedTheme.swf
- [editor] add a drag box to be able to move container with 0 width and height on canvas
- [editor] Icon function will keep width/height ratio in IconItemRenderer
- [engine] Add helper function: UIBuilder.find()
- [engine] Better error detection when texture is not found
- [editor] Fix bug: link button not working sometimes
- [editor] Implement new link button
- [editor] Fix bug: customParams not setting value if there's no initial value
- [editor] Upgrade to Starling 1.7 and Feathers UI 2.3
- [editor] Collapsable layout tree component
- [editor] Collapsable asset group list component
- [editor] HD support for Macbook retina display
- [editor] Fix asian language characters not able to type in with input method
- [editor] Various bug fixes
- [engine] property won’t be saved when read-only flag is set
- [engine] text won’t be saved when localizedKey is set
- [editor] big performance improvement when selecting elements
- [editor] support Sprite3D and MovieClip
- [editor] group assets by atlases
- [editor] fix rotation issue when scale = 1
- [editor] Fix load external layout bug
- [editor] Fix bad delete shortcut on Windows
- [editor] Add Feathers tab to left panel
- [editor] Support more Feathers components
- First version