Releases: minecraft-linux/appimage-builder
This Release is for Minecraft Android 1.13.0 - 1.19.30
Compatbility with the official release of 1.19.40 is confirmed
You need to own Minecraft on the google play store and login with your google account to use this launcher
Links for linux flatpak or macOS can be found on our wiki
- run
uname -a
to know which system you are using - once downloaded the launcher shows you banner if an update are available
- no need to download the whole file again
- you can update it externally with appimageupdate or appimagelauncher
Fix Xboxlive Sign in Window fails to open after installing the 0.5.0 release of the arm AppImages, adjusted appimage scripts
You should now be able to use on a ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 to create your own AppImage, this script cross compiles to arm if you specify the target
This Release is for Minecraft Android 1.13.0 - 1.19.30
Compatbility with the official release of 1.19.40 is unknown
You need to own Minecraft on the google play store and login with your google account to use this launcher
Links for linux flatpak or macOS can be found on our wiki
- run
uname -a
to know which system you are using - once downloaded the launcher shows you banner if an update are available
- no need to download the whole file again
- you can update it externally with appimageupdate or appimagelauncher
Updated to be able to launch 1.18.30 to 1.19.30
Replaced Launcher Icons, this causes a new UI issue in this AppImage which won't be fixed
AppImage creation scripts updated, may cause regressions if so use get an old AppImage
1.18.30 - 1.19.30 may stop responding while showing a progress of 56%-58%, just close and reopen the game again this issue is not planned to be fixed
1.18.30 - 1.19.30 the game doesn't allow to select any skins, choose game version 1.16.201 to fix this
1.18.30 - 1.19.30 will crash very frequently, this is not planned to be fixed
Realms might work again for some time, but don't rely beeing able to access them due to incompatible game updates
Credits for fixing access to the new world screens go to GitHub user reedacartwright
Credits for 1.19.40 beta patches go to GitHub user 0xCatPKG
Cross Play with macOS is current not possible for game version 1.18.30 and newer, choose an older game version on linux to match the macOS Launcher
This Release is for Minecraft Android 1.13.0 - 1.19.30
Compatbility with the official release of 1.19.40 is unknown
You need to own Minecraft on the google play store and login with your google account to use this launcher
Links for linux flatpak or macOS can be found on our wiki
- run
uname -a
to know which system you are using - once downloaded the launcher shows you banner if an update are available
- no need to download the whole file again
- you can update it externally with appimageupdate or appimagelauncher
Updated to be able to launch 1.18.30 to 1.19.30
Replaced Launcher Icons, this causes a new UI issue in this AppImage which won't be fixed
AppImage creation scripts updated, may cause regressions if so use get an old AppImage
1.18.30 - 1.19.30 may stop responding while showing a progress of 56%-58%, just close and reopen the game again this issue is not planned to be fixed
1.18.30 - 1.19.30 the game doesn't allow to select any skins, choose game version 1.16.201 to fix this
1.18.30 - 1.19.30 will crash very frequently, this is not planned to be fixed
Realms might work again for some time, but don't rely beeing able to access them due to incompatible game updates
Credits for fixing access to the new world screens go to GitHub user reedacartwright
Credits for 1.19.40 beta patches go to GitHub user 0xCatPKG
Cross Play with macOS is current not possible for game version 1.18.30 and newer, choose an older game version on linux to match the macOS Launcher
v0.3.4-688: v0.3.4 (#13)
Known Issues
- Arm based AppImages are broken, please download instead of this broken release ( minecraft-linux/mcpelauncher-manifest#696 )
This Release is for Minecraft Android 1.13.0 - 1.18.12
You need to own Minecraft on the google play store and login with your google account to use this launcher
Links for linux flatpak or macOS can be found on our wiki
- run
uname -a
to know which system you are using - once downloaded the launcher shows you banner if an update are available
- no need to download the whole file again
- you can update it externally with appimageupdate or appimagelauncher
Disable chromium sandbox to fix loading the sign in pages on linux distributions newer than ubuntu 20.04, this AppImage contains an outdated qt5.9 version and other old ubuntu 16.04 libraries. Both don't receive any ( security ) updates for years.
Google and Microsoft Xbox Live Sign in page are loading forever on linux distributions newer than ubuntu 20.04
Workaround, run something like this in a bash shell
QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--no-sandbox" <filepath.AppImage>
Replace <filepath.AppImage>
with the path to the AppImage file like ~/Downloads/Minecraft_Bedrock_Launcher-x86_64-v0.3.3.683.AppImage
Background: The sandbox of the ancient qt5.9 chromium distributed in this AppImage stopped working and crashs silently
You need to own Minecraft on the google play store and login with your google account to use this launcher
Links for linux flatpak or macOS can be found on our wiki
- run
uname -a
to know which system you are using - once downloaded the launcher shows you banner if an update are available
- no need to download the whole file again
- you can update it externally with appimageupdate or appimagelauncher
Removed from arm based AppImages
Changed naming convention of AppImage files
The arm based AppImages are still experimental and barely tested, initially created for raspbian buster with missing qt5-webengine package
This Project has been suspended by me since 2021/11/1, further changes or bug fixes are requiring Pull Requests to github repositories of minecraft-linux See ChristopherHX/mcpelauncher-manifest#48 (comment)
This Release is for Minecraft Android 1.13.0 - 1.18.2
You need to own Minecraft on the google play store and login with your google account to use this launcher
Links for linux flatpak or macOS can be found on our wiki
- run
uname -a
to know which system you are using - once downloaded the launcher shows you banner if an update are available
- no need to download the whole file again
- you can update it externally with appimageupdate or appimagelauncher
This project may no longer provide latest version support. It may take more than 12 month for a new Version to be supported.
1.13.0 - 1.18.2 are now working inclusive offline mode
The Development Mode is no longer hidden
This version cannot launch Minecraft
No longer contains proprietary launcher extensions. This Project still contains the proprietary fmod library, the arm32 laucher loads binaries extracted from the android ndk built without sourcecode
This Project has been suspended by me since 2021/11/1, further changes or bug fixes are requiring Pull Requests to github repositories of minecraft-linux See ChristopherHX/mcpelauncher-manifest#48 (comment)
You need to own Minecraft on the google play store and login with your google account to use this launcher
Links for linux flatpak or macOS can be found on our wiki
- run
uname -a
to know which system you are using - once downloaded the launcher shows you banner if an update are available
- no need to download the whole file again
- you can update it externally with appimageupdate or appimagelauncher
Anti piracy update, starting 1.17.40+ currently requires an internet connection
I forget what exactly I have changed during the last months
Anti piracy update, starting 1.17.40+ currently requires an internet connection
I forget what exactly I have changed during the last months
Introduce improved modding support
You can now resolve undefined symbols via mods as updates
Input system has now input mode switch for touch, mouse/keyboard and gamepad
Now are you able to ungrab you mouse by moving it while not in mouse input mode, useful for gamepads
eglut: possible improved keybinding, needs further tests
If you have mouse emulation enabled on linux, you might now see less glitches
Known Issues
- arm(64) qt5 open folder in file explorer broken (due to custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH and broken patchelf rpath add arm32)
- arm(64) scrolling only works in one direction
- qt ui Defaultprofile texture patch doesn't initialized to 0, if the default profile was never saved before v0.2.2
- World corruption on intel / amd devices (1.16.210+)
- Crafting not working on intel / amd devices (1.16.210+)
- Texture corruption on intel / amd devices (1.16.210+)
- Marketplace not loading (1.16.210+)
- Skins not loading, sometimes you can still select a custom skin file and use it while the game is running (1.16.210+)
- Minecraft / doesn't load
- arm32 games doesn't load, crash in mcpelauncher-linker
- siglongjmp not exported for arm64
0.2.5 AppImage
Hotfix: old x86_64 devices got not purchased error for launcher latest, issues appeard on Tuesday 10.8 with the unsupported message of the next MC update
Due to heavy abuse of this launchers sourcecode for piracy, further updates to GPL Launcher code are at risk
Known Issues
- arm(64) qt5 open folder in file explorer broken (due to custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH and broken patchelf rpath add arm32)
- arm(64) scrolling only works in one direction
- qt ui Defaultprofile texture patch doesn't initialized to 0, if the default profile was never saved before v0.2.2
- World corruption on intel / amd devices (1.16.210+)
- Crafting not working on intel / amd devices (1.16.210+)
- Texture corruption on intel / amd devices (1.16.210+)
- Marketplace not loading (1.16.210+)
- Skins not loading, sometimes you can still select a custom skin file and use it while the game is running (1.16.210+)
- Pressing shift breaks keymapping of 0-9 and others
- Minecraft 1.16.0-10 are not loading since 1.16.220 (jnivm 1.0) ran
- Caused by a type error in Java Native Interface Binding, missing type inherience in c++
- Minecraft / doesn't load