Yet another RPC framework based on Netty.
- Simple, small code base, easy to learn API
- Very fast, high performance
- Totally non-blocking asynchronous call, synchronous call, oneway call.
- Long lived persistent connection, reconnect to server automatically
- High availability, load balance and failover
- Multi thread server and multi thread client
- Thread safe client, for an remote service you only need to create a singleton client.
- Service Discovery support, use zookeeper as a service registry.
- PHP client (Unimplemented yet)
####1.Define an obj interface
public interface IHelloWordObj {
String hello(String msg);
String test(Integer i, String s, Long l);
void notifySomeThing(Integer i, String s, Long l);
####2.Implements the previous defined interface
public class HelloWorldObj implements IHelloWordObj {
public String hello(String msg) {
return msg;
public String test(Integer i, String s, Long l) {
return i+s+l;
void notifySomeThing(Integer i, String s, Long l) {
####3. Update configuration file and start the server "com.lubin.rpc.server.RPCServer"
server {
port = 9090
backlog = 1000
async = false //handling request in business logic thread pool
asyncThreadPoolSize = 4
ioThreadNum = 4
enableServiceDiscovery = true
objects = [
client {
syncCallTimeOutMillis = 300
connectTimeoutMillis = 300
reconnIntervalMillis = 1000 //time interval for reconnecting to server
asyncThreadPoolSize = 1 //thread pool for excuting Async callback
ioThreadNum = 1
objects = [
name = com.lubin.rpc.example.obj.IHelloWordObj
servers =""
####4.Synchronous call. Create an Obj proxy and call the remote Obj.
IHelloWordObj client = RPCClient.proxyBuilder(IHelloWordObj.class)
.withServerNode("", 9090)
String result = client.hello("hello world!");
####5. Asynchronous call #####5.1.
IAsyncObjectProxy asyncClient = RPCClient.proxyBuilder(IHelloWordObj.class)
RPCFuture helloFuture ="hello", "hello world!");
RPCFuture testFuture ="test", 1,"hello world!",2L);
Object res1= helloFuture.get(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Object res2= testFuture.get(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
#####5.2. Optionally you can provide a callback which will be automatically called by NettyRPC after received response from server.
public class AsyncHelloWorldCallback implements AsyncRPCCallback {
public void fail(Exception e) {
public void success(Object result) {
IAsyncObjectProxy asyncClient = RPCClient.proxyBuilder(IHelloWordObj.class)
.withServerNode("", 9090)
RPCFuture helloFuture ="hello", "hello world!")
.addCallback(new AsyncHelloWorldCallback());
RPCFuture testFuture ="test", 1,"hello world!",2L)
.addCallback(new AsyncHelloWorldCallback());
####6.Oneway call
IAsyncObjectProxy asyncClient = RPCClient.proxyBuilder(IHelloWordObj.class)
.withServerNode("", 9090)
asyncClient.notify("notifySomeThing", 1, "hello world!", 2L);
####7 High availability, you can deploy more than one servers to achieve HA, NettyRPC handle load balance and failover automatically.
ArrayList<InetSocketAddress> serverNodeList = new ArrayList<InetSocketAddress>();
serverNodeList.add(new InetSocketAddress("",9090));
serverNodeList.add(new InetSocketAddress("",9091));
IHelloWordObj client = RPCClient.proxyBuilder(IHelloWordObj.class)
System.out.println("test server list:"+client.hello("test server list11"));
####8 Service Discovery support Instead of hard coding the server address in config file( or java source code), NettyRPC support service discovery. All Services will automatically register themself to registry(Zookeeper) after services started, and NettyRPC client will automatically query addresses from the registry. If you want to scale out and deploy more server, you just simply start the new services, NettyRPC client will automatically got notified and dispatch requests to that new services.
IHelloWordObj client = RPCClient.proxyBuilder(IHelloWordObj.class)
System.out.println("test server list:"+client.hello("test server list11"));
======== Please feel free to contact me([email protected]) if you have any questions.