- 01_data_transform.ipynb: Prepare and transform the data
- he_tft.ipynb: Train and predict with TFT and transformer
opinf.ipynb: Train and predict with OpInf - The repo to replicate the FNO is at https://github.com/minhtriet/fourier_neural_operator
author = {Minh Triet Chau and
Jo{\~{a}}o Lucas de Sousa Almeida and
Elie Alhajjar and
Alberto Costa Nogueira Junior},
title = {A Machine Learning Pressure Emulator for Hydrogen Embrittlement},
booktitle = {ICML 2023 SynS & ML Workshop},
year = {2023},
url = {https://syns-ml.github.io/2023/assets/papers/16.pdf}