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+# MinIO Operator v6.0.0 release notes
+## About this release
+MinIO Operator is the recommended production-ready way to manage MinIO deployments in Kubernetes. This version includes many new features, bug fixes, new Kubernetes base version requirements, deprecations, and more.
+## What’s new?
+Operator 6.0.0 is now available. This release requires Kubernetes version 1.25.0 or later. If your cluster does not use Kubernetes version 1.25.0 or later, you must upgrade your cluster to before installing or upgrading to Operator v6.0.0+.
+* Introducing MinIO Job
+* Sidecar container
+* TLS refactors
+* Operator STS
+* `servers` and `volumesPerServer` fields are immutable
+* Field `spec.pools.*.name` is required starting v5.0.15
+* Headless service port name is now renamed based on TLS settings
+* Correctly indicate the proportion of usage of available storage
+## Introducing MinIO Job
+MinIO Job is designed to manage MinIO using Jobs. Typically, the DevOps team must perform tasks on the fly while deploying MinIO, such as creating a bucket, adding a policy, attaching the policy to a user, and so on.
+The current approach requires continuously modifying the existing Tenant CRD, causing it to become more difficult to manage. The new approach distributes these tasks between the Tenant and a new controller by creating an additional MinIO Job CRD.
+MinIO Job allows you to manage tasks imperatively through this additional CRD, reducing complexity. It is like controlling things with mc but using a CRD instead of individual commands.
+Please review the examples below for a better understanding of this added feature.
+### MinIO Job Example (To create a bucket with a Job):
+> Assuming that Operator is installed and latest version is used
+Deploy `MinIOJob` CRD along with its binded policy:
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+ name: mc-job-sa
+ namespace: minio-tenant-1
+apiVersion: sts.min.io/v1alpha1
+kind: PolicyBinding
+ name: mc-job-binding
+ namespace: minio-tenant-1
+ application:
+ serviceaccount: mc-job-sa
+ namespace: minio-tenant-1
+ policies:
+ - consoleAdmin
+apiVersion: job.min.io/v1alpha1
+kind: MinIOJob
+ name: minio-test-job
+ namespace: minio-tenant-1
+ serviceAccountName: mc-job-sa
+ tenant:
+ name: myminio
+ namespace: minio-tenant-1
+ commands:
+ - op: make-bucket
+ args:
+ name: memes
+![bucket creation](images/v6.0.0/image1.png )
+### Sidecar container
+### TLS Refactor
+### Operator STS
+API `sts.min.io` is updated from `v1alpha1` to `v1beta1`.
+The [PolicyBinding](https://github.com/minio/operator/blob/master/docs/policybinding_crd.adoc#k8s-api-github-com-minio-operator-pkg-apis-sts-min-io-v1alpha1-policybinding)
+CRD will be backward compatible.
+If a resource of type `PolicyBinding` on version `v1alpha` currently exists in the Cluster
+at the moment of the upgrade of Operator to Version 6.0.0, the resource will be automatically updated to version `v1beta1`
+with no manual intervention.
+ Example
+Before update:
+apiVersion: sts.min.io/v1alpha
+kind: PolicyBinding
+ name: binding-1
+ namespace: minio-tenant-1
+ application:
+ namespace: sts-client
+ serviceaccount: stsclient-sa
+ policies:
+ - test-bucket-rw
+After update:
+apiVersion: sts.min.io/v1beta1
+kind: PolicyBinding
+ name: binding-1
+ namespace: minio-tenant-1
+ application:
+ namespace: sts-client
+ serviceaccount: stsclient-sa
+ policies:
+ - test-bucket-rw
+### `servers` and `volumesPerServer` fields are immutable
+`spec.pools.*.volumesPerServer` and `spec.pools.*.servers` fields are immutable once created, ensuring the number of servers or volumes in an existing pool does not change. It was introduced in Operator v5.0.15 with PR https://github.com/minio/operator/pull/2070 and is a safety net to prevent potentially dangerous changes to an existing pool. This also matches similar behavior in Operator Console.
+To expand storage, add an additional pool.
+See [Expand a distributed MinIO Deployment](https://min.io/docs/minio/linux/operations/install-deploy-manage/expand-minio-deployment.html)
+for more information.
+To reduce storage capacity, remove pools no longer in use by decommissioning them. See [Decommission a Tenant Server Pool](https://min.io/docs/minio/kubernetes/upstream/operations/install-deploy-manage/modify-minio-tenant.html#decommission-a-tenant-server-pool)
+for details.
+If a drive is misbehaving or failing, follow the [Drive Failure Recovery](https://min.io/docs/minio/kubernetes/upstream/operations/data-recovery/recover-after-drive-failure.html#minio-restore-hardware-failure-drive)
+guide. If a node is failing, follow the [Node Failure Recovery guide](https://min.io/docs/minio/kubernetes/upstream/operations/data-recovery/recover-after-node-failure.html).
+### Field `spec.pools.*.name` is required starting v5.0.15
+### Headless service port name is now renamed based on TLS settings
+If TLS is enabled, the Headless service port name is now `https-minio` instead of `http-minio`. Be sure to update your Ingress configuration or other resources that reference the port name.
+When `.spec.requestAutocert` is `false` and `.spec.externalCertSecret` is empty, then no TLS encryption in transit
+(https) is enabled for the tenant. The 3 services created in the namespace have a prefix `http-` for the service port:
+`{tenant-name}-console` exposes port `http-console`
+ example
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ labels:
+ v1.min.io/console: tenant-1-console
+ name: tenant-1-console
+ namespace: tenant-1
+ allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: true
+ clusterIP:
+ clusterIPs:
+ -
+ internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
+ ipFamilies:
+ - IPv4
+ ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack
+ ports:
+ - name: http-console
+ nodePort: 30984
+ port: 9090
+ selector:
+ v1.min.io/tenant: tenant-1
+ type: LoadBalancer
+Similarly, `minio` exposes port `http-minio` and headless service `{tenant-name}-hl` exposes port `http-minio`.
+However, when TLS is enabled (because of `.spec.requestAutocert` is `true` or `.spec. externalCertSecret` is provided)
+then the port names for `{tenant-name}-console` and `minio` services were renamed to have prefix `https-`.
+ example
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+ labels:
+ v1.min.io/console: tenant-1-console
+ name: tenant-1-console
+ namespace: tenant-1
+ allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: true
+ clusterIP:
+ clusterIPs:
+ -
+ internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
+ ipFamilies:
+ - IPv4
+ ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack
+ ports:
+ - name: https-console
+ nodePort: 32368
+ port: 9443
+ selector:
+ v1.min.io/tenant: tenant-1
+ type: LoadBalancer
+Headless service port was not renamed, it was kept as `http-minio`, starting Operator version 6.0.0 the 3 services behave
+the same way and rename the port with a `https-` prefix.