diff --git a/src/Server.UI/Pages/Participants/Components/CaseSentenceInformation.razor b/src/Server.UI/Pages/Participants/Components/CaseSentenceInformation.razor
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfce1c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Server.UI/Pages/Participants/Components/CaseSentenceInformation.razor
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+@if(Model is not null)
+ Custody
+ Sentence
+ Community
+ Supervising Officer / Offender Manager
+@code {
+ [Parameter, EditorRequired]
+ public required string ParticipantId { get; set; }
+ public SentenceDetail? Model { get; private set; }
+ public record SentenceDetail(
+ string NomisNumber,
+ string PncNumber,
+ string BookNumber,
+ string MainOffenceDescription,
+ DateTime StartDate,
+ DateTime EndDate,
+ DateTime EarliestEndDate,
+ DateTime? HdceDate,
+ DateTime? ReleaseDate,
+ string UnitWing,
+ string SentenceType,
+ string SentenceLength,
+ string SupervisingService,
+ string Crn,
+ bool OnCOLicense,
+ bool OnCommunityPayback,
+ string OmResponsibility,
+ DateTime CFO3EndDate,
+ OffenderManager OffenderManager);
+ public record OffenderManager(
+ string Name,
+ string TelephoneNumber,
+ string MobileNumber,
+ string EmailAddress,
+ string Address);
+ protected override void OnInitialized()
+ {
+ Model = new(
+ NomisNumber: "A0001AA",
+ PncNumber: "01/234567890",
+ BookNumber: string.Empty,
+ MainOffenceDescription: "Burglary (dwelling) with intent to commit, or the commission of an offence triable only on indictment - 02801",
+ StartDate: DateTime.Parse("01-02-2024"),
+ EndDate: DateTime.Parse("01-02-2026"),
+ EarliestEndDate: DateTime.Parse("01-02-2025"),
+ HdceDate: null,
+ ReleaseDate: null,
+ UnitWing: "Wing A",
+ SentenceType: "ORA Adult Custody (inc PSS)",
+ SentenceLength: "24 Months",
+ SupervisingService: string.Empty,
+ Crn: "A012345",
+ OnCOLicense: false,
+ OnCommunityPayback: true,
+ OmResponsibility: string.Empty,
+ CFO3EndDate: DateTime.Parse("05-02-2024"),
+ OffenderManager: new(
+ Name: "Jane Doe",
+ TelephoneNumber: "+4401234567890",
+ MobileNumber: "+4401234567890",
+ EmailAddress: "Jane.Doe@justice.gov.uk",
+ Address: "102, Petty France, London, SW1H 9EA"
+ )
+ );
+ base.OnInitialized();
+ }
+ private async Task Expand()
+ {
+ await DialogService.ShowMessageBox("Expanded Information", "More information...");
+ }
diff --git a/src/Server.UI/Pages/Participants/Participant.razor b/src/Server.UI/Pages/Participants/Participant.razor
index 503f6df6..dc146afe 100644
--- a/src/Server.UI/Pages/Participants/Participant.razor
+++ b/src/Server.UI/Pages/Participants/Participant.razor
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@