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Juniper mist integration script

This repo has been developed by the DevOps Lan&Wi-Fi to automate site creation on juniper mist.

Run script as end user (Assuming you don't have the repo cloned)

Run the following:

  1. mkdir ~/mist_working_directory && ~/mist_working_directory/data_src && cd ~/mist_working_directory
  2. wget -O .env
  3. Configure .env file: You must either provide MIST_USERNAME and MIST_PASSWORD or MIST_API_TOKEN. If you opt for username and password MFA will be requested during runtime. All other inputs are mandatory: ORG_ID, SITE_GROUP_IDS , RF_TEMPLATE_ID
  4. Create a csv file named: sites_with_clients.csv within '~/mist_working_directory/data_src' Below is an example of how the CSV should be formatted.
Site Name,Site Address,Enable GovWifi,Enable MoJWifi, GovWifi Radius Key, Wired NACS Radius Key
Test location 1,"40 Mayflower Dr, Plymouth PL2 3DG", TRUE, FALSE, 00000DD0000BC0EEE000, 00000DD0000BC0EEE000
Test location 2,"102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ", FALSE, TRUE, 00000DD0000BC0EEE000, 00000DD0000BC0EEE000
Test location 3,"Met Office, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB", FALSE, FALSE, 00000DD0000BC0EEE000, 00000DD0000BC0EEE000
  1. docker run -it -v $(pwd)/data_src:/data_src --env-file .env docker pull

Development setup


  • Docker
  • IDE that integrates with docker (We use IntelliJ in this example)


  • Run make build
  • Integrate built docker container with IDE. here is the example for intelliJ
  • mark src directory & test directory within the IDE. here
  • Setup environment vars within the IDE. IntelliJ_docs & env_file


  • To see options run make help
  • If you update requirements.txt, you will need to rebuild the docker container.