diff --git a/lang/cy.json b/lang/cy.json index 2b9a239ecd..7c103392b2 100644 --- a/lang/cy.json +++ b/lang/cy.json @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ "aPersonToNotify": "person i’w hysbysu", "theIndependentWitness": "y tyst annibynnol", "theVoucher": "yr unigolyn fydd yn tystio drosoch chi", - "whatIsYourAddress": "Beth yw eich cyfeiriad?", "postcode": "Cod post", "findAddress": "Dod o hyd i gyfeiriad", "enterAddressManually": "Teipiwch y cyfeiriad eich hun", @@ -267,7 +266,6 @@ }, "replacementAttorneysNotAppointed": "Nid oes atwrneiod wrth gefn wedi’u penodi", "change": "Newid", - "yourAttorneys": "eich atwrneiod", "yourReplacementAttorneys": "eich atwrneiod wrth gefn", "yourRestrictions": "eich cyfyngiadau", "peopleNamedOnTheLpa": "Pobl wedi’u henwi ar yr LPA", @@ -377,9 +375,7 @@ "theCodeWeSentCertificateProvider": "Y cod rydym wedi’i anfon at y darparwr tystysgrif", "yourIdentityConfirmedWithOneLogin": "Eich manylion adnabod wedi’u cadarnhau gyda GOV.UK One Login", "yourIdentityNotConfirmedWithOneLogin": "Nid oedd modd cadarnhau eich manylion adnabod gyda GOV.UK One Login", - "pleaseContinueWithADifferentMethod": "Dalfan", "myLastingPowersOfAttorney": "Fy atwrneiaethau arhosol", - "applicationNumber": "Rhif", "options": "Opsiynau", "howShouldAttorneysMakeDecisions": "Sut dylai eich atwrneiod wneud penderfyniadau?", "jointlyAndSeverallyHint": "Mae hyn yn golygu y gall eich atwrneiod rannu tasgau a chyfrifoldebau. Yn ogystal, os nad yw un o’ch atwrneiod yn gallu gweithredu, gall penderfyniadau dal gael eu gwneud hebddynt. Mae llawer o bobl yn dewis yr opsiwn hwn oherwydd gall fod yn fwy ymarferol.", @@ -441,7 +437,6 @@ "when-has-capacity": "Pan fydd gennyf alluedd meddyliol i wneud penderfyniad penodol fy hun neu ddim", "when-capacity-lost": "Dim ond pan nad oes gen i alluedd meddyliol i wneud penderfyniad penodol", "when-has-capacity:3rd": "A oes gan y rhoddwr alluedd meddyliol i wneud penderfyniad penodol ai peidio", - "when-capacity-lost:3rd": "Dim ond pan na fydd gan y rhoddwr alluedd meddyliol i wneud penderfyniad penodol", "peopleToNotifyAboutYourLpa": "Pobl i’w hysbysu ynglŷn â’ch LPA", "wantPeopleToNotify": "Ydych chi eisiau hysbysu rhywun ynglŷn â’ch LPA?", "wantPeopleToNotifyContent": "

Gallwch ddewis i roi gwybod i hyd at 5 o bobl eich bod wedi gwneud LPA a’i bod yn barod i’w chofrestru. Gall y bobl hyn godi unrhyw bryderon am eich LPA cyn iddi gael ei chofrestru.

Mae’r rhan fwyaf o bobl yn dewis aelodau’r teulu neu ffrindiau agos. Rydyn ni’n galw’r rhain yn ‘bobl i’w hysbysu’. Mae cael pobl i’w hysbysu yn ddewisol ond gall roi amddiffyniad ychwanegol i chi.

Os ydych wedi dewis hysbysu person ynglŷn â’ch LPA, byddwn yn anfon gwybodaeth atynt unwaith y bydd pawb wedi llofnodi ac ar ôl i ni wirio eich LPA.

", @@ -490,7 +485,6 @@ "signYourLpaStep": "

2. Llofnodi eich LPA

Pan fyddwch chi wedi llofnodi eich LPA (gallwch wneud hyn ar-lein) byddwn ni’n anfon cod unigryw at {{.CertificateProviderFullName}} drwy neges destun.

Bydd rhaid i {{.CertificateProviderFullName}} roi’r cod i’r gwasanaeth o fewn 30 munud i brofi eu bod wedi bod yn dyst i’ch llofnod.

", "signYourLpaStepCannotSign": "

2. Llofnodi eich LPA

Bydd eich llofnodwr awdurdodedig, {{.AuthorisedSignatoryFullName}}, yn llofnodi eich LPA ar-lein.

Anfonir codau unigryw drwy neges testun at eich darparwr tystysgrif, {{.CertificateProviderFullName}}, a’ch tyst annibynnol, {{.IndependentWitnessFullName}}. Rhaid i’r ddau nodi eu codau unigryw i brofi eu bod yno pan gafodd eich LPA ei llofnodi.

", "trackLpaProgress": "Dilyn trywydd eich LPA", - "backToDashboard": "Yn ôl i’r dangosfwrdd", "myLpa": "Fy LPA {{ .LpaType }}", "yourLegalRightsAndResponsibilities": "Eich hawliau a’ch cyfrifoldebau cyfreithiol", "beforeSigningYouMustReadAgain": "Cyn llofnodi, rhaid i chi ddarllen eich hawliau a’ch cyfrifoldebau cyfreithiol eto.", @@ -744,10 +738,6 @@ "companyEmailHint": "Rhaid i hwn beidio â bod yn gyfeiriad e-bost unigolyn.", "ifTheDetailsYouProvideAreNotCorrect": "Gall unrhyw wallau yn eich manylion wneud yr LPA yn anodd ei ddefnyddio. Mae’n bosibl na fydd sefydliadau’n derbyn yr LPA os nad yw’ch manylion yn cyfateb i’ch data adnabod.", "ifUsePreviousAddressOrEnterNew": "os hoffech ddefnyddio cyfeiriad rydych eisoes wedi’i roi neu rhowch gyfeiriad newydd", - "changeCompanyNameLink": "Newid enw’r cwmni", - "changeCompanyNumberLink": "Newid rhif y cwmni ", - "changeCompanyEmailLink": "Newid cyfeiriad e-bost y cwmni", - "changeCompanyAddressLink": "Newid y cyfeiriad", "trustCorporation": "Corfforaeth ymddiriedolaeth", "confirmYourCompanyDetails": "Cadarnhau manylion eich cwmni", "youMustConfirmTheDetailsAboutYourCompany": "Mae’n rhaid i chi gadarnhau bod y manylion mae {{.DonorFullName}} wedi eu rhoi i ni am eich cwmni yn gywir.", @@ -779,8 +769,6 @@ "lpaWillBeSubmittedWhenAllAttorneysHaveSigned": "

Bydd LPA {{.DonorFullName}} yn cael ei chyflwyno i’w chofrestru pan fydd yr holl atwrneiod (ac unrhyw atwrneiod wrth gefn) wedi llofnodi.

", "signTheLpaSignatory1": "Llofnodi’r LPA (llofnodwr 1)", "signTheLpaSignatory2": "Llofnodi’r LPA (llofnodwr 2)", - "yourDetailsContent": "Rhaid i chi nodi eich enw fel y mae’n ymddangos ar ddogfennau swyddogol, fel eich pasbort neu drwydded yrru.", - "canYouSignYourselfOnline": "Allwch chi lofnodi’r LPA eich hun ar-lein?", "canYouSignYourselfGuidance": "Pan fydd hi’n amser i chi lofnodi eich LPA, rhaid i chi ddewis 2 flwch er mwyn ei llofnodi ar-lein. Rhaid i chi allu gwneud hyn eich hun, hyd yn oed os oes rhywun yn eich helpu i wneud eich LPA.", "iDontKnow": "Dydw i ddim yn gwybod", "yesIfCanSign": "os gallwch lofnodi eich hun ar-lein", @@ -819,13 +807,10 @@ "whenYouTickAsAuthorisedSignatory": "Pan fyddwch yn ticio’r blychau hyn ac yn dewis ‘Cyflwyno llofnod’, rydych chi’n llofnodi’r LPA hon yn gyfreithiol ar ran y rhoddwr ac yn ei chyflwyno fel gweithred.", "witnessYourSignatureContentCannotSign": "

Rhaid i’r ddau dyst gadarnhau eu bod gyda chi a’u bod wedi gweld eich LPA yn cael ei llofnodi.

Eich tystion yw:

Beth fydd yn digwydd nesaf

  1. Pan fyddwch yn dewis Parhau, byddwn yn anfon neges testun unigol at eich dau dyst sy’n cynnwys cod unigryw.
  2. Bydd angen i bob un ohonynt deipio eu cod unigryw ar y sgriniau nesaf.

Dim ond am 30 munud mae’r codau’n ddilys. Rhaid iddynt ddefnyddio’r codau o fewn y cyfnod hwn.

", "confirmYouWitnessedTheDonorSign": "Cadarnhau eich bod wedi bod yn dyst i’r rhoddwr yn llofnodi ei LPA", - "weHaveSentACodeTo": "Rydym wedi anfon cod drwy neges testun at: {{.Mobile}}", "weHaveSentAWitnessCodeTo": "Rydym wedi anfon cod tyst drwy neges testun at: {{.Mobile}}", - "asTheIndependentWitnessTypeTheCode": "{{.IndependentWitnessFirstNames}}, fel tyst annibynnol {{.DonorFullName}}, teipiwch y cod i brofi eich bod wedi gweld ei LPA yn cael ei llofnodi.", "enter4DigitCode": "Rhowch y cod 4 digid", "imHavingProblemWithCode": "Rwy’n cael trafferth gyda’r cod", "imHavingProblemWithCodeContent": "

Gall gymryd rhai munudau i’r cod gyrraedd. Gallwn anfon y cod eto os nad yw’n gweithio neu os na gawsoch y cod.

Os yw’r rhif ffôn symudol sydd gennym ar eich cyfer yn anghywir, gallwch newid y rhif y byddwn yn anfon y cod iddo.

", - "asTheCertificateProviderTypeTheCode": "{{.CertificateProviderFirstNames}}, fel darparwr tystysgrif {{.DonorFullName}}, teipiwch y cod i brofi eich bod wedi gweld yr LPA yn cael ei llofnodi.", "errorGenericUploadProblem": "Roedd problem wrth uwchlwytho’ch ffeiliau. Rhowch gynnig arall arni yn hwyrach ymlaen.", "errorTooManyFiles": "Gormod o ffeiliau wedi’u uwchlwytho", "errorFileTooBig": "{{.Filename}}: Y ffeil yn rhy fawr", @@ -841,7 +826,6 @@ "many": "Ni ellir uwchlwytho {{.Filenames}} gan eu bod yn cynnwys feirws", "other": "Ni ellir uwchlwytho {{.Filenames}} am eu bod yn cynnwys feirws" }, - "halfFeeNextSteps": "

Y camau nesaf

Cynnwys yn disgrifio’r camau nesaf pan fydd rhoddwr wedi talu hanner y ffi a’i fod yn aros i dystiolaeth gael ei gwirio gan weithiwr achosion

", "referenceNumber": "Cyfeirnod", "lastUpdated": "Diweddarwyd diwethaf", "viewLpa": "Gweld yr LPA", @@ -887,7 +871,6 @@ "ifYouHaveNoIncome": "Os nad oes gennych incwm", "ifYouHaveNoIncomeDetail": "

Os nad ydych yn cael incwm, rhaid i chi ysgrifennu a llofnodi datganiad yn egluro sut rydych yn eich cynnal eich hun.

", "evidenceRequiredNoFee": "Mae angen tystiolaeth i beidio â thalu ffi", - "newEvidenceRequiredExemption": "Mae angen tystiolaeth newydd i beidio â thalu ffi", "evidenceRequiredNoFeeIntroContent": "

Rydych wedi dweud wrthym eich bod yn gwneud cais i beidio â thalu ffi am eich bod yn cael budd-dal cymwys sy’n seiliedig ar brawf modd ar hyn o bryd.

", "newEvidenceRequiredNoFeeIntroContent": "

Rydych wedi dweud wrthym eich bod wedi gwneud cais ar gyfer LPA o’r blaen ac nad oeddech wedi talu ffi am eich bod wedi cael esemptiad.

Rhaid i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth i fod yn gymwys am esemptiad ar eich cais newydd.

Rhaid eich bod yn cael budd-dal cymwys sy’n seiliedig ar brawf modd ar hyn o bryd.

", "eligibleMeansTestedBenefits": "Budd-daliadau cymwys sy’n seiliedig ar brawf modd", @@ -902,7 +885,6 @@ "howYouWouldLikeToSendUsYourEvidence": "ym mha ffordd yr hoffech anfon eich tystiolaeth atom", "uploadItOnline": "Ei huwchlwytho ar-lein", "sendItByPost": "Ei hanfon drwy’r post", - "theirLpa": "LPA {{.FullName}} {{.LpaType}}", "removeAttorney": "Dileu atwrnai", "removePersonToNotify": "Dileu person i’w hysbysu", "weNeedYourCorrectMobileNumber:independentWitness": "{{.FirstNames}}, fel y tyst annibynnol, mae angen eich rhif ffôn symudol cywir arnom i anfon eich cod tystio.", @@ -911,8 +893,6 @@ "independentWitness": "Tyst annibynnol", "contactPreference": "Dewis ffordd i gysylltu", "certificateProviderEmail": "e-bost y darparwr tystysgrif", - "certificateProviderAddress": "cyfeiriad y darparwr tystysgrif", - "certificateProviderContactPreference": "dewis ffordd i gysylltu y darparwr tystysgrif", "youHaveDeletedFile": "Rydych wedi dileu’r ffeil {{ .Filename }}", "confirmYourIdentity": "Cadarnhau eich hunaniaeth", "confirmYourIdentityContent": "

Gallwch wneud hyn ar-lein. Byddwch angen dogfen sy’n dangos pwy ydych chi, er enghraifft eich pasbort neu drwydded yrru.

Ffyrdd eraill i gadarnhau eich hunaniaeth

Os nad ydych yn sicr y gallwch gadarnhau eich hunaniaeth ar-lein, gallwch gadarnhau eich hunaniaeth mewn Swyddfa Bost yn lle hynny. Mae’r opsiwn hwn yn cymryd mwy o amser, ond gallwch gael canlyniad o fewn un diwrnod fel arfer.

Wrth ddewis Parhau, byddwch yn mynd i GOV.UK One Login lle gallwch ddewis ym mha ffordd rydych am gadarnhau eich hunaniaeth.

", @@ -925,8 +905,6 @@ "iConfirmThatMyCertificateProviderIsNotRelated": "Rwyf yn cadarnhau nad yw fy narparwr tystysgrif yn perthyn i mi nac i unrhyw un o’m hatwrneiod", "theBoxToConfirmYourCertificateProviderIsNotRelated": "y blwch i gadarnhau nad yw’ch darparwr tystysgrif yn perthyn i chi nac i unrhyw un o’ch atwrneiod", "youMustReviewTheInformationYouHaveEntered": "Rhaid i chi adolygu’r wybodaeth rydych wedi’i rhoi.", - "viewSignedLpa": "Gweld yr LPA a lofnodwyd", - "useThisLpa": "Defnyddio’r LPA hon (mae’r gwasanaeth hwn yn agor mewn tab newydd)", "viewAndUseYourRegisteredLpas": "Welsh", "viewAndUseRegisteredLpasAsAttorney": "Welsh", "registeredLpasContent": "

Gellir gweld LPAs cofrestredig a’u defnyddio yn y gwasanaeth ‘Defnyddio atwrneiaeth arhosol’. Mae hyn yn caniatáu:

", @@ -969,10 +947,10 @@ "onceWeHaveApprovedYourRepeatApplication": "Pan fyddwn ni wedi cymeradwyo eich ail gais, byddwn yn cysylltu â’ch darparwr tystysgrif i ofyn iddynt i gyflwyno’r dystysgrif.", "ifYourApplicationIsNotSuccessful": "Os na fydd eich cais yn llwyddiannus", "weWillContactYouIfWeNeedMoreInformation": "Byddwn yn cysylltu â chi os bydd arnom angen mwy o wybodaeth neu os nad oedd eich cais yn llwyddiannus.", - "applicationNoFee": "cais i beidio â thalu ffi", - "applicationHalfFee": "cais i dalu hanner y ffi", - "applicationHardshipFee": "cais oherwydd caledi", - "applicationRepeatApplicationFee": "ail gais", + "application:NoFee": "cais i beidio â thalu ffi", + "application:HalfFee": "cais i dalu hanner y ffi", + "application:HardshipFee": "cais oherwydd caledi", + "application:RepeatApplicationFee": "ail gais", "yourFilesAreUploading": "Mae’ch ffeiliau yn cael eu huwchlwytho", "0OfNFilesUploaded": "0 o {{ .DocumentsToScanCount }} ffeil wedi’i huwchlwytho", "yourFilesAreUploadingContent": "Gall hyn gymryd rhai munudau. Peidiwch â chau ffenestr eich porwr.", @@ -1086,7 +1064,6 @@ "manageOrganisation": "Rheoli sefydliad", "manageTeamMembers": "Rheoli aelodau’r tîm", "organisationDetails": "Manylion y sefydliad", - "enterYourOrganisationName": "Rhowch enw eich sefydliad", "organisationNameSaved": "Enw’r sefydliad wedi’i gadw", "yourOrganisationNameHasBeenSaved": "Mae enw eich sefydliad wedi cael ei gadw.", "yourOrganisationName": "Enw eich sefydliad", @@ -1218,8 +1195,6 @@ "correspondent": "Gohebydd", "addMyLpa": "Ychwanegu fy LPA", "contactNumber": "Rhif cyswllt", - "weSentAnEmailYourLpaIsReadyToRegister": "Fe wnaethom anfon e-bost ar {{.SentOn}} yn nodi bod eich LPA yn barod i’w chofrestru", - "weSentAnEmailTheLpaIsReadyToRegister": "Fe wnaethom anfon e-bost ar {{.SentOn}} yn nodi bod yr LPA yn barod i’w chofrestru", "drafting": "Drafftio", "waitingPeriod": "Cyfnod aros", "enterYour12CharacterReferenceNumber": "Rhowch eich cyfeirnod 12 nod", @@ -1250,10 +1225,6 @@ "weWillShareYourDetailsWithVoucher": "Byddwn yn rhannu eich manylion ac yn gofyn i’r person sy’n tystio drosoch chi eu dilysu.", "youHaveBeenUnableToConfirmYourIdentity": "Nid oeddech yn gallu cadarnhau pwy ydych gan ddefnyddio GOV.UK One Login.", "vouchingLandingPageContent": "

Gallwch gadarnhau pwy ydych drwy ofyn i rywun rydych yn ei adnabod yn dda i dystio i chi. Mae’n rhaid i’r person y gofynnwch iddo allu cadarnhau ei hunaniaeth gan ddefnyddio GOV.UK One Login.

Ni fydd Swyddfa’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus (OPG) yn gallu cofrestru eich LPA nes eich bod wedi cadarnhau pwy ydych.

", - "payingNoFee": "talu dim ffi (esemptiad)", - "payingHalfFee": "talu hanner ffi (gostyngiad)", - "aRepeatApplicationDiscount": "disgownt am ail gais", - "aHardshipApplication": "cais caledi (ildio ffi)", "whatIsVouching": "Beth yw tystio dros rywun?", "chooseSomeoneToVouchForYouContent": "

Gallwch gadarnhau pwy ydych chi drwy ofyn i rywun rydych chi’n ei nabod yn dda i dystio drosoch chi.

Pwy all gadarnhau pwy ydych chi

Rhaid i’r person rydych chi’n gofyn iddynt dystio drosoch chi:

Rhaid i chi ofyn i’r person a ydynt yn fodlon tystio drosoch chi. Bydd angen iddynt gadarnhau eu manylion adnabod eu hun drwy GOV.UK One Login. Er mwyn gwneud hyn, bydd angen iddynt gyflwyno dogfen adnabod, er enghraifft:

Ar ôl iddynt gadarnhau eu manylion adnabod drwy GOV.UK One Login, byddwn ni’n gofyn iddynt lofnodi datganiad yn cadarnhau pwy ydych chi.

Pwy sydd ddim yn cael cadarnhau eich manylion adnabod

Chaiff y person rydych chi’n ei ddewis i dystio drosoch:

", "isThereSomeoneWhoCanVouchForYou": "Oes rhywun a all dystio drosoch chi?", @@ -1262,7 +1233,6 @@ "yesIfHaveSomeoneCanVouchForYou": "oes, os ydych chi’n adnabod rhywun a’u bod wedi cytuno i dystio drosoch chi", "weHaveContactedVoucherTitle": "Rydym ni wedi cysylltu â’r person yr hoffech iddo dystio pwy ydych chi", "weHaveContactedVoucher": "Rydyn ni wedi cysylltu â {{.VoucherFullName}} i gadarnhau pwy ydych chi", - "weHaveContactedVoucherContent": "", "voucherWhatHappensNextBullets": "
  • Byddwn ni’n anfon cod atoch y bydd angen i chi ei roi i {{.VoucherFullName}}.
  • Yna, gall {{.VoucherFullName}} ddefnyddio’r cod i fewngofnodi i’r gwasanaeth tystio pwy ydych chi.
  • Yn y cyfamser, gallwch fynd yn ôl i’ch rhestr tasgau i lofnodi eich LPA.
  • ", "registerYourLpaThroughCOPContent": "

    Ni fydd Swyddfa’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus yn gallu cofrestru’r LPA hon oherwydd nad ydych chi wedi llwyddo i gadarnhau pwy ydych chi.

    Gallwch chi nawr naill ai:

    Cofrestru eich LPA drwy’r Llys Gwarchod

    Gallwch chi wneud cais i’r Llys Gwarchod gofrestru eich LPA heb orfod cwblhau archwiliad o’ch manylion adnabod.

    ", "registerYourLpaThroughCOPWarning": "Mae’n costio £371 i gofrestru eich LPA drwy’r Llys Gwarchod a bydd yn cymryd sawl mis.", @@ -1287,14 +1257,6 @@ "ifYouNeedHelpWithGOLContactTheirTeam": "Os oes angen help arnoch chi gyda GOV.UK One Login, cysylltwch â’u tîm.", "contactGOL": "Cysylltu â GOV.UK One Login", "whatYouWouldLikeToDo": "beth hoffech chi ei wneud", - "countAttorneys": { - "zero": "", - "one": "atwrnai", - "two": "atwrneiod", - "few": "atwrneiod", - "many": "atwrneiod", - "other": "atwrneiod" - }, "yourConfirmedIdentityDetails": "Eich manylion adnabod wedi’u cadarnhau", "theDetailsOnYourLPA": "Y manylion ar eich LPA", "someDetailsDoNotMatchIdentityDetailsWarning": "Nid yw rhai o’r manylion ar eich LPA yn cyfateb i’ch manylion adnabod a gadarnhawyd", @@ -1419,8 +1381,6 @@ "voucherYouCannotVouchContent": "

    Rydym ni wedi cysylltu â {{.DonorFullName }} i roi gwybod iddynt.

    Nid oes angen i chi wneud unrhyw beth arall.

    Gallwch gau’r ffenestr bori hon nawr.

    ", "yourVouchedForIdentityHasExpired": "

    Mae eich manylion adnabod a gadarnhawyd wedi dod i ben

    Mae’n rhaid i chi lofnodi eich LPA o fewn 6 mis i rywun dystio drosoch chi.

    ", "yourVouchedForIdentityHasExpiredSecondAttempt": "

    Mae eich manylion adnabod y gofynnwyd i rywun dystio drostynt wedi dod i ben

    Rhaid i chi lofnodi eich LPA o fewn 6 mis i rywun dystio drosoch chi.

    Ni allwch ofyn i rywun arall dystio drosoch chi gan mai dim ond 2 ymgais y gellir eu gwneud i gael rhywun i dystio drosoch chi.

    ", - "anEmail": "e-bost", - "aTextMessage": "neges testun", "iConfirmThat": "Rwy’n cadarnhau’r canlynol:", "donorSignature": "Llofnod y rhoddwr", "signedByOn": "Llofnodwyd gan {{.FullName}} ar:", diff --git a/lang/en.json b/lang/en.json index 41ffcf7cb9..52ad11aaaa 100644 --- a/lang/en.json +++ b/lang/en.json @@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ "aPersonToNotify": "a person to notify", "theIndependentWitness": "the independent witness", "theVoucher": "the person who will vouch for you", - "whatIsYourAddress": "What is your address?", "postcode": "Postcode", "findAddress": "Find address", "enterAddressManually": "Enter address manually", @@ -243,7 +242,6 @@ }, "replacementAttorneysNotAppointed": "Replacement attorneys have not been appointed", "change": "Change", - "yourAttorneys": "your attorneys", "yourReplacementAttorneys": "your replacement attorneys", "yourRestrictions": "your restrictions", "peopleNamedOnTheLpa": "People named on the LPA", @@ -302,7 +300,6 @@ "witnessCodeTimeWarning": "This code is only valid for 30 minutes. {{.CpFirstNames}} must use the code within this time.", "yourIdentityConfirmedWithOneLogin": "Your identity details confirmed with GOV.UK One Login", "yourIdentityNotConfirmedWithOneLogin": "Your identity details could not be confirmed with GOV.UK One Login", - "pleaseContinueWithADifferentMethod": "Placeholder", "witnessCodeDoesNotMatch": "The code you entered is incorrect, please check it and try again", "witnessCodeExpired": "The code has expired", "theCodeWeSentCertificateProvider": "The code we sent to the certificate provider", @@ -335,7 +332,6 @@ "other": "{{.CertificateProviderFirstNames}} and your attorneys must sign your LPA by {{.SigningDeadline}}. After that, you have until {{.SubmissionDeadline}} to submit the LPA to the Court of Protection. If you miss this deadline, you’ll have to fill in a new LPA and pay another registration fee." }, "myLastingPowersOfAttorney": "My lasting powers of attorney", - "applicationNumber": "Application number", "options": "Options", "howShouldAttorneysMakeDecisions": "How should your attorneys make decisions?", "jointlyAndSeverallyHint": "This means your attorneys can share tasks and responsibilities. Also, if one of your attorneys is unable to act, decisions can still be made without them. Many people choose this option as it can be more practical.", @@ -393,7 +389,6 @@ "when-has-capacity": "Whether or not I have mental capacity to make a particular decision myself", "when-capacity-lost": "Only when I do not have mental capacity to make a particular decision", "when-has-capacity:3rd": "Whether or not the donor has mental capacity to make a particular decision", - "when-capacity-lost:3rd": "Only when the donor does not have mental capacity to make a particular decision", "peopleToNotifyAboutYourLpa": "People to notify about your LPA", "wantPeopleToNotify": "Do you want to notify anyone about your LPA?", "yesToNotifySomeoneAboutYourLpa": "yes to notify someone about your LPA", @@ -430,7 +425,6 @@ "signYourLpaStep": "

    2. Sign your LPA

    When you have signed your LPA (you can do this online) we will send {{.CertificateProviderFullName}} a unique code by text message.

    {{.CertificateProviderFullName}} must enter the code into this service within 30 minutes, to prove they witnessed your signature.

    ", "signYourLpaStepCannotSign": "

    2. Sign your LPA

    Your authorised signatory, {{.AuthorisedSignatoryFullName}}, will sign the LPA online for you.

    Your certificate provider, {{.CertificateProviderFullName}}, and your independent witness, {{.IndependentWitnessFullName}}, will both be sent unique codes by text message. They must both enter their codes to prove they were there when your LPA was signed.

    ", "trackLpaProgress": "Track LPA progress", - "backToDashboard": "Back to dashboard", "myLpa": "My {{ .LpaType }} lasting power of attorney", "yourLegalRightsAndResponsibilities": "Your legal rights and responsibilities", "beforeSigningYouMustReadAgain": "Before signing, you must read your legal rights and responsibilities again.", @@ -670,10 +664,6 @@ "companyEmailHint": "This must not belong to an individual person.", "ifTheDetailsYouProvideAreNotCorrect": "Any errors in your details can make the LPA difficult to use. Organisations might not accept the LPA if your details do not match your ID.", "ifUsePreviousAddressOrEnterNew": "if you would like to use an address you’ve already entered or enter a new address", - "changeCompanyNameLink": "Change company name", - "changeCompanyNumberLink": "Change company number", - "changeCompanyEmailLink": "Change company email address", - "changeCompanyAddressLink": "Change address", "trustCorporation": "Trust corporation", "confirmYourCompanyDetails": "Confirm your company details", "youMustConfirmTheDetailsAboutYourCompany": "You must confirm the details {{.DonorFullName}} has given us about your company are correct.", @@ -703,8 +693,6 @@ "lpaWillBeSubmittedWhenAllAttorneysHaveSigned": "

    {{possessive .DonorFullName}} LPA will be submitted for registration when all the attorneys (and any replacement attorneys) have signed.

    ", "signTheLpaSignatory1": "Sign the LPA (signatory 1)", "signTheLpaSignatory2": "Sign the LPA (signatory 2)", - "yourDetailsContent": "You must enter your name as it appears on official documents, such as your passport or driving licence.", - "canYouSignYourselfOnline": "Can you sign the LPA yourself online?", "canYouSignYourselfGuidance": "When it’s time to sign your LPA, you must select 2 boxes in order to sign it online. You must be able to do this yourself, even if someone is helping you to make your LPA.", "iDontKnow": "I don’t know", "yesIfCanSign": "yes if you can sign yourself online", @@ -743,13 +731,10 @@ "whenYouTickAsAuthorisedSignatory": "When you tick these boxes and select ‘Submit signature’ you are legally signing this LPA on behalf of the donor and delivering it as a deed.", "witnessYourSignatureContentCannotSign": "

    Both of your witnesses must confirm that they are with you and have witnessed your LPA being signed.

    Your witnesses are:

    What happens next

    1. When you select Continue, we will send both of your witnesses an individual text message that contains a unique code.
    2. They will each need to type in their unique code on the next screens.

    Codes are only valid for 30 minutes. They must use the codes within this time.

    ", "confirmYouWitnessedTheDonorSign": "Confirm you witnessed the donor sign their LPA", - "weHaveSentACodeTo": "We have sent a code by text message to: {{.Mobile}}", "weHaveSentAWitnessCodeTo": "We have sent a witness code by text message to: {{.Mobile}}", - "asTheIndependentWitnessTypeTheCode": "{{.IndependentWitnessFirstNames}}, as the independent witness for {{.DonorFullName}}, please type in the code to prove that you witnessed their LPA being signed.", "enter4DigitCode": "Enter 4 digit code", "imHavingProblemWithCode": "I’m having a problem with the code", "imHavingProblemWithCodeContent": "

    The code can take a few minutes to arrive. We can send the code again if it is not working or you did not receive it.

    If the mobile number we have for you is incorrect, you can change the number we send the code to.

    ", - "asTheCertificateProviderTypeTheCode": "{{.CertificateProviderFirstNames}}, as the certificate provider for {{.DonorFullName}}, please type in the code to prove that you witnessed their LPA being signed.", "errorGenericUploadProblem": "There was a problem uploading your files. Try again later.", "errorTooManyFiles": "Too many files uploaded", "errorFileTooBig": "{{.Filename}}: File size too big", @@ -761,7 +746,6 @@ "one": "{{.Filenames}} cannot be uploaded as it contains a virus", "other": "{{.Filenames}} cannot be uploaded as they contain a virus" }, - "halfFeeNextSteps": "

    Next steps

    Content detailing next steps when donor has paid a half fee and is waiting for evidence to be checked by a case worker

    ", "referenceNumber": "Reference number", "lastUpdated": "Last updated", "viewLpa": "View LPA", @@ -807,7 +791,6 @@ "ifYouHaveNoIncome": "If you have no income", "ifYouHaveNoIncomeDetail": "

    If you receive no income, you must write a signed statement explaining how you support yourself.

    ", "evidenceRequiredNoFee": "Evidence required to pay no fee", - "newEvidenceRequiredExemption": "New evidence required to pay no fee", "evidenceRequiredNoFeeIntroContent": "

    You’ve told us you’re applying to pay no fee because you currently receive an eligible means-tested benefit.

    ", "newEvidenceRequiredNoFeeIntroContent": "

    You’ve told us that you previously made an LPA application and that you paid no fee because you got an exemption.

    You must provide evidence to qualify for an exemption on your new application.

    You must currently receive an eligible means-tested benefit.

    ", "eligibleMeansTestedBenefits": "Eligible means-tested benefits", @@ -822,7 +805,6 @@ "howYouWouldLikeToSendUsYourEvidence": "how you would like to send us your evidence", "uploadItOnline": "Upload it online", "sendItByPost": "Send it by post", - "theirLpa": "{{possessive .FullName}} {{.LpaType}} LPA", "removeAttorney": "Remove attorney", "removePersonToNotify": "Remove person to notify", "weNeedYourCorrectMobileNumber:independentWitness": "{{.FirstNames}}, as the independent witness, we need your correct mobile number to send your witnessing code.", @@ -831,8 +813,6 @@ "independentWitness": "Independent witness", "contactPreference": "Contact preference", "certificateProviderEmail": "certificate provider email", - "certificateProviderAddress": "certificate provider address", - "certificateProviderContactPreference": "certificate provider contact preference", "youHaveDeletedFile": "You have deleted file {{ .Filename }}", "confirmYourIdentity": "Confirm your identity", "confirmYourIdentityContent": "

    Use the GOV.UK One Login service to confirm your identity either online, or at a Post Office. You will need an identity document, for example:

    If you are unable to confirm your identity using GOV.UK One Login, you’ll be given guidance on what to do next.

    ", @@ -845,8 +825,6 @@ "iConfirmThatMyCertificateProviderIsNotRelated": "I confirm that my certificate provider is not related to me or any of my attorneys", "theBoxToConfirmYourCertificateProviderIsNotRelated": "the box to confirm your certificate provider is not related to you or your attorneys, or choose another certificate provider", "youMustReviewTheInformationYouHaveEntered": "You must review the information you have entered.", - "viewSignedLpa": "View signed LPA", - "useThisLpa": "Use this LPA (this service opens in a new tab)", "viewAndUseYourRegisteredLpas": "View and use your registered LPAs", "viewAndUseRegisteredLpasAsAttorney": "View and use registered LPAs where you are named as an attorney", "registeredLpasContent": "

    Registered LPAs can be viewed and used in the ‘Use a lasting power of attorney’ service. This allows:

    ", @@ -889,10 +867,10 @@ "onceWeHaveApprovedYourHardshipRequest": "Once we have approved your hardship request, we will contact your certificate provider to provide their certificate.", "ifYourApplicationIsNotSuccessful": "If your application is not successful", "weWillContactYouIfWeNeedMoreInformation": "We will contact you if we need more information or if your application is unsuccessful.", - "applicationNoFee": "application to pay no fee", - "applicationHalfFee": "application to pay a half fee", - "applicationHardshipFee": "hardship application", - "applicationRepeatApplicationFee": "repeat application", + "application:NoFee": "application to pay no fee", + "application:HalfFee": "application to pay a half fee", + "application:HardshipFee": "hardship application", + "application:RepeatApplicationFee": "repeat application", "yourFilesAreUploading": "Your files are uploading", "0OfNFilesUploaded": "0 of {{ .DocumentsToScanCount }} files uploaded", "yourFilesAreUploadingContent": "This may take a few minutes. Please do not close your browser window.", @@ -994,7 +972,6 @@ "manageOrganisation": "Manage organisation", "manageTeamMembers": "Manage team members", "organisationDetails": "Organisation details", - "enterYourOrganisationName": "Enter your organisation name", "organisationNameSaved": "Organisation name saved", "yourOrganisationNameHasBeenSaved": "Your organisation name has been saved.", "yourOrganisationName": "Your organisation name", @@ -1118,8 +1095,6 @@ "correspondent": "Correspondent", "addMyLpa": "Add my LPA", "contactNumber": "Contact number", - "weSentAnEmailYourLpaIsReadyToRegister": "We sent an email on {{.SentOn}} that your LPA is ready to register", - "weSentAnEmailTheLpaIsReadyToRegister": "We sent an email on {{.SentOn}} that the LPA is ready to register", "drafting": "Drafting", "waitingPeriod": "Waiting period", "enterYour12CharacterReferenceNumber": "Enter your 12-character reference number", @@ -1150,10 +1125,6 @@ "weWillShareYourDetailsWithVoucher": "We will share your details with the person you have asked to confirm your identity. Please check them before continuing.", "youHaveBeenUnableToConfirmYourIdentity": "You were not able to confirm your identity using GOV.UK One Login.", "vouchingLandingPageContent": "

    You can confirm your identity by asking someone you know well to vouch for you. The person you ask must be able to confirm their own identity using GOV.UK One Login.

    The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) will not be able to register your LPA until you have confirmed your identity.

    ", - "payingNoFee": "paying no fee (exemption)", - "payingHalfFee": "paying a half fee (remission)", - "aRepeatApplicationDiscount": "a repeat application discount", - "aHardshipApplication": "a hardship application (fee waiver)", "whatIsVouching": "What is vouching?", "chooseSomeoneToVouchForYouContent": "

    You can confirm your identity by asking someone you know well to vouch for you.

    Who can confirm your identity

    The person you ask to vouch for you must:

    You must ask the person if they are willing to vouch for you. They will need to confirm their own identity using GOV.UK One Login. For this, they will need an identity document, for example:

    When they have confirmed their own identity using GOV.UK One Login, we will ask them to sign a declaration confirming your identity.

    Who cannot confirm your identity

    The person you ask to vouch for you cannot be:

    ", "isThereSomeoneWhoCanVouchForYou": "Is there someone who can confirm your identity by vouching for you?", @@ -1162,7 +1133,6 @@ "yesIfHaveSomeoneCanVouchForYou": "yes if you know someone and they have agreed to vouch for you", "weHaveContactedVoucherTitle": "We have contacted the person you want to vouch for your identity", "weHaveContactedVoucher": "We have contacted {{.VoucherFullName}} to confirm your identity", - "weHaveContactedVoucherContent": "", "voucherWhatHappensNextBullets": "
  • We’ll send you a code you’ll need to give {{.VoucherFullName}}.
  • {{.VoucherFullName}} can use the code to log into the vouching service and confirm your identity.
  • In the meantime, you can return to your task list to sign your LPA.
  • ", "registerYourLpaThroughCOPContent": "

    The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) will not be able to register this LPA because you have been unable to confirm your identity.

    You can now either:

    Register your LPA through the Court of Protection

    You can apply to the Court of Protection to register your LPA without completing an ID check.

    ", "registerYourLpaThroughCOPWarning": "It costs £371 to register your LPA through the Court of Protection and will take several months.", @@ -1187,10 +1157,6 @@ "contactGOL": "Contact GOV.UK One Login", "whatYouWouldLikeToDo": "what you would like to do", "yourLpaMustBeReviewedByCOP": "

    Your LPA must be reviewed by the Court of Protection

    You have not been able to confirm your identity using our services, so the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) cannot register your LPA unless we are directed to do so by the Court of Protection.

    ", - "countAttorneys": { - "one": "attorney", - "other": "attorneys" - }, "yourConfirmedIdentityDetails": "Your confirmed identity details", "theDetailsOnYourLPA": "The details on your LPA", "someDetailsDoNotMatchIdentityDetailsWarning": "Some of the details on your LPA do not match your confirmed identity details", @@ -1315,8 +1281,6 @@ "voucherYouCannotVouchContent": "

    We have contacted {{ .DonorFullName }} to let them know.

    You do not need to do anything else.

    You can now close this browsing window.

    ", "yourVouchedForIdentityHasExpired": "

    Your vouched-for identity has expired

    You must sign your LPA within 6 months of having your identity vouched for.

    ", "yourVouchedForIdentityHasExpiredSecondAttempt": "

    Your vouched-for identity has expired

    You must sign your LPA within 6 months of having your identity vouched for.

    You cannot ask another person to vouch for you as only 2 attempts can be made of having someone vouch for your identity.

    ", - "anEmail": "an email", - "aTextMessage": "a text message", "iConfirmThat": "I confirm that:", "donorSignature": "Donor signature", "signedByOn": "Signed by {{.FullName}} on:", diff --git a/web/template/donor/evidence_successfully_uploaded.gohtml b/web/template/donor/evidence_successfully_uploaded.gohtml index 77e5f017b6..30702746f9 100644 --- a/web/template/donor/evidence_successfully_uploaded.gohtml +++ b/web/template/donor/evidence_successfully_uploaded.gohtml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@

    {{ tr .App "whatHappensNext" }}

    {{ if .Donor.SignedAt.IsZero }} - {{ trFormatHtml .App "youCanStillSignYourLpa" "Application" (printf "application%s" .Donor.FeeType.String | tr .App) }} + {{ trFormatHtml .App "youCanStillSignYourLpa" "Application" (printf "application:%s" .Donor.FeeType.String | tr .App) }} {{ end }}

    {{ tr .App "ifYourApplicationIsSuccessful" }}

    diff --git a/web/template/donor/what_happens_next_post_evidence.gohtml b/web/template/donor/what_happens_next_post_evidence.gohtml index 4d6fa20b87..fcd989912b 100644 --- a/web/template/donor/what_happens_next_post_evidence.gohtml +++ b/web/template/donor/what_happens_next_post_evidence.gohtml @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@

    {{ tr .App "whatHappensNext" }}

    - {{ trFormatHtml .App "whatHappensNextPostEvidenceContent" "Application" (printf "application%s" .Donor.FeeType.String | tr .App) }} + {{ trFormatHtml .App "whatHappensNextPostEvidenceContent" "Application" (printf "application:%s" .Donor.FeeType.String | tr .App) }}

    {{ tr .App "ifYourApplicationIsSuccessful" }}