diff --git a/lang/cy.json b/lang/cy.json
index 3a138278af..82af7b3e1d 100644
--- a/lang/cy.json
+++ b/lang/cy.json
@@ -180,7 +180,8 @@
"restrictionsOnYourAttorneysPowerTitle": "Cyfyngu ar y penderfyniadau y gall eich atwrneiod eu gwneud",
"restrictionsOnYourAttorneysPowerContent": "
Gallwch gyfyngu ar y penderfyniadau y gall eich atwrneiod eu gwneud drwy ychwanegu cyfyngiadau neu amodau at eich LPA.
Mae’r adran hon yn ddewisol.
Bydd yr hyn a ddywedwch yma yn dweud wrth John a Joan am y pethau:
- na allant eu gwneud (‘cyfyngiadau’)
- y gellir eu gwneud mewn rhai amgylchiadau yn unig (‘amodau’)
Nid oes rhaid i chi ychwanegu cyfyngiadau neu amodau at eich LPA.
Mae yna reolau cyfreithiol ynglŷn â sut dylid geirio eich cyfyngiadau a’ch amodau, felly mae’n bwysig darllen ein canllawiau ar ysgrifennu cyfyngiadau ac amodau.
Os ydych yn ansicr, neu os oes gennych gyfyngiadau neu amodau manwl, dylech gael cyngor cyfreithiol.
"restrictionExamples": "Dangoswch rai enghreifftiau i fi",
- "restrictionExamplesContent": "Enghreifftiau o gyfyngiadau: pethau na all yr atwrneiod eu gwneud
- ‘Ni all fy atwrneiod werthu fy nghartref.’
Enghreifftiau o amodau: pethau y gall eich atwrneiod eu gwneud mewn rhai amgylchiadau yn unig
- ‘Ni all fy atwrneiod werthu fy nghartref oni bai, ym marn fy meddyg, ni allaf fyw’n annibynnol mwyach.’
+ "restrictionExamplesContentPfa": "Enghreifftiau o gyfyngiadau: pethau na all yr atwrneiod eu gwneud
- ‘Ni all fy atwrneiod werthu fy nghartref.’
Enghreifftiau o amodau: pethau y gall eich atwrneiod eu gwneud mewn rhai amgylchiadau yn unig
- ‘Ni all fy atwrneiod werthu fy nghartref oni bai, ym marn fy meddyg, ni allaf fyw’n annibynnol mwyach.’
+ "restrictionExamplesContentHw": "Welsh
"restrictions": "Cyfyngiadau ac amodau",
"restrictionsOptional": "Cyfyngiadau ac amodau (dewisol)",
"restrictionsHint": "Os nad ydych eisiau ychwanegu unrhyw gyfyngiadau neu amodau, gadewch y blwch yn wag.",
diff --git a/lang/en.json b/lang/en.json
index f71d1fc267..d18e5e3a44 100644
--- a/lang/en.json
+++ b/lang/en.json
@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@
"restrictionsOnYourAttorneysPowerTitle": "Restrict the decisions your attorneys can make",
"restrictionsOnYourAttorneysPowerContent": "You can limit the decisions your attorneys can make by adding restrictions or conditions to your LPA.
This section is optional.
What you say here will tell your attorneys things they:
- cannot do (‘restrictions’)
- can only do in certain circumstances (‘conditions’)
You do not have to add restrictions or conditions to your LPA.
There are legal rules about how your restrictions and conditions should be worded, so it’s important to read our guidance on writing restrictions and conditions.
If you’re unsure, or you have detailed restrictions or conditions, you should get legal advice.
"restrictionExamples": "Show me some examples",
- "restrictionExamplesContent": "Example restrictions: things the attorneys cannot do
- ‘My attorneys cannot sell my home.’
Example conditions: things your attorneys can only do in certain circumstances
- ‘My attorneys must not sell my home unless, in my doctor’s opinion, I can no longer live independently.’
+ "restrictionExamplesContentPfa": "Example restrictions: things the attorneys cannot do
- ‘My attorneys cannot sell my home.’
Example conditions: things your attorneys can only do in certain circumstances
- ‘My attorneys must not sell my home unless, in my doctor’s opinion, I can no longer live independently.’
+ "restrictionExamplesContentHw": "Example restrictions: things the attorneys cannot do
- ‘My attorneys cannot move me into a care home.’
Example conditions: things your attorneys can only do in certain circumstances
- ‘My attorneys can only make the decision to move me to a care home if a doctor has determined that I can no longer live alone.’
"restrictions": "Restrictions and conditions",
"restrictionsOptional": "Restrictions and conditions (optional)",
"restrictionsHelp": "It’s important that you word any restrictions and conditions clearly and carefully.",
diff --git a/web/template/restrictions.gohtml b/web/template/restrictions.gohtml
index 466011d8e3..710c2cb22e 100644
--- a/web/template/restrictions.gohtml
+++ b/web/template/restrictions.gohtml
@@ -12,7 +12,11 @@
{{ trFormatHtml .App "restrictionsOnYourAttorneysPowerContent" "AllAttorneysFirstNames" (concatAnd .App .Lpa.Attorneys.FirstNames) }}
- {{ template "details" (details . "restrictionExamples" "restrictionExamplesContent" false) }}
+ {{ if .Lpa.Type.IsHealthWelfare }}
+ {{ template "details" (details . "restrictionExamples" "restrictionExamplesContentHw" false) }}
+ {{ else }}
+ {{ template "details" (details . "restrictionExamples" "restrictionExamplesContentPfa" false) }}
+ {{ end }}
{{ if .Lpa.LifeSustainingTreatmentOption.IsOptionA }}
{{ tr .App "youCanIncludeRestrictionsAboutLst" }}