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File metadata and controls

executable file
393 lines (196 loc) · 14.4 KB

Linux MinUP

This repository contains the linux files to upload minION data to minoTour.

There are two ways of monitoring minION data using minoTour. The first is by directly processing the fast5 read files containing basecalled minION data. The second is by directly monitoring the activity of the minKNOW software itself directly. These two options can be combined to monitor both reads and minKNOW activity. This helps give remote real time feedback on minION activity. The speed of data analysis is affected by many things, but by enabling direct monitoring of minKNOW, some of these effects can be mitigated.

Brief running instructions are provided below. Further details can be found by watching the tutorial videos available on minoTour.


MinUP assumes the following ports and connections are open:

port 3306 outgoing to

port 80 to

port 8080 to


minUP checks for new versions. We strongly recommend updating to the latest version whenever it is released.

Changes are noted in the 'changes.txt' document.

Aligning Data

minUP can align reads to a reference in real time. However - you are cautioned not to use this for references larger than 10 Mb at this time. We are working on methods to track real time aligning on larger genomes in the future. At this time, algining to large genomes will significantly slow down the speed of data upload to minoTour.

Real Time Assumption

minUP and minoTour assume that you are uploading data as they are generated by minKNOW and any of the available basecallers (metrichor, minKNOW, nanonet or albacore). If this is not the case, then the time dependent data sets that are reported in minoTour will only be correct at the end of a run.

Running minUP/mincontrol

Files are uploaded using the program . An optional GUI wrapper is included -

To run the gui, type:


from the command line in the minUP folder.

This will launch the minUP graphical user interface (GUI). The fields in the GUI will be retained from launch to launch, so once you have configured it, you only need to change individual commands each time you run it. The gui provides a simpler method of running the command line script and provides access to the most common options.

To run the command line script, type:


Help is available by typing:

python -h

If all this is too long to read, a simple command for uploading data to minoTour in Nottingham would be:

python -w /path/to/basecalled/fast5/ -u yourusername -dbu yourusername -pw yourpassword -dbh

If you wish to align to a reference:

python -w /path/to/basecalled/fast5/ -u yourusername -dbu yourusername -pw yourpassword -dbh -f /path/to/your/reference.fasta -bwa

More detailed notes on all the options are available below.

If you are using the GUI, these options are set within the GUI interface itself.

Real Time Monitoring of minKNOW with minUP

We note that this is a beta function - it is still in development. It may break with minKNOW updates and changes. It may break with lots of users. It may break at any time.

To enable real time monitoring of minKNOW you need to add two extra flags to your minUP command. These are:



-ip is the IP address of the machine running minKNOW. Typically this is Advanced users may wish to run this software on another machine - but note you need extremely permissive firewall settings to do so. -pin is a security pin number. This is required for any user of minoTour to set automated control features.

So - to run real time monitoring enter (but please don't use the pin 1234!):

python -w /path/to/basecalled/fast5/ -u yourusername -dbu yourusername -pw yourpassword -dbh -ip -pin 1234

Standalone Real Time Monitoring of minKNOW

It is possible to just monitor minKNOW using our software without processing read files. This is done using:


No gui interface is available for this option at this time.

A run command for to connect to is (again - please don't use 1234!):

python -ws -dbh -dbu yourusername -pw yourpassword -pin 1234 -ip

minUP Command Line Options

The command line options are described below:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-w WATCHDIR, --watch-dir WATCHDIR

                    The path to the folder containing the downloads
                    directory with fast5 reads to analyse - e.g.
                    C:\data\minion\downloads (for windows).

-downloads DOWNLOADS, --downloads-dir DOWNLOADS

                    The path to the folder containing the downloads
                    directory with fast5 reads to analyse - e.g.
                    C:\data\minion\downloads (for windows).

-uploaded UPLOADED, --uploaded-dir UPLOADED

                    The path to the folder containing the uploaded
                    directory with fast5 reads to analyse - e.g.
                    C:\data\minion\downloads (for windows).

-dbh DBHOST, --mysql-host DBHOST

                    The location of the MySQL database. default is

-dbu DBUSERNAME, --mysql-username DBUSERNAME

                    The MySQL username with create & write privileges on

-dbp DBPORT, --mysql-port DBPORT

                    The MySQL port number, else the default port '3306' is

-pw DBPASS, --mysql-password DBPASS

                    The password for the MySQL username with permission to
                    upload to MinoTour.

-f REF_FASTA, --align-ref-fasta REF_FASTA

                    The reference fasta file to align reads against. Using
                    this option enables read alignment provided LastAl and
                    LastDB are in the path. Leaving this entry blank will
                    upload the data without any alignment. To use multiple
                    reference fasta files input them as one text string
                    seperated by commas (no white spaces)

-b, --align-batch-fasta

                    Align reads in batch processing mode. Assumes the
                    watch-dir (-w) is pointed at a directory with one or
                    more "downloads" folders below it somewhere. Each
                    "downloads" folder can have a subfolder named
                    "reference" containing the fasta file(s) to align the
                    fast5 reads in the corresponding "downloads" folder to

-procs PROCS, --proc_num PROCS

                    The number of processors to run this on.


                    The MinoTour username with permissions to upload data.

-s VIEW_USERS, --minotour-sharing-usernames VIEW_USERS

                    A comma seperated list (with no whitespaces) of other
                    MinoTour users who will also be able to view the data.


                    The name of the minion owner. 'minionowner' is the

-r RUN_NUM, --run-number RUN_NUM

                    The run number of the flowcell. The default value is

-c, --commment-true Add a comment to the comments field for this run.

                    Follow the prompt once minup starts .

-last, --last-align-true

                    align reads with LAST

-bwa, --bwa-align-true

                    align reads with BWA

-bwa-opts BWA_OPTIONS, --bwa-align-options BWA_OPTIONS

                    BWA options: Enter a comma-seperated list of BWA
                    options without spaces or '-' characters e.g. k12,T0

-last-opts LAST_OPTIONS, --last-align-options LAST_OPTIONS

                    LAST options: Enter a comma-seperated list of LAST
                    options without spaces or '-' characters e.g.

-pin PIN, --security-pin PIN

                    pin number for remote control

-ip IP_ADDRESS, --ip-address IP_ADDRESS

                    Used for remote control with option '-pin'. Provide IP
                    address of the computer running minKNOW. The default
                    is the IP address of this computer

-t, --insert-tel-true


-pre, --insert-pre-true

                    Process raw reads prior to basecalling by metrichor.

-prealign, --align-pre-true

                    Align raw reads prior to basecalling by metrichor.

-d, --drop-db-true Drop existing database if it already exists.

-v VERBOSE, --verbose-true VERBOSE

                    Print detailed messages while processing files.

-name CUSTOM_NAME, --name-custom CUSTOM_NAME

                    Provide a modifier to the database name. This allows
                    you to upload the same dataset to minoTour more than
                    once. The additional string should be as short as


                    Add given string to the comments field for this run

-largerRef, --larger-reference


-customup, --custom-upload

                    Stop minUP when cached has remained zero for more than
                    30 seconds.

-qScale, --scale-query


-qryStartEnd, --prealign-query-start-end-only


-useHdfTimes, --use-hdf5_file-timestamps

                    Sort read files using hdt file timestamps rather than
                    file modified times.

-indexToRefDir, --store-indexes-in-ref-folder

                    Store the bwa/glast index files in the reference
                    genome folder

-debug, --disable-MyHandler-try-except

                    Disable MyHandler try excep

-standalone, --standalone-mode



                    Number of reads to align on each call to the aligner

-ver, --version show program's version number and exit Command Line Options

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-ws WSHOST, --websocket-host WSHOST

                    The location of the minotour server being connected

-dbh DBHOST, --mysql-host DBHOST

                    The location of the MySQL database. default is

-dbu DBUSERNAME, --mysql-username DBUSERNAME

                    The MySQL username with create & write privileges on

-dbp DBPORT, --mysql-port DBPORT

                    The MySQL port number, else the default port '3306' is

-pw DBPASS, --mysql-password DBPASS

                    The password for the MySQL username with permission to
                    upload to MinoTour.

-pin PIN, --security-pin PIN

                    This is a security feature to prevent unauthorised
                    remote control of a minION device. You need to provide
                    a four digit pin number which must be entered on the
                    website to remotely control the minION.

-ip IP, --ip-address IP

                    The IP address of the minKNOW machine.

-v, --verbose Display debugging information.


To install on Linux, the following packages are required. We assume python2.7 and pip are installed.

System packages required include:

python python-setuptools python-dev build-essential libmysqlclient-dev python-wxtools python-wxgtk3.0

Python Modules required are:

pip install watchdog MySQL-Python configargparse psutil BioPython numpy progressbar ws4py thrift dictdiffer twisted autobahn gooey h5py xmltodict dateutil