Play against your pokerbot online!
To run locally (cd into directory first), do:
brew install rabbitmq scons boost postgres redis
(Optional)initdb --username=postgres ~/pbots; pg_ctl -D ~/pbots -l logfile start; createdb -U postgres pbots
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
from server import db; db.create_all()
from a python3 shell
To run the server and worker, run in separate tabs:
sudo rabbitmq-server
python runserver
celery -A server.celery_app worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=1
Then to run the frontend do:
cd client
npm install
(the first time you use it)npm start
When you originally spin up playground, there are no bots and we need to manually import them. Bots can be imported by going to the /admin route (like localhost:5001/admin), providing the username and password, and then filling out the text for bots.
In dev environment (local testing), you can enter some dummy value like so: {"teams": [{"name": local, "bots": [{"name": test_bot, "s3_key": "none"}]}]}
, and you can challenge the reference bot.
In prod (once deployed), you can use the "export to playground" button in scrimmage to make all the current bots visible.