diff --git a/app/flags/advanced/flag_2.py b/app/flags/advanced/flag_2.py
index ce24d52..167ca5a 100644
--- a/app/flags/advanced/flag_2.py
+++ b/app/flags/advanced/flag_2.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class AdvancedFlag2(Flag):
name = 'Add new user'
challenge = 'Add new red-team user credentials, using "test" as both the username and password.'
extra_info = (
- 'During an adversary emulation operation, multiple users may need access to the CALDERA server.\n'
+ 'During an adversary emulation operation, multiple users may need access to the Caldera server.\n'
'This flag requires making direct changes to the configuration file at conf/local.yml. Make sure the server is '
'turned off before editing this file, or else changes will be overwritten.'
diff --git a/app/flags/adversaries/flag_1.py b/app/flags/adversaries/flag_1.py
index 1088684..6069fa8 100644
--- a/app/flags/adversaries/flag_1.py
+++ b/app/flags/adversaries/flag_1.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class AdversariesFlag1(Flag):
challenge = 'Add the Nosy Neighbor adversary to the Certifiable adversary and save it'
extra_info = """A TTP is often connected to a series of other TTPs to form an attack. For example, an adversary may
have a procedure for locating all PDF files on a host. This may be followed by a procedure to exfiltrate all the
- found files. In CALDERA, this chain of TTPs being used is considered an adversary."""
+ found files. In Caldera, this chain of TTPs being used is considered an adversary."""
async def verify(self, services):
for a in await services.get('data_svc').locate('adversaries', dict(name='Certifiable')):
diff --git a/app/flags/developers/flag_2.py b/app/flags/developers/flag_2.py
index d839c9b..cc7e48c 100644
--- a/app/flags/developers/flag_2.py
+++ b/app/flags/developers/flag_2.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
class DevelopersFlag2(Flag):
name = 'Bypass authentication'
- challenge = 'Ensure that logging in to CALDERA is not required if the browser address is'
+ challenge = 'Ensure that logging in to Caldera is not required if the browser address is'
extra_info = ''
async def verify(self, services):
diff --git a/app/training_api.py b/app/training_api.py
index 2512852..d2fdd79 100644
--- a/app/training_api.py
+++ b/app/training_api.py
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ async def retrieve_flags(self, request):
return web.json_response(dict(badges=[b.display for b in badges]))
+ async def retrieve_certs(self, request):
+ access = dict(access=tuple(await self.auth_svc.get_permissions(request)))
+ certifications = await self.data_svc.locate('certifications', match=access)
+ return web.json_response(dict(certificates=[cert.display for cert in certifications]))
async def reset_flag(self, request):
Allows cert takers to reset the latest flag if something went wrong with running the automatic operation.
diff --git a/gui/views/training.vue b/gui/views/training.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83480fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/views/training.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+ template(v-if="completedCertificate")
+ canvas#confettiCanvas
+ .z-index-1
+ div
+ div
+ h2 Training
+ hr
+ form
+ #select-certificate.field.has-addons
+ label.label Select a certificate
+ .control.is-expanded
+ .select.is-small.is-fullwidth
+ select.has-text-centered(v-model="selectedCert")
+ option(disabled selected value="") Select a certificate
+ option(v-for="cert in certificates" :value="cert.name" :key="cert.name") {{ cert.name }}
+ template(v-if="completedCertificate")
+ .content.is-flex.is-align-items-center.is-flex-direction-column.mt-4
+ h3 🎉 Certificate complete! 🎉
+ .field.has-addons
+ .control
+ input#certificatecode.input.is-small(type="text" readonly v-model="certificateCode" aria-label="Certificate code")
+ .control
+ a.button.is-small(@click="copyCode()")
+ span.icon
+ font-awesome-icon(icon="far fa-copy")
+ span Copy
+ p Congrats! Fill out the form to validate your code and get a certificate of completion.
+ a.button.fancy-button(href="https://forms.office.com/g/sYRNDuxCjC" target="_blank" rel="noopener") Get your certificate 🎓
+ template(v-if="badgeList")
+ .is-flex.is-justify-content-space-evenly.mt-3
+ template(v-for="(badge, index) in badgeList" :key="index")
+ button.badge-container-button(@click="(selectedBadge === badge) ? selectedBadge = '' : selectedBadge = badge" :class="{ 'selected-badge': selectedBadge.name === badge.name }")
+ span.is-flex.is-flex-direction-column.is-justify-content-center.is-align-items-center.p-2
+ span.badge-icon-container(:class="badge.completed ? 'badge-completed' : ''")
+ svg(xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="current" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor")
+ path(stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M9 12l2 2 4-4m5.618-4.016A11.955 11.955 0 0112 2.944a11.955 11.955 0 01-8.618 3.04A12.02 12.02 0 003 9c0 5.591 3.824 10.29 9 11.622 5.176-1.332 9-6.03 9-11.622 0-1.042-.133-2.052-.382-3.016z")
+ img(:alt="badge.name" class="badge-icon-img" onerror="this.src='/plugin/training/assets/img/badges/defaultlock.png'" :src="badge.icon_src")
+ span.badge-text.hover.bg-caldera-primary.rounded(:class="{ 'badge-completed-text': badge.completed }") {{badge.name}}
+ .has-text-centered.mt-4.mb-4
+ template(v-for="(flag, index) in visibleFlagList" :key="index")
+ span.icon
+ font-awesome-icon(:icon="flag.completed ? 'fas fa-flag' : 'far fa-flag'")
+ .flag-card-container
+ template(v-for="(flag, index) in visibleFlagList" :key="flag.name")
+ .flag-card.is-flex.is-flex-direction-column.rounded
+ .flag-card-content.is-flex.is-flex-direction-column.overflow-hidden(:class="{ 'flag-card-content-active': isCardActive(index), 'flag-show-more': flag.showMore }")
+ .flag-card-title.is-flex.is-justify-content-space-evenly.is-align-items-center(:class="{ 'flag-card-title-active': flag.completed || isCardActive(index) }")
+ .is-flex.is-justify-content-start.is-align-items-center.flag-card-title-name
+ span.icon(:class="flag.completed ? 'flag-icon-completed' : ''")
+ font-awesome-icon(:icon="flag.completed ? 'fas fa-flag' : 'far fa-flag'")
+ p {{ flag.name }}
+ a.icon.has-tooltip-left.solution-guide-link(:class="flag.has_solution_guide ? '' : 'hidden'" :href="`/plugin/training/solution-guides/certificates/${flag.cert_name}/badges/${flag.badge_name}/flags/${flag.name}`" target="_blank" data-tooltip="Solution Guide")
+ font-awesome-icon(icon="far fa-circle-question")
+ .is-flex.is-justify-content-center.is-align-items-center.flag-card-title-badge
+ span.flag-badge-icon-container
+ svg(xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="current" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor")
+ path(stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" d="M9 12l2 2 4-4m5.618-4.016A11.955 11.955 0 0112 2.944a11.955 11.955 0 01-8.618 3.04A12.02 12.02 0 003 9c0 5.591 3.824 10.29 9 11.622 5.176-1.332 9-6.03 9-11.622 0-1.042-.133-2.052-.382-3.016z")
+ img(:alt="flag.badge_name" class="badge-icon-img" onerror="this.src='/plugin/training/assets/img/badges/defaultlock.png'" :src="flag.badge_icon")
+ .flag-card-text
+ div
+ .is-flex.is-flex-direction-column.is-justify-content-center.has-text-left
+ p.has-text-weight-bold() {{ flag.challenge }}
+ p {{ flag.extra_info }}
+ template(v-if="flag.code.includes('text-entry')")
+ span
+ label(:for="flag.code") Write text here:
+ input(:disabled="flag.completed" class="text-colors-black pl-1 pr-2" :id="flag.code" placeholder="type here" @input="onTextInput")
+ .flag-show-more-button.is-flex.is-justify-content-center(@click="flag.showMore = !flag.showMore" :class="{ 'flag-show-more-active': isCardActive(index) }")
+ span.icon.is-small
+ font-awesome-icon(:icon="flag.showMore ? 'fas fa-chevron-up' : 'fas fa-chevron-down'")
diff --git a/hook.py b/hook.py
index d809b33..362aee1 100644
--- a/hook.py
+++ b/hook.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
from plugins.training.app.training_api import TrainingApi
name = 'Training'
-description = 'A certification course to become a CALDERA SME'
+description = 'A certification course to become a Caldera SME'
address = '/plugin/training/gui'
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ async def enable(services):
training_api = TrainingApi(services)
app = services.get('app_svc').application
- app.router.add_static('/training', 'plugins/training/static/', append_version=True)
+ app.router.add_static('/plugin/training/assets', 'plugins/training/static/', append_version=True)
app.router.add_route('GET', '/plugin/training/gui', training_api.splash)
+ app.router.add_route('GET', '/plugin/training/certs', training_api.retrieve_certs)
app.router.add_route('POST', '/plugin/training/flags', training_api.retrieve_flags)
app.router.add_route('POST', '/plugin/training/reset_flag', training_api.reset_flag)
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index ad03a09..3473f97 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "caldera-training",
- "description": "CALDERA training plugin",
+ "description": "Caldera training plugin",
"devDependencies": {
"eslint": "^7.20.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^14.2.1",
diff --git a/solution_guides/AdvancedFlag2.md b/solution_guides/AdvancedFlag2.md
index 6f231cf..9e10acc 100644
--- a/solution_guides/AdvancedFlag2.md
+++ b/solution_guides/AdvancedFlag2.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-1. Terminate the CALDERA server.
-1. Edit the `conf/local.yml` file in your preferred text editor. If this file does not exist, ensure the CALDERA server is not run with the `--insecure` flag and run and terminate the server again.
+1. Terminate the Caldera server.
+1. Edit the `conf/local.yml` file in your preferred text editor. If this file does not exist, ensure the Caldera server is not run with the `--insecure` flag and run and terminate the server again.
1. Add the following entry to the `users > red` section: `test: test`.
1. Re-run the server. Ensure the `--fresh` flag is not used.
1. Task completed.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solution_guides/AgentsFlag0.md b/solution_guides/AgentsFlag0.md
index 9758aca..4b5f335 100644
--- a/solution_guides/AgentsFlag0.md
+++ b/solution_guides/AgentsFlag0.md
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
1. Under Platform, choose your Operating System: Linux, Windows, or Darwin (MacOS).
1. Set `app.contact.http` value to `http://localhost:8888`.
1. In the `sh` text area click the `Copy` button to copy the displayed shell command to your clipboard. This command will instruct the agent to communicate over a HTTP channel.
-1. Outside of CALDERA, open a terminal window with a shell.
+1. Outside of Caldera, open a terminal window with a shell.
1. Paste the copied command into the shell and execute it.
-1. Go back to CALDERA and close the agent options window.
+1. Go back to Caldera and close the agent options window.
1. Wait for the agent to appear in the `Agents` table.
1. Task completed.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solution_guides/AgentsFlag1.md b/solution_guides/AgentsFlag1.md
index 6427440..7325c8f 100644
--- a/solution_guides/AgentsFlag1.md
+++ b/solution_guides/AgentsFlag1.md
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
1. Press the button `+Deploy an agent`.
1. Choose `Sandcat` agent.
1. Under Platform, choose the remote host's Operating System: Linux, Windows, or Darwin (MacOS).
-1. Update the `app.contact.http` value to specify an IP address of the CALDERA server that is reachable from the remote system (e.g. ``). Keep the port value unchanged.
+1. Update the `app.contact.http` value to specify an IP address of the Caldera server that is reachable from the remote system (e.g. ``). Keep the port value unchanged.
1. In the `sh` text area click the `Copy` button to copy the displayed shell command to your clipboard. This command will instruct the agent to communicate over a HTTP channel.
1. On the remote system, open a terminal with a shell.
1. Paste the copied command into the shell and execute it.
-1. Go back to CALDERA and close the agent options window.
+1. Go back to Caldera and close the agent options window.
1. Wait for the agent to appear in the `Agents` table.
1. Task completed.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solution_guides/AgentsFlag5.md b/solution_guides/AgentsFlag5.md
index b8b977c..2ec45e8 100644
--- a/solution_guides/AgentsFlag5.md
+++ b/solution_guides/AgentsFlag5.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-1. Open a shell in a terminal outside of CALDERA.
+1. Open a shell in a terminal outside of Caldera.
1. In that shell, navigate to your caldera folder: `cd /path/to/caldera`.
1. Run `grep -R 'command: whoami' plugins/stockpile/data/abilities` at look for matching files.
1. Open `plugins/stockpile/data/abilities/discovery/c0da588f-79f0-4263-8998-7496b1a40596.yml`.
in a text editor and confirm that it runs `whoami` as a command.
1. Copy the `name` portion of the yml ability file to your clipboard: (it should say `Identify active user`).
-1. In CALDERA browser window, select `CAMPAIGNS > agents`.
+1. In Caldera browser window, select `CAMPAIGNS > agents`.
1. Press the `Configuration` button to open `Agent Configuration` window.
1. Click the `+` next to Bootstrap Abilities.
1. Text search box opens below.
diff --git a/solution_guides/AgentsFlag6.md b/solution_guides/AgentsFlag6.md
index f561e26..fd82c9c 100644
--- a/solution_guides/AgentsFlag6.md
+++ b/solution_guides/AgentsFlag6.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
1. Update the `app.contact.http` value to specify `localhost` (keep the port). For example: `http://localhost:8888`. This is for downloading the agent binary.
1. Update the `app.contact.tcp` value to specify `localhost` (keep the port). For example: `localhost:7010`. This is for the agent-C2 communication channel.
1. In the `sh` text area click the `Copy` button to copy the displayed shell command to your clipboard. This command will instruct the agent to communicate over a TCP channel.
-1. On your local system and outside of CALDERA, open a shell in a terminal.
+1. On your local system and outside of Caldera, open a shell in a terminal.
1. Paste the copied command and execute it.
1. Wait for the agent to appear in the `Agents` table.
1. Task completed.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solution_guides/PluginsManxFlag0.md b/solution_guides/PluginsManxFlag0.md
index 06e04eb..311b071 100644
--- a/solution_guides/PluginsManxFlag0.md
+++ b/solution_guides/PluginsManxFlag0.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
1. Update the `app.contact.tcp` value to specify an IP address of `` (keep the port). This is for the agent communication channel.
1. In the `sh` text area labeled `A reverse-shell agent which communicates via the TCP contact`, click the `Copy` button to copy the displayed shell command to your clipboard.
1. Run two remote shell commands:
- 1. On your local system and outside of CALDERA, open a shell in a terminal.
+ 1. On your local system and outside of Caldera, open a shell in a terminal.
1. Paste the copied command and execute it.
1. Wait for the agent to appear in the `Agents` table.
1. In the left-handside navigation, select `PLUGINS > manx`
diff --git a/solution_guides/PluginsManxFlag1.md b/solution_guides/PluginsManxFlag1.md
index e14bcce..78f7848 100644
--- a/solution_guides/PluginsManxFlag1.md
+++ b/solution_guides/PluginsManxFlag1.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
1. Update the `app.contact.http` value to specify an IP address of `` (keep the port). This is for downloading the agent binary.
1. Update the `app.contact.udp` value to specify an IP address of `` (keep the port). This is for the agent-C2 communication channel.
1. In the `sh` text area labeled `Run against the UDP contact`, click the `Copy` button to copy the displayed shell command to your clipboard.
-1. On your local system and outside of CALDERA, open a shell in a terminal.
+1. On your local system and outside of Caldera, open a shell in a terminal.
1. Paste the copied command and execute it.
1. Wait for the agent to appear in the `Agents` table.
1. Task completed.
diff --git a/solution_guides/PluginsResponseFlag0.md b/solution_guides/PluginsResponseFlag0.md
index ce5cda0..1864106 100644
--- a/solution_guides/PluginsResponseFlag0.md
+++ b/solution_guides/PluginsResponseFlag0.md
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-1. Log into CALDERA as a `blue` group user (by default, the username is `blue`).
+1. Log into Caldera as a `blue` group user (by default, the username is `blue`).
1. In the left-handside navigation, select `CAMPAIGNS > agents`.
1. Press the button `+ Deploy an agent`.
1. Choose `Sandcat` agent.
1. Under Platform, choose Linux.
-1. Update the `app.contact.http` value to specify an IP address of the CALDERA server that is reachable from the remote system (e.g. ``). Keep the port value unchanged.
+1. Update the `app.contact.http` value to specify an IP address of the Caldera server that is reachable from the remote system (e.g. ``). Keep the port value unchanged.
1. In the `sh` text area click the `Copy` button to copy the displayed second shell command `Deploy as a blue-team agent instead of red` to your clipboard. This command will instruct the agent to communicate over a HTTP channel.
1. On the remote system, open a terminal with a shell.
1. Paste the copied command into the shell and execute it.
-1. Go back to CALDERA and close the `Deploy an agent` window.
+1. Go back to Caldera and close the `Deploy an agent` window.
1. Wait for the agent to appear in the `Agents` table.
1. Task completed.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solution_guides/PluginsResponseFlag1.md b/solution_guides/PluginsResponseFlag1.md
index 027b564..b37230a 100644
--- a/solution_guides/PluginsResponseFlag1.md
+++ b/solution_guides/PluginsResponseFlag1.md
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1. Ensure that the blue agent from the previous flag is running on a remote system
- and can communicate with the CALDERA server.
+ and can communicate with the Caldera server.
1. On your local system, open a shell in a terminal.
1. Using `netcat`, open a listening TCP socket on port 7011: `nc -l 7011`
1. On the remote system running the blue agent, connect to the netcat listener created in the previous step and leave it running: `nc 7011` (insert the correct IP address).
-1. In CALDERA and logged in as the blue user, click on `CAMPAIGNS > operations`.
+1. In Caldera and logged in as the blue user, click on `CAMPAIGNS > operations`.
1. In the `Operations` window, click the `+ Create Operation` button to open the `Start New Operation` menu.
1. Enter `Response Training` as the operation name.
1. Select the `Incident Responder` adversary from the `Adversary` dropdown.