Library to provide OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth2 protocol support for client applications written in F#. It's a Fable binding for oidc-client javascript library.
In a directory where your project's .fsproj
file is:
dotnet add package Fable.OidcClient
In a directory where your project's package.json
npm install oidc-client
Repositories showing examples of using Fable.OidcClient
- Fable application: FableBrowserClientOpenIdConnect (based on IdentityServer "Adding a JavaScript client" tutorial)
- Elmish single page application: ElmishSpaOpenIdConnect
open Fable.OidcClient
open Fable.Core.JsInterop // Required for the "!!" operator.
let settings: UserManagerSettings =
authority = Some "https://localhost:5001"
client_id = Some "js"
redirect_uri = Some "https://localhost:5003/callback.html"
response_type = Some "code"
scope = Some "openid profile scope1"
post_logout_redirect_uri = Some "https://localhost:5003/index.html"
filterProtocolClaims = Some true
loadUserInfo = Some true
let mgr: UserManager = Oidc.UserManager.Create settings
// From here you can call
// mgr.signinRedirect() to redirect to login page,
// mgr.signoutRedirect() to redirect to logout page,
// mgr.getUser() to retrieve user's details,
// etc...
open Fable.OidcClient
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
let mgr: UserManager = Oidc.UserManager.Create !!{| response_mode = Some "query" |}
promise {
console.log "mgr.signinRedirectCallback()"
let! user = mgr.signinRedirectCallback()
console.log (sprintf "%A" user)
window.location.href <- "index.html"
} |> ignore