- Support more complex scenarios in VS unit tests
- Fix various issues with union case generation
- Implement Go to Metadata
- Fix forcing saving projects when project items change
- Fix various issues on unused open declarations
- Fix forcing saving projects when project items change
- Fix various issues on unused open declarations
- Improve rename refactoring validation
- Add support for VS 14
- Implement Gray out unused open statements
- Handle included files while working on F# scripts
- Add VS unit tests for multiple features
- Implement unused declaration scrollbar markers
- Add report progress and cancellation to Rename Refactoring
- Add report progress to Find All References
- Enhance Xaml support
- Implement Resolve unopened namespaces
- Implement Gray out unused declarations
- Add a NuGet package for the core project
- Implement Union type pattern generation
- Fix various bugs on syntax coloring
- Improve responsiveness on big solutions
- Improve memory usage
- Protect against intermittent crashes
- Add Implement Interface feature
- Fix duplicated symbols and missing private symbols in Find All References
- Enhance syntax coloring of type-provider-related source code
- Reduce the size of VSIX output
- Implement record stub generation
- Fix the issue where VFPT is active during CPU idles
- Return correct symbol information on dirty files and dirty projects
- Implement Find all references
- Improve robustness of XmlDoc generation
- Improve performance on large solutions
- Add validation after reformatting
- Fix the issue where rename refactoring is applied after cancelled by 'Esc'
- Add folder organization support
- Enhance syntax coloring (now with coloring modules and quotations)
- Implement solution-wide rename refactoring
- Add logging facilities
- Improve Rename dialog
- Improve performance of NavigateTo feature
- Implement semantic highlighting
- Migrate to XAML provider in FsXaml
- Improve lexing performance
- Fix intermittent navigation bar configuration
- Setup integration tests
- Fix the issue with standalone fs files
- Fix the issue with failing source code formatting feature
- Import depth colorizer
- Implement NavigateTo command
- Fix performance issues with highlight references and rename refactoring
- Support highlight references, rename refactoring and NavigateTo on standalone files
- Listen to events due to project changes
- Improve F# project system
- Fix the NRE when there is no project or solution
- Fix the issue where multiple replacements are wrong if performed in a single line
- Use Ctrl + R, Ctrl + R key binding for rename refactoring
- Implement major improvements on highlight references
- Support operator highlighting
- Reuse C#'s highlighted reference marker
- Add rename refactoring
- Add navigation bar setting
- XML doc comments are generated as the first '<' char in a blank "///" comment is entered
- Implement highlight references
- Add options to disable constituent parts
- Import Fantomas extension
- Import FSharpXMLDoc extension
- Add basic documentation