This tutorial assumes you are familiar with use of the Runt API to create temporal expressions. If you're unfamiliar with how and why to write temporal expressions, take a look at the temporal expression tutorial.
In his paper about recurring events, Martin Fowler also discusses a simple schedule API which is used, surprisingly enough, to build a schedule. We're not going to cover the pattern itself in this tutorial as Fowler already does a nice job. Because it is such a simple pattern (once you invent it!), you'll be able understand it even if you decide not to read his paper.
So, let's pretend that I own a car. Since I don't want to get a ticket, I decide to create an application which will tell me where and when I can park it on my street. (Since this is all make believe anyway, my car is a late 60's model black Ford Mustang with flame detailing (and on the back seat is one million dollars)).
We'll build a Runt Schedule that models the parking regulations. Our app will check this Schedule at regular intervals and send us reminders to move our car so we don't get a ticket. YAY!
First, let's visit the exciting world of NYC street cleaning regulations. Let's pretend the following rules are in place for our block:
For the north side of the street, there is no parking Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, from 8am thru 11am
For the south side of the street, there is no parking Tuesday or Thursday between 11:30am and 2pm
############################# ############################# # # # # # NO PARKING # # NO PARKING # # # # # # Mon, Wed, Fri 8am-11am # # Tu, Th 11:30am-2:00pm # # # # # # # # # # Violators will be towed! # # Violaters will be towed! # # # # # ############################# ############################# # # # # # # # # # # # # North side of the street South side of the street
We'll start by creating temporal expressions which describe the verboten parking times:
north_expr = (DIWeek.new(Mon) | DIWeek.new(Wed) | DIWeek.new(Fri)) & REDay.new(8,00,11,00)
south_expr = (DIWeek.new(Tue) | DIWeek.new(Thu)) & REDay.new(11,30,14,00)
What we need at this point is a way to write queries against these expressions to determine whether we need to send a reminder. For this purpose, we can use a Schedule and an associated Event, both of which are supplied by Runt.
schedule = Schedule.new
A Schedule holds zero or more Event/TemporalExpression pairs, allowing clients to easily query and update TemporalExpressions as well perform certain range operations as we will see in a moment. We'll create two events, one for each side of the street:
north_event = Event.new("north side")
south_event = Event.new("south side")
Now we add each event and its associated occurrence to our Schedule:
schedule.add(north_event, north_expr)
schedule.add(south_event, south_expr)
An Event is simply a container for domain data. Although Runt uses Events by default, Schedules will happily house any kind of Object. Internally, a Schedule is really just a Hash where the keys are whatever it is you are scheduling and the values are the TemporalExpressions you create.
class Schedule
def add(obj, expression)
Now that we have a Schedule configured, we need something to check it and then let us know if we need to move the car. For this, we'll create a simple class called Reminder which will function as the "main-able" part of our app. We'll start by creating an easily testable constructor which will be passed a Schedule instance (like the one we just created) and an SMTP server.
class Reminder
attr_reader :schedule, :mail_server
def initialize(schedule,mail_server)
@schedule = schedule
@mail_server = mail_server
Being rabid foaming-at-the-mouth Agilists, we'll of course also create a unit test to help flesh out the specifics of our new Reminder class. We'll create test fixtures using the Runt Objects described above.
class ReminderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Runt
def setup
@schedule = Schedule.new
@north_event = Event.new("north side of the street will be ticketed")
north_expr = (DIWeek.new(Mon) | DIWeek.new(Wed) | DIWeek.new(Fri)) & REDay.new(8,00,11,00)
@schedule.add(@north_event, north_expr)
@south_event = Event.new("south side of the street will be ticketed")
south_expr = (DIWeek.new(Tue) | DIWeek.new(Thu)) & REDay.new(11,30,14,00)
@schedule.add(@south_event, south_expr)
@mail_server = MailServer.new
@reminder = Reminder.new(@schedule, @mail_server)
@saturday_at_10 = PDate.min(2007,11,24,10,0,0)
@monday_at_10 = PDate.min(2007,11,26,10,0,0)
@tuesday_at_noon = PDate.min(2007,11,27,12,0,0)
def test_initalize
assert_same @schedule, @reminder.schedule, "Expected #{@schedule} instead was #{@reminder.schedule}"
assert_same @mail_server, @reminder.mail_server, "Expected #{@mail_server} instead was #{@reminder.mail_server}"
For the purposes of this tutorial, the mail server will simply be a stub to illustrate how a real one might be used.
class MailServer
def send(to, from, subject, text)
Struct::Email.new(to, from, subject, text)
# etc...
Next, let's add a method to our Reminder class which actually checks our schedule using a date which is passed in as a parameter.
class Reminder
def check(date)
return @schedule.events(date)
The Schedule#events method will return an Array of Event Objects for any events which occur at the date and time given by the method's argument. Usage is easily demonstrated by a test case which makes use of the fixtures created by the TestCase#setup method defined above.
class ReminderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_check
assert_equal 1, @reminder.check(@monday_at_10).size, "Unexpected size #{@reminder.check(@monday_at_10).size} returned"
assert_same @north_event, @reminder.check(@monday_at_10)[0], "Expected Event #{@north_event}. Got #{@reminder.check(@monday_at_10)[0]}."
assert_equal 1, @reminder.check(@tuesday_at_noon).size, "Unexpected size #{@reminder.check(@tuesday_at_noon).size} returned"
assert_same @south_event, @reminder.check(@tuesday_at_noon)[0], "Expected Event #{@south_event}. Got #{@reminder.check(@tuesday_at_noon)[0]}."
assert @reminder.check(@saturday_at_10).empty?, "Expected empty Array. Got #{@reminder.check(@saturday_at_10)}"
There are other methods in the Schedule API which allow a client to query for information. Although we don't need them for this tutorial, I'll mention two briefly because they are generally useful. The first is Schedule#dates which will return an Array of PDate Objects which occur during the DateRange supplied as a parameter. The second is Schedule#include? which returns a boolean value indicating whether the Event occurs on the date which are both supplied as arguments.
Next, let's make use of the mail server argument given to the Reminder class in it's constructor. This is the method that will be called when a call to the Reminder#check method produces results.
class Reminder
def send(date)
text = "Warning: " + events.join(', ')
return @mail_server.send(TO, FROM, SUBJECT, text)
Testing this is simple thanks to our MailServer stub which simply regurgitates the text argument it's passed as a result.
class ReminderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_send
params = [@north_event, @south_event]
result = @reminder.send(params)
assert_email result, Reminder::TEXT + params.join(', ')
def assert_email(result, text)
assert_equal Reminder::TO, result.to, "Unexpected value for 'to' field of Email Struct: #{result.to}"
assert_equal Reminder::FROM, result.from, "Unexpected value for 'from' field of Email Struct: #{result.from}"
assert_equal Reminder::SUBJECT, result.subject, "Unexpected value for 'subject' field of Email Struct: #{result.subject}"
assert_equal text, result.text, "Unexpected value for 'text' field of Email Struct: #{result.text}"
Note the ReminderTest#assert_email
method we've added to make assertions common to multiple test cases.
Now, let's tie the whole thing together with a method which which checks for occuring Events and (upon finding some) sends a reminder. This method is really the only one in the Reminder class that needs to be public.
class Reminder
def run(date)
result = self.check(date)
self.send(result) if !result.empty?
class ReminderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_send
params = [@north_event, @south_event]
result = @reminder.send(params)
assert_email result, Reminder::TEXT + params.join(', ')
Finally, we'll cheat a bit and stitch every thing together so it can be run from a command line.
include Runt
schedule = Schedule.new
north_event = Event.new("north side")
north_expr = (DIWeek.new(Mon) | DIWeek.new(Wed) | DIWeek.new(Fri)) & REDay.new(8,00,11,00)
schedule.add(north_event, north_expr)
south_event = Event.new("south side")
south_expr = (DIWeek.new(Tue) | DIWeek.new(Thu)) & REDay.new(11,30,14,00)
schedule.add(south_event, south_expr)
reminder = Reminder.new(schedule, MailServer.new)
while true
sleep 15.minutes
reminder.run Time.now
So, here's all the code for this tutorial (it's in the Runt distribution under the examples folder):
### schedule_tutorial.rb ###
require 'runt'
class Reminder
TO = "[email protected]"
FROM = "[email protected]"
SUBJECT = "Move your car!"
TEXT = "Warning: "
attr_reader :schedule, :mail_server
def initialize(schedule,mail_server)
@schedule = schedule
@mail_server = mail_server
def run(date)
result = self.check(date)
self.send(result) if !result.empty?
def check(date)
puts "Checking the schedule..." if $DEBUG
return @schedule.events(date)
def send(events)
text = TEXT + events.join(', ')
return @mail_server.send(TO, FROM, SUBJECT, text)
class MailServer
def send(to, from, subject, text)
puts "Sending message TO: #{to} FROM: #{from} RE: #{subject}..." if $DEBUG
Struct::Email.new(to, from, subject, text)
# etc...
if __FILE__ == $0
include Runt
schedule = Schedule.new
north_event = Event.new("north side")
north_expr = (DIWeek.new(Mon) | DIWeek.new(Wed) | DIWeek.new(Fri)) & REDay.new(8,00,11,00)
schedule.add(north_event, north_expr)
south_event = Event.new("south side")
south_expr = (DIWeek.new(Tue) | DIWeek.new(Thu)) & REDay.new(11,30,14,00)
schedule.add(south_event, south_expr)
reminder = Reminder.new(schedule, MailServer.new)
while true
sleep 15.minutes
reminder.run Time.now
### schedule_tutorialtest.rb ###
require 'test/unit' require 'runt' require 'schedule_tutorial'
class ReminderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include Runt
def setup
@schedule = Schedule.new
@north_event = Event.new("north side of the street will be ticketed")
north_expr = (DIWeek.new(Mon) | DIWeek.new(Wed) | DIWeek.new(Fri)) & REDay.new(8,00,11,00)
@schedule.add(@north_event, north_expr)
@south_event = Event.new("south side of the street will be ticketed")
south_expr = (DIWeek.new(Tue) | DIWeek.new(Thu)) & REDay.new(11,30,14,00)
@schedule.add(@south_event, south_expr)
@mail_server = MailServer.new
@reminder = Reminder.new(@schedule, @mail_server)
@saturday_at_10 = PDate.min(2007,11,24,10,0,0)
@monday_at_10 = PDate.min(2007,11,26,10,0,0)
@tuesday_at_noon = PDate.min(2007,11,27,12,0,0)
def test_initalize
assert_same @schedule, @reminder.schedule, "Expected #{@schedule} instead was #{@reminder.schedule}"
assert_same @mail_server, @reminder.mail_server, "Expected #{@mail_server} instead was #{@reminder.mail_server}"
def test_send
params = [@north_event, @south_event]
result = @reminder.send(params)
assert_email result, Reminder::TEXT + params.join(', ')
def test_check
assert_equal 1, @reminder.check(@monday_at_10).size, "Unexpected size #{@reminder.check(@monday_at_10).size} returned"
assert_same @north_event, @reminder.check(@monday_at_10)[0], "Expected Event #{@north_event}. Got #{@reminder.check(@monday_at_10)[0]}."
assert_equal 1, @reminder.check(@tuesday_at_noon).size, "Unexpected size #{@reminder.check(@tuesday_at_noon).size} returned"
assert_same @south_event, @reminder.check(@tuesday_at_noon)[0], "Expected Event #{@south_event}. Got #{@reminder.check(@tuesday_at_noon)[0]}."
assert @reminder.check(@saturday_at_10).empty?, "Expected empty Array. Got #{@reminder.check(@saturday_at_10)}"
def test_run
result = @reminder.run(@monday_at_10)
assert_email result, Reminder::TEXT + @north_event.to_s
def assert_email(result, text)
assert_equal Reminder::TO, result.to, "Unexpected value for 'to' field of Email Struct: #{result.to}"
assert_equal Reminder::FROM, result.from, "Unexpected value for 'from' field of Email Struct: #{result.from}"
assert_equal Reminder::SUBJECT, result.subject, "Unexpected value for 'subject' field of Email Struct: #{result.subject}"
assert_equal text, result.text, "Unexpected value for 'text' field of Email Struct: #{result.text}"
See Also: