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Event Stream GPT

python pytorch lightning hydra tests codecov code-quality license PRs contributors Documentation Status

Event Stream GPT (ESGPT) is a library for streamlining the development of generative, pre-trained transformers (i.e., foundation models) over "event stream" datasets---datasets consisting of discrete sequences of complex events in continuous times (aka multivariate temporal point processes). ESGPT is particularly motivated by Electronic Health Record (EHR) datasets, which often consist of sequences of medical visits or events distributed in time, with any given event containing diverse laboratory test orders and results, medication prescriptions, diagnoses, procedures, etc.

ESGPT solves three critical problems to help drive research into foundation models over event stream modalities:

  1. ESGPT provides a highly flexible, easy-to-use, and performant pipeline to extract, pre-process, and manage event stream datasets of a variety of types. With a simple configuration file, users can extract raw datasets from source, normalize and filter data per configurable rules, and compile deep-learning friendly, highly-sparse datasets for efficient generative modeling.
  2. ESGPT provides a huggingface compatible modeling API built around these datasets that is generlizable across datasets, even when underlying data schemas differ. While models trained on one dataset are still not translatable to new datasets, within the ESGPT infrastructure, modeling code is translateable across all datasets, making it dramatically easier to benchmark pre-training architectures and strategies.
  3. ESGPT introduces critical capabilities into the modeling landscape of generative foundation models for these modalities, including the ability to naturally represent complex, intra-event causal dependencies and to define and measure zero-shot performance via a generative analog of prompting over these modalities.

Through these advantages, ESGPT will be an invaluable tool for anyone pursuing foundation models over EHR or other forms of event stream data modalities. Beyond foundation models, the data pre-processing and representation component of ESGPT can also be useful for other deep learning applications. If you have any questions about how ESGPT could be useful in your project, please don't hesitate to reach out by filing a GitHub issue.


Installation of the required dependencies can be done via pip with pip install -e . in the root directory of the repository. To be able to run tests, use pip install -e .[tests]. To be able to build docs, use pip install -e .[docs].


This codebase contains utilities for working with event stream datasets, meaning datasets where any given sample consists of a sequence of continuous-time events. Each event can consist of various categorical or continuous measurements of various structures.

Event stream datasets are represented via a dataframe of events (containing event times, types, and subject ids), subjects (containing subject ids and per-subject static measurements), and per-event dynamic measurements (containing event ids, types, subject ids, and arbitrary metadata columns). Many dynamic measurements can belong to a single event. This class can also take in a functional specification for measurements that can be computed in a fixed manner dependent only on event time and per-subject static data.

A can automatically pre-process train-set metadata, learning categorical vocabularies, handling numerical data type conversion, rule-based outlier removal, and training of outlier detection and normalization models.

It can also be processed into an, which represents these data via batches.

Please see the data/ file for more information.

Functionally, there are three areas of differences between a traditional GPT model and an EventStream.transformer model: the input, how attention is processed in a per-event manner, and how generative output layers work. Please see EventStreamTransformer's README file for more information.


For an end to end example over MIMIC-IV, see the tutorial and the companion repository


You can use several scripts from this repository. These scripts are built using hydra, so generally you will use them by specifying a mixture of command line overrides and local configuration options in yaml files.

Dataset Building

The script endpoint to build a dataset is in scripts/ To run this script, simply call it and override its parameters via hydra:

	$EVENT_STREAM_PATH/scripts/ \
	--config-path=$(pwd)/configs \
	--config-name=dataset \
	"hydra.searchpath=[$EVENT_STREAM_PATH/configs]" # put more args here...


The script endpoint to launch a pre-training run, with the built in transformer model class here, is in scripts/ To run this script, simply call it and override its parameters via hydra:

	--config-path='/path/to/local/configs' \
	--config-name='local_config_name' \
	optimization_config.batch_size=24 optimization_config.num_dataloader_workers=64 # hydra overrides...

In your local config file (or via the command line), you can override various parameters, e.g.

  - pretrain_config # IMPORTANT: This defaults to the pre-defined repository config!
  - _self_

experiment_dir: /path/to/base/model/dir...

  save_dir: /path/to/data/cohort

    - [age, time_of_day]
    - [event_type]
    - [next_param, [multivariate_regression_task, categorical_only], "... 'can_do_multiline'",
    -   - can_also_use_yaml_syntax
        - [multivariate_regression_task, categorical_and_numerical]

The default hydra config for this object is a structured config stored in the configstore with name pretrain_config, defined in the PretrainConfig dataclass object in file:

class PretrainConfig:
    do_overwrite: bool = False

    config: dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.field(
        default_factory=lambda: {
            "_target_": "EventStream.transformer.config.StructuredTransformerConfig",
                k: v
                for k, v in StructuredTransformerConfig().to_dict().items()
                if k not in SKIP_CFG_PARAMS
    optimization_config: OptimizationConfig = OptimizationConfig()
    data_config: PytorchDatasetConfig = PytorchDatasetConfig()
    metrics_config: MetricsConfig = MetricsConfig()

    experiment_dir: str = omegaconf.MISSING
    save_dir: str = "${experiment_dir}/pretrain/${now:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}"

    wandb_name: str | None = "generative_event_stream_transformer"
    wandb_project: str | None = None
    wandb_team: str | None = None
    log_every_n_steps: int = 50

    num_dataloader_workers: int = 1

    do_detect_anomaly: bool = False
    do_final_validation_on_metrics: bool = True

    def __post_init__(self):
        if type(self.save_dir) is str and self.save_dir != omegaconf.MISSING:
            self.save_dir = Path(self.save_dir)

Hyperparameter Tuning

To launch a weights and biases hyperparameter sweep, you can use the scripts/ file.

	--config-path=/path/to/local/configs \
	--config-name=local_config_name \
	hydra.searchpath=[$EVENT_STREAM_PATH/configs] # This line ensures hydra can find the pre-defined default

An example of the overriding local config is:

  - hyperparameter_sweep_base # IMPORTANT: This defaults to the pre-defined repository config!
  - _self_

    value: /path/to/experiment/dir
    value: # of dataloader workers
      value: /path/to/data/cohort
        -   - [param list 1 entry 1]
            - [param list 1 entry 2]
            - '...'

The default config establishes default ranges for a number of standard parameters, and uses hydra mandatory missing parameters for other arguments that must be set on the command line. After you create the weights and biases sweep, you can simply launch weights and biases agents, in the directory $EVENT_STREAM_PATH/scripts and sourced in the appropriate environment and models will spin up as normal.

During hyperparameter tuning, many warnings about "unnecessary parameters" may be printed -- e.g., WARNING: categorical_embedding_dim is set to 16 but do_split_embeddings=False. Setting categorical_embedding_dim to None. These are normal and do not indicate anything is wrong; rather, they merely reflect the fact that the hyperparameter sweep will search over parameters even when they are made irrelevant by other choices in the config.

Pre-training your own model

Of course, this module isn't merely intended for you to be able to run this class of models, but rather should also enable you to easily test your own, huggingface API compatible models. To make your own model, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Write your own model class. Structure it to follow the interface (inputs and outputs) of EventStream models.
  2. Copy the file into your own repository. Adjust imports as necessary to refer to the installed EventStream Package and your new model.
  3. Adjust the internals of your new lightning class so the internal model used is your model class.
  4. Adjust the defined PretrainConfig object to point to your model's config class in the _target_ variable. Rename the config so it does not conflict in the Hydra Store with the EventStream default PretrainConfig.
  5. Copy whichever scripts you want to use from the repository, adjust them to point to your new lightning's train function and config by default, and launch models with these scripts as you would have previously with the built-in model.

On our roadmap of features to add includes support for dynamically defined user models and configs from the command line with built in scripts out of the gate, so that fewer (if any) components need to be directly copied from this repository; stay tuned for further updates on that front!


To fine-tune a model, use the scripts/ script. Much like pre-training, this script leverages hydra to run, but now using the FinetuneConfig configuration object:

class FinetuneConfig:
    load_from_model_dir: str | Path = omegaconf.MISSING
    task_df_name: str | None = omegaconf.MISSING

    pretrained_weights_fp: Path | None = "${load_from_model_dir}/pretrained_weights"
    save_dir: str | None = (

    wandb_logger_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.field(
        default_factory=lambda: {
            "name": "${task_df_name}_finetuning",
            "project": None,
            "team": None,
            "log_model": True,
            "do_log_graph": True,

    wandb_experiment_config_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.field(
        default_factory=lambda: {
            "save_dir": "${save_dir}",

    do_overwrite: bool = False
    seed: int = 1

    # Config override parameters
    config: dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.field(
        default_factory=lambda: {
            "task_specific_params": {
                "pooling_method": "last",
                "num_samples": None,
    optimization_config: OptimizationConfig = OptimizationConfig()
    data_config: dict[str, Any] | None = dataclasses.field(
        default_factory=lambda: {
            "subsequence_sampling_strategy": SubsequenceSamplingStrategy.TO_END,
            "seq_padding_side": SeqPaddingSide.RIGHT,
            "task_df_name": "${task_df_name}",
            "train_subset_size": "FULL",
            "train_subset_seed": 1,

    trainer_config: dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.field(
        default_factory=lambda: {
            "accelerator": "auto",
            "devices": "auto",
            "detect_anomaly": False,
            "default_root_dir": "${save_dir}/model_checkpoints",
            "log_every_n_steps": 10,

The hydra integration is not quite as smooth at fine-tuning time as it is during pre-training; namely, this is because it the user may want to simultaneously load all prescient details from the pre-trained model configuration setting and overwrite some details, such as dropout rates. This configuration object handles much of this logic for you, and in general you will only need to specify (1) the directory of the pre-trained model to load and fine-tune, (2) the name of the task dataframe (stored in the task_dfs subdirectory of the dataset configuration file's save_dir parameter) for models to run successfully. In this case, a command may look like:

	load_from_model_dir=/pretrained/model/dir \
	optimization_config.batch_size=64 \
	optimization_config.init_lr=1e-4 \
	optimization_config.end_lr=null \
	optimization_config.max_epochs=25 \

If you wish to pursue a few-shot fine-tuning experiment, you can use the parameters train_subset_size and train_subset_seed to control that.

Zero-shot Generation

Building on the existing HuggingFace API, you can also generate future values given a generative model very easily. In particular, given a FinetuneConfig object describing the data/model you wish to use for generation, you can simply do the following:

# Initialize the config, overwriting the `max_seq_len` argument to a smaller value for the `data_config` to
# account for the elements you'll generate within the model's maximum sequence length.
cfg = FinetuneConfig(
        "max_seq_len": 128,
        "subsequence_sampling_strategy": "to_end",
        "do_include_start_time_min": True,
        "seq_padding_side": "left",
ESD = Dataset.load(cfg.data_config.save_dir)
train_pyd = PytorchDataset(cfg.data_config, split="train")
M = ESTForGenerativeSequenceModeling.from_pretrained(
    cfg.pretrained_weights_fp, config=cfg.config
sample_dataloader = DataLoader(
    train_pyd, batch_size=1, collate_fn=train_pyd.collate, shuffle=False
sample_batch = next(iter(sample_dataloader))

generated = M.generate(
    max_new_events=2,  # Note that this must be within the model's `max_seq_len` - the input data length

# generated.batch contains an extended PytorchBatch object with both the original data and
# the new, generated data

Automated Zero-shot Evaluation

You can use generation to perform zero-shot predictions for a given fine-tuning task by following the following steps:

  1. Make a new python file which contains a "labeler": a python object subclassing the Labeler interface which implements a __call__ method taking as input a batch of data, an input sequence length, and a configuration file and predict your task's label. from that batch, if possible, and otherwise indicate that it is not possible. For example, if your task is to predict in-hospital mortality, your class would need to look at the elements of the batch after the input sequence length and see if any death events happen before the first discharge event.
  2. You need to copy this labeling class definition file (all necessary functions and such used by the class must live in that single file) into the data directories task dataframes subfolder with the name ${task_df_name}
  3. You can then use the scripts/ script to run a zero-shot evaluation via a Hydra config on that task labeler and any pre-trained model.

Controlling Resource Usage

This library uses polars, which is very fast, but can be memory intensive due to its extensive parallelization. One strategy one can take to control for this and limit the total memory usage is to limit the maximum number of threads polars is permitted to use while running. This can be controlled via the environment variable POLARS_MAX_THREADS. If this environment variable is set in the shell prior to running ESGPT commands, the ESGPT module will respect those limitations. For example:


You can read more about this in the polars documentation.


EventStream code is tested in the global tests folder. These tests can be run via python -m unittest in the global directory. These tests are not exhaustive, particularly in covering the operation of EventStreamTransformer, but they are relatively comprehensive over core EventStreamData functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see this google doc for a running list of some common questions or errors that people have encountered.


Contributions to the EventStream project are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have feature requests, or would like to submit improvements, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a new issue to report the problem or suggest a new feature.
  2. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes.
  3. Make your changes, ensuring that they follow the existing code style and structure.
  4. Submit a pull request for review and integration into the main repository.

Please ensure that your contributions are well-documented and include tests where necessary.


Please cite the following paper if this library is useful in your research work!


This project is licensed under the LICENSE file provided in the repository.