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A helper React HOC to pass any props to a component.


# npm
npm install inject-props

# yarn
yarn add inject-props


import { injectProps } from 'inject-props'
import React from 'react'

const Message = ({ className, text }) => (
  <div className={className}>

const ErrorMessage = injectProps({ className: 'errorMessage' })(Message)

<ErrorMessage text="Error!" />
// → <MyComponent className="errorMessage" text="Error!" />

const MessageByType = injectProps(
  props => ({
    className: props.type === 'error' ? 'errorMessage' : '',

<MessageByType type="error" text="Error!" />
// → <MyComponent className="errorMessage" text="Error!" />

<MessageByType type="generic" text="Error!" />
// → <MyComponent className="" text="Error!" />


injectProps(props[, mergeProps]): Component => WrapperComponent

A helper HOC to pass any props to a component.

Argument Type Description
props object | props => object A set of props to forward to the component; or, a function which receives the props passed to the component and returns a set of props to forward to the component.
mergeProps (injectedProps, ownProps) => object A function used to merge the props provided by the HOC with the props passed to the wrapped component. Defaults to (injectedProps, ownProps) => ({ ...ownProps, ...injectedProps }).
Component ReactComponent The component to wrap.
const MyConnectedComponent = injectProps({ foo: 'bar' })(MyComponent)

<MyConnectedComponent x={1} y={2} />
// → <MyComponent x={1} y={2} foo="bar" />
const MyConnectedComponent = injectProps(
  props => ({ foo: props.x + props.y }),

<MyConnectedComponent x={1} y={2} />
// → <MyComponent x={1} y={2} foo={3} />
const MyConnectedComponent = injectProps(
  props => ({ foo: props.x + props.y }),
  (injectedProps, ownProps) => injectedProps,

<MyConnectedComponent x={1} y={2} />
// → <MyComponent foo={3} />
