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Matt Needham edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 17 revisions


Welcome to the PyPardot4 wiki!

PyPardot4 is a wrapper for Version 4 of the Pardot API. You can find full documentation of the API here.

PyPardot was originally made by Josh Geller. If your Pardot instance is compliant with Version 3 of the Pardot API, you should still use PyPardot. Unsure which version you need to use? From the official API documentation:

In order to accommodate multiple prospects with the same email address, we have created a new version of our APIs - version 4. If your Pardot org has this feature enabled now, then you must use version 4. If your Pardot org does not have this featured enabled, you must use version 3. To determine if your Pardot org has this feature enabled, check out this guide.

PyPardot4 is largely untested. If you are interested in helping with the full testing of PyPardot4, please test out some of the methods not crossed off on this page.


These pages are where you can learn all about the classes of PyPardot4. Each class is based around a Pardot object and contains method for querying and using that Pardot object.

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