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V1 Transactions Cash Sale Request




Name Type Tags Description Getter Setter
additionalAmounts ?(AdditionalAmount[]) Optional Additional amounts getAdditionalAmounts(): ?array setAdditionalAmounts(?array additionalAmounts): void
billingAddress ?BillingAddress Optional Billing Address Object getBillingAddress(): ?BillingAddress setBillingAddress(?BillingAddress billingAddress): void
checkinDate ?string Optional Checkin Date - The time difference between checkin_date and checkout_date must be less than or equal to 99 days.
Constraints: Maximum Length: 10, Pattern: ^[\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}$
getCheckinDate(): ?string setCheckinDate(?string checkinDate): void
checkoutDate ?string Optional Checkout Date - The time difference between checkin_date and checkout_date must be less than or equal to 99 days.
Constraints: Maximum Length: 10, Pattern: ^[\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}$
getCheckoutDate(): ?string setCheckoutDate(?string checkoutDate): void
clerkNumber ?string Optional Clerk or Employee Identifier
Constraints: Maximum Length: 16
getClerkNumber(): ?string setClerkNumber(?string clerkNumber): void
contactApiId ?string Optional This can be supplied in place of contact_id if you would like to use a contact for the transaction and are using your own custom api_id's to track contacts in the system.
Constraints: Maximum Length: 36
getContactApiId(): ?string setContactApiId(?string contactApiId): void
contactId ?string Optional If contact_id is provided, ensure it belongs to the same location as the transaction. You cannot move transaction across locations.
Constraints: Pattern: ^(([0-9a-fA-F\-]{24,36})|(([0-9a-fA-F]{8})-(([0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-){3})([0-9a-fA-F]{12})))$
getContactId(): ?string setContactId(?string contactId): void
customData ?array Optional A field that allows custom JSON to be entered to store extra data. getCustomData(): ?array setCustomData(?array customData): void
customerId ?string Optional Can be used by Merchants to identify Contacts in our system by an ID from another system.
Constraints: Maximum Length: 64
getCustomerId(): ?string setCustomerId(?string customerId): void
description ?string Optional Description
Constraints: Minimum Length: 1, Maximum Length: 64
getDescription(): ?string setDescription(?string description): void
identityVerification ?IdentityVerification Optional Identity Verification getIdentityVerification(): ?IdentityVerification setIdentityVerification(?IdentityVerification identityVerification): void
iiasInd ?int (IiasIndEnum) Optional Possible values are '0', '1','2' getIiasInd(): ?int setIiasInd(?int iiasInd): void
imageFront ?string Optional A base64 encoded string for the image. Used with Check21 ACH transactions. getImageFront(): ?string setImageFront(?string imageFront): void
imageBack ?string Optional A base64 encoded string for the image. Used with Check21 ACH transactions. getImageBack(): ?string setImageBack(?string imageBack): void
installment ?bool Optional Flag that is allowed to be passed on card not present industries to signify the transaction is a fixed installment plan transaction. getInstallment(): ?bool setInstallment(?bool installment): void
installmentNumber ?int Optional If this is a fixed installment plan and installment field is being passed as 1, then this field must have a vlue of 1-999 specifying the current installment number that is running.
Constraints: >= 1, <= 999
getInstallmentNumber(): ?int setInstallmentNumber(?int installmentNumber): void
installmentCount ?int Optional If this is a fixed installment plan and installment field is being passed as 1, then this field must have a vlue of 1-999 specifying the total number of installments on the plan. This number must be grater than or equal to installment_number.
Constraints: >= 1, <= 999
getInstallmentCount(): ?int setInstallmentCount(?int installmentCount): void
locationApiId ?string Optional This can be supplied in place of location_id for the transaction if you are using your own custom api_id's for your locations.
Constraints: Maximum Length: 36
getLocationApiId(): ?string setLocationApiId(?string locationApiId): void
locationId ?string Optional A valid Location Id to associate the transaction with.
Constraints: Pattern: ^(([0-9a-fA-F\-]{24,36})|(([0-9a-fA-F]{8})-(([0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-){3})([0-9a-fA-F]{12})))$
getLocationId(): ?string setLocationId(?string locationId): void
productTransactionId ?string Optional The Product's method (cc/ach) has to match the action. If not provided, the API will use the default configured for the Location.
Constraints: Pattern: ^(([0-9a-fA-F\-]{24,36})|(([0-9a-fA-F]{8})-(([0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-){3})([0-9a-fA-F]{12})))$
getProductTransactionId(): ?string setProductTransactionId(?string productTransactionId): void
advanceDeposit ?bool Optional Advance Deposit getAdvanceDeposit(): ?bool setAdvanceDeposit(?bool advanceDeposit): void
noShow ?bool Optional Used in Lodging getNoShow(): ?bool setNoShow(?bool noShow): void
notificationEmailAddress ?string Optional If email is supplied then receipt will be emailed getNotificationEmailAddress(): ?string setNotificationEmailAddress(?string notificationEmailAddress): void
orderNumber ?string Optional Required for CC transactions , if merchant's deposit account's duplicate check per batch has 'order_number' field
Constraints: Maximum Length: 32
getOrderNumber(): ?string setOrderNumber(?string orderNumber): void
poNumber ?string Optional Purchase Order number
Constraints: Maximum Length: 36
getPoNumber(): ?string setPoNumber(?string poNumber): void
quickInvoiceId ?string Optional Can be used to associate a transaction to a Quick Invoice. Quick Invoice transactions will have a value for this field automatically.
Constraints: Pattern: ^(([0-9a-fA-F\-]{24,36})|(([0-9a-fA-F]{8})-(([0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-){3})([0-9a-fA-F]{12})))$
getQuickInvoiceId(): ?string setQuickInvoiceId(?string quickInvoiceId): void
recurring ?bool Optional Flag that is allowed to be passed on card not present industries to signify the transaction is an ongoing recurring transaction. Possible values to send are 0 or 1. This field must be 0 or not present if installment is sent as 1. getRecurring(): ?bool setRecurring(?bool recurring): void
recurringNumber ?int Optional If this is an ongoing recurring and recurring field is being passed as 1, then this field must have a vlue of 1-999 specifying the current recurring number that is running.
Constraints: >= 1, <= 999
getRecurringNumber(): ?int setRecurringNumber(?int recurringNumber): void
roomNum ?string Optional Used in Lodging
Constraints: Maximum Length: 12
getRoomNum(): ?string setRoomNum(?string roomNum): void
roomRate ?int Optional Required if merchant industry type is lodging. getRoomRate(): ?int setRoomRate(?int roomRate): void
saveAccount ?bool Optional Specifies to save account to contacts profile if account_number/track_data is present with either contact_id or contact_api_id in params. getSaveAccount(): ?bool setSaveAccount(?bool saveAccount): void
saveAccountTitle ?string Optional If saving token while running a transaction, this will be the title of the token.
Constraints: Maximum Length: 16
getSaveAccountTitle(): ?string setSaveAccountTitle(?string saveAccountTitle): void
subtotalAmount ?int Optional This field is allowed and required for transactions that have a product where surcharge is configured. Use only integer numbers, so $10.99 will be 1099.
Constraints: >= 0, <= 999999999
getSubtotalAmount(): ?int setSubtotalAmount(?int subtotalAmount): void
surchargeAmount ?int Optional This field is allowed and required for transactions that have a product where surcharge is configured. Use only integer numbers, so $10.99 will be 1099.
Constraints: >= 1, <= 999999999
getSurchargeAmount(): ?int setSurchargeAmount(?int surchargeAmount): void
tags ?(string[]) Optional Tags getTags(): ?array setTags(?array tags): void
tax ?int Optional Amount of Sales tax - If supplied, this amount should be included in the total transaction_amount field. Use only integer numbers, so $10.99 will be 1099.
Constraints: >= 0, <= 999999999
getTax(): ?int setTax(?int tax): void
tipAmount ?int Optional Optional tip amount. Tip is not supported for lodging and ecommerce merchants. Use only integer numbers, so $10.99 will be 1099.
Constraints: >= 0, <= 999999999
getTipAmount(): ?int setTipAmount(?int tipAmount): void
transactionAmount int Required Amount of the transaction. This should always be the desired settle amount of the transaction. Use only integer numbers, so $10.99 will be 1099.
Constraints: >= 1, <= 999999999
getTransactionAmount(): int setTransactionAmount(int transactionAmount): void
secondaryAmount ?int Optional Secondary Amount of the transaction. This should always be less than transaction amount. Use only integer numbers, so $10.99 will be 1099
Constraints: >= 0, <= 999999999
getSecondaryAmount(): ?int setSecondaryAmount(?int secondaryAmount): void
transactionApiId ?string Optional See api_id page for more details
Constraints: Maximum Length: 64
getTransactionApiId(): ?string setTransactionApiId(?string transactionApiId): void
transactionC1 ?string Optional Custom field 1 for api users to store custom data
Constraints: Maximum Length: 128
getTransactionC1(): ?string setTransactionC1(?string transactionC1): void
transactionC2 ?string Optional Custom field 2 for api users to store custom data
Constraints: Maximum Length: 128
getTransactionC2(): ?string setTransactionC2(?string transactionC2): void
transactionC3 ?string Optional Custom field 3 for api users to store custom data
Constraints: Maximum Length: 128
getTransactionC3(): ?string setTransactionC3(?string transactionC3): void
bankFundedOnlyOverride ?bool Optional Bank Funded Only Override getBankFundedOnlyOverride(): ?bool setBankFundedOnlyOverride(?bool bankFundedOnlyOverride): void
allowPartialAuthorizationOverride ?bool Optional Allow Partial Authorization Override getAllowPartialAuthorizationOverride(): ?bool setAllowPartialAuthorizationOverride(?bool allowPartialAuthorizationOverride): void
autoDeclineCvvOverride ?bool Optional Auto Decline CVV Override getAutoDeclineCvvOverride(): ?bool setAutoDeclineCvvOverride(?bool autoDeclineCvvOverride): void
autoDeclineStreetOverride ?bool Optional Auto Decline Street Override getAutoDeclineStreetOverride(): ?bool setAutoDeclineStreetOverride(?bool autoDeclineStreetOverride): void
autoDeclineZipOverride ?bool Optional Auto Decline Zip Override getAutoDeclineZipOverride(): ?bool setAutoDeclineZipOverride(?bool autoDeclineZipOverride): void
accountHolderName ?string Optional For CC, this is the 'Name (as it appears) on Card'. For ACH, this is the 'Name on Account'.
Constraints: Maximum Length: 32
getAccountHolderName(): ?string setAccountHolderName(?string accountHolderName): void
responseMessage ?string Optional Response Message
Constraints: Maximum Length: 255
getResponseMessage(): ?string setResponseMessage(?string responseMessage): void

Example (as JSON)

  "checkin_date": "2021-12-01",
  "checkout_date": "2021-12-01",
  "clerk_number": "AE1234",
  "contact_id": "11e95f8ec39de8fbdb0a4f1a",
  "custom_data": {
    "data1": "custom1",
    "data2": "custom2"
  "customer_id": "customerid",
  "description": "some description",
  "iias_ind": 1,
  "image_front": "U29tZVN0cmluZ09idmlvdXNseU5vdEJhc2U2NEVuY29kZWQ=",
  "image_back": "U29tZVN0cmluZ09idmlvdXNseU5vdEJhc2U2NEVuY29kZWQ=",
  "installment": true,
  "installment_number": 1,
  "installment_count": 1,
  "location_api_id": "location-api-id-florida-2",
  "location_id": "11e95f8ec39de8fbdb0a4f1a",
  "product_transaction_id": "11e95f8ec39de8fbdb0a4f1a",
  "advance_deposit": false,
  "no_show": false,
  "notification_email_address": "[email protected]",
  "order_number": "433659378839",
  "po_number": "555555553123",
  "quick_invoice_id": "11e95f8ec39de8fbdb0a4f1a",
  "recurring": false,
  "recurring_number": 1,
  "room_num": "303",
  "room_rate": 95,
  "save_account": false,
  "save_account_title": "John Account",
  "subtotal_amount": 599,
  "surcharge_amount": 100,
  "tax": 0,
  "tip_amount": 0,
  "transaction_amount": 1,
  "secondary_amount": 0,
  "transaction_api_id": "transaction-payment-abcd123",
  "transaction_c1": "custom-data-1",
  "transaction_c2": "custom-data-2",
  "transaction_c3": "custom-data-3",
  "bank_funded_only_override": false,
  "allow_partial_authorization_override": false,
  "auto_decline_cvv_override": false,
  "auto_decline_street_override": false,
  "auto_decline_zip_override": false,
  "account_holder_name": "smith",
  "additional_amounts": [
      "type": "surcharge",
      "amount": 32,
      "account_type": "unknown",
      "currency": 16.66
  "billing_address": {
    "city": "city2",
    "state": "state6",
    "postal_code": "postal_code0",
    "street": "street8",
    "phone": "phone2"