diff --git a/Modelica/Resources/Documentation/Version-4.1.0/ResolvedGitHubIssues.html b/Modelica/Resources/Documentation/Version-4.1.0/ResolvedGitHubIssues.html
index efdbb3ba3d..dccae873bb 100644
--- a/Modelica/Resources/Documentation/Version-4.1.0/ResolvedGitHubIssues.html
+++ b/Modelica/Resources/Documentation/Version-4.1.0/ResolvedGitHubIssues.html
@@ -1,798 +1,1924 @@
- MSL 4.1.0 GitHub issues
-GitHub issues resolved for v4.1.0
-As part of this release 393 issues (including 295 pull requests (PR)) were closed.
-- #3552 (PR) Add division tag around image tags
-- #3673 (PR) Update DLR contact address
-- #3745 (PR) Update DLR contact link
-- #4136 (PR) Unify spelling of controllers
-- #4196 (PR) Fix and add ITEA links
-- #4208 (PR) Bump used Modelica language version to 3.6
-- #3639 (PR) Fix missing include in Common.c (CI)
-- #3642 (PR) Include provided header files (CI)
-- #3643 (PR) Fix and extend table tests (CI)
-- #3681 (PR) Handle redirect errors in URL checker (CI)
-- #3709 (PR) Utilize GitHub Actions for CI
-- #3723 (PR) Check Modelica files for UTF-8 BOM (CI)
-- #3805 (PR) Update CI to check for deprecated Text.lineColor annotation
-- #3809 (PR) Fix exception where tag HTML was not in lower case (CI)
-- #3814 Unify spelling of controllers
-- #3851 (PR) Update tidy-html5 (CI)
-- #3886 (PR) Generate MSL Release Notes by GitHub Actions (CI)
-- #3899 (PR) Run spelling check via GitHub Actions (CI)
-- #3952 (PR) Update icons almost automatically updated to have correct gradient
-- #3972 (PR) Add problem matchers for GitHub Actions (CI)
-- #4072 Near-zero coordinates in graphical annotations
-- #4140 (PR) Clean-up of near-zero coordinates in graphical annotations
-- #4165 (PR) Fix codespell exceptions (CI)
-- #4175 Which Modelica Language version for MSL 4.1.0?
-- #4181 (PR) Update text annotations to not use deprecated features
-- #4183 (PR) Fix regex to optionally ignore quoted strings when checking for deprecated Text.lineColor annotation (CI)
-- #4203 (PR) Fix codespell exceptions (CI)
-- #3627 (PR) Blocks.Routing.Extractor: add assert for input range
-- #3878 Unit-checking using Gain and LimIntegrator-blocks
-- #4045 (PR) Fix startTime of (SignalPWM) -> ZeroOrderHold
-- #4189 (PR) Avoid having both start-value and initial equation
-- #3548 Avoid unnecessary discontinuities in sources (Cosine, Sinc)?
-- #3691 (PR) Add reading of CSV files from ModelicaTableAdditions to ModelicaStandardTables
-- #3692 (PR) Add tableOnFile parameter to icon of CombiTable blocks
-- #3762 (PR) Add a block (based on time events) to calculate the extrema of a signal
-- #3806 (PR) Missing initialization of Blocks.Math.Mean and derived blocks
-- #3831 (PR) Implement ImpulseSources
-- #3864 Undesired minimum gain of LimPID
-- #3985 (PR) Added assert condition block
-- #4006 (PR) Added new power block for raising an input to a user parameterized exponent
-- #4015 (PR) Implement continuous version of SignalExtrema
-- #4065 Unnecessary potential state events in Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Pulse
-- #4066 (PR) Replaced state events by time events
-- #3727 Value of motor.uniformNoise.localSeed in ActuatorWithNoise
-- #3595 (PR) Precising the description of u1 and u2 in Division block
-- #3683 (PR) Document matrix name syntax for table text files
-- #3975 (PR) Update wrapAngle.mo
-- #3720 (PR) Remove superfluous zeros from coordinates of CombiTable block icons
-- #3881 (PR) Revert major part of #227, and remove unit from gain parameter of Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.* blocks and Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain
-- #3893 (PR) Consider the derivatives at boundaries in the 2D-table
-- #3906 Issues with Modelica.Blocks.Math.ContinuousMean
-- #3986 (PR) Do not preserveAspectRatio for terminate-block
-- #4027 (PR) Remove discrete input
-- #4035 startTime of (SignalPWM) -> ZeroOrderHold
-- #4055 (PR) Propose better unit-handling in equation for LogSweep
-- #4118 (PR) Remove min attribute of gain in Blocks.Continuous.LimPID
-- #4122 (PR) Remove plural 's' in 'height of ramps'
-- #4150 (PR) Avoid discontinuities
-- #4151 (PR) Simpler mean
-- #4180 Remove deprecated Text.color attribute from graphical annotations
-- #4188 (PR) Fix unit errors in ExternalCombiTimeTable constructor
-- #4220 (PR) Remove real relation in non-discrete-time controlled if-statement
-- #3556 MinGW possibly neglected in safe-math.h
-- #3562 Error message for out of bounds column in tables is broken
-- #3563 (PR) Fix invalid memory access in isValidCombiTimeTable and isValidCombiTable1D
-- #3568 (PR) Do not include intsafe.h on MinGW
-- #3660 Modelica.Utilities.Files.createDirectory fails if the directory does not exist
-- #3663 (PR) Add getcwd fallback in ModelicaInternal_fullPathName
-- #3669 (PR) Fix reading file with EOL=LF on Windows
-- #3894 Derivative signal of combiTable2Ds is set to zero outside of table with HoldLastPoint
-- #3896 (PR) Fix derivatives in 2D-table for one-sided extrapolation by constant continuation
-- #3983 (PR) Fix index-out-of-bounds exception for splines
-- #3603 Memory allocation error in CombiTimeTable when given UTF16 LE file
-- #3604 (PR) ModelicaIO.c: Improve error message if reading text file containing zero bytes
-- #3686 (PR) Add ModelicaDuplicateString and ModelicaDuplicateStringWithErrorReturn (introduced in Modelica 3.5)
-- #3691 (PR) Add reading of CSV files from ModelicaTableAdditions to ModelicaStandardTables
-- #3700 (PR) Make array inputs of external C functions const (introduced in Modelica 3.5)
-- #3839 External ModelicaStandardTables lack const qualifiers for array inputs (Modelica Language Specification version 3.5)
-- #4047 (PR) Upgrade zlib to v1.3
-- #4222 (PR) Update matio library to 1.5.24
-- #3246 (PR) Remove call of localtime
-- #3564 Unguarded clang pragmas in ModelicaStrings.c
-- #3565 (PR) Add pragma guards in ModelicaStrings.c
-- #3647 Linker warning mktemp is dangerous
-- #3696 (PR) Fix some compiler warnings
-- #3728 (PR) Fix Modelica.Utilities.Strings.hashString to always use provided HASH_AP and update 3rd-party header uthash to v2.3.0
-- #3783 (PR) Remove unused static function get_token
-- #3784 (PR) Fix LCC build
-- #3787 (PR) Fix C89 compliance
-- #3861 (PR) Fixed -Wundef warning by first checking if macro is defined
-- #3867 Is ModelicaUtilities.h tool-specific?
-- #3871 (PR) Remove ModelicaUtilities.h from MSL distribution
-- #3893 (PR) Consider the derivatives at boundaries in the 2D-table
-- #3903 Modelica.Blocks.Tables: Wrong format specifier is ignored
-- #3905 (PR) ModelicaIO.c: Fix error handling for invalid format specifier in text file
-- #3801 (PR) Remove duplicate "and" in doc string
-- #3971 Clocked noise example modifying something not in constraining class
-- #4070 Unused parameters in Modelica.Clocked.ClockSignals.Clocks.Logical
-- #4071 (PR) Propagate useSolver to these variants as well
-- #4074 (PR) Fix for #3971
-- #1260 Complex.scalarProduct not a scalar product
-- #3651 Complex transfer function block uses wrong order of coefficients
-- #3733 (PR) Fix interpretation of coefficients of complex transfer function
-- #3742 (PR) Fix implementation of scalarProduct
-- #4239 (PR) Simplify ComplexRampPhasor
-- #3584 (PR) Smooth complex
-- #3659 (PR) Mark ComplexBlocks and FundamentalWave with DocumentationClass
-- #3638 (PR) Use one character instead of line drawings
-- #3677 (PR) Do not fail for w<=0 in Complex TransferFunction
-- #3768 Conversion from ModelicaServices and Complex version 3.2.3 to 4.0.0?
-- #3770 (PR) Add missing conversions for Complex and Services 3.2.3
-- #4264 (PR) Set unit instead of having it in description
-- #2056 Proper definition of Modelica.Constants.{eps,small}
-- #4042 (PR) Give a proper definition of machine constants.
-- #3295 Unit of permeability
-- #3811 (PR) Change unit of permeability to V.s/(A.m)
-- #4155 (PR) Add units to mathematical constants
-- #3827 (PR) Fix M_Oline.segment as discussed in #3826
-- #3828 (PR) Fix initialization of Lines as discussed in #3826
-- #3748 Inconsistent M_OLine
-- #3830 (PR) Unify Lines models
-- #3831 (PR) Implement ImpulseSources
-- #3833 (PR) Improvements to line models
-- #3904 DC PowerSupply missing
-- #3926 (PR) Implemented and tested PowerSupply
-- #3590 (PR) Changed homotopy parameter to be consistent
-- #3625 (PR) Wrong StopTime for DifferenceAmplifier
-- #3819 (PR) Lines examples
-- #4020 This looks like a typo in the description?
-- #4025 (PR) #4020 This looks like a typo in the description?
-- #4206 (PR) Remove redundant diagram text from Analog examples (second attempt)
-- #4245 Connect(p, p) in Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.Utilities.SwitchedCapacitor?
-- #4261 (PR) Remove self-connect
-- #3815 (PR) Fix inconsistent M_OLine model
-- #3960 Documentation image M_OLine error
-- #3961 (PR) Remove outdated unused image files
-- #3987 (PR) Set Evaluate = true for IdealTransformer.considerMagnetization
-- #4119 (PR) Fix unit error in Thyristor
-- #4147 (PR) Fix annotations
-- #3878 Unit-checking using Gain and LimIntegrator-blocks
-- #3901 Possible bug in Modelica.Electrical.Batteries.Utilities.PulseSeries
-- #3902 (PR) Electrical.Batteries.Utilities.PulseSeries
-- #4098 Unit error in Modelica.Electrical.Batteries.Examples.BatteryDischargeCharge
-- #4112 (PR) Fix unit error in CCCVcharging
-- #3804 (PR) Fix/remove dead links
-- #4174 Unused parameters in Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Examples.Utilities.DFF
-- #4176 (PR) Fix (and rename) parameters of Modelica.Electrical.Digital.Examples.Utilities.DFF
-- #4158 (PR) Remove unit-casting
-- #3786 (PR) Rotational coupling
-- #3920 (PR) Liberate machine parameter m
-- #4052 (PR) Fix SI units by introducing reference phase impedance ZsRef
-- #3816 Remove Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.ControlledDCDrives.Utilities.Battery
-- #4011 (PR) Remove battery model from examples
-- #3937 Dead Modelica URI link in documentation
-- #3939 (PR) Removes commented Modelica URI link in documentation with list
-- #3472 Remove reference signals of zero sequence currents of electric machine examples
-- #3622 Unused parameter in function
-- #3623 (PR) Remove unused code (#3622)
-- #3951 Missing gradient colors in some Icons
-- #4030 Bug in a component: Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Sensors.HallSensor
-- #4031 (PR) Fix HallSensor
-- #3963 Parameter T not considered in Polyphase Resistors and Conductors
-- #3964 (PR) Propagate parameter T in Polyphase Resistors and Conductors
-- #3626 (PR) Correct a bug in Modelica.Electrical.PowerConverters.DCAC.Control.SVPWM
-- #3897 (PR) PowerConverters.DCDC.HBridge
-- #3910 (PR) Fix parameter propagation of IntersectivePWM
-- #3679 (PR) Implement choice between sawtooth and triangle reference signal in PowerConverters/DCDC/Control/SignalPWM
-- #3774 (PR) Add ChopperBuckBoost to PowerConverters
-- #3895 Fire signals of H-Bridge
-- #3682 (PR) Update link in documentation to no longer rely on Freescience.info
-- #3842 (PR) Fix permanent link redirect
-- #3887 Inadequate handling of geometric corner case in PowerConverters.DCAC.Control.SVPWM
-- #3888 (PR) Update block descriptions of control blocks
-- #3892 (PR) Avoid values out of bound, and simplify logic in PowerConverters.DCAC.Control.SVPWM
-- #4035 startTime of (SignalPWM) -> ZeroOrderHold
-- #4054 Model issues detected by unit checking ThreePhaseTwoLevel_PWM
-- #4152 (PR) Correct start-value for t0 in ThreePhaseTwoLevel
-- #4022 (PR) Removed duplicate definition of m
-- #3697 (PR) Quasi-static Transformer
-- #3705 (PR) Add the connection indicator to the terminal box icon
-- #3865 Why are there no single phase quasistatic RMS voltage and current sensors?
-- #3876 (PR) Add QuasiRMS voltage and current single-phase sensors
-- #3873 Documentation mentions Quasi-static AC machine models not being available
-- #3874 (PR) Update documentation of quasi-static AC machines
-- #3938 (PR) Strip leading newline in img.alt attributes
-- #4021 Duplicate non-identical component in Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStatic.Polyphase.Sources.FrequencySweepVoltageSource
-- #4264 (PR) Set unit instead of having it in description
-- #3676 (PR) Remove repeated advice on package Internal (previously called Repository)
-- #3576 Rewrite if Boolean == true then
-- #3812 (PR) Simplify "if Boolean == true" to "if Boolean"
-- #4135 (PR) Delete redundant points of polygon annotation of connectors
-- #3758 Jump in Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.LaminarAndQuadraticTurbulent.massFlowRate_dp_staticHead
-- #3924 (PR) Fix the bad Evaluate annotation
-- #3944 Bug in the SharpEdgedOrifice for Loss factors
-- #3953 Wrong enthalpies calculated by DynamicPipe
-- #3959 (PR) Fixed Wb_flows discretization terms for DynamicPipe
-- #4144 Dimension mismatch in function linearPower
-- #4258 (PR) Bug in SharpEdgedOrifice for Loss factors resolved
-- #4259 (PR) Fix dimension error of Modelica.Fluid.Machines.BaseClasses.PumpCharacteristics.linearPower
-- #3654 (PR) Remove unused/undocumented block setReal from example
-- #3656 The reference solution of Modelica.Fluid.Examples.Explanatory.MomentumBalanceFittings is wrong
-- #3657 (PR) Add start value to ensure convergence to the right flow in suddenExpansion1
-- #3779 (PR) choicesAllMatching=true is the correct annotation!
-- #3782 What is the quality of the TankWithEmptyingPipe1 reference result?
-- #3813 (PR) Decrease solver tolerance of Modelica.Fluid.Examples.AST_BatchPlant.Test.TankWithEmptyingPipe1
-- #4032 (PR) The dT is a temperature difference
-- #4033 (PR) Reduce guess for initial temperature difference across wall.
-- #3629 (PR) Fix outdated contact
-- #3715 (PR) Remove superfluous blank line in documentation of Modelica.Fluid.UsersGuide.ComponentDefinition.WallFriction
-- #3863 (PR) Add missing parenthesis in fluid user guide page
-- #3649 (PR) Just use "redeclare" instead of "redeclare final"
-- #3760 (PR) Fix assert message of Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.BaseClasses.WallFriction.NoFriction.massFlowRate_dp_staticHead
-- #3802 (PR) State temperatures in PartialHeatTransfer declared as Medium-specific type
-- #3951 Missing gradient colors in some Icons
-- #4104 (PR) Remove modification of 'quantity' for FixedBoundary.X
-- #4157 (PR) If the limits don't make sense use linear interpolation in Modelica.Fluid.Utilities.regfun3
-- #1429 Conditionally uninitialized output variable Re in Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.kc_flatTube used
-- #3743 (PR) Resort variable declarations of Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.{kc_flatTube, kc_flatTube_KC, kc_roundTube_KC} such that they are declared before used
-- #3744 (PR) Add assertion in else branches of Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.HeatExchanger.{kc_flatTube, kc_flatTube_KC, kc_roundTube, kc_roundTube_KC}
-- #4147 (PR) Fix annotations
-- #3632 (PR) Render borders
-- #4135 (PR) Delete redundant points of polygon annotation of connectors
-- #4158 (PR) Remove unit-casting
-- #3993 (PR) FluxTubes: some improvements in shapes and material
-- #4077 Unit error in Modelica.Magnetic.FluxTubes.Examples.MovingCoilActuator.ArmatureStroke
-- #4109 (PR) Fix unit errors in ArmatureStroke
-- #3847 (PR) Fix link
-- #4211 (PR) Fix broken link in Modelica.Magnetic.FluxTubes
-- #3295 Unit of permeability
-- #3951 Missing gradient colors in some Icons
-- #4007 Redundant connect equation in ConstantActuator
-- #4008 (PR) Remove redundant connect equation in ConstantActuator
-- #4158 (PR) Remove unit-casting
-- #4172 (PR) Protect internal ports of base class machines
-- #3817 (PR) Implemented split of stray inductance in common and individual part
-- #3822 (PR) Add documentation of SinglePhaseInductance
-- #3736 (PR) More clearly specify damper cage in synchronous machine models
-- #3472 Remove reference signals of zero sequence currents of electric machine examples
-- #4187 (PR) Remove newlines at end of Text primitive
-- #3997 (PR) Propagate the angle alpha also in the calculation of A in HollowCylinderRadialFlux
-- #4158 (PR) Remove unit-casting
-- #4172 (PR) Protect internal ports of base class machines
-- #3993 (PR) FluxTubes: some improvements in shapes and material
-- #3592 (PR) Fix name of plot variable in documentation
-- #3803 (PR) Added an example to demonstrate ideal field weakening
-- #3845 (PR) QuasiStatic example induction machine with inverter
-- #3593 Check documentation of induction machines' examples
-- #3659 (PR) Mark ComplexBlocks and FundamentalWave with DocumentationClass
-- #3736 (PR) More clearly specify damper cage in synchronous machine models
-- #3823 (PR) Remove obsolete "(quasi-static)" from documentation
-- #3472 Remove reference signals of zero sequence currents of electric machine examples
-- #3620 (PR) Refs #3593: Fix documentation of quasi-static machine examples
-- #3836 Incorrect results from isPowerOf2 for large inputs
-- #3850 (PR) Avoid max({}) in Modelica.Math.Matrices.nullSpace
-- #3919 (PR) Use boolean array reductions
-- #3578 Order Modelica.Math.Matrices.LAPACK
-- #3602 (PR) Reorder Lapack functions in alphabetic order
-- #3703 (PR) Avoid deprecated "builtin" external language for common mathematical functions
-- #3843 (PR) Fully integer based version of isPowerOf2
-- #3849 Invalid function Modelica.Math.Matrices.nullSpace calculating max({})
-- #4036 Illegal value of 'lwork' in LAPACK.dtrsen
-- #4039 (PR) Most LAPACK routines don't want lwork=0 and/or work with size zero
-- #3588 Quaternions.from_T returns error for valid matrix
-- #3710 Singular Jacobian of the initial equations for the rotational constraint in Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Joints.Constraints.Prismatic
-- #3718 (PR) Correct Constraints.Prismatic
-- #3989 ForceAndTorque model does not set color of force arrow
-- #3990 (PR) Pass forceColor to arrow visualizer
-- #4145 Error with frame_resolve math in BasicAbsoluteAngularVelocity sensor
-- #4148 (PR) Fix false calculation of w (omega) when resolveInFrame == frame_resolve
-- #3724 (PR) Stable calculation of quaternion from transformation matrix
-- #3859 (PR) Fix missing or ambiguous SI-units in MultiBody.Sensors
-- #3908 Late inlining of Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Frames.Internal.maxWithoutEvent
-- #4133 (PR) Replace 'Inline=false' with late inlining
-- #3706 Wrongly fixed initial conditions in example Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Constraints.PrismaticConstraint
-- #3712 (PR) Initialize motion in x direction (r_rel_a_1) instead of in z (r_rel_a_3)
-- #3776 Link rot
-- #3866 startBackward and startForward should not be reference results
-- #3870 (PR) Remove startBackward and startForward from reference results
-- #4080 Unit error in Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Utilities.GasForce2
-- #4081 (PR) Delete variables dens and R_air from Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Utilities.GasForce2
-- #4108 (PR) Fix unit error in RobotR3.OneAxis
-- #3610 shapeType documentation example for file:// is inconsistent with standard file URIs
-- #3613 (PR) Add missing URI separator in file URIs
-- #3804 (PR) Fix/remove dead links
-- #3933 (PR) Update documentation of Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Advanced
-- #4184 (PR) Restore documentation of Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Internal.Lines
-- #4217 (PR) Documentation: clarify mind-set of planar rotation
-- #2474 Spherical, etc. render poorly on non-white backgrounds
-- #3445 Wrong rotation direction in planarRotation functions
-- #3634 (PR) Utilize ellipses' closure
-- #3716 (PR) Improve icons of joint assemblies RRR and RRP
-- #3725 (PR) Simplify selection of constraint equations to be used
-- #3729 (PR) Fix position of component's and parameter's name according to icon conventions
-- #3730 (PR) Use ellipses instead of arcs by lines in Mechanics.MultiBody.Forces
-- #3835 (PR) Remove Evaluate=true for fixed=false parameter 'n_b'
-- #3932 (PR) Remove superfluous import statements for Modelica.Units.Conversions.to_unit1
-- #4147 (PR) Fix annotations
-- #4171 (PR) Initialize output array C even when multiColoredSurface=false
-- #4192 Unit errors when calling Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Frames.from_nxy
-- #4194 (PR) Correct units for normalizing vectors.
-- #4246 Unused ndim in MBS World
-- #4248 (PR) Use vector for visualization of physical quantities
-- #4266 (PR) Delete unused protected parameters ndim, ndim2 and ndim_pointGravity
-- #3661 Improve table design of Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Components.Clutch to use static tables instead of dynamic
-- #3662 (PR) Enhance frictional models based on ExternalCombiTable1D
-- #3702 (PR) Rotational and translational inverse speed dependent torque/force
-- #3786 (PR) Rotational coupling
-- #3976 (PR) Eddy current sources
-- #3866 startBackward and startForward should not be reference results
-- #3870 (PR) Remove startBackward and startForward from reference results
-- #4010 (PR) Minor fixes of the documentation of Mechanics.Rotational.Examples
-- #1493 Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialFriction.w_small
-- #3594 (PR) Fix wrong or missing documentation
-- #3633 (PR) Describe the effect of w_small in friction elements
-- #3862 (PR) Improve documentation of both rotational and translational sensors
-- #3735 (PR) Use ellipses instead of arcs by lines
-- #4204 (PR) Use mustBeConnected annotation (introduced in Modelica 3.6)
-- #4256 (PR) Fix position prescribed friction
-- #3664 Improve design of frictional translational components to use static tables instead of dynamic
-- #3690 (PR) Enhance frictional translational models based on ExternalCombiTable1D
-- #3702 (PR) Rotational and translational inverse speed dependent torque/force
-- #3976 (PR) Eddy current sources
-- #3866 startBackward and startForward should not be reference results
-- #3870 (PR) Remove startBackward and startForward from reference results
-- #3594 (PR) Fix wrong or missing documentation
-- #3862 (PR) Improve documentation of both rotational and translational sensors
-- #3942 (PR) Fix copy/paste error in description of Translational.Sources.Force2
-- #4197 Unit issue in Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Components.ElastoGap
-- #4200 (PR) Improve ElastoGap
-- #4204 (PR) Use mustBeConnected annotation (introduced in Modelica 3.6)
-- #4256 (PR) Fix position prescribed friction
-- #3666 ReferenceMoistAir, substances mass conservation issue
-- #3695 Trajectory of 'k' in R134a_setState_pTX doesn't look suitable for comparison
-- #3704 (PR) Changed Modelica.Media.R134a.R134a_ph.dofpT issue #3695
-- #3834 (PR) Correct error in function Modelica.Media.Air.ReferenceMoistAir.Utilities.pd_pTX_der
-- #4099 Unit error in Modelica.Media.Examples.SimpleLiquidWater
-- #4115 (PR) Fix unit errors in Examples.MoistAir
-- #3629 (PR) Fix outdated contact
-- #4084 (PR) Documentation: improve indentation of HTML code
-- #3576 Rewrite if Boolean == true then
-- #3650 Modelica Media Interface is information incomplete w.r.t. independent mass fractions
-- #3652 (PR) Fix descriptions and improve documentation style
-- #3763 (PR) Make constants in functions protected
-- #3766 (PR) Update FluidData.mo
-- #3812 (PR) Simplify "if Boolean == true" to "if Boolean"
-- #3885 (PR) Refactor spliceFunction_der
-- #4038 (PR) spliceFunction_der check limits
-- #4096 (PR) Fix unit error in SimpleAir
-- #4100 (PR) Use plain SI.Mass instead of medium-based 'quantity' for MixtureGases.m1 and MixtureGases.m2
-- #4103 (PR) Fix unit error in SimpleLiquidWater model
-- #4116 (PR) Fix unit errors in ReferenceAir.MoistAir
-- #4117 (PR) Fix unit error in IdealGasH2O
-- #4233 Old value for universal gas constant used for calculation of specific gas constant
-- #4238 (PR) R_s for each ideal gas record now calculated with R_NASA
-- #4243 (PR) Add massFraction function to Media library
-- #4262 (PR) Utilize PressureSlope unit in Media consistently
-- #3773 getInstanceName and spatialDistribution not listed in ModelicaReference
-- #3808 (PR) getInstanceName and spatialDistribution not listed in ModelicaReference
-- #3980 (PR) Fix variable name
-- #4023 Obsolete form of noDerivative in ModelicaReference
-- #4024 (PR) Update obsolete form of noDerivative in ModelicaReference
-- #4127 (PR) Type cast result of malloc
-- #3923 (PR) Fix misspelled file name
-- #3768 Conversion from ModelicaServices and Complex version 3.2.3 to 4.0.0?
-- #3770 (PR) Add missing conversions for Complex and Services 3.2.3
-- #3695 Trajectory of 'k' in R134a_setState_pTX doesn't look suitable for comparison
-- #3689 (PR) Add 2 more test examples to ModelicaTest.Electrical.Machines
-- #3866 startBackward and startForward should not be reference results
-- #3870 (PR) Remove startBackward and startForward from reference results
-- #3778 Reference result degradation for TestValvesCompressibleReverse (fixed by Dymola 2022)
-- #3852 Invalid models ModelicaTest.Media.TestsWithFluids.MediaTestModels.*
-- #3881 (PR) Revert major part of #227, and remove unit from gain parameter of Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.* blocks and Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain
-- #3918 (PR) Update ModelicaTest/Media.mo: Reduce dp_nominal in TestsWithFluid.Components.PartialTestModel by a factor of 1000
-- #4114 (PR) Fix unit error in TestOnly.MoistAir, R134a_setState_pTX and WaterIF97_dewEnthalpy
-- #4195 (PR) Add all defined outputs of the test example to reference signals
-- #4229 (PR) Add ZeroThresholds test in Blocks
-- #4273 (PR) Utilize PressureSlope unit in ModelicaTest consistently
-- #3614 (PR) Update Run.mos for MultiBody examples
-- #3767 (PR) Add more explicit conversion rules for inherited gasConstant function
-- #3580 (PR) Save the CFLAGS already passed to the script
-- #3591 (PR) Remove zero inductor currents in comparison signals
-- #3618 (PR) Fix result file name in Run.mos script
-- #3753 (PR) Add semicolon after conversion commands of ConvertModelica_from_3.2.3_to_4.0.0.mos
-- #3794 (PR) Turn compiler warning of implicit function declaration to error
-- #3800 (PR) Fix (all but one) conversion issues reported by Dymola
-- #3867 Is ModelicaUtilities.h tool-specific?
-- #3871 (PR) Remove ModelicaUtilities.h from MSL distribution
-- #3961 (PR) Remove outdated unused image files
-- #4179 (PR) Remove duplicates in SignalNames of 10 examples of ModelicaTest
-- #4268 (PR) Make third-party licenses explicit
-- #4076 Modelica.StateGraph.Examples.Utilities.Tank could set units for its variables.
-- #4202 (PR) Fix broken links in Modelica.StateGraph
-- #4264 (PR) Set unit instead of having it in description
-- #3956 (PR) Add animated level on the icon layer of the OpenTank
-- #4141 (PR) Documentation and description for FluidHeatFlow library improved
-- #3474 Improve doc strings and documentation of FluidHeatFlow
-- #3954 Broken link to academia.edu
-- #4199 (PR) Fix link to Holman2010
-- #3872 (PR) Add electrical quantities per unit length
-- #3295 Unit of permeability
-- #3811 (PR) Change unit of permeability to V.s/(A.m)
-- #4103 (PR) Fix unit error in SimpleLiquidWater model
-- #4264 (PR) Set unit instead of having it in description
-- #3804 (PR) Fix/remove dead links
-- #3844 Conflicting guidelines for HTML documentation conventions for tables
-- #3848 (PR) Remove
from guidelines and code
-- #3854 (PR) Remove obsoleted BMBF link
-- #4216 (PR) Add recommendation for styling of 'tab' and 'group' annotations
-- #4221 (PR) Add recommendation for code formatting (and apply it)
-- #3615 ModelicaServices classes extends from classes in a partial package
-- #3617 (PR) Models should be partial, not the package
-- #3503 (PR) Improve fault-tolerance of Modelica.Utilities.Strings.substring w.r.t. index arguments and remove undocumented case with endIndex=-999
-- #3608 Incorrect dimension parameter used when defining A in Modelica.Utilities.Examples.ReadRealMatrixFromFile
-- #3609 (PR) Use correct dimensions
-- #3921 Enhancement of Modelica.Utilities.Examples.readRealParameter
-- #3922 (PR) Adds optional default return value parameter
-- #4059 (PR) Document unicode for String functions
-- #4073 (PR) Fix documentation of Modelica.Utilities.System.getTime()