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Cursus integration for Commerce

This package assists connecting Cursus with Commerce.


Install the package and enable the module in Commerce > Configuration > Modules.

Technical Implementation

Create (in a hook or something) the CursusEventParticipant records, create an order item that you add to the cart, and add an array of participant IDs in the comOrderItem properties with key cursus_participants.

For example:

use modmore\Commerce\Frontend\Checkout\Standard;
use modmore\Commerce\Frontend\Steps\Cart;

// Instantiate the Commerce class
$path = $modx->getOption('commerce.core_path', null, MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/commerce/') . 'model/commerce/';
$params = ['mode' => $modx->getOption('commerce.mode')];
/** @var Commerce|null $commerce */
$commerce = $modx->getService('commerce', 'Commerce', $path, $params);
if (!($commerce instanceof Commerce)) {
    return '<p class="error">Oops! It is not possible to view your cart currently.' +
     'We\'re sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later.</p>';

if ($commerce->isDisabled()) {
    return $commerce->adapter->lexicon('commerce.mode.disabled.message');

$ids = [];
$participantNames = [];
// ..
// Load Cursus
// Handle submission
// Iterate over the participants
foreach($cursusParticipants as $cursusParticipant) {
    // Create event participant records in Cursus as unpaid reservation valid the next 15 minutes.
    $validUntil = new DateTime('+15 minutes');
    /** @var CursusEventParticipants $cursusEventParticipant */
    $cursusEventParticipant = $this->modx->newObject('CursusEventParticipants');
        'event_id' => $agendaEventDateId, // ID of the Agenda repeating event
        'participant_id' => $cursusParticipant->get('id'),
        'status' => 'reserved',
        'validuntil' => $validUntil->getTimestamp(),
    if (!$cursusEventParticipant->save()) {
        $this->modx->log(\xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Can\'t save the event participant!');
        $this->hook->addError('message', 'Der Kursteilnehmer konnte nicht gespeichert werden!');
        return false;
    // Keep the event participant ids in a local array
    $ids[] = $eventParticipant->get('id');
    $participantNames[] = $eventParticipant->get('firstname') . ' ' . $eventParticipant->get('name')

$order = \comOrder::loadUserOrder($commerce);

// Optionally, reset the cart if only one reservation with multiple participants can be taken per order
$orderItems = $order->getItems();
foreach ($orderItems as $orderItem) {

// Create Order Item
$item = $commerce->adapter->newObject('comOrderItem');
$item->set('currency', $order->get('currency'));
  'delivery_type' => $deliveryTypeId, // ID of a delivery type, must be set
  'tax_group' => $taxGroupId, // ID of a tax group, must be set
  'product' => $agendaEventId, // ID of the Agenda event
  'sku' => 'EVENT-' . $agendaEventDateId, // ID of the Agenda repeating event
  'name' => $agendaEventTitle, // Title of the Agenda event
  'description' => $agendaEventRange, // Title of the Agenda event
  'is_manual_price' => true,
  'price' => $agendaEventPrice, // Price of the Agenda Event in cents
  'quantity' => 1,
$item->setProperty('cursus_event_participants', implode(',', $ids));
$item->setProperty('participant_names', implode(', ', $participantNames));

// Add to order

// Send user to cart
$cartResource = $modx->getOption('commerce.cart_resource');
$cartUrl = $modx->makeUrl($cartResource);

// ALTERNATIVELY, to skip the cart and go directly to the checkout
if ($order instanceof comSessionCartOrder) {
    $order = $order->createPersistedCartOrder();
$checkoutResource = $modx->getOption('commerce.checkout_resource');
$checkoutUrl = $modx->makeUrl($checkoutResource);

The module will parse the cursus_event_participants field when the order is moved to the Processing state.

The module will also make sure the reserved participant record is still valid during the checkout.


To run locally, clone the repository and create a config.core.php in the project root that points to your MODX installation. See the config.core.sample.php for an example.

On the command line, navigate to core/components/commerce_cursus/ and run composer install to set-up the autoloader.

On the command line, run php _bootstrap/index.php to set up the required settings and module record in Commerce.

To build a new release, edit _build/build.transport.php to change the version number (not required if building for distribution) and run php _build/build.transport.php from the project root.