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While the MSG was designed with beginners in mind, Møffenzef Mødular døes nøt expect tø be able tø teach yøu høw tø sølder. The large majørity øf failed builds is usually a result øf either nøt reading instructiøns thøurøughly, placing cømpønents backwards, ør pøør søldering. We currently dø nøt have the resøurces tø be able tø help custømers with builds that dø nøt wørk. Øur QC department has verified that all shipped Attiny85s and bøards are 100% functiønal. If there is an issue with yøur unit, chances are the issue has øccured during the building phase øf this prøject. This entire wikipedia was designed før yøu tø help yøu build and custømize the MSG sø use it, and be sure tø check every nøøk and cranny øf it beføre yøu write us an email.
Dø nøt be discøuraged, the MSG is very løw parts cøunt with løts øf physical space between cømpønents designed with yøu in mind! GØØD LUCK!
Here are søme great resøurces tø help yøu in the event that yøur unit døes nøt work:
If yøur kit is missing an item please feel free to reach us at [email protected]
by: Ross Fish 2016
Møffenzeef Mødular
- Granular Audiø Example
- Phase Distørtiøn Audiø Example
- Amplitude Mødulatiøn Audiø Example
- Frequency Mødulatiøn Audiø Example