open source project management
This project contains following technologies and frameworks :
- Spring WebFlow (Spring faces, Spring-binding, Spring js, Spring expressions)
- Hibernate / Hibernate Validator
- Spring tx
- Spring DI
- Spring jdbc
- Spring jpa data
- Jasper Reports
- JSF 2.2 (Mojarra)
- Omnifaces
- Spring MVC
- Servlet
- Spring Security
- Spring test
- Spring core, beans, context, context-support
- Spring AOP
- velocity
- jstl
- logging ( log4j, slf4j)
- Jersey + Spring
the database we have chosen is postgresql
- run follwing command in webappframework, pm and webapp respectively.
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
- maven profiling
- spring framework
- building CRUD web application
- database