we're not that serious about styling so having prettify with the default settings will be fine
important notes :
make to read the GUIDELINES and the RULES files b4 coding
use const and let avoid var as much as possible 💯
avoid == as much as possible 🤚 if you have to, inform the scrum master
we're using babel so don't bother your self with ES5 syntax
never leave any unhandled err always write a catch block even as simple as console.log(err)
dnt save anything in the local storage
b4 sending a pull request your comment on it should be in this form :
{{ the feature you added to the project}} {{ the list of files you have changed }} {{dependecies you added }} {{dependecies you deleted }}
* if you have changed a file without mentioning it in the comment the pull is likely to be refused
and last but not LEAST 🙅 no unused dependencies/variables just delete them also if you'll no longer use a dependency you downloaded inform the scrum master in your pull request comment
have fun hacking !!!
Ganbatte !! 😝