Title: 1Block address authentication server-side API protocol (1Block) Author: Monte Ohrt @mohrt Status: Draft
- Run the database schema on your mysql server.
- Check api/DAO.php for db setup.
- Place the contents of this repo in the root folder of your web server.
- Be sure .htaccess is allowed from apache
The 1Block server-side is a REST API that must adhere to the following protocol.
These endpoints can reside on a longer URL path, they are shortened to a single word for brevity.
This endpoint will generate a challenge string of the format:
HTTPS: oneblock://{host}/{path}/login?x={nonce}
HTTP: oneblock://{host}/{path}/login?x={nonce}&u=1
host = hostname for service path = URL path to login REST endpoint nonce = unique 32 char hex string
Header: Content-Type: application/json
Body: {"challenge":"CHALLENGE_STRING"}
More recently browsers are checking OPTIONS before a POST. Handle the request and set access control.
headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
This endpoint needs to use a Bitcoin library to verify the signature against the public address. if valid, the address is used to identify the account (or register a new one if applicable.) It will respond with 200 for success and 403 for invalid. It willreturn a JSON payload of:
{"hasRevoke":0, "revokeURL":"URL"}
If this is an existing account hasRevoke will be set to 1. If not, a revokeURL must be supplied, something like: "https://host.dom/path/to/setrevoke". The client will then respond with the revoke information to this endpoint. This happens only for new
This endpoint is repeatedly checked from the website to see if a successful login has been completed. If so it sets up the session redirects the user to a logged in page.
This is the endpoint to set the revoke data on a new account. This happens on the first registration of the ID.
More recently browsers are checking OPTIONS before a POST. Handle the request and set access control.
headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
This is the endpoint to revoke and replace an ID.
More recently browsers are checking OPTIONS before a POST. Handle the request and set access control.
headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type