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A basic table displays data in rows and columns without any additional functionality.

import {
} from '@leafygreen-ui/table';

    { { [key: string]: any }) => (
      <Row key={}>
        {Object.keys(row).map((cellKey: string, index: number) => {
          return <Cell key={`${cellKey}-${index}`}>{row[cellKey]}</Cell>;


The useLeafyGreenTable hook provides a custom integration with the @tanstack/react-table library to manage advanced table behavior such as sorting, expanding, and rendering rows dynamically. It builds on @tanstack/react-table's useReactTable hook, adding LeafyGreen-specific configurations and integrations for seamless use with LeafyGreen's Table components.

Although all react-table features are supported using LeafyGreen Table, only the following features are styled according to design system guidelines:

  • Sub rows
  • Expandable rows
  • Selectable rows
  • Sortable rows
  • Sticky row header

Usage with LeafyGreen Table components:

import {
} from '@leafygreen-ui/table';

// Data that should be passed to the `useLeafyGreenTable` hook.
const [data] = useState(() => makeKitchenSinkData(200));

// Column definition
const columns = React.useMemo<Array<LGColumnDef<KitchenSink>>>(
  () => [
      accessorKey: 'rowOne',
      header: 'Row One',
      accessorKey: 'rowTwo',
      header: 'Row Two',
      accessorKey: 'rowThree',
      header: 'Row Three',

// Table instance
const table = useLeafyGreenTable<KitchenSink>({

// Rows returned from the table instance
const { rows } = table.getRowModel();

return (
  <Table table={table}>
      // Mapping through header rows
        .map((headerGroup: HeaderGroup<KitchenSink>) => (
          <HeaderRow key={}>
            // Mapping through header cells
            {, index) => {
              return (
      { LeafyGreenTableRow<KitchenSink>) => {
        // Checks if row is expandedContent
        const isExpandedContent = row.isExpandedContent ?? false;

        return (
          <Fragment key={}>
            {!isExpandedContent && (
              // row is required
              <Row row={row}>
                // Maps through visible cells
                {row.getVisibleCells().map(cell => {
                  return (
                    // cell is required
                    <Cell key={} id={} cell={cell}>
            {isExpandedContent && <ExpandedContent row={row} />}

Data (required)

The useLeafyGreenTable hook expects data in the form of an array of objects, where each object represents a row in the table. Each property of the object corresponds to a column in the table. Here’s a breakdown of the key requirements for the data:


  • Rows: Each row is an object containing key-value pairs.

    • Key: Corresponds to the column’s accessorKey defined in the column configuration.
    • Value: The data displayed in the cell for that row and column. Example:
    const data = [
      { id: 1, firstName: 'Alice', lastName: 'Smith', age: 30 },
      { id: 2, firstName: 'Bob', lastName: 'Johnson', age: 25 },
  • SubRows: Are used to represent nested rows within a parent row. This is useful for hierarchical data where each row can have child rows. The data can include a subRows key in each object. This key holds an array of child rows for that specific row.


    const data = [
        id: 1,
        firstName: 'Alice',
        lastName: 'Smith',
        age: 30,
        subRows: [{ id: 11, firstName: 'Anna', lastName: 'Smith', age: 5 }],
  • ExpandedContent: Is used to display additional content when a row is expanded. This content is not necessarily a nested row but can be any additional information related to the row.


    const SampleExpandedContent = (row: LeafyGreenTableRow<unknown>) => {
      return (
          <h4>Expanded Content for Row {}</h4>
          <p>Additional details about this row:</p>
          <pre>{JSON.stringify(row.original, null, 2)}</pre>
    const data = [
        id: 1,
        name: 'Parent Row',
        subRows: [
          { id: 2, name: 'Child Row 1' },
          { id: 3, name: 'Child Row 2' },
        renderExpandedContent: SampleExpandedContent,

Stable Reference

Data passed to useLeafyGreenTable MUST have a stable reference to ensure optimal performance and avoid unnecessary re-renders. Internally, useReactTable relies on reference equality for state updates. If the reference changes frequently, the hook might assume the data has been modified, triggering expensive updates. Changes to the data should explicitly signal an update. Stable references allow React to detect when actual changes occur versus unnecessary re-renders.


const fallbackData = []

export default function MyComponent() {
  //✅ GOOD: This will not cause an infinite loop of re-renders because `columns` is a stable reference
  const columns = useMemo(() => [
    // ...
  ], []);

  //✅ GOOD: This will not cause an infinite loop of re-renders because `data` is a stable reference
  const [data, setData] = useState(() => [
    // ...

  // Columns and data are defined in a stable reference, will not cause infinite loop!
  const table = useReactTable({
    data ?? fallbackData, //also good to use a fallback array that is defined outside of the component (stable reference)

  return <table>...</table>;

React.useState and React.useMemo are not the only ways to give your data a stable reference. You can also define your data outside of the component or use a 3rd party state management library.

The main thing to avoid is defining the data array inside the same scope as the useReactTable call. That will cause the data array to be redefined on every render, which will cause an infinite loop of re-renders.

For more information check out TanStack's docs on giving data a stable reference.

Columns (required)

The columns configuration is an array of objects, where each object defines how a column behaves and renders. It uses the @tanstack/react-table column definitions and might include:

  • accessorKey: The key in the data object to use for that column.
  • header: A string or function to define the column header.
  • cell: A function for custom cell rendering.
  • Other options like enableSorting, size, or accessorFn for computed values. Checkout TanStack's docs on column definitions for more information. Example:
    const columns = [
      { accessorKey: 'id', header: 'ID', size: 50 },
      { accessorKey: 'firstName', header: 'First Name' },
      { accessorKey: 'lastName', header: 'Last Name' },
      { accessorKey: 'age', header: 'Age', size: 50, enableSorting: true },

Options (optional)

useLeafyGreenTable also exposes all table options used in react-table and by default, useLeafyGreenTable includes a few of those options:

const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState < ExpandedState > {};

const table =
  useReactTable <
  LGTableDataType <
  T >>
      state: {
      getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(),
      getRowCanExpand: row => {
        return !!row.original.renderExpandedContent || !!row.subRows?.length;
      enableExpanding: true,
      enableSortingRemoval: hasSortableColumns ? true : undefined,
      getSubRows: row => row.subRows,
      getSortedRowModel: getSortedRowModel(),
      getPaginationRowModel: withPagination
        ? getPaginationRowModel()
        : undefined,
      onExpandedChange: setExpanded,
      getExpandedRowModel: getLGExpandedRowModel(),,
  • state: The state object for the table
    • expanded: The current expanded state of the rows.
  • getCoreRowModel: returns a basic row model that is just a 1:1 mapping of the original data passed to the table.
  • getSortedRowModel: returns a row model that has had sorting applied to it.
  • getPaginationRowModel: returns a row model that only includes the rows that should be displayed on the current page based on the pagination state.
  • getExpandedRowModel: returns a custom row model that accounts for expandedContent and sub-rows.
  • getRowCanExpand: override the default behavior of determining whether a row can be expanded.
  • enableExpanding: enable expanding of all rows
  • enableSortingRemoval: control the ability to remove sorting from a column
  • getSubRows: used to access the sub rows for any given row
  • onExpandedChange: called when the expanded table state changes

For other optional options check out the useLeafyGreenTable prop table below.

What is returned?

The useLeafyGreenTable hook returns an object that extends the Table object from react-table with additional properties specific to LeafyGreen:

  • getRowModel: Returns the an array with all rows, in addition to expanded subrows and expanded content. Subrows and expandedContent that are not expanded are not returned.
  • hasSelectableRows: A boolean indicating whether the table has selectable rows.
  • For more methods and properties available on the table object, refer to TanStack's table API documentation.


The useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hook integrates virtualization into the LeafyGreen table by combining useVirtualizer from @tanstack/react-virtual with useLeafyGreenTable. It processes table data while optimizing rendering for large datasets by rendering only visible rows.

The primary differences between useLeafyGreenTable and useLeafyGreenVirtualTable include the following:

  • Extension of Base Hook: useLeafyGreenVirtualTable builds on useLeafyGreenTable to include virtual scrolling.
  • Efficient Rendering: Utilizes the @tanstack/react-virtual library for optimized rendering of large datasets.
  • Container Reference: Requires a containerRef for the scrolling container.
  • Virtual Properties: Adds a virtual object to the returned table model, exposing properties and methods from the virtualizer for managing virtualized rows.

The options passed to useLeafyGreenVirtualTable are the same as those passed to useLeafyGreenTable, with the addition of properties specific to virtualization, such as a required containerRef and optional virtualizer configuration options from Tanstack Virtual.

Usage with LeafyGreen Table components:

import {
} from '@leafygreen-ui/table';

const tableContainerRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const [data] = useState(() => makeKitchenSinkData(10_000));

const virtualScrollingContainerHeight = css`
  height: calc(100vh - 200px);

const columns = React.useMemo<Array<LGColumnDef<KitchenSink>>>(
  () => [
      accessorKey: 'rowOne',
      header: 'Row One',
      accessorKey: 'rowTwo',
      header: 'Row Two',
      accessorKey: 'rowThree',
      header: 'Row Three',

const table = useLeafyGreenVirtualTable<KitchenSink>({
  containerRef: tableContainerRef,
  virtualizerOptions: {
	  estimateSize: () => 50,
    overscan: 10,

return (
	      .map((headerGroup: HeaderGroup<KitchenSink>) => (
	        <HeaderRow key={}>
	          {, index) => {
	            return (
      {table.virtual.getVirtualItems() &&
              virtualRow: LeafyGreenVirtualItem<KitchenSink>,
              index: number,
            ) => {
              const row = virtualRow.row;
              const isExpandedContent = row.isExpandedContent ?? false;

              return (
                <Fragment key={virtualRow.key}>
                  {!isExpandedContent && (
                    // row and virtualRow is required
                        .map((cell: LeafyGreenTableCell<KitchenSink>) => {
                          return (
                            // cell is required
                            <Cell key={} cell={cell}>
                  {isExpandedContent && (
                    <ExpandedContent row={row} virtualRow={virtualRow} />


By default, useLeafyGreenVirtualTable passes the following defaults to the useVirtulizer hook:

const table = useLeafyGreenTable({,

const { rows } = table.getRowModel();

const _virtualizer = useVirtualizer({
  count: rows.length,
  getScrollElement: () => containerRef.current,
  estimateSize: () => 40,
  overscan: 20,
  • count: The total number of items to virtualize.
  • getScrollElement: A function that returns the scrollable element for the virtualizer. It may return null if the element is not available yet.
  • estimateSize: This function is passed the index of each item and should return the actual size (or estimated size if you will be dynamically measuring items with virtualItem.measureElement) for each item. This measurement should return either the width or height depending on the orientation of your virtualizer.
  • overscan: The number of items to render above and below the visible area. Increasing this number will increase the amount of time it takes to render the virtualizer, but might decrease the likelihood of seeing slow-rendering blank items at the top and bottom of the virtualizer when scrolling.

You can override any of these defaults in the useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hook with any of these options from TanStack's virtualizer options docs.

What is returned?

The useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hook returns an object that extends the useLeafyGreenTable object with additional properties for virtual scrolling:

  • virtual: An object containing properties and methods from the virtualizer instance, including a custom getVirtualItems method that maps virtual items to rows.
    • getVirtualItems: used to retrieve the virtualized items, mapping them to the corresponding rows in the table. This method ensures that only the visible rows are rendered, which improves performance when dealing with large datasets.
    • For more methods and properties available on the virtualizer instance, refer to TanStack's virtualizer instance docs.

Rendering Headers

Headers are returned from the useLeafyGreenTable and useLeafyGreenVirtualTable instances with the getHeaderGroups() function. The getHeaderGroups function is used to retrieve all header groups for a table. It returns an array of HeaderGroup objects. For more information, check out Tanstack's documentation on HeaderGroups.


const table = useLeafyGreenTable<any>({

    {table.getHeaderGroups().map((headerGroup: HeaderGroup<any>) => (
      <HeaderRow key={}>
        {, index) => {
          return (
            <HeaderCell key={} header={header}>
              {flexRender(header.column.columnDef.header, header.getContext())}

Rendering Rows

Rows returned from the useLeafyGreenTable and useLeafyGreenVirtualTable instances differ slightly:

Rows and subrows without expanded content


Rows are accessed from the table object using the getRowModel method. In this case, the returned rows array includes only visible rows. Subrows that are not visible are excluded, but if a row is expanded, its corresponding subrows are included in the array. For more information on getRowModel check out TanStack's documentation on row models.


const table = useLeafyGreenTable<any>({

// Destructured from the row model and used to render the table body.
const { rows } = table.getRowModel();

	  { LeafyGreenTableRow<any>) => {
	    return (
        // row is required
	      <Row row={row} key={}>
	        {row.getVisibleCells().map(cell => {
	          return (
              // cell is required
	            <Cell key={} id={} cell={cell}>
	              {flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())}


In a virtual table, rows are retrieved using the getVirtualItems method from the virtual property of the table object.


const table =
  useLeafyGreenVirtualTable <
  Person >
    containerRef: tableContainerRef,

const virtualItems = table.virtual.getVirtualItems();

  {virtualItems && LeafyGreenVirtualItem<Person>) => {
      const row = virtualRow.row;
      const cells = row.getVisibleCells();
      return (
        // row and virtualRow is required
        <Row key={virtualRow.key} virtualRow={virtualRow} row={row}>
          { LeafyGreenTableCell<Person>) => {
            return (
              // cell is required
              <Cell key={} cell={cell}>
                {flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())}

Rows and subrows with expanded content


Similar to the example above, rows are accessed from the table object using the getRowModel method. However, when expanded content is included in the rows returned form the getRowModel method, rows needs to be conditionally rendered:

  • For each row, the isExpandedContent property is checked to determine if the row is an expanded content row.
  • If isExpandedContent is false, the row is rendered normally with its visible cells.
  • If isExpandedContent is true, the ExpandedContent component is rendered, passing the row as a prop.


const table =
  useLeafyGreenTable <
  any >

// Destructured from the row model and used to render the table body.
const { rows } = table.getRowModel();

  { LeafyGreenTableRow<Person>) => {
    // Expanded content check
    const isExpandedContent = row.isExpandedContent ?? false;

    return (
      <Fragment key={}>
        {!isExpandedContent && (
          // row is required
          <Row row={row}>
            {row.getVisibleCells().map(cell => {
              return (
                // cell is required
                <Cell key={} id={} cell={cell}>
                  {flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())}
        // row is required
        {isExpandedContent && <ExpandedContent row={row} />}


Similar to the useLeafyGreenTable example above except in a virtual table, rows are retrieved using the getVirtualItems method from the virtual property of the table object.


const table =
  useLeafyGreenVirtualTable <
  Person >
    containerRef: tableContainerRef,

// Virtual rows
const virtualItems = table.virtual.getVirtualItems();

  {virtualItems && LeafyGreenVirtualItem<KitchenSink>) => {
      const row = virtualRow.row;
      // Expanded content check
      const isExpandedContent = row.isExpandedContent ?? false;

      return (
        // note: the key should be virtualRow.key not
        <Fragment key={virtualRow.key}>
          {!isExpandedContent && (
            // row and virtualRow is required
            <Row row={row} virtualRow={virtualRow}>
                .map((cell: LeafyGreenTableCell<KitchenSink>) => {
                  return (
                    <Cell key={} cell={cell}>
          {isExpandedContent && (
            // row and virtualRow is required
            <ExpandedContent row={row} virtualRow={virtualRow} />

SubRow check

Since rows and expanded subrows are returned in the same hierarchy within the row object, a depth check is often necessary to distinguish whether a row is a subrow. This can typically be done using the depth property included in the row object, which indicates its nesting level within the hierarchy. If the depth is greater than 0, then it is a subrow.

  { LeafyGreenTableRow<Person>) => {
    const isExpandedContent = row.isExpandedContent ?? false;
    // depth check
    const depth = row.depth ?? 0;

    return (
      <Fragment key={}>
        {!isExpandedContent && (
          // row is required
          // Different styling for a subrow
              background: ${depth === 1 ? 'white' : 'whitesmoke'};
            {row.getVisibleCells().map(cell => {
              return (
                // cell is required
                <Cell key={} id={} cell={cell}>
                  {flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())}
                  // Additional text for a subrow
                  {depth === 1 && 'Subrow'}
        // row is required
        {isExpandedContent && <ExpandedContent row={row} />}


Sorting can be applied within the column definitions:

const columns = [
    header: () => 'Name',
    accessorKey: 'name',
    sortingFn: 'alphanumeric', // use built-in sorting function by name
    header: () => 'Age',
    accessorKey: 'age',
    sortingFn: 'myCustomSortingFn', // use custom global sorting function
    header: () => 'Birthday',
    accessorKey: 'birthday',
    sortingFn: 'datetime', // recommended for date columns
    header: () => 'Profile',
    accessorKey: 'profile',
    // use custom sorting function directly
    sortingFn: (rowA, rowB, columnId) => {
      return rowA.original.someProperty - rowB.original.someProperty;
    header: () => 'Color',
    accessorKey: 'color',
    sortDescFirst: true, //sort by color in descending order first (default is ascending for string columns)

Be default, sorting is disabled, but you can enable sorting by setting enableSorting: true.

  accessorKey: 'mdbVersion',
  header: 'MongoDB Version',
  enableSorting: true,
  size: 90,

For more information on sorting, check out TanStack's documentation on sorting.

Table Layout

By default, LeafyGreen Table uses table-layout: auto. This CSS property sets the algorithm used to lay out <table> cells, rows, and columns. When a table-layout is set to auto this means that the widths of the table and its cells are adjusted to fit the content, which is the default in most browsers.

Defining Column Widths

You can specify column widths using the size property in your column definitions:

const columns = [
    accessorKey: 'col1',
    size: 270, //set column size for this column

The width is applied to the corresponding <th> element, but in auto layout, it may not always be respected as columns adjust to content. If you want the width to always be respected, there are a few recommendations:

  • Add min-width to HeaderCell: Prevent the header from shrinking below a minimum width.
          // since the table is not fixed, the width is not respected. This prevents the width from getting any smaller.
          min-width: 120px;
        `]: index === 5,
  • Use table-layout: fixed: With fixed, column widths are based only on the table’s width and specified column sizes. This approach ensures consistent widths but sacrifices responsiveness.

Special Case: Virtual Tables

For tables with virtual scrolling and truncation disabled, table-layout is set to fixed by default to prevent row height shifts due to columns widths changing during scrolling. Without this, scrolling could cause layout issues and application crashes.

To maintain some responsiveness, mix fixed and auto column widths:

const columns = [
    accessorKey: 'col1',
    size: 200, //set column size for this column
    accessorKey: 'col2',
    size: 70, //set column size for this column
    accessorKey: 'col3',
    size: NaN, //set column size to `auto`

Limitations: In table-layout: fixed, columns with auto widths do not support min-width, so they might shrink excessively on small viewports.


Performance may decrease for a few reasons:

  • Rendering hundreds of rows without a non-virtual table and applying CSS directly to a <Cell /> or <Row /> with Emotion. In this case, it is recommended to apply styles to the parent level component and target styles with td, tr, or a className.


        tr {
          // add styles here


    <TableBody className={css`
      .class-name {
        // add styles here
      <Cell className='class-name'>
  • Table performs more efficiently in production compared to development

  • Table typically exhibits slower performance in a Storybook environment.


@leafygreen-ui/table exports:

  • LeafyGreen table components
  • LeafyGreen table hooks
  • All exports from @tanstack/react-table
  • Test utils (README link)
  • TypeScript types

All exports can be found here.


Name Description Type Default
table Object returned from the useLeafyGreenTable or useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hook 'LeafyGreenTable<T>' | 'LeafyGreenVirtualTable<T>' -
shouldAlternateRowColor Determines whether alternating rows will have dark backgrounds boolean false
shouldTruncate Whether all rows will truncate. If true, cells will truncate at one line. If false then there will be no height limit and cells will not truncate. boolean true
verticalAlignment When rows are not truncated, this will determine if cells should be top or middle aligned 'top' | 'bottom' top
baseFontSize The base font size of the title and text rendered in children '13' | '16' 13
darkMode Render the component in dark mode. boolean false

+ other HTML table element props



Name Description Type Default
isSticky Determines whether the table head will stick as the user scrolls down. boolean false

+ other HTML thead element props



All HTML tr element props



Name Description Type Default
header Header object returned from the useLeafygreenTable hook. Header<T, any> -

+ other HTML th element props


TableBody accepts HTML tbody element props.


Name Description Type Default
disabled Determines whether the row is disabled boolean false
row Row object passed from the useLeafygreenTable or useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hook. Required if using the useLeafyGreenTable or useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hooks. LeafygreenTableRow<T> -
virtualRow Virtual row object passed from the useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hook. Required if using the useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hooks. VirtualItem -

+ other HTML tr element props


Name Description Type Default
cell The cell object that is returned when mapping through a row passed from the useLeafyGreenTable or useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hook. Required if using the useLeafyGreenTable or useLeafyGreenVirtualTable hooks. LeafyGreenTableCell<T> -

+ other HTML td element props.


Name Description Type Default
data Data in the form of an array of objects, where each object represents a row in the table. Each property of the object corresponds to a column in the table. TableOptions<LGTableDataType<T>> -
columns The columns configuration is an array of objects, where each object defines how a column behaves and renders. TableOptions<LGTableDataType<T>> -
hasSelectableRows Setting this prop will inject a new column containing a checkbox into all rows. boolean false
withPagination Setting this prop will indicate that the Table component is being used with the Pagination component. This will expose various pagination utilities from table.getState().pagination. For more information, check out TanStack's pagination documentation on pagination. boolean false
allowSelectAll This prop controls whether a 'select all' checkbox will be rendered in the header row. This will be set to true by default. boolean true


Name Description Type Default
containerRef A required ref to the <div> wrapping <table> RefObject<HTMLElement> -
data Data in the form of an array of objects, where each object represents a row in the table. Each property of the object corresponds to a column in the table. TableOptions<LGTableDataType<T>> -
columns The columns configuration is an array of objects, where each object defines how a column behaves and renders. TableOptions<LGTableDataType<T>> -
hasSelectableRows Setting this prop will inject a new column containing a checkbox into all rows. boolean false
allowSelectAll This prop controls whether a 'select all' checkbox will be rendered in the header row. This will be set to true by default. boolean true
virtualizerOptions Available TanStack virtualizer options to pass to the virtualizer instance

Test Harnesses


getTestUtils() is a util that allows consumers to reliably interact with LG Table in a product test suite. If the Table component cannot be found, an error will be thrown.


import { Table, getTestUtils } from '@leafygreen-ui/table';

const utils = getTestUtils(lgId?: string); // lgId refers to the custom `data-lgid` attribute passed to `Table`. It defaults to 'lg-table' if left empty.

Single Table

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { Table, getTestUtils } from '@leafygreen-ui/table';


test('table', () => {
  const { getAllVisibleRows } = getTestUtils();

Multiple Tables

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { Table, getTestUtils } from '@leafygreen-ui/table';


test('returns the correct rows', () => {
      <Table data-lgid="lg-table-2">...</Table>

  // First Table
  const { getAllVisibleRows } = getTestUtils();

  // Second Table
  const { getAllVisibleRows: getAllVisibleRowsB } = getTestUtils('lg-table-2');

Test Utils

const {
  getHeaderByIndex: (index: number) => { getElement, getSortIcon },
  getRowByIndex: (index: number) => {
} = getTestUtils();
Util Description Returns
getTable() Returns the table node or null if the table node is not found. HTMLTableElement
getAllHeaders() Returns an array of <th>(<HeaderCell>) in the DOM. Throws if there are no elements. Array<HTMLTableCellElement>
getHeaderByIndex(index: number) Returns utils for an individual <th>(<HeaderCell>) in the DOM HeaderUtils | null
getSelectAllCheckbox() Returns the input node for the select all checkbox or null HTMLInputElement | null
getAllVisibleRows() Returns an array of all visible <tr>(<Row>) in the DOM. Throws if there are no elements. Array<HTMLTableRowElement>
getRowByIndex(index: number) Returns utils for an indivudial <tr>(<Row>) in the DOM RowUtils | null
getAllVisibleSelectedRows Returns an array of all visible selected <tr>(<Row>) in the DOM Array<HTMLTableRowElement>
HeaderUtils Description Returns
getElement() Returns the <th> element HTMLTableCellElement
getSortIcon() Returns the sort button or null HTMLButtonElement | null
RowUtils Description Returns
getElement() Returns the <tr>(<HeaderCell>) element HTMLTableRowElement
getAllCells() Returns an array with all the <td>(<Cell>) elements in the row Array<HTMLTableCellElement>
getCheckbox() Returns the input element or null HTMLInputElement | null
getExpandButton() Returns the expand button element or null HTMLButtonElement | null
isExpanded() Returns if the <tr>(<Row>) is expanded boolean
isSelected() Returns if the <tr>(<Row>) is selected boolean
isDisabled() Returns if the <tr>(<Row>) is disabled boolean

Examples (WIP)

  • Basic
  • Styled components
  • Sticky header
  • useLeafyGreenTable
  • useLeafyGreenVirtualTable