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This example shows how to create a EBS volume and consume it from a Windows container dynamically.


  1. A 1.18+ Windows node. Windows support has only been tested on 1.18 EKS Windows nodes.
  2. csi-proxy v1.0.0+ installed on the Windows node.
  3. Driver v1.6.0+ from ECR:{driver version}. It can be built and pushed to another image registry with the command TAG=$MY_TAG REGISTRY=$MY_REGISTRY make all-push where MY_TAG refers to the image tag to push and MY_REGISTRY to the destination image registry like ""
  4. The driver installed with the Node plugin on the Windows node and the Controller plugin on a Linux node: helm upgrade --install aws-ebs-csi-driver --namespace kube-system ./charts/aws-ebs-csi-driver --set node.enableWindows=true --set image.repository=$MY_REGISTRY/aws-ebs-csi-driver --set image.tag=$MY_TAG


  1. Create a sample app along with the StorageClass and the PersistentVolumeClaim:
kubectl apply -f specs/
  1. Validate the volume was created and volumeHandle contains an EBS volumeID:
kubectl describe pv
  1. Validate the pod can write data to the volume:
kubectl exec -it windows-server-iis-7c5fc8f6c5-t5mk9 -- powershell

PS C:\> New-Item -Path data -Name "testfile1.txt" -ItemType "file" -Value "This 
is a text string."

    Directory: C:\data

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         4/7/2021  12:31 AM             22 testfile1.txt
  1. Validate a different pod can read data from the volume:
kubectl delete po windows-server-iis-7c5fc8f6c5-t5mk9

kubectl exec -it windows-server-iis-7c5fc8f6c5-j44qv -- powershell

PS C:\> ls data 

    Directory: C:\data 

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         4/7/2021  12:31 AM             22 testfile1.txt
  1. OPTIONAL: In case you want to run some e2e tests with Windows pods, make sure to cordon Linux nodes for the duration of the test and modify the vpc-admission-webhook so that the Pods created as part of the tests get scheduled to the Windows nodes.
kubectl cordon -l
# edit the webhook such that OSLabelSelectorOverride=all, otherwise the webhook
# won't mutate Pods created by the test and they won't run
kubectl edit deployment -n kube-system vpc-admission-webhook
deployment.apps/vpc-admission-webhook edited
ginkgo -nodes=1 -v --focus="External.Storage.*default.fs.*" ./tests/e2e-kubernetes/ -- -kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG -gce-zone=us-west-2a -node-os-distro=windows
  1. Cleanup resources:
kubectl delete -f specs/
kubectl uncordon -l