Supports all 3rd generation MagAlpha magnetic angle sensors from Monolithic Power Systems.
Applications | Part Numbers |
Turning knob applications (potentiometer replacement) | MA800, MA820, MA850 |
Rotary encoders (optical encoder replacement, Servo motors, ...) | MA702, MA704, MA710, MA730, MA732 |
Position controlled motor drivers (FOC, ...) | MA302, MA310, MA330 |
Motor commutation (hall switches replacement) | MA102 |
Automotive application | MAQ430, MAQ470 |
- PA5/D13: SPI1_SCK
- PA6/D12: SPI1_MISO
- PA7/D11: SPI1_MOSI
- Mode: Full-Duplex Master
- Hardware NSS Signal: Disable
- Frame Format: Motorola
- Data Size: 8 bits
- First Bit: MSB First
- Prescaler (for Baud Rate): 128
- Baud Rate: 562.5 kBits/s
- Clock Polarity (CPOL): High
- Clock Phase (CPHA): 2 Edge
- CRC Calculation: Disabled
- NSS Signal Type: Software
- SYSCLK is set at 72MHz
- Use 8MHz High Speed Internal (HSI) clock
- PB6/D10:
- User Label: SPI1_CS
- GPIO output level: High
- GPIO mode: Output Push Pull
- GPIO Pull-up/Pull-down: No pull up pull down
- Maximum output speed: Low
We use the FTDI C232HD-DDHSP-0 3.3V USB to UART Serial Cable 3.3V to connect the MCU UART RX and TX signal to the PC through USB.
- FTDI Cable TXD (orange) <=> CN3.TX
- FTDI Cable RXD (yellow) <=> CN3.RX
- FTDI Cable GND (black) <=> CN12
- PA2: USART_TX, CN3.TX, FTDI Cable TXD (orange cable)
- PA3: USART_RX, CN3.RX, FTDI Cable RXD (yellow cable)
- Mode: Asynchronous
- Hardware Flow Control (RS232): Disable
- Hardware Flow Control (RS485): Unchecked
- Baud Rate: 38400 Bits/s
- Word Length: 8 Bits (including Parity)
- Parity: None
- Stop Bits: 1
- Data Direction: Receive and Transmit
- Over Sampling: 16 Samples
- Single Sample: Disable
- Auto Baudrate: Disable
- TX Pin Active Level Inversion: Disable
- RX Pin Active Level Inversion: Disable
- Data Inversion: Disable
- TX and RX Pins Swapping: Disable
- Overrun: Enable
- DMA on RX Error: Enable
- MSB First: Disable