Raspberry Pi 3B+ 35€ 3B+, RS
RPi Camera v2 noIR 25€ RS
3D-Print (PLA) less than 10€ material costs.
Lens: f=100 is in the reference design, but similar lenses work with changes to the distances.
- f=99, d=26 4,90€ forscherladen
- (f=80mm, d=20mm 25€ edmund)
- (f=65, d=16.5 Acryl 1,30€ forscherladen)
Beamsplitter 6,90€ forscherladen
Mirror 2,90€ forscherladen
Laser: We have tried dd635-1-512x342 or 16€ DOE-QD650-0.4-12-10-22 successfully (Their links go out of date quickly, though...). If you're looking for a laser and know what you are doing:
- It needs to be uncollimated, emitting a divergent beam. Very cheap lasers come with glued-on lens; some moderately cheap lasers (see above) come with a screw-in lens that can be removed easily.
- No need for power, you are shining straight into the camera. Do your eyes a favor and use a Class 1 Laser.
- Small laser modules with 5V input can be powered from a RPi USB port
Objective 55 € edmund optics
Steel rods 3Stk, 6mm*1m 15€ Hornbach
M3x10 7 pcs, 3 Nuts
- 4 pcs for RPi (M3 pretty tight in some boards...)
- 3 pcs and nuts for round mounts
M2.5x4 4 pcs for the camera mount