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Rider State Management Demo

This repository contains different examples how you can manage state with the AWS serverless services, especially how you could use Step Functions to do state management and how to do this with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).

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Imagine you want to manage a fleet of unicorns for your Wild Rydes business. You want to track the current state of riders and manage the state transitions to only allow valid state transitions. Also you want to let your subscribers know of state changes, so that you can e.g. pay riders accordingly.

Rider State Changes - Overview

These rider state changes can be represented by the following state machine.

Rider State Machine

The example application demonstrates a basic state management scenario, which consists of several steps:

  1. A rider submits a state change request (e.g. I'm available)
  2. The workflow validates the input
  3. The workflow fetch the current rider state data from DynamoDB
  4. The workflow validates if the transition is possible
  5. The workflow transition the rider to the next state and persist it
  6. The workflow emits rider state change information to subscribers

If there is a persistent error, you can send the event to a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ), for further investigation.

Rider State Transition Workflow

Step Functions Implementations

ASL integration

This version uses the exported Amazon State Language (ASL) from the AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio. This is directly importet into the CDK:

const riderStateTransitionManagementStateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(this, "RiderStateTransitionManagement-ASL-CDK", {
        definition: new sfn.Pass(this, "StartState"),
        // ...

const cfnStatemachine = riderStateTransitionManagementStateMachine.node.defaultChild as sfn.CfnStateMachine;

const stateMachineDefinition = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("rider-state-management.asl.json", "utf8"));
cfnStatemachine.definitionString = JSON.stringify(stateMachineDefinition);

CDK Implementation

This version uses the Step Function CDK modules. This is directly implemented in CDK:

// Set up the necessary resources [...]

const riderStateTransitionManagementStateMachineDefinition = new Choice(this, "Is rider id and next state valid?")
    // Check if input is valid
        ...allArePresent("$.input.rider_id", "$.input.next_state"),
        anyStringMatches("$.input.next_state", "Not Working", "Available", "Starting", "Working")
    // Get current rider state information
        new Choice(this, "Is next state a valid transition?")
            // If it transitions from starting to working...
                currentStateVariable: "$.rider.state",
                nextStateVariable: "$.input.next_state",
                validTransitions: [["Starting", "Working"]],
            // Validate the start point and transition the rider to the next state
            // If is another valid transition...
                currentStateVariable: "$.rider.state",
                nextStateVariable: "$.input.next_state",
                validTransitions: [
                    ["Not Working", "Available"],
                    ["Not Working", "Starting"],
                    ["Available", "Not Working"],
                    ["Available", "Starting"],
                    ["Starting", "Not Working"],
                    ["Working", "Not Working"],
            // Transition the rider to the next state and emit change event
        // Otherwise send event to DLQ
    // Otherwise send event to DLQ


Bootstrap your environment

cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT-NUMBER/REGION       # e.g. cdk bootstrap aws://123456789012/us-east-1

For more details, see AWS CDK Bootstrapping.

Install dependencies

npm install

Initial deployment

cdk deploy StateManagementDemoStack

To deploy the ASL stack, you first have to change the region and the account id in your asl.json, e.g.

Afterwards you can deploy it:

cdk deploy StateManagementASLDemoStack

Pre-populate rider state

aws dynamodb put-item \
    --table-name=RiderStateTable-CDK \
    --item='{ "Area#Entity": { "S": "Munich#RIDER#1" }, "Lat": { "N": "48.13743" }, "Long": { "N": "11.57549" }, "State": { "S": "Not Working" }, "Timestamp": { "N": "-1" } }'

aws dynamodb put-item \
    --table-name=RiderStateTable-ASL-CDK \
    --item='{ "Area#Entity": { "S": "Munich#RIDER#1" }, "Lat": { "N": "48.13743" }, "Long": { "N": "11.57549" }, "State": { "S": "Not Working" }, "Timestamp": { "N": "-1" } }'

Execute rider state change request

In order to start the state machine, go to the Step Functions console, select your Step Function and start a execution with this parameters:

    "input": {
        "rider_id": "Munich#RIDER#1",
        "next_state": "Available"

This will result in:

  "input": {
    "rider_id": "Munich#RIDER#1",
    "next_state": "Available"
  "rider": {
    "state": "Not Working",
    "rider_id": "Munich#RIDER#1",
    "lat": "48.13743",
    "long": "11.57549",
    "timestamp": "-1"
  "ddb": {
    "status_code": 200
  "sns": {
    "status_code": 200

Destroy the stacks

cdk destroy --all


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.