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# 'jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
# Site settings
-title: The Allan Lab
+title: Daniel Soudry Lab
email: your-email@domain.com
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Website of the AllanLab.
diff --git a/_data/alumni_bsc.yml b/_data/alumni_bsc.yml
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-- name: Vishnu Saj (IIT), Spring 2017
-- name: Arjo Andringa, Spring 2016
-- name: Joey Braspenning, Spring 2017
-- name: Tjerk Benschop, Summer 2017
-- name: Daniëlle van Klink, Spring 2016
-- name: Margot Leemker, Spring 2017
-- name: Sietske Lensen, Spring 2017
-- name: Jasper van Egeraat, Spring 2018
-- name: Ringo Groenewegen, Spring 2018
-- name: Amber Vervloet, Spring 2019
-- name: Pascal de Jong, Spring 2021
-- name: João van der Ven, Spring 2022
-- name: Sebastian Bos, Spring 2022
-- name: J.C. Steenbergen, Spring 2022
-- name: Marijn van der Horst, Spring 2022
diff --git a/_data/alumni_members.yml b/_data/alumni_members.yml
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-- name: Gijsbert Verdoes
- photo: verdoes.jpg
- duration: In the Allan Lab 2015 - 2018, now Project manager at the FMD
- info: Fine mechanical engineer associated with the FMD working in our group
- email: verdoes@fmd.physics.leidenuniv.nl
- number_educ: 1
- education1: Leidse instrumentmakers School
- education2:
- education3:
- education4:
-- name: Irene Battisti
- photo: irene.jpg
- info: PhD student
- duration: In the Allan Lab Jan 2015 to June 2019, now R&D scientist at Nearfield Instruments
- email: Battisti@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl
- number_educ: 3
- education1: Master Padova University
- education2: Master thesis at Leiden University with Jan van Ruitenbeek
- education3: PhD Leiden University, prize for reseacher of the year at the Science faculty
-- name: Doohee Cho
- photo: Doohee2.jpg
- info: Postdoc
- duration: In the Allan Lab May 2017 to June 2019, now assistant professor at Yonsei University
- email: cho@physics.leidenuniv.nl
- number_educ: 4
- education1: B.S. Yonsei University, Korea
- education2: PhD Yonsei University, Korea with In-Whan Lyo
- education3: Postdoc POSTECH with Han Woong Yeom
- education4: Postdoc Rutgers with Sang-Wook Cheong
-- name: Maarten Leeuwenhoek
- photo: Maarten.png
- info: PhD Student, shared with the Groeblacher lab at TU Delft under a NanoFront grant.
- email: M.Leeuwenhoek@tudelft.nl
- duration: In the Allan Lab December 2015 to February 2020, now design engineer at ASML
- number_educ: 1
- education1: Master Leiden University with Milan Allan
- education2:
- education3:
- education4:
-- name: Freek Groenewoud
- photo: Freek.jpg
- info: Fine mechanical engineer (also associated with the FMD)
- email: Groenewoud@physics.leidenuniv.nl
- number_educ: 2
- duration: In the Allan Lab 2018 - 2020
- education1: Leidse Instrumentmaker School
- education2: Mechanical Engineer , Hogeschool Delft
- education3:
- education4:
-- name: Damianos Chatzopoulos
- photo: Damianos.jpg
- info: PhD Student, started December 2017
- duration: In the Allan Lab Dec 2017 - Dec 2021, now at Rabobank
- email: chatzopoulos@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl
- number_educ: 2
- education1: Bachelor National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with D Syvridis
- education2: Master TU Delft with Herre van der Zant
- education3:
-- name: Willem Tromp
- photo: website_pic_willem.jpg
- info: PhD Student, started September 2018
- duration: In the Allan Lab 2018 - 2022
- email: WTromp@physics.leidenuniv.nl
- number_educ: 1
- education1: Master Leiden University with Felix Baumberger, Milan Allan
- education2:
- education3:
- education4:
-- name: Kaveh Lahabi
- photo: Kaveh.png
- info: NWO Veni fellow, collaborating with us and the van der Sar lab
- duration: In the Allan Lab for a short time in 2022 as a Veni fellow, before starting his group.
- email: Bastiaans@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl
- number_educ: 3
- education1: Postdoc in the Aarts Lab, Leiden University
- education2: PhD with Jan Aarts
- education3: Master KU Leuven
-- name: Koen M Bastiaans
- photo: Koen.jpg
- info: NWO Veni fellow, collaborating with us and stationed in the Otte Lab
- duration: In the Allan Lab from 2015 - 2023 as a MSc student, then PhD (cum laude, Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa prize), and postdoc.
- email: Bastiaans@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl
- number_educ: 4
- education1: Postdoc in the Otte Lab, Leiden University
- education2: Postdoc in the Allan Lab, Leiden University
- education3: PhD with Milan Allan, Leiden University (prize for best physics PhD in the Netherlands)
- education4: Master Leiden University with Milan Allan
-- name: Jinwon Lee
- photo: Jinwon.jpg
- info: Postdoc, started July 2021
- duration: In the Allan Lab from 2021 - 2023 as a postdoc
- email: jwlee0421@postech.ac.kr
- number_educ: 2
- education1: PhD with Han Woong Yeom Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
- education2: BSc Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
-- name: Jianfeng (Jacky) Ge
- photo: Jacky.jpg
- info: Postdoc, started Oct 2019
- duration: In the Allan Lab from 2019 - 2023 as a postdoc
- email: ge@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl
- number_educ: 3
- education1: Postdoc with Jenny Hoffman, Harvard University
- education2: PhD with Jinfeng Jia, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- education3: B.S. East China University of Science and Technology
+- name: Edward Moroshko
+ photo: edward1.jpg
+ duration: Homepage
+ info: Post-Doc
+- name: Elad Hoffer
+ photo: elads1.JPG
+ duration: Homepage
+ info: PhD
+- name: Itay Golan
+ photo: itayg.JPG
+ duration: Homepage
+ info: PhD
+- name: Brian Chmiel
+ photo: brianc.JPG
+ duration: Homepage
+ info: PhD (Shared PhD student with Alex Bronstein)
+- name: Itay Hubara
+ photo: itayh.jpeg
+ duration: Homepage
+ info: PhD
+- name: Alon Brutzkus
+ photo: alonb.JPG
+ duration: Homepage
+ info: Post-Doc
+- name: Liat Ben-Ori
+ photo: dummyface.jpg
+ info: MSc
diff --git a/_data/alumni_msc.yml b/_data/alumni_msc.yml
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-- name: Maarten Leeuwenhoek, Spring 2015
-- name: Koen M Bastiaans, Spring 2015
-- name: Farshaad Hoeseni, Fall 2015
-- name: Oliver Ostojic, Spring 2016
-- name: Tjerk Benschop, Spring 2016
-- name: Bert Visscher, Fall 2017
-- name: Ahmad Jamalzada, Fall 2017
-- name: Corne Koks, Fall 2018
-- name: Damian Bouwmeester (TU Delft), Summer 2019
-- name: Rosanne Wijgman (RU), Fall 2019
-- name: Rebecca Gharibaan (TU Delft), Fall 2020
-- name: Rémi Claessen, Fall 2020
-- name: Amber Mozes (TU Delft), Fall 2020
-- name: Evert Stolte, Spring 2021
-- name: Sergio Barquero Pierantoni, Spring 2021
-- name: Maialen Larrazabal Ortego, Spring 2021
-- name: Allard Nieuwesteeg, Spring 2021
-- name: Thijs van den Munckhof, Spring 2022
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-- name: Nikolaos Iliopoulos, Spring 2016
-- name: Vitaly Fedoseev, all of 2016
-- name: Alexander Vanstone (Imperial), Spring 2016
-- name: Ramakrishna Aluru, Summer 2018
-- name: Changwei Zou (Tsinghua), Spring 2018
-- name: Kemal Demir (Bilkent), Summer 2019
-- name: Vincent Stalman, 2019
diff --git a/_data/news.yml b/_data/news.yml
index 6fc68b581c4..877f7513b41 100644
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-- date: 15. September 2023
- headline: Welcome Thomas!
+- date: 28. December 2023
+ headline: Welcome Itamar, Gil and [Gon](https://www.buzaglo.me/)!
+- date: 21. September 2023
+ headline: The paper ["How do Minimum-Norm Shallow Denoisers Look in Function Space?"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.06748) has been accepted at NeurIPS 2023.
-- date: 1. November 2023
- headline: All the best with your new position in Dresden Jacky!
+- date: 21. September 2023
+ headline: The paper ["DropCompute - simple and more robust distributed synchronous training via compute variance reduction"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.10598) has been accepted at NeurIPS 2023.
-- date: 1. September 2023
- headline: Welcome Yudai!
+- date: 21. September 2023
+ headline: The paper ["Explore to Generalize in Zero-Shot RL"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03072) has been accepted at NeurIPS 2023.
-- date: 22. June 2023
- headline: Our Majorana-Noise paper is out! And Michelle wrote a [nice item](https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2023/06/new-method-to-find-majoranas-tested-for-the-first-time) about it.
+- date: 25. April 2023
+ headline: The paper ["Gradient Descent Monotonically Decreases the Sharpness of Gradient Flow Solutions in Scalar Networks and Beyond"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.13064) has been accepted at ICML 2023.
-- date: 28. May 2023
- headline: The [SuperC website](https://superc2033.com) is live! We are excited to be part of this journey.
+- date: 25. April 2023
+ headline: The paper ["Continual Learning in Linear Classification on Separable Data"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03534) has been accepted at ICML 2023.
-- date: 22. June 2023
- headline: Jiasen's paper on noise in mesoscopic junctions is [on arXiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.02397).
+- date: 23. March 2023
+ headline: The paper ["Alias-Free Convnets - Fractional Shift Invariance via Polynomial Activations"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.08085) has been accepted at CVPR 2023.
-- date: 6. March 2023
- headline: How does superconductivity break down with high doping? Our new [paper in Nature Materials](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41563-023-01497-1) shines some light on the issue.
-- date: 18. December 2022
- headline: Willem defends his PhD. Contratulations!
-- date: 23. May 2022
- headline: "Two new papers on arXiv! One on [persistent gaps and non-mean-field breakdown of SC](https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.09740), and one on [shot-noise of individual (putative) Majorana modes](https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.10346)."
-- date: 17. March 2022
- headline: "Milan wins an ERC CoG grant! See [Leiden news](https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2022/03/understanding-superconductivity-comes-closer-with-major-erc-grant-for-milan-allan). "
-- date: 29. October 2021
- headline: "**Our new paper, on Cooper pairs above Tc, is published in [Science](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abe3987)**.
- See [SRON news](https://www.sron.nl/news/5169-elektronparen-blijven-stabiel-boven-kritische-temperatuur-supergeleiding), [TU Delft news](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/2021/eemcs/inexplicably-stable-electron-pairs-without-superconductivity), [Leiden news](https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2021/10/new-quantum-liquid-discovered), [Physics World](https://physicsworld.com/a/cooper-pairs-spotted-above-critical-temperature-for-superconductivity/)."
-- date: 1. October 2021
- headline: Maialen will join us within a collaboration with the Swart Lab -- welcome Maialen!
-- date: 15. September 2021
- headline: Amber will join us with Casimir-Nanofront PhD fellowship -- welcome Amber!
-- date: 28. June 2021
- headline: Welcome Jinwon!
-- date: 16. March 2021
- headline: "Koen wrote about his research in EurophysicsNews (page 12)."
-- date: 16. February 2021
- headline: "Our new paper on twisted bilayer graphene from our Leiden-ICFO collaboration in PRR."
-- date: 22. January 2021
- headline: "Koen wins the Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa prize for best physics thesis of the Netherlands!"
-- date: 21. January 2021
- headline: "New paper on arXiv, on Cooper pairs above Tc"
-- date: 16. January 2021
- headline: "Our YSR paper is out, in collaboration with Copenhagen."
-- date: 08. December 2020
- headline: "Our new paper is out, in collaboration with the groups of Baumberger, Perry and Mackenzie."
-- date: 02. November 2020
- headline: "Maarten's paper is published in Microsyst Nanoeng."
-- date: 15. October 2020
- headline: "Welcome Jiasen!"
-- date: 29. September 2020
- headline: "TGB paper (led by ICFO and Geneva) is in Nature Physics! See also coverage by Dorine Schenk in NRC"
-- date: 14. September 2020
- headline: "Maarten's paper is published in PRB."
-- date: 18. March 2020
- headline: "LION made a nice video about Koen and his research."
-- date: 8. January 2020
- headline: "Irene wins discoverer of the year by the faculty of Science! (Press release)!"
-- date: 10. December 2019
- headline: "Koen defends his PhD with a cum laude (top 5%)!"
-- date: 5. September 2019
- headline: "The noise doubling paper is published in Phys. Rev. B!"
-- date: 25. August 2019
- headline: "Doohee got an assistant professor job at Yonsei University!"
-- date: 25. July 2019
- headline: "The inhomogeneous superfluid paper is published in Nature!
-- date: 15. July 2019
- headline: "We imaged the doubling of shot noise due to Andreev reflections in a STM, posted on arXiv."
-- date: 24. May 2019
- headline: "The smart tip paper is finally published ! A collaboration with the Gröblacher Lab at TU Delft.
-- date: 08. May 2019
- headline: "Irene defends her PhD!"
-- date: 08. May 2019
- headline: "Dome makes it on the University website.
-- date: 13. December 2018
- headline: "Our paper about how to construct an STM is in Review of Scientific Instruments.
-- date: 08. October 2018
- headline: "We discovered charge trapping in a high-Tc superconductor! Publication in Nature Physics.
-- date: 27. September 2018
- headline: "Our MHz amplifier for STM is published in Review of Scientific Instruments.
-- date: 16. May 2018
- headline: "Milan, Koen and Irene talk about superconductivity in Made in Leiden."
-- date: 4. May 2018
- headline: "Welcome Ram!"
-- date: 5.-9. March 2018
- headline: "Irene and Milan are at the March Meeting (Talk Tue 10am, session E45)"
-- date: 13. November 2017
- headline: " New paper published in collaboration with the group of Jan van Ruitenbeek"
-- date: 10. November 2017
- headline: "Doohee makes the third place at the LION Image Award.
-- date: 9. October 2017
- headline: "We contributed to Miguel and Jan's new paper. "
-- date: 12. August 2017
- headline: "We got an ERC starting grant."
-- date: 10. August 2017
- headline: "Our paper is published in SciPost Physics."
-- date: 17. - 21. July 2017
- headline: "Milan wins the Bryan R. Coles prize at SCES 2017, Prague. Koen received the best poster presentation award.
-- date: 17. - 21. July 2017
- headline: "Koen, Maarten and Milan will be at SCES 2017, Prague. Come check out our posters on Tuesday&Thursday and talk on Thursday!"
-- date: 18. June 2017
- headline: "Paper on poor electronic screening published in PRB as Editors' selection! "
-- date: 15. May 2017
- headline: Welcome Doohee!
-- date: 13. - 17. March 2017
- headline: Koen & Irene give talks at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans.
-- date: 27. January - 3. March 2017
- headline: "We are looking forward to co-hosting the workshop on unconventional superconductivity at the Lorentz center.
-- date: 17-18. January 2017
- headline: Irene, Koen, Maarten and Milan will be at Physics@Veldhoven 2017. (Talk at PT6.1 and poster at P9.022).
-- date: 25. November 2016
- headline: "We are part of a newly granted Vrije Programma on strange metals, together with the groups of Hussey, Golden, vHeumen, Zaanen, Schalm, Stoof and Vandoren, see press release. We also got a Projectruimte."
-- date: 19. September 2016
- headline: " Our first paper from Leiden is online at Nature Physics!
-- date: 12. September 2016
- headline: Koen is at Correl16, Julich.
-- date: 01. July 2016
- headline: Milan is at the strongly correlated electron GRC 2016.
-- date: 24. June 2016
- headline: Felix Baumberger is visiting.
-- date: 17. June 2016
- headline: Irene is at SNS2016.
-- date: 28. April 2016
- headline: Our results on the Mott & pseudo gap physics posted on arXiv !
-- date: 14. May 2016
- headline: Ivan Bozovic is visiting.
-- date: 17. March 2016
- headline: Koen, Irene & Vitaly present a poster at Sun Sailing Science.
-- date: 17. Jan 2016
- headline: "We discover electronic order and pseudogap in a non-cuprate materal!
-- date: 01. Jan 2016
- headline: Welcome Vitaly!
-- date: 17. June 2015
- headline: Welcome Kees!
-- date: 17. June 2015
- headline: "Maarten wins the LION image award! Check out his submission.
-- date: 17. June 2015
- headline: " We win a Vidi grant: 800kEUR to invest in science! (Leiden news, FOM news item) "
-- date: 01. Sept 2015
- headline: "Welcome Koen and Maarten: from Master- to PhD-students"
-- date: 17. June 2015
- headline: "We got our commercial STM from Unisoku, and we are already busy modifying."
-- date: 01. Jan 2015
- headline: Welcome Irene, Gijsbert & Milan — our lab is officially starting!
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-- title: pic1_description
- image: DSC_0366.JPG
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- image: 20150918_145800.jpg
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- image: tmp2-2.jpg
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-- title: "Single-electron charge transfer into putative Majorana and trivial modes in individual vortices"
- image: imageaward_edited.png
- description: Shot noise has been suggested for a long time as a tell-tale probe for Majorana bound states. We are the first to carry out local tunneling shot noise measurements on the putative vortex Majorana states.
- authors: J-F Ge, KM Bastiaans, D Chatzopoulos, D Cho, WO Tromp, T Benschop, J Niu, G Gu, MP Allan
+- title: "How do Minimum-Norm Shallow Denoisers Look in Function Space?"
+ image: HowDo.JPG
+ description: In this paper, we aim to characterize the functions realized by shallow ReLU NN denoisers -- in the common theoretical setting of interpolation (i.e., zero training loss) with a minimal representation cost.
+ authors: C. Zeno, G. Ongie, Y. Blumenfeld, N. Weinbergery, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-39109-w
- display: Nature Communications 4, 3341 (2023)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.06748
+ display: NeurIPS 2023
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 1
+- title: "DropCompute: simple and more robust distributed synchronous training via compute variance reduction"
+ image: DropComputePaper.JPG
+ description: We study a typical scenario in which workers are straggling due to variability in compute time. We find an analytical relation between compute time properties and scalability limitations, caused by such straggling workers.
+ authors: N. Giladi *, S. Gottlieb * , M. Shkolnik, A. Karnieli, R. Banner, E. Hoffer, K. Y. Levy, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.10598
+ display: NeurIPS 2023
highlight: 1
- news2: See [news item](https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2023/06/new-method-to-find-majoranas-tested-for-the-first-time) by Michelle Willebrands
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 1
+- title: "Explore to Generalize in Zero-Shot RL"
+ image: ExploretoGen.JPG
+ description: We study zero-shot generalization in reinforcement learning—optimizing a policy on a set of training tasks to perform well on a similar but unseen test task.
+ authors: E. Zisselman, I. Lavie, **D. Soudry**, A. Tamar
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03072
+ display: NeurIPS 2023
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 1
+- title: "Gradient Descent Monotonically Decreases the Sharpness of Gradient Flow Solutions in Scalar Networks and Beyond"
+ image: GradDesMono.JPG
+ description: We find a quantity that does decrease monotonically throughout GD training - the sharpness attained by the gradient flow solution (GFS).
+ authors: I Kreisler * , M. Shpigel Nacson * ,**D. Soudry**, Yair Carmon
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.13064
+ display: ICML 2023
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 1
-- title: "Why shot noise does not generally detect pairing in mesoscopic superconducting tunnel junctions"
- image: imageaward_edited.png
- description: Shot noise has been suggested for a long time as a tell-tale probe for Majorana bound states. We are the first to carry out local tunneling shot noise measurements on the putative vortex Majorana states.
- authors: JJiasen Niu, Koen M. Bastiaans, Jianfeng Ge, Ruchi Tomar, John Jesudasan, Pratap Raychaudhuri, Max Karrer, Reinhold Kleiner, Dieter Koelle, Arnaud Barbier, Eduard F.C. Driessen, Yaroslav M. Blanter, Milan P. Allan
+- title: "Continual Learning in Linear Classification on Separable Data"
+ image: ContinunalLearning.JPG
+ description: We analyze continual learning on a sequence of separable linear classification tasks with binary labels. We show theoretically that learning with weak regularization reduces to solving a sequential max-margin problem, corresponding to a special case of the Projection Onto Convex Sets (POCS) framework.
+ authors: I. Evron, E. Moroshko, G. Buzaglo, M. Khriesh, B. Marjieh, N. Srebro, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.02397
- display: arXiv
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.03534
+ display: ICML 2023
highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 1
+- title: "Alias-Free Convnets: Fractional Shift Invariance via Polynomial Activations"
+ image: AliasPaper.JPG
+ description: We propose an extended anti-aliasing method that tackles both downsampling and non-linear layers, thus creating truly alias-free, shift-invariant CNNs.
+ authors: H. Michaeli, T. Michaeli, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.08085
+ display: CVPR 2023
+ highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1: See more details about this paper
+ ERC: 1
-- title: "Puddle formation, persistent gaps, and non-mean-field breakdown of superconductivity in overdoped (Pb,Bi)2Sr2CuO6+δ"
- image: BSCCOgap.png
- description: Why does cuprate superconductivity break down at a certain doping level? Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy we find that an emerging metallic matrix inside the superconducting state is responsible for the overall reduction of Tc and the superfluid density, while leaving the gapsize unchanged. The formation of the matrix is tied to a pair breaking process violating a core principle of mean-field theories.
- authors: WO Tromp, T Benschop, J-F Ge, I Battisti, KM Bastiaans, D Chatzopoulos, A Vervloet, S Smit, E van Heumen, MS Golden, Y Huang, T Kondo, Y Yin, JE Hoffman, MA Sulangi, J Zaanen, MP Allan
+- title: "The Implicit Bias of Minima Stability in Multivariate Shallow ReLU Networks"
+ image: TheImplicitPaper.JPG
+ description: We study the type of solutions to which stochastic gradient descent converges when used to train a single hidden-layer multivariate ReLU network with the quadratic loss. Our results are based on a dynamical stability analysis.
+ authors: M. Shpigel Nacson, R. Mulayoff, G. Ongie, T. Michaeli, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41563-023-01497-1
- display: Nature Materials 22, 703 (2023)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.17499
+ display: ICLR 2023
highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ ERC: 1
-- title: "Direct evidence for Cooper pairing without a spectral gap in a disordered superconductor above Tc"
- image: Pairs3.png
- description: We use our atomic-scale scanning tunneling noise setup on a disordered superconductor, and discover a state above TC that, much like an ordinary metal, has no (pseudo)gap, but carries charge via paired electrons.
- authors: KM Bastiaans, D Chatzopoulos, J-F Ge, D Cho, WO Tromp, JM van Ruitenbeek, MH Fischer, PJ de Visser, DJ Thoen, EFC Driessen, TM Klapwijk, MP Allan
+- title: "Optimal Fine-Grained N:M sparsity for Activations and Neural Gradients"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: B. Chmiel, I. Hubara, R. Banner, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.10991
+ display: ICLR 2023 ("notable top 25%" of accepted papers)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 0
+- title: "Accurate Neural Training with 4-bit Matrix Multiplications at Standard Formats"
+ image: AccurateNeuralPaper.JPG
+ description: Previous works separately showed that accurate 4-bit quantization of the neural gradients needs to (1) be unbiased and (2) have a log scale. However, no previous work aimed to combine both ideas, as we do in this work. Specifically, we examine the importance of having unbiased quantization in quantized neural network training, where to maintain it, and how to combine it with logarithmic.
+ authors: B. Chmiel, R. Banner, E. Hoffer, H. Ben Yaacov, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abe3987
- display: Science 374, 608 (2021)
+ url: https://openreview.net/forum?id=yTbNYYcopd
+ display: ICLR 2023
highlight: 1
- news1: Featured as 'Research Highlight' in Nature Physics by David Abergel
- news2: See [Physics World](https://physicsworld.com/a/cooper-pairs-spotted-above-critical-temperature-for-superconductivity/), [SRON news](https://www.sron.nl/news/5169-elektronparen-blijven-stabiel-boven-kritische-temperatuur-supergeleiding), [TU Delft news](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/2021/eemcs/inexplicably-stable-electron-pairs-without-superconductivity), [Leiden news](https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2021/10/new-quantum-liquid-discovered).
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ news2:
+ ERC: 1
-- title: "Imaging moiré deformation and dynamics in twisted bilayer graphene"
- image: TBG_SL.png
- description: Why is there so much variation in TBG devices? And are open devices more disordered than encapsulated ones? We introduce a new method to continuously map inhomogeneities of a moiré lattice and apply it to open-device TBG to show that twist angle variation is small over areas of hundreds of nm.
- authors: TA de Jong, T Benschop, X Chen, EE Krasovskii, MJA de Dood, RM Tromp, MP Allan, SJ van der Molen
+- title: "The Role of Codeword-to-Class Assignments in Error Correcting Codes: An Empirical Study"
+ image: TheRoleOf.JPG
+ description: Our paper shows that these assignments play a major role in the performance of ECC. Specifically, we examine similarity-preserving assignments, where similar codewords are assigned to similar classes.
+ authors: I. Evron * , O. Onn * , T. Weiss, H. Azeroual,**D. Soudry**
- url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-27646-1
- display: Nat Comm 13, 70 (2022)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.05334
+ display: AISTAT 2023
highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 1
+- title: "How catastrophic can catastrophic forgetting be in linear regression?"
+ image: HowCatastrophicPaper.JPG
+ description: To better understand catastrophic forgetting, we study fitting an overparameterized linear model to a sequence of tasks with different input distributions. We analyze how much the model forgets the true labels of earlier tasks after training on subsequent tasks, obtaining exact expressions and bounds.
+ authors: I. Evron, E. Moroshko, R. Ward, N. Srebro, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.09588
+ display: COLT 2022
+ highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ ERC: 0
+- title: "Implicit Bias of the Step Size in Linear Diagonal Neural Networks"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: M. Shpigel-Nacson, K. Ravichandran, N. Srebro,**D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v162/nacson22a/nacson22a.pdf
+ display: ICML 2022
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 0
-- title: "Measuring local moiré lattice heterogeneity of twisted bilayer graphene"
- image: TBG_SL.png
- description: Why is there so much variation in TBG devices? And are open devices more disordered than encapsulated ones? We introduce a new method to continuously map inhomogeneities of a moiré lattice and apply it to open-device TBG to show that twist angle variation is small over areas of hundreds of nm.
- authors: T Benschop *, TA de Jong*, P Stepanov*, Xiaobo Lu, V Stalman, SJ van der Molen, DK Efetov, MP Allan
+- title: "A Statistical Framework for Efficient Out of Distribution Detection in Deep Neural Networks"
+ image: StatisicalFrameworkPaper.JPG
+ description: We frame Out Of Distribution (OOD) detection in DNNs as a statistical hypothesis testing problem. Tests generated within our proposed framework combine evidence from the entire network.
+ authors: M. Haroush, T. Frostig, R. Heller, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.013153
- display: Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013153 (2021)
+ url: https://openreview.net/forum?id=Oy9WeuZD51
+ display: ICLR 2022 (2022)
highlight: 1
- news2: See also [Nat Comm with the group of van der Molen](https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14716)
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news2:
+ ERC: 0
-- title: "Spatially dispersing Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in the unconventional superconductor FeTe0.55Se0.45"
- image: YSR.png
- description: We report on a peculiar, spatially dispersing YSR state in Fe(Se,Te) that can be tuned by the tip.
- authors: D Chatzopoulos, Doohee Cho, KM Bastiaans, GO Steffensen, D Bouwmeester, A Akbari, Genda Gu, J Paaske, BM Andersen, MP Allan
+- title: "Regularization Guarantees Generalization in Bayesian Reinforcement Learning through Algorithmic Stability"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: A. Tamar, **D. Soudry**, E. Zisselman
- url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-20529-x
- display: Nature Communications 12, 298 (2021)
+ url: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v162/nacson22a/nacson22a.pdf
+ display: AAAI 2022 (15% acceptance rate)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 0
+- title: "Accelerated Sparse Neural Training: A Provable and Efficient Method to Find N:M Transposable Masks"
+ image: AcceleratedSparsePaper.JPG
+ description: In this work, we first suggest a new measure called mask-diversity which correlates with the expected accuracy of the different types of structural pruning.
+ authors: I. Hubara, B. Chmiel, M. Island, R. Banner, S. Naor, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.08124
+ display: NeurIPS 2021 (2021)
highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1: See more details about this paper
-- title: "Multi-Atom Quasiparticle Scattering Interference for Superconductor Energy-Gap Symmetry Determination"
- image: TBG_ARPES.png
- description:
- authors: R Sharma, A Kreisel, MA Sulangi, J Böker, A Kostin, MP Allan, H Eisaki, AE Böhmer, PC Canfield, I Eremin, JC Davis, PJ Hirschfeld, PO Sprau
+- title: "Physics-Aware Downsampling with Deep Learning for Scalable Flood Modeling"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: N. Giladi, Z. Ben-Haim, S. Nevo, Y. Matias,**D. Soudry**
- url: https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41535-020-00303-4
- display: npj Quantum Materials 6, 7 (2021)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.07218
+ display: NeurIPS 2021
highlight: 0
- news2:
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 0
+- title: "The Implicit Bias of Minima Stability: A View from Function Space"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: R. Mulayoff, T. Michaeli, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://openreview.net/forum?id=2STmSnZAEt2
+ display: NeurIPS 2021
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 0
+- title: "On the Implicit Bias of Initialization Shape: Beyond Infinitesimal Mirror Descent"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: S. Azulay, E. Moroshko, M. Shpigel Nacson, B. Woodworth, N. Srebro, A. Globerson, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.09769
+ display: ICML 2021, Long talk (3% acceptance rate).
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 0
+- title: "Accurate Post Training Quantization With Small Calibration Sets"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: I. Hubara * , Y. Nahshan * , Y. Hanani*, R. Banner, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.10518
+ display: ICML 2021
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ ERC: 0
-- title: "Observation of flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene"
- image: TBG_ARPES.png
- description: A first paper from the TBG collaboration is online, with beautiful data from the Baumberger group in Geneva, and great devices from the Efetov group at ICFO. We measured STM on the device.
- authors: S Lisi*, X Lu*, T Benschop*, TA de Jong*, Petr S, JR Duran, F Margot, I Cucchi, E Cappelli, A Hunter, A Tamai, V Kandyba, A Giampietri, A Barinov, J Jobst, V Stalman, M Leeuwenhoek, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, L Rademaker, SJ van der Molen, MP Allan, DK Efetov, F Baumberger
+- title: "Neural gradients are near-lognormal: understanding sparse and quantized training"
+ image: NeuralGradientPaper.JPG
+ description: We find that the distribution of neural gradients is approximately lognormal. Considering this, we suggest two closed-form analytical methods to reduce the computational and memory burdens of neural gradients.
+ authors: B. Chmiel * , L. Ben-Uri * , M. Shkolnik, E. Hoffer, R. Banner, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-020-01041-x
- display: Nature Physics 17, 198 (2020)
+ url: https://openreview.net/forum?id=EoFNy62JGd
+ display: ICLR 2021 (2021)
highlight: 1
- news2: News coverage by NRC
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news2:
+ ERC: 0
-- title: "Direct comparison of ARPES, STM, and quantum oscillation data for band structure determination in Sr2RhO4"
- image: Direct.png
- authors: I Battisti, WO Tromp, S Riccò, RS Perry, AP Mackenzie, A Tamai, F Baumberger, MP Allan
- description: We directly test the consistency of results from these three techniques by comparing data from the correlated metal Sr2RhO4. Using ARPES, STM, and quantum oscillations, we find good agreement for the Fermi surface topography and carrier effective masses. Hence, the apparent absence of such an agreement in other quantum materials, including the cuprates, suggests that the electronic states in these materials are of different, non-Fermi liquid-like nature. Collaboration with the groups of Baumberger, Perry, and Mackenzie.
+- title: "Implicit Bias in Deep Linear Classification: Initialization Scale vs Training Accuracy"
+ image: ImplicitBiasinDeepPaper.JPG
+ description: We provide a detailed asymptotic study of gradient flow trajectories and their implicit optimization bias when minimizing the exponential loss over "diagonal linear networks". This is the simplest model displaying a transition between "kernel" and non-kernel ("rich" or "active") regimes.
+ authors: E. Moroshko, S. Gunasekar, B. Woodworth, J. D. Lee, N. Srebro, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41535-020-00292-4
- display: npj Quantum Materials 5, 91 (2020)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.06738
+ display: NeurIPS 2020, Spotlight (3% acceptance rate) (2020)
highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ ERC: 0
-- title: "Fabrication of on-chip probes for double-tip scanning tunneling microscopy"
- image: TBG_ARPES.png
- authors: M Leeuwenhoek, F Groenewoud, K van Oosten, T Benschop, MP Allan, S Gröblacher
- description:
+- title: "Beyond Signal Propagation: Is Feature Diversity Necessary in Deep Neural Network Initialization?"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: Y. Blumenfeld, D. Gilboa, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41378-020-00209-y
- display: Microsyst. Nanoeng. 6, 99 (2020)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.01038
+ display: ICML 2020
highlight: 0
- news2:
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: "Modeling Green's functions measurements with two-tip scanning tunneling microscopy"
- image: TBG_ARPES.png
- description: A first paper from the TBG collaboration is online, with beautiful data from the Baumberger group in Geneva, and great devices from the Efetov group at ICFO. We measured STM on the device.
- authors: M Leeuwenhoek, S Gröblacher, MP Allan, YaM Blanter
+- title: "Kernel and Rich Regimes in Overparametrized Models"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: B. Woodworth, S. Gunasekar, P. Savarese, E. Moroshko, I. Golan, J. Lee, **D. Soudry**, N. Srebro
- url: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.115416
- display: PRB 102, 115416 (2020)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09277
+ display: COLT 2020
highlight: 0
- news2:
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: "A strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in an iron-based superconductor"
- image: STS_news.png
- description: We succeeded in measuring the superfluid density with atomic resolution on an unconventional superconductor! In contrast to expectations for conventional superconductors, we find that the superfluid densisty is strongly inhomogeneous in FeTe0.55Se0.45.
- authors: D Cho* & KM Bastiaans* & D Chatzopoulos*, GD Gu, MP Allan
+- title: "The Knowledge Within: Methods for Data-Free Model Compression"
+ image: TheKnowledgeWithinPaper.JPG
+ authors: M. Haroush, I. Hubara, E. Hoffer, **D. Soudry**
+ description: Recently, an extensive amount of research has been focused on compressing and accelerating Deep Neural Networks (DNN). So far, high compression rate algorithms require part of the training dataset for a low precision calibration, or a fine-tuning process. However, this requirement is unacceptable when the data is unavailable or contains sensitive information, as in medical and biometric use-cases. We present three methods for generating synthetic samples from trained models.
- url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1408-8
- display: Nature 571, 541 (2019)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.01274
+ display: CVPR 2020
highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
-- title: "Nanofabricated tips as a platform for double-tip and device based scanning tunneling microscopy"
- image: SmartPub.png
- description: We introduce a platform for bringing new, device-based functionality to STM, with the goal of utilizing decades of progress in device engineering for the field of scanning probe.
- authors: M Leeuwenhoek, RA Norte, KM Bastiaans, Doohee Cho, I Battisti, YaM Blanter, S Gröblacher, MP Allan
+- title: "Augment Your Batch: Improving Generalization Through Instance Repetition"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: E. Hoffer, T. Ben-Nun, N. Giladi, I. Hubara, T. Hoefler, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6528/ab1c7f/pdf
- display: Nanotechnology 30, 335702 (2019)
- highlight: 1
- news2: See also our papers on the theoretical modeling of such measurements, and the paper about fabrication.
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.09335
+ display: CVPR 2020
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: "Imaging doubled shot noise in a Josephson scanning tunneling microscope"
- image: PbSpub.png
- description: We have imaged the doubling of the current noise due to Andreev reflections in a Josephson scanning tunneling microscope.
- authors: KM Bastiaans, D Cho, D Chatzopoulos, M Leeuwenhoek, C Koks, MP Allan
+- title: "At Stability's Edge: How to Adjust Hyperparameters to Preserve Minima Selection in Asynchronous Training of Neural Networks?"
+ image: AtStabilityEdgePaper.JPG
+ authors: N. Giladi *, M. Shpigel Nacson *, E. Hoffer, **D. Soudry**
+ description: We examine asynchronous training from the perspective of dynamical stability. We find that the degree of delay interacts with the learning rate, to change the set of minima accessible by an asynchronous stochastic gradient descent algorithm. We derive closed-form rules on how the learning rate could be changed, while keeping the accessible set the same.
- url: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.104506
- display: Phys. Rev. B 100, 104506 (2019)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.12340
+ display: ICLR 2020
highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
-- title: "Definition of design guidelines, construction and performance of an ultra-stable scanning tunneling microscope for spectroscopic imaging"
- image: DomePub.png
- description: Our first completely home-built STM is alive! And it has the world’s highest resonance frequency.
- authors: I Battisti, G Verdoes, K van Oosten, KM Bastiaans, and MP Allan
+- title: "A Function Space View of Bounded Norm Infinite Width ReLU Nets: The Multivariate Case"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: G. Ongie, R. Willett, **D. Soudry**, N. Srebro
- url: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5064442
- display: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 123705 (2018)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.01635.pdf
+ display: ICLR 2020
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1: video about this paper
+- title: "A Mean Field Theory of Quantized Deep Networks: The Quantization-Depth Trade-Off"
+ image: MeanFieldPaper.JPG
+ description: We apply mean-field techniques to networks with quantized activations in order to evaluate the degree to which quantization degrades signal propagation at initialization. We derive initialization schemes which maximize signal propagation in such networks and suggest why this is helpful for generalization.
+ authors: Y. Blumenfeld, D. Gilboa, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.00771
+ display: NeurIPS 2019
highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
-- title: "Charge trapping and super-Poissonian noise centres in a cuprate superconductor"
- image: Pub_BCl.png
- description: Using our newly developed noise-spectroscopy technique we discover charge trapping in a cuprate high-temperature superconductor.
- authors: KM Bastiaans* & D Cho*, T Benschop, I Battisti, Y Huang, MS Golden, Q Dong, Y Jin, J Zaanen, MP Allan
+- title: "Post-training 4-bit quantization of convolution networks for rapid-deployment"
+ image: PostTrainingPaper.JPG
+ description: This paper introduces the first practical 4-bit post training quantization approach.
+ authors: R. Banner, Y. Nahshan, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-018-0300-z
- display: Nature Physics 14, 1183 (2018)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.05723
+ display: NeurIPS 2019
highlight: 1
- news1: Instrument details in Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 093709 (2018)
- news2: See also quantum universe (in dutch), Phys.org , Leiden University news, UvA news.
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1: See more details about this paper
-- title: "Amplifier for scanning tunneling microscopy at MHz frequencies"
- image: Fano.png
- description: We develop, build and test a novel amplifier circuit capable of measuring the tunneling current in the MHz regime while simultaneously performing conventional STM measurements. We are looking forward to performing scanning noise spectroscopy on quantum materials!
- authors: KM Bastiaans, T Benschop, D Chatzopoulos, D Cho, Q Dong, Y Jin, MP Allan
+- title: "Lexicographic and Depth-Sensitive Margins in Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Deep Models"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: M. Shpigel Nacson, S. Gunasekar, J. Lee, N. Srebro, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5043267
- display: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 093709 (2018)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.07325.pdf
+ display: ICML 2019
highlight: 0
- news2:
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: "Revisiting quasiparticle scattering interference in high-temperature superconductors: the problem of narrow peaks"
+- title: "How do infinite width bounded norm networks look in function space?"
+ image: HowToInfinitePaper.JPG
+ description: We consider the question of what functions can be captured by ReLU networks with an unbounded number of units (infinite width), but where the overall network Euclidean norm (sum of squares of all weights in the system, except for an unregularized bias term for each unit) is bounded.
+ authors: P. Savarese, I. Evron, **D. Soudry**, N. Srebro
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05040
+ display: COLT 2019
+ highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news2:
+- title: "Convergence of Gradient Descent on Separable Data"
image: dummy.png
- description: ""
- authors: MA Sulangi, MP Allan, J Zaanen
+ description: " "
+ authors: M. Shpigel Nacson, J. Lee, S. Gunasekar, N. Srebro, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.134507
- display: PRB 96, 134507 (2017)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.01905
+ display: AISTATS 2019, Oral Presentation (2.5% acceptance rate).
highlight: 0
- news2: Coverd in Superconductor Week, November 30, 2017 Vol. 31, No. 10
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Robust procedure for creating and characterizing the atomic structure of scanning tunneling microscope tips
+- title: "Stochastic Gradient Descent on Separable Data: Exact Convergence with a Fixed Learning Rate"
image: dummy.png
- description: ""
- authors: S Tewari, KM Bastiaans, MP Allan, JM van Ruitenbeek
+ description: " "
+ authors: M. Shpigel Nacson, N. Srebro, **D. Soudry**
- url: http://www.beilstein-journals.org/bjnano/content/pdf/2190-4286-8-238.pdf
- display: Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 8, 2389 (2017)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.01796v3
+ display: AISTATS 2019
highlight: 0
- news2:
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Creating better superconductors by periodic nanopatterning
- image: SCAUweb.jpg
- description:
- We propose an approach to transform a ‘pristine’ material into a better (meta-) superconductor by making use of modern fabrication techniques -- designing and engineering the electronic properties of thin films via periodic patterning on the nanoscale.
- authors:
- MP Allan, MH Fischer, O Ostojic, A Andringa
+- title: "Norm matters: efficient and accurate normalization schemes in deep networks"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: E. Hoffer * , R. Banner * , I. Golan * , **D. Soudry**
- url: https://scipost.org/SciPostPhys.3.2.010/pdf
- display: SciPost Phys. 3, 010 (2017)
- highlight: 1
+ url: https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2018/file/a0160709701140704575d499c997b6ca-Paper.pdf
+ display: NeurIPS 2018, Spotlight (3.5% acceptance rate)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Poor electronic screening in lightly doped Mott insulators observed with scanning tunneling microscopy
- image: TIBB.png
- description:
- We develop a simple model to interpret STM results on lightly doped Mott insulators, and find that the effective Mott gap measured by STM correspons to the one measured with other techniques when taking into account the poor electronic screeing.
- authors:
- I Battisti, V Fedoseev, KM Bastiaans, A de la Torre, RS Perry, F Baumberger, MP Allan
+- title: "Implicit Bias of Gradient Descent on Linear Convolutional Networks"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: S. Gunasekar, J. D. Lee, **D. Soudry**, N. Srebro
- url: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.95.235141
- display: Phys. Rev. B 95, 235141, Editors' suggestion (2017)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.00468
+ display: NeurIPS 2018
highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Universality of pseudo gap and emergent order in lightly doped Mott insulators
- image: Mott_phase_sep.jpg
- description:
- We discover of electronic order, pseudo gap phase separation and an impurity-band Mott transition in an iridate compound, cuprate-style. Along the way, we gained unique knowledge on how a Mott state collapses.
- authors:
- I. Battisti* & K.M. Bastiaans*, V. Fedoseev, A. de la Torre, N. Iliopoulos, A. Tamai, E.C. Hunter, R.S. Perry, J. Zaanen, F. Baumberger, M.P. Allan
+- title: "Scalable Methods for 8-bit Training of Neural Networks"
+ image: ScalableMethodPaper.JPG
+ description: Our theoretical analysis suggests that most of the training process is robust to substantial precision reduction, and points to only a few specific operations that require higher precision. Armed with this knowledge, we quantize the model parameters, activations and layer gradients to 8-bit, leaving at a higher precision only the final step in the computation of the weight gradients. Additionally, as QNNs require batch-normalization to be trained at high precision, we introduce Range Batch-Normalization (BN) which has significantly higher tolerance to quantization noise and improved computational complexity.
+ authors: R. Banner, I. Hubara, E. Hoffer, **D. Soudry**
- url: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphys3894.html
- display: Nature Physics 13, 21 (2017)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.11046
+ display: NeurIPS 2018
highlight: 1
- news2: See also Leiden University news by Erik Arends, Phys.org
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news2:
-- title: Identifying the fingerprint of antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in iron pnictide superconductors
- image: Pub_FP.png
- description:
- Both the density of states and the QPI dispersion of LiFeAs shows signatures of electron-boson coupling. Comparing these with fingerprints of different boson couplings to conclude that these signatures stem from AF spin fluctuations.
- authors:
- MP Allan* & Kyungmin Lee* & AW Rost*, MH Fischer, F Massee, K Kihou, C-H Lee, A Iyo, H Eisaki, T-M Chuang, AP Mackenzie, JC Davis, DJ Scalapino, E-A Kim
+- title: "Characterizing Implicit Bias in Terms of Optimization Geometry"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: S. Gunasekar, J. Lee, **D. Soudry**, N. Srebro
- url: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v11/n2/full/nphys3187.html
- display: Nature Physics 11, 177 (2015)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.08246
+ display: ICML 2018
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "The Implicit Bias of Gradient Descent on Separable Data"
+ image: TheImplicitBiasofGradientDescent.JPG
+ description: We show that gradient descent on an unregularized logistic regression problem, for almost all separable datasets, converges to the same direction as the max-margin solution. The result generalizes also to other monotone decreasing loss functions with an infimum at infinity, and we also discuss a multi-class generalizations to the cross entropy loss. Furthermore, we show this convergence is very slow, and only logarithmic in the convergence of the loss itself.
+ authors: D. Soudry , E. Hoffer, M. Shpigel Nacson, N. Srebro
+ link:
+ url: https://openreview.net/pdf?id=r1q7n9gAb
+ display: ICLR 2018 (2018)
highlight: 1
- news1:
- news2: See also Cornell Chronicle by Anne Ju, Phys.org
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news2:
-- title: Direct evidence for a magnetic f-electron mediated Cooper pairing mechanism of heavy fermion superconductivity in CeCoIn5
+- title: "Fix your classifier: the marginal value of training the last weight layer"
image: dummy.png
- description: ""
- authors:
- J Van Dyke, F Massee, MP Allan, JC Davis, C Petrovic, and DK Morr
+ description: " "
+ authors: E. Hoffer, I. Hubara, **D. Soudry**
- url: http://www.pnas.org/content/111/32/11663
- display: PNAS 111, 11663 (2014)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.04540
+ display: ICLR 2018
highlight: 0
- news1: News item in Science
- news2:
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Imaging Cooper pairing of heavy fermions in CeCoIn5
- image: Pub_CeCoIn5.png
- description:
- The heavy Fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 has a d-wave gap with nodes along the (1,1) direction, as we find using QPI.
- authors:
- MP Allan* & F Massee*, DK Morr, J van Dyke, AW Rost, AP Mackenzie, C Petrovic, JC Davis
+- title: "Train longer, generalize better: closing the generalization gap in large batch training of neural networks"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: E. Hoffer * , I. Hubara * , **D. Soudry**
- url: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nphys2671.html
- display: Nature Physics 9, 468 (2013)
- highlight: 1
- news1: Featured in 'News and Views' by L Taillefer
- news2: See also Phys.org, DoE headliner
-- title: Formation of heavy d-electron quasiparticles in Sr3Ru2O7
- image: Pub_327.png
- description:
- Using APRES, we find that the bands in Sr3Ru2O7 look more like in heavy fermion material than in a normal metal. We present a detailed investigation into the formation of this particular electronic structure.
- authors:
- MP Allan, A Tamai, E Rozbicki, MH Fischer, J Voss, PDC King, W Meevasana, S Thirupathaiah, E Rienks, J Fink, A Tennant, RS Perry, JF Mercure, MA Wang, J Lee, CJ Fennie, E-A Kim, MJ Lawler, KM Shen, AP Mackenzie, Z-X Shen, F Baumberger
- link:
- url: http://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/15/6/063029
- display: New Journal of Physics 15, 063029 (2013)
- highlight: 1
- news: Video abstract available
-- title: Anisotropic impurity states, quasiparticle scattering and nematic transport in underdoped Ca(Fe1−xCox)2As2
- image: Pub_nemat2b.png
- description:
- We elucidate on the formation of the electronic nematic state in Co-CaFe2As2, finding that the Cobalt dopant atoms play a key role.
- authors:
- MP Allan, T-M Chuang, F Massee, Y Xie, N Ni, SL Bud’ko, GS Boebinger, Q Wang, DS Dessau, PC Canfield, MS Golden, JC Davis
+ url: https://papers.nips.cc/paper_files/paper/2017/hash/a5e0ff62be0b08456fc7f1e88812af3d-Abstract.html
+ display: NIPS 2017, Oral presentation (1.2% acceptance rate)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1: See more details about this paper
+- title: "Binarized Neural Networks"
+ image: BinarizedNeuralNetworksPaper.JPG
+ description: We introduce a method to train Binarized Neural Networks (BNNs) - neural networks with binary weights and activations at run-time. At training-time the binary weights and activations are used for computing the parameters gradients. During the forward pass, BNNs drastically reduce memory size and accesses, and replace most arithmetic operations with bit-wise operations, which is expected to substantially improve power-efficiency.
+ authors: I. Hubara *, M. Courbariaux *, **D. Soudry**, R. El-Yaniv, Y. Bengio
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.02830
+ display: NIPS 2016 (2016)
highlight: 1
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+ news2:
+- title: "A Fully Analog Memristor-Based Multilayer Neural Network with Online Backpropagation Training"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: S. Greshnikov, E. Rosenthal, **D. Soudry**, and S. Kvatinsky
- url: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v9/n4/full/nphys2544.html
- display: Nature Physics 9, 220 (2013)
- news2: See also Tech Connect by Jennifer Rocha, Phys.org by Bill Steele
+ url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-fully-analog-memristor-based-neural-network-with-Rosenthal-Greshnikov/66879965418dedeadadd1761b386a1dbaa67c7b2
+ display: Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1394-1397, 2016
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Anisotropic energy gaps of iron-based superconductivity from intraband quasiparticle interference in LiFeAs
- image: Pub_LiFeAs.png
- description:
- In contrast to earlier photoemission reports, we show that the gaps in iron based superconductors are not isotropic but modulated with angle.
- authors:
- MP Allan⋆ & AW Rost⋆, AP Mackenzie, Y Xie, JC Davis, K Kihou, CH Lee, A Iyo, H Eisaki, T-M Chuang
+- title: "Expectation Backpropagation: Parameter-Free Training of Multilayer Neural Networks with Continuous Or Discrete Weights"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry , I. Hubara and R. Meir
- url: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6081/563
- display: Science 336, 563 (2012)
- highlight: 1
- news2: See also Cornell Cornincle by Bill Steele, Eureka Alert
+ url: https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2014/file/076a0c97d09cf1a0ec3e19c7f2529f2b-Paper.pdf
+ display: NIPS 2014
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1: Paper with appendix (with a few typos corrected from NIPS website) , Code , Preliminary results on MNIST
-- title: How Kondo-holes create intense nanoscale heavy-fermion hybridization disorder
+- title: "Neuronal spike generation mechanism as an oversampling, noise-shaping A-to-D converter"
image: dummy.png
- description: ""
- authors: MH Hamidian, AR Schmidt, IA Firmo, MP Allan, P Bradley, JD Garrett, TJ Williams, GM Luke, Y Dubi, AV Balatsky, JC Davis
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. B. Chklovskii and **D. Soudry**
- url: http://www.pnas.org/content/108/45/18233
- display: PNAS 108, 18233 (2011)
+ url: https://papers.nips.cc/paper_files/paper/2012/hash/36660e59856b4de58a219bcf4e27eba3-Abstract.html
+ display: NIPS, 2012
highlight: 0
- news2:
+ RefPro: 1
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Nematic electronic structure in the “parent” state of the iron-based superconductor Ca(Fe1−xCox)2As2
- image: Pub_nemat1.png
- description:
- We discovered an electronic nematic in the iron based superconductor Co-CaFe2As2! This state is by now confirmed and quite well characterized by transport, photoemission, and more SI-STM experiments.
- authors:
- T-M Chuang* & MP Allan*, J Lee, Y Xie, N Ni, SL Bud’ko, GS Boebinger PC Canfield, JC Davis
+- title: "Training of Quantized Deep Neural Networks using a Magnetic Tunnel Junction-Based Synapse"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: T. Greenberg-Toledo, B. Perach, I. Hubara, **D. Soudry**, S. Kvatinsky
- url: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/327/5962/181
- display: Science 327, 181 (2010)
- highlight: 1
- news1: Featured in a ‘Perspective’ by E Fradkin & SA Kivelson
- news2: See also Article on NewScientist by Colin Barras
+ url: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6641/ac251b/meta
+ display: to appear in Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2021
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Heavy d-electron quasiparticle interference and real-space electronic structure of Sr3Ru2O7
- image: Pub_hBN.png
- description:
- QPI in Sr327.
- authors: Jinho Lee* & M. P. Allan*, M. A.Wang, J. Farrell, S. A. Grigera, F. Baumberger, J. C. Davis and A. P. Mackenzie
+- title: "Task Agnostic Continual Learning Using Online Variational Bayes with Fixed-Point Updates"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: C. Zeno *, I. Golan *, E. Hoffer, **D. Soudry**
- url: https://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v5/n11/full/nphys1397.html
- display: Nature Physics 5, 800 (2009)
+ url: https://direct.mit.edu/neco/article/33/11/3139/107073/Task-Agnostic-Continual-Learning-Using-Online
+ display: Neural Computation, 2021
highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Fermi surface and van Hove singularities in the itinerant metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7
- image: Pub_hBN.png
- description:
- We determine the Fermi surface of Sr327.
- authors:
- A Tamai, MP Allan, JF Mercure, W Meevasana, R Dunkel, DH Lu, RS Perry, AP Mackenzie, David J Singh, Z-X Shen, F Baumberger
+- title: "The Global Optimization Geometry of Shallow Linear Neural Networks"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: Z. Zhu, **D. Soudry**, Y. C. Eldar, M. B. Wakin
- url: http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.026407
- display: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 026407 (2008)
+ url: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10851-019-00889-w?wt_mc=Internal.Event.1.SEM.ArticleAuthorOnlineFirst&utm_source=ArticleAuthorContributingOnlineFirst&utm_medium=email&utm_content=AA_en_06082018&ArticleAuthorContributingOnlineFirst_20190603
+ display: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2019
highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
-- title: Tunable self-assembly of one-dimensional nanostructures with orthogonal directions
- image: Pub_hBN.png
- description:
- Hexagonal boron nitride shows fancy superstructures on the Mo(111) surface.
- authors:
- MP Allan, S Berner, M Corso, T Greber, J Osterwalder
+- title: "Seizure pathways: A model-based investigation"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: P. J. Karoly, L. Kuhlmann, **D. Soudry**, D. B. Grayden, M. J. Cook, D. R. Freestone
- url: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11671-006-9036-2
- display: Nanoscale Research Letters 2, 94 (2007)
- highlight: 1
+ url: https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006403
+ display: PLoS Comput Biol., vol. 14 no. 10, e1006403, 2018
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "The Implicit Bias of Gradient Descent on Separable Data"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry , E. Hoffer, M. Shpigel Nacson, S. Gunasekar, N. Srebro
+ link:
+ url: https://jmlr.org/papers/v19/18-188.html
+ display: JMLR, 2018
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Bifurcation Analysis of Two Coupled Jansen-Rit Neural Mass Models"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: S. Ahmadizadeh, P. Jane Karoly, D. Nesic, D. Br. Grayden, M. J.Cook, **D. Soudry**, D. R. Freestone
+ link:
+ url: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0192842
+ display: PLOS One, vol. 13 no. 3, e0192842, 2018
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Quantized Neural Networks: Training Neural Networks with Low Precision Weights and Activations"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: I. Hubara * , M. Courbariaux * ,**D. Soudry**, R. El-Yaniv, Y. Bengio.
+ link:
+ url: https://jmlr.org/papers/v18/16-456.html
+ display: JMLR, 2018
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Multi-scale approaches for high-speed imaging and analysis of large neural populations"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: J. Friedrich, W. Yang, **D. Soudry**, Y. Mu, M. B. Ahrens, R. Yuste, D. S. Peterka, L. Paninski
+ link:
+ url: https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005685
+ display: PLos Comput Biol, vol., 13 no. 8, e1005685, 2017
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Extracting grid cell characteristics from place cell inputs using non-negative principal component analysis"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: Y. Dordek *, D. Soudry *, R. Meir, D. Derdikman
+ link:
+ url: https://elifesciences.org/articles/10094v2
+ display: eLife, vol. 5, e10094, 2016
+ news1: F1000 Recommended
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+- title: "Simultaneous Denoising, Deconvolution, and Demixing of Calcium Imaging Data"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: E. A. Pnevmatikakis, **D. Soudry**, Y. Gao, T. A. Machado, J. Merel, D. Pfau,T. Reardon,Y. Mu, C. Lacefield, W. Yang, M. Ahrens, R. Bruno, T. M. Jessell, D. S. Peterka, R. Yuste, L. Paninski,
+ link:
+ url: https://www.cell.com/neuron/fulltext/S0896-6273(15)01084-3
+ display: Neuron, vol. 89, no. 2, 2016
+ news1: ِAppendix , Code
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+- title: "Efficient 'Shotgun' Inference of Neural Connectivity from Highly Sub-sampled Activity Data"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry, S. Keshri, P. Stinson, M.H. Oh, G. Iyengar, L. Paninski
+ link:
+ url: https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1004464
+ display: PLoS Comput Biol, vol. 11, no. 10, 2015
+ news1: 5 mins presentation , Code
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Memristor-based multilayer neural networks with online gradient descent training"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry , D. Di Castro, A. Gal, A. Kolodny, and S. Kvatinsky
+ link:
+ url: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7010034
+ display: IEEE TNNLS, vol. 26, no. 10, 2015
+ news1: Complete Code
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+- title: "Diffusion approximation-based simulation of stochastic ion channels: which method to use?"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Pezo, **D. Soudry**, P. Orio
+ link:
+ url: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncom.2014.00139/full
+ display: Front. Comput. Neurosci., vol. 8, no. 139, 2014
+ news1:
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+- title: "The neuronal response at extended timescales: a linearized spiking input-output relation"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncom.2014.00029/full
+ display: Front. Comput. Neurosci., vol. 8, no. 29, 2014
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "The neuronal response at extended timescales: long term correlations without long memory"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncom.2014.00029/full
+ display: Front. Comput. Neurosci., vol. 8, no. 35, 2014
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Simple, fast and accurate implementation of the diffusion approximation algorithm for stochastic ion channels with multiple states"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: P. Orio and **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0036670
+ display: PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 5 p. e36670, 2012
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Conductance-based neuron models and the slow dynamics of excitability"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncom.2012.00004/full
+ display: Front. Comput. Neurosci., vol. 6, no. 4, 2012
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "History-Dependent Dynamics in a Generic Model of Ion Channels–An Analytic Study"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncom.2010.00003/full
+ display: Front. Comput. Neurosci., vol. 4, Jan. 2010
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 1
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Why Cold Posteriors? On the Suboptimal Generalization of Optimal Bayes Estimates"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: C. Zeno, I. Golan, A. Pakman, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://openreview.net/forum?id=cu6zDHCfhZx
+ display: Third Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference, contributed talk (2021).
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "How Learning Rate and Delay Affect Minima Selection in Asynchronous Training of Neural Networks: Toward Closing the Generalization Gap (Oral)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: N. Giladi * , Mor Shpigel * , E. Hoffer, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://drive.google.com/file/d/101yxxakquNQYtr5CD7bdbDgDLVmt1H-J/view
+ display: ICML 'Understanding and Improving Generalization in Deep Learning' workshop (2019)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "A Mean Field Theory of Quantized Deep Networks: The Quantization-Depth Trade-Off (Oral)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: Y. Blumenfeld, D. Gilboa, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.00771
+ display: ICML 'Physics for deep learning' workshop (2019)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Increasing batch size through instance repetition improves generalization (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: E. Hoffer, T. Ben-Nun, N. Giladi, I. Hubara, T. Hoefler, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.09335
+ display: ICML 'Understanding and Improving Generalization in Deep Learning' workshop, poster (2019)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Task Agnostic Continual Learning Using Online Variational Bayes (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: C. Zeno *, I. Golan *, E. Hoffer, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.10123
+ display: NIPS Deep Bayesian learning workshop, 2018
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Infer2Train: leveraging inference for better training of deep networks (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: E Hoffer, B Weinstein, I Hubara, S Gofman, **D Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: http://learningsys.org/nips18/assets/papers/24CameraReadySubmissionInfer2Train.pdf
+ display: NIPS Deep Bayesian learning workshop, 2018
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Exponentially vanishing sub-optimal local minima in multilayer neural networks (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry, E. Hoffer
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.05777
+ display: ICLR workshop, 2018
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Quantized Neural Networks (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: I. Hubara * , M. Courbariaux *, **D. Soudry**, R. El-Yaniv, Y. Bengio
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: NIPS workshop on Efficient Methods for Deep Neural Networks (2016)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Quantized Neural Networks (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: I. Hubara * , M. Courbariaux *, **D. Soudry**, R. El-Yaniv, Y. Bengio
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: NIPS workshop on Efficient Methods for Deep Neural Networks (2016)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Binarized neural networks (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: I. Hubara * , M. Courbariaux *, **D. Soudry**, R. El-Yaniv, Y. Bengio
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: Machine Learning seminar, IBM research center, Haifa (2016)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Data-driven neural models part II: connectivity patterns of human seizures (Best student poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: P. J. Karoly, D. R. Freestone, **D. Soudry**, L. Kuhlmann, L. Paninski, M. Cook
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: CNS (2016)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Data-driven neural models part I: state and parameter estimation (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. R. Freestone, P. J. Karoly, **D. Soudry**, L. Kuhlmann, M.Cook
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: CNS (2016)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Extracting grid characteristics from spatially distributed place cell inputs using non-negative PCA (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: Y. Dordek * , D. Soudry * , R. Meir, D. Derdikman
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: SFN (2015)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Fast Constrained Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Whole-Brain Calcium Imaging Data (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: J. Friedrich, **D. Soudry**, Y. Mu, J. Freeman, M. Ahrens, and L. Paninski
+ link:
+ url: https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~afletcher/neuralsysnips.html
+ display: NIPS workshop on Statistical Methods for Understanding Neural Systems (2015)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Implementing efficient 'shotgun' inference of neural connectivity from highly sub-sampled activity data (Spotlight Presentation and poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry , S. Keshri, P. Stinson, M.H. Oh, G. Iyengar, L. Paninski
+ link:
+ url: https://videolectures.net/netadis2015_soudry_activity_data/
+ display: NIPS workshop on Modelling and Inference for Dynamics on Complex Interaction Networks (2015)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Expectation Backpropagation: Parameter-Free Training of Multilayer Neural Networks with Continuous Or Discrete Weights (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry ,I. Hubara and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: Machine Learning seminar (IBM research center, Haifa 2015)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: Efficient “shotgun” inference of neural connectivity from highly sub-sampled activity data (Oral)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry , S. Keshri, P. Stinson, M.H. Oh, G. Iyengar, L. Paninski
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: Swartz Annual Meeting at Janelia Research Campus (2015)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "A shotgun sampling solution for the common input problem in neural connectivity inference (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry , S. Keshri, P. Stinson, M.H. Oh, G. Iyengar, L. Paninski
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: COSYNE (2015)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Whole Brain Region of Interest Detection (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Pfau *, D. Soudry *, Y. Gao, Y. Mu, J. Freeman, M. Ahrens, L. Paninski
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: NIPS workshop on Large scale optical physiology -From data-acquisition to models of neural coding (2014)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Whole Brain Region of Interest Detection (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Pfau *, D. Soudry *, Y. Gao, Y. Mu, J. Freeman, M. Ahrens, L. Paninski
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: AREADNE (2014)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: " Mean Field Bayes Backpropagation: scalable training of multilayer neural networks with discrete weights (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: Machine Learning seminar (IBM research center, Haifa 2013)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Implementing Hebbian Learning Rules with Memristors (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudr y, D. Di Castro, A. Gal, A. Kolodny, and S. Kvatinsky
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: Memristor-based Systems for Neuromorphic Applications (Torino University 2013)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "A spiking input-output relation for general biophysical neuron models explains observed 1/f response (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: COSYNE (2013)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Spiking input-output relation of general biophysical neuron models – exact analytic solutions and comparisons with experiment (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: Variants and invariants in brain and behavior (Technion 2012)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "The slow dynamics of neuronal excitability - exact analytic solutions for the response of general biophysical neuron models at long times, and comparisons with experiment (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: Brain Plasticity Symposium (Tel Aviv university 2012)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "The slow dynamics of neuronal excitability (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: ISFN (2012)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "The neuron as a population of ion channels: The emergence of stochastic and history dependent behavior (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: COSYNE (2011)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "The neuron as a population of ion channels: The emergence of stochastic and history dependent behavior (Oral)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: ISFN (2010)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "History dependent dynamics in ion channels - an analytic study (Poster)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: COSYNE (2010)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Adapting Timescales: From Channel to Neuron” (Oral)"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry and R. Meir
+ link:
+ url:
+ display: ISFN (2009)
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 1
+ Notes: 0
+ news1:
+- title: "Mix & Match: training convnets with mixed image sizes for improved accuracy, speed and scale resiliency"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: E. Hoffer, B. Weinstein, I. Hubara, T. Ben-Nun, T. Hoefler, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.08986
+ display: See Here
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 1
+ news1:
+- title: "On the Blindspots of Convolutional Networks"
+ image: dummy.png
+ description: " "
+ authors: E. Hoffer, S. Fine, **D. Soudry**
+ link:
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.05187
+ display: See Here
+ highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 1
+ news1:
-- title: Photoelectron Diffraction for a Look inside Nanostructures
+- title: "No bad local minima: Data independent training error guarantees for multilayer neural networks"
image: dummy.png
- description: ""
- authors:
- J Osterwalder, A Tamai, W Auwärter; MP Allan, T Greber
+ description: " "
+ authors: D. Soudry , E. Hoffer
- url: hhttp://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/scs/chimia/2006/00000060/00000011/art00013
- display: CHIMIA 11, 759 (2006)
+ url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.08361
+ display: See Here
highlight: 0
+ RefPro: 0
+ JourPap: 0
+ RefAbs: 0
+ Notes: 1
+ news1:
diff --git a/_data/students.yml b/_data/students.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c97b0319818..00000000000
--- a/_data/students.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#- name:
-# photo: rock.jpg
-# info:
-# email:
-# number_educ:
-# education1:
-# education2:
-# education3:
-# education4:
-- name: Ilse Kuijf
- photo: rock.jpg
- info: Master student
- email: m.ortego.larrazabal@umail.leidenuniv.nl
- number_educ: 0
- education1:
-- name: Tessa Van der Ent
- photo: rock.jpg
- info: Master student
- email: m.ortego.larrazabal@umail.leidenuniv.nl
- number_educ: 0
- education1:
diff --git a/_data/team_members.yml b/_data/team_members.yml
index e20863bafd7..cbd4cb55d32 100644
--- a/_data/team_members.yml
+++ b/_data/team_members.yml
@@ -1,103 +1,110 @@
-- name: Milan P Allan
- photo: Milan1.jpg
- info: Associate professor, started Jan 2015
- email: milan.allan@gmail.com
- number_educ: 5
- education1: Master ETHZ, Diplomarbeit with J Osterwalder, University of Zurich
- education2: PhD St Andrews (while at Cornell University) with Felix Baumberger and JC Davis
- education3: Postdoc Cornell
- education4: ETH fellow at ETHZ with Andreas Wallraff
- education5: Bryan R. Coles Prize 2017
-- name: Jiasen Niu
- photo: Jiasen.png
- info: Postdoc, started Oct 2020
- email: niu@physics.leidenuniv.nl
+- name: Daniel Soudry
+ photo: daniels.jpg
+ info: Associate professor
+ email: daniel.soudry@technion.ac.il
number_educ: 2
- education1: PhD with Xi Lin and Jian Wei, Peking University
- education2: BSc Jilin University
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
-- name: Yudai Sato
- photo: Sato.jpeg
- info: Postdoc, started September 2023
- email: jwlee0421@postech.ac.kr
+- name: Chen Zeno
+ photo: chen2.jpeg
+ info: PhD student
+ email: chenzeno@campus.technion.ac.il
number_educ: 2
- education1: PhD with [Yukio Hasegawa](https://www.issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/maincontents/organization/labs/hasegawa_group_en.html) at the University of Tokyo
- education2: Master, University of Tokyo
-- name: Tjerk Benschop
- photo: tjeruk.jpg
- info: Postdoc, since 2023
- email: benschop@physics.leidenuniv.nl
- number_educ: 3
- education1: PhD Student, 2018-2023
- education2: Master Leiden University with Milan Allan
- education3: Casimir PhD fellowship
-- name: Meng Li
- photo: MengLi.jpg
- info: Postdoc, since 2023
- email: benschop@physics.leidenuniv.nl
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
+- name: Niv Giladi
+ photo: niv2.jpg
+ info: PhD student
+ email: giladiniv@cs.technion.ac.il
+ number_educ: 2
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
+- name: Mor Shpigel-Nacson
+ photo: mor1.jpg
+ info: PhD student
+ email: mor.shpigel@campus.technion.ac.il
+ number_educ: 2
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
+- name: Yaniv Blumenfeld
+ photo: yaniv1.jpg
+ info: PhD student
+ email: yanivbl@campus.technion.ac.il
+ number_educ: 2
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
+- name: Itay Evron
+ photo: itaye1.jpg
+ info: PhD student
+ email: evron@campus.technion.ac.il
+ number_educ: 2
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
+- name: Matan Haroush
+ photo: matanh1.jpg
+ info: PhD student
+ email: matan.h@campus.technion.ac.il
number_educ: 2
- education1: PhD, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with [Hong-Jun Gao](http://n04.iphy.ac.cn/english/zt/hongjungao.html).
- education2: BSc University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
-- name: Thomas Gozlinski
- photo: Thomas.jpg
- info: Postdoc, since November 2023
- email: benschop@physics.leidenuniv.nl
+- name: Tzofnat Greenberg-Toledo
+ photo: tzofant1.jpg
+ info: Shared PhD student with [Shahar kvatinsky ](https://kvatinsky.com/)
+ email: stzgrin@campus.technion.ac.il
number_educ: 2
- education1: PhD, KIT, with [Wulf Wulfhekel](https://www.int.kit.edu/1941_701.php).
- education2: MSc KIT
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
-- name: Amber Mozes
- photo: Amber.png
- info: PhD Student, started September 2021
- email: b
+- name: Hagay Michaeli
+ photo: hagaim.jpg
+ info: MSc Student
+ email: hagaymi@campus.technion.ac.il
number_educ: 2
- education1: Master Applied Physics, TU Delft
- education2: Casimir/Nanofront PhD fellowship
- education3:
- education4:
-- name: Maialen Ortego Larrazabal
- photo: Maialen.png
- info: PhD Student within a collaboration with the Swart Lab
- email: b
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
+- name: Edan Kinderman
+ photo: idan1.jpeg
+ info: MSc Student
+ email: kinderman@campus.technion.ac.il
number_educ: 2
- education1: Master Leiden University
- education2: BSc, University of the Basque Country
- education3:
- education4:
-- name: Kees van Oosten
- photo: DSC_1032.JPG
- info: FFine mechanical engineer (also associated with the FMD)
- email: Oosten@fmd.physics.leidenuniv.nl
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
+- name: Gon Buzaglo
+ photo: Gon.jpg
+ info: MSc Student
+ email: gonbuzaglo@campus.technion.ac.il
number_educ: 2
- education1: Leidse instrumentmakers School
- education2: Associate degree Mechanical Engineering, Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
-- name: Hugo van Bohemen
- photo: hugo.jpg
- info: Fine mechanical engineer (also associated with the FMD)
- email: h.s.m.van.bohemen@physics.leidenuniv.nl
+- name: Gil Denekamp
+ photo: dummyface.jpg
+ info: MSc Student
+ email: gil.denekamp@campus.technion.ac.il
number_educ: 1
- education1: Leidse Instrumentmakers School
- education2:
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
-- name: Ilse Kuijf
- photo: ilse.jpeg
- info: Shared PhD student in the [van Nieuwenburg group](https://evert.info), working with us
- email: Bastiaans@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl
+- name: Itamar Harel
+ photo: itamar.jpg
+ info: MSc Student
+ email: itamarharel@campus.technion.ac.il
number_educ: 1
- education1: Master Leiden University
-- name: "This could be you !"
- photo: rock.jpg
- info: See openings for more info
- email: milan.allan@gmail.com
- number_educ: 0
- education1:
- education2:
- education3:
+ education1: Email
+ education2: Homepage
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index aacd1ed112b..9bdd7fcb11a 100644
--- a/_includes/footer.html
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-We are part of the Leiden Institute of Physics at Leiden University.
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-## Patents -Milan P Allan, S Gröblacher, RA Norte, M Leeuwenhoek
{{ publi.description }}
+{{ publi.authors }}
+ +{{ publi.news1 }}
+{{ publi.news2 }}
++ + + +**This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101039436-ERC-A-B-C-Deep.** + + +