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We are a research group at the State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystem, Institute of Innovation Ecology, Lanzhou University. Our aim is to explore and understand the population adaption and speciation by various methods, such as genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, metagenomics.

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本课题组(动物基因组和适应性进化研究团队)属于兰州大学è‰åœ°å†œä¸šç”Ÿæ€ç³»ç»Ÿå›½å®¶é‡ç‚¹å®žéªŒå®¤ï¼Œç”Ÿæ€å­¦åˆ›æ–°ç ”究院。主è¦ç ”究内容为使用多组学手段,如基因组学ã€è½¬å½•ç»„å­¦ã€è¡¨è§‚é—ä¼ å­¦ã€å®åŸºå› ç»„学等,解决高原物ç§çš„适应性进化和物ç§å½¢æˆç­‰ç”Ÿç‰©å­¦é—®é¢˜ã€‚

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We are located at Lanzhou University, a beautiful city which passed through by Yellow River (see e.g. Wikipedia: Lanzhou City). We exchange ideas and work with our neighbors from Institute of Innovation Ecology, as well as with the colleagues from University of Haifa, Havard University and etc.

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实验室ä½äºŽé»„河穿城而过的美丽城市——兰州市。课题组现由多ååšå£«ç”Ÿï¼Œç ”究生以åŠæœ¬ç§‘生组æˆã€‚课题组和以色列海法大学,美国哈佛大学等多所高校åŠç§‘ç ”å•ä½æœ‰å¹¿æ³›çš„åˆä½œä¸Žäº¤æµã€‚

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We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, Master students and undergraduate students to join the team (more info) !

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We are grateful for funding from Lanzhou University and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

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(实验室æˆå‘˜å¯ä»¥åŠ å…¥Dropboxå°ç»„获å–书ç±èµ„æºï¼‰

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Our main aim is to explore and understand the population adaption and speciation by various methods, such as genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, metagenomics. For this, we mainly focus on two study systems.

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Here are some themes and techniques that we currently work on:

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Adaptive evolution of subterranean rodents


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在长期的进化过程中,地下鼠形æˆäº†ç‰¹æ®Šçš„适应性进化特å¾ï¼Œè¿™å¯¹äºŽç ”究生物钟调节与长寿现象ã€ä½Žæ°§é€‚应与抗癌特性等具有é‡è¦çš„学术æ„义和应用价值,是值得关注的研究方å‘。有关地下鼠的相关资料自å¤å°±æœ‰è®°è½½ï¼Œã€Šå°”雅·释兽》称鼢鼠ã€é¼¹é¼ â€œåœ°ä¸­è¡Œè€…â€ï¼Œåˆæœ‰ã€Šæœ¬è‰æ‹¾é—》载:“éšé¼ ï¼Œé˜´ç©¿åœ°ä¸­è¡Œï¼Œè§æ—¥æœˆå…‰åˆ™æ­»ï¼ŒäºŽæ·±å±±æž—木下土中有之,主大瘘疮。â€

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‘Subterranean rodent’ is a general term for a class of small mammals that live underground. There are more than 250 species of underground rats around the world, widely distributed in Asia, Africa, America, and the Europe, living mostly in open areas such as savannas, grasslands, mountains, arid and semi-arid areas, and some of them live in dense thickets and forests.

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During the long-term evolutionary process, the subterranean mice have evolved special adaptive evolutionary characteristics, which are of great study significance and application value for researches of biological clock regulation and longevity, hypoxia adaptation and anti-cancer properties.

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我们拟从以下几个方é¢ç ”究地下啮齿动物适应性进化的分å­æœºåˆ¶ï¼Œå¹¶æŽ¢ç´¢å½¢æˆè¿™äº›è¡¨åž‹å¯èƒ½çš„平行进化或趋åŒè¿›åŒ–机制。

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1.åœ°ä¸‹é¼ çš„é•¿å¯¿ç‰¹å¾ +地下鼠的æŸäº›ç§ç±»çš„寿命很长,例如普通鼠类寿命一般为1-3年,而盲鼹鼠的寿命å¯è¾¾22年,裸鼹鼠最长寿命å¯è¾¾31年,是普通鼠类寿命的10å€ä»¥ä¸Šã€‚地下鼠的长寿机制尚ä¸æ¸…楚,推测å¯èƒ½ä¸Žé»‘暗环境中的生物钟调控å˜å¼‚有关。

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Some species of subterranean rodent have long lifespans. For example, common mice typically live 1-3 years, while blind mole rats can live up to 22 years and naked mole rats can live up to 31 years, which is more than 10 times the lifespan of mice. The mechanism of longevity in subterranean mice remains unknown, ones inferred that it may be related to variation in the regulation of the biological clock in dark environments.

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2.地下鼠黑暗环境中的昼夜节律 +生物钟一般严格å—外部光信å·è°ƒèŠ‚,表现出显ç€çš„24å°æ—¶èŠ‚律性。然而,生活在地下黑暗洞é“中的地下鼠å—光周期的影å“å°ï¼Œè¤ªé»‘激素å‚与程度低,进化了出内æºæ€§çš„24å°æ—¶æ˜¼å¤œæ´»åŠ¨èŠ‚律。探索地下鼠在黑暗的洞é“内调节自身的昼夜节律,对光周期紊乱的人群以åŠæ·±æµ·å·¥ä½œäººå‘˜ã€å¤ªç©ºæŽ¢ç´¢äººå‘˜æœ‰ç€é‡è¦ä»·å€¼ã€‚

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Biological clocks are generally regulated strictly by external light signals and exhibit significant 24-hour rhythmicity. However, subterranean rats living in dark underground cave tunnels are less affected by photoperiod, have low melatonin involvement, and have evolved an endogenous 24-hour circadian rhythm. Exploration of the subterranean rats’ regulation of their own circadian rhythms in dark cave tunnels could be of great value to people with photoperiodic disorders, as well as to deep-sea workers and space explorers.

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3.地下鼠低氧适应 +地下鼠对低氧的长期适应,使其æˆä¸ºç ”究低氧适应的ç†æƒ³å®žéªŒåŠ¨ç‰©ã€‚色田鼠对急性和慢性低氧å‡å…·æœ‰è¾ƒå¼ºçš„适应能力,分å­æœºåˆ¶ä¸»è¦åŒ…括高效的能é‡åˆ©ç”¨ã€ä¸¥æ ¼çš„血管生æˆè°ƒæŽ§ï¼Œä»¥åŠå¤šå±‚é¢çš„细胞修å¤ä¸Žå‡‹äº¡è°ƒèŠ‚;能é‡ä»£è°¢å’Œç»†èƒžå¢žæ®–/凋亡水平高。

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The long-term adaptation of the subterranean rats to hypoxia makes it an ideal experimental animal for studying hypoxic adaptation. Chromatic voles have a strong capacity to adapt to both acute and chronic hypoxia, and the molecular mechanisms mainly include efficient energy utilization, strict regulation of angiogenesis, and multi-level regulation of cell repair and apoptosis; high levels of energy metabolism and cell proliferation/apoptosis.

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4.地下鼠和抗癌研究 +研究å‘现体外培养的裸鼹鼠æˆçº¤ç»´ç»†èƒžä¼šåˆ†æ³Œå¤§é‡çš„高分å­é‡é€æ˜Žè´¨é…¸ï¼ˆHigh-molecular-mass hyaluronan, HMM-HA),作者们è¯å®žè¿™æ­£æ˜¯è£¸é¼¹é¼ èƒ½å¤ŸæŠµæŠ—癌症å‘生的é‡è¦åŽŸå› ã€‚我们拟以其他地下鼠物ç§ä¸ºå¯¹è±¡ï¼Œç ”究地下鼠类抗癌的分å­æœºåˆ¶ã€‚

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Research found that in vitro cultured nudibranch fibroblasts secrete large amounts of high-molecular-mass hyaluronan (HMM-HA), which the authors demonstrated to be an important reason for the ability of nudibranchs to resist cancer development. We propose to investigate the molecular mechanisms of cancer resistance in the subterranean rodents by using other subterranean rodent species.

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Adaptive evolution and managment of small mammal in upland grasslands

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é’è—高原是我国乃至北åŠçƒæ°”候å˜åŒ–çš„å¯å¼ å™¨å’Œè°ƒèŠ‚器,ä¸ä»…直接影å“我国东部和西å—部气候的å˜åŒ–,对北åŠçƒã€ç”šè‡³å…¨çƒçš„气候å˜åŒ–,都具有明显的æ•æ„Ÿæ€§å’Œè°ƒèŠ‚性。ä¸åŒåœ°åŒºå¯¼è‡´è‰åœ°é€€åŒ–的主è¦å› ç´ ä¸å°½ç›¸åŒï¼Œå¯¼è‡´é’è—高原è‰åœ°é€€åŒ–最主è¦çš„å› å­æ˜¯è¿‡åº¦æ”¾ç‰§å’Œæ¤é£Ÿæ€§å°å“ºä¹³åŠ¨ç‰©ç§ç¾¤çˆ†å‘。

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The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the initiator and regulator of climate change in China and even in the northern hemisphere, and not only directly influences the climate change in the eastern and southwestern parts of China, but also has obvious sensitivity and regulation to the climate change in the northern hemisphere and even globally. The main factors leading to grassland degradation vary from region to region, and the most important factors leading to grassland degradation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are overgrazing and outbreaks of vegetative small mammal.

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高原鼠兔(学å:Ochotona curzoniae)为鼠兔属的哺乳动物,åˆå鸣声鼠ã€çŸ³å…”。分布于é’è—高原åŠé™„近地区。该物ç§çš„模å¼äº§åœ°åœ¨è¥¿è—å—部[1]。高原鼠兔是典型的è‰é£Ÿæ€§åŠ¨ç‰©ï¼Œåœ¨è‰åŽŸä¸Šä»¥é’è‰ä¸ºé£Ÿã€‚ æ ¹æ®åŒ–石è¯æ®æ˜¾ç¤ºï¼Œé«˜åŽŸé¼ å…”的进化å²å·²æœ‰3700万年的时间,在鼠兔属中是éžå¸¸åŽŸå§‹çš„一ç§ã€‚在é’è—高原隆å‡è¿‡ç¨‹ä¸­ï¼Œå®ƒä»¬é€æ¸æ‰©æ•£åˆ°å‘¨è¾¹åœ°åŒºï¼Œè¿œåˆ°æ—¥æœ¬ã€æ¬§æ´²å’Œç¾Žæ´²ã€‚

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The plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a mammal of the genus Ochotona, also known as the songbird and the rock hare. It is distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and nearby areas. The type locality of this species is in southern Tibet. Plateau pika are typical herbivores, feeding on grasses in the grasslands. According to fossil evidence, the plateau pika has an evolutionary history of 37 million years and is a very primitive species in the genus Sage-grouse. During the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, they gradually spread to the surrounding areas, as far as Japan, Europe and America.

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长期的高原è‰åœ°ä¿æŠ¤ç ”究中,人们å‘现,高原鼠兔并éžæ˜¯å¼•èµ·è‰åœ°é€€åŒ–的原因,而是è‰åœ°é€€åŒ–的结果。而且,鉴于它在高原生æ€ç³»ç»Ÿä¸­çš„地ä½ï¼Œç­é¼ åªä¼šé€‚å¾—å…¶å。把鼠兔和它所在的生境作为一个整体,系统地研究和管ç†ã€‚è¿™ç§è§‚点的ä¾æ®æ˜¯ï¼Œé¼ å…”对è‰åœ°çš„作用利弊往往å–决于它们的数é‡å’Œç§ç¾¤å¯†åº¦ã€‚越æ¥è¶Šå¤šçš„科学家认为,应当利用一些综åˆæ€§çš„措施,比如动æ€è½®ç‰§ã€é€€ç‰§è¿˜è‰ã€ç‰§è‰ç§æ¤ã€é¼ å…”控制等方å¼ï¼Œç»´æŒå®¶ç•œã€è‰åœºå’Œé¼ å…”的生æ€å调。

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Long-term researches on plateau grassland conservation has revealed that the plateau pika is not the main cause of grassland degradation, but rather the result of it. Moreover, given its position in the plateau ecosystem, it is counterproductive to eradicate the pika. The plateau pika and its habitat should be studied and managed systematically as a whole. This view is based on the fact that the benefits and drawbacks of sage-grouse action on grasslands often depend on their numbers and population densities. A growing number of scientists believe that integrated measures, such as dynamic rotational grazing, grazing restoration, pasture planting, and sage-grouse control, should be used to maintain the ecological harmony of livestock, pasture, and pikas.

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我们通过ä¸åŒç ”究ä¸åŒåˆºæ¿€ä½œç”¨ï¼Œå¦‚天敌ã€é£Ÿç‰©ç»„分等,对高原鼠兔生ç†ç”ŸåŒ–和生活状æ€çš„å½±å“,研究高原鼠兔应激的神ç»ç”Ÿç†å­¦æœºåˆ¶å’Œé—传学机制,为高原鼠兔管ç†å’Œé«˜åŽŸè‰åœ°ä¿æŠ¤å¥ å®šåŸºç¡€ã€‚

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We study the neurophysiological mechanisms and molecular mechanisms of stress in plateau pika through different effects of different stimuli factors, such as natural enemies and food components, on the physiology, biochemistry and living conditions of plateau pika, and lay the foundation for plateau pika management and plateau grassland conservation.

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… and more.

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Every Tuesday at 9:30 in HL124.

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05.09.2017 Aarts

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Open positions

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Applications for PhD/Master and Postdoc positions


If you are interested in working with us as a PhD student or postdoc, please send me an email. State briefly why you are interested and attach a CV, including information about the grades you had as an undergraduate. No need for a separate cover letter or certificates. Important: please insert “Application PhD†or “Application Postdoc†in the subject line. If you are applying to a specific advertisement, note this in your email.

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如果您是希望加入课题组进行åšå£«åŽç ”究的åŒäº‹ï¼Œæˆ–进行åšå£«ç ”究生ã€ç¡•å£«ç ”究生学习的åŒå­¦ï¼Œè¯·å‘é€é‚®ä»¶å¹¶ç®€å•åœ°æ³¨æ˜Žæ‚¨çš„æ„å‘,附上包括您å„阶段学习æˆç»©çš„简历。请在邮件主题中注明:åšå£«åŽ/åšå£«ç”Ÿ/硕士生申请。

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Undergraduate positions


Sometimes, we take master students or undergraduate students if we get exceptional applicants (this usually means very good grades and a personal recommendation).

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(For a full list of publications and patents see below or go to ResearchGate)

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Full List of publications

+ +

Local Adaptation of Bitter Taste and Ecological Speciation in a Wild Mammal (2021)
+ 1. Jiao, H., Wang, Q., Wang, B. J., Li, K., Lövy, M., Nevo, E., Li, Q., Su, W., Jiang, P., Zhao, H.*
Mol Bio Evol, 38(10), 4562-4572

+ +

Genome evolution of blind subterranean mole rats: Adaptive peripatric versus sympatric speciation (2021)
+ Li, K.*, Zhang, S., Song, X., Weyrich, A., Wang, Y., Liu, X., Wan, N., Liu, J., Lövy, M., Cui, H., Frenkel, V., Titievsky, A., Panov, J., Brodsky, L., Nevo, E.*
PNAS, 117(51), 32499-32508

+ +

Genome evolution of blind subterranean mole rats: Adaptive peripatric versus sympatric speciation (2020)
+ Li, K., Ren, X., Song, X., Li, X., Zhou, Y., Harlev, E., Sun, D., Nevo, E.*
Life Sci alliance, 3(12)

+ +

Genome-wide analysis revisits incipient sympatric and allopatric speciation in a beetle (2020)
+ Hong, W., Li, K., Sharaf, K., Song, X., Pavlìcek, T., Zhao, H., Nevo, E.*
Isr J Ecol Evol, 1(aop), 1-12

+ +

Convergent reduction of V1R genes in subterranean rodents (2019)
+ Jiao, H., Hong, W., Nevo, E., Li, K., Zhao, H.*
BMC Evol Biol, 19(1), 1-9

+ +

Adaptive response of a soil fungus, Aspergillus niger, to changed environmental conditions in a soil transplant experiment (2018)
+ Grishkan, I.*, Wakamatsu, K., Perl, T., Li, K., Nevo, E.
Biol J Linn Soc.

+ +

Transcriptome profiling of high-altitudinal adaptations of Myospalax to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau stresses (2018)
+ Cai, Z.*, Wang, L.*, Song, X.*, Li, X., Zhang, Y., Li, K., Gao, D., Zhang, T., Nevo, E.
Sci Rep 16;8(1):1-1

+ +

Regulation of gene expression and RNA editing in Drosophila adapting to divergent microclimates at Evolution Canyon (2017)
+ Yablonovitch, A., Fu, J., Li, K., Mahato, S., Kang, L., Rashkovetsky, E., Korol, A., Tang, H., Michalak, P., Zelhof, A., Nevo, E., Li, J.
Nat Commun, 8(1), 1570

+ +

Genetic diversity and sex bias dispersal of plateau pika in Tibetan plateau (2017)
+ Zhang, L., Qu, J., Li, K., Li, W., Yang, M., Zhang, Y.
Ecol Evol

+ +

Sympatric speciation of spiny mice, Acomys, unfolded transcriptomically at Evolution Canyon, Israel (2016)
+ Li, K., Wang, H., Cai, Z., Wang, L., Xu, Q., Wang, Z., Nevo, E.*
PNAS, 113(29), 8254-8259

+ +

Transcriptome, genetic editing, and microRNA divergence substantiate sympatric speciation of blind mole rat, Spalax (2016)
+ Li, K., Wang, L., Knisbacher, B. A., Xu, Q., Levanon, E. Y., Wang, H., … & Buchumenski
PNAS, 113(29), 8254-8259

+ +

Mechanisms regulating proteostasis are involved in sympatric speciation of the blind mole rat, Spalax galili (2016)
+ Rodriguez, K. A., Li, K., Nevo, E., & Buffenstein, R.
Autophagy, 12(4), 703-704

+ +

Adaptive methylation regulation of p53 pathway in sympatric speciation of blind mole rats, Spalax (2015)
+ Zhao, Y., Tang, J. W., Yang, Z., Cao, Y. B., Ren, J. L., Ben-Abu, Y., Li, K., & Nevo, E.
PNAS, 113(8), 2146-2151

+ +

Sympatric speciation revealed by genome-wide divergence in the blind mole rat Spalax (2014)
+ Li, K., Hong, W., Jiao, H., Wang, G. D., Rodriguez, K. A., Buffenstein, R., … & Zhao, H.
PNAS, 112(38), 11905-11910

+ +

Genome-wide adaptive complexes to underground stresses in blind mole rats Spalax (2014)
+ Fang, X., Nevo, E., Han, L., Levanon, E. Y., Zhao, J., Avivi, A., Li, K., … & Krogh, A.
Nat Commun, 5

+ +

Molecular characterization of transgene integration by next-generation sequencing in transgenic cattle (2012)
+ Zhang, R., Yin, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, K., Zhu, H., Gong, Q., … & Li, N.
PLoS ONE, 7(11), e50348

+ +

Effectiveness of 10 polymorphic microsatellite markers for parentage and pedigree analysis in plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) (2010)
+ Li, K., Geng, J., Qu, J., Zhang, Y., & Hu, S.
BMC Genet, 11(1), 101

+ +

A modified enrichment method to construct microsatellite library from plateau pika genome (Ochotona curzoniae) (2010)
+ Geng, J., Li, K., Zhang, Y., & Hu, S.
Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 8(1), 72-76

+ +

Isolation and characterization of 13 microsatellite loci in the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) (2009)
+ Li, K., Geng, J., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., & Hu, S.
Conserv Genet, 10(3), 785-787

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We tried to make it simple yet adaptable, so that it is easy for you to use it as a template. Plese feel free to copy and modify for your own purposes. You don't have to link to us or mention us (but of course we appreciate it). - -Go to *aboutwebsite.md* to learn how to copy and modidy this page for your purpose. - - -Copyright Allan Lab. Code released under the MIT License. +This is the code of Li Lab website +[网站修改åŠæŽ¨é€è¯´æ˜Ž](/development.md) diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml index d28d0b61a13..dce8a29cba4 100644 --- a/_config.yml +++ b/_config.yml @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ # 'jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process. # Site settings -title: The Allan Lab +title: The Li Lab email: your-email@domain.com description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this diff --git a/_data/alumni_bsc.yml b/_data/alumni_bsc.yml index 245f53a20d7..e69de29bb2d 100644 --- a/_data/alumni_bsc.yml +++ b/_data/alumni_bsc.yml @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -- name: Vishnu Saj (IIT), Spring 2017 - -- name: Arjo Andringa, Spring 2016 - -- name: Joey Braspenning, Spring 2017 - -- name: Tjerk Benschop, Summer 2017 - -- name: Daniëlle van Klink, Spring 2016 - -- name: Margot Leemker, Spring 2017 - -- name: Sietske Lensen, Spring 2017 - -- name: Jasper van Egeraat, Spring 2018 - -- name: Ringo Groenewegen, Spring 2018 - -- name: Amber Vervloet, Spring 2019 diff --git a/_data/alumni_members.yml b/_data/alumni_members.yml index 959b3aa2c64..e69de29bb2d 100644 --- a/_data/alumni_members.yml +++ b/_data/alumni_members.yml @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -- name: Gijsbert Verdoes - photo: verdoes.jpg - duration: In the Allan Lab 2015 - 2018, now Project manager at the FMD - info: Fine mechanical engineer associated with the FMD working in our group - email: verdoes@fmd.physics.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 1 - education1: Leidse instrumentmakers School - education2: - education3: - education4: - -- name: Irene Battisti - photo: irene.jpg - info: PhD student - duration: In the Allan Lab Jan 2015 to June 2019, now R&D scientist at Nearfield Instruments - email: Battisti@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl - number_educ: 3 - education1: Master Padova University - education2: Master thesis at Leiden University with Jan van Ruitenbeek - education3: PhD Leiden University! - -- name: Doohee Cho - photo: Doohee2.jpg - info: Postdoc - duration: In the Allan Lab May 2017 to June 2019, now assistant professor at Yonsei University - email: cho@physics.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 4 - education1: B.S. Yonsei University, Korea - education2: PhD Yonsei University, Korea with In-Whan Lyo - education3: Postdoc POSTECH with Han Woong Yeom - education4: Postdoc Rutgers with Sang-Wook Cheong - -- name: Maarten Leeuwenhoek - photo: Maarten.png - info: PhD Student, shared with the Groeblacher lab at TU Delft under a NanoFront grant. - email: M.Leeuwenhoek@tudelft.nl - duration: In the Allan Lab December 2015 to February 2020, now design engineer at ASML - number_educ: 1 - education1: Master Leiden University with Milan Allan - education2: - education3: - education4: - -- name: Freek Groenewoud - photo: Freek.jpg - info: Fine mechanical engineer (also associated with the FMD) - email: Groenewoud@physics.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 2 - duration: In the Allan Lab 2018 - 2020 - education1: Leidse Instrumentmaker School - education2: Mechanical Engineer , Hogeschool Delft - education3: - education4: diff --git a/_data/alumni_msc.yml b/_data/alumni_msc.yml index 2b7b4068826..e69de29bb2d 100644 --- a/_data/alumni_msc.yml +++ b/_data/alumni_msc.yml @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -- name: Maarten Leeuwenhoek, Spring 2015 - -- name: Koen M Bastiaans, Spring 2015 - -- name: Farshaad Hoeseni, Fall 2015 - -- name: Oliver Ostojic, Spring 2016 - -- name: Tjerk Benschop, Spring 2016 - -- name: Bert Visscher, Fall 2017 - -- name: Ahmad Jamalzada, Fall 2017 - -- name: Corne Koks, Fall 2018 - -- name: Damian Bouwmeester (TU Delft), Summer 2019 - -- name: Rosanne Wijgman (RU), Fall 2019 - -- name: Rebecca Gharibaan (TU Delft), Fall 2020 - -- name: Rémi Claessen, Fall 2020 - -- name: Amber Mozes (TU Delft), Fall 2020 - -- name: Evert Stolte, Spring 2021 - -- name: Sergio Barquero Pierantoni, Spring 2021 - -- name: Maialen Larrazabal Ortego, Spring 2021 - -- name: Allard Nieuwesteeg, Spring 2021 diff --git a/_data/alumni_visitors.yml b/_data/alumni_visitors.yml index 2fa2eab6ca3..8b137891791 100644 --- a/_data/alumni_visitors.yml +++ b/_data/alumni_visitors.yml @@ -1,13 +1 @@ -- name: Nikolaos Iliopoulos, Spring 2016 -- name: Vitaly Fedoseev, all of 2016 - -- name: Alexander Vanstone (Imperial), Spring 2016 - -- name: Ramakrishna Aluru, Summer 2018 - -- name: Changwei Zou (Tsinghua), Spring 2018 - -- name: Kemal Demir (Bilkent), Summer 2019 - -- name: Vincent Stalman, 2019 diff --git a/_data/news.yml b/_data/news.yml index 1bce679d93a..b547d4af57a 100644 --- a/_data/news.yml +++ b/_data/news.yml @@ -1,175 +1,29 @@ +- date: 14. Jan 2024 + headline: æ­å–œåšå£«ç”Ÿå®‰ç»šã€åšå£«ç”ŸçŽ‹å¯…嘉和硕士生毛ä¹è¨€ä¸ºå…±åŒç¬¬ä¸€ä½œè€…, æŽå…‹æ¬£æ•™æŽˆã€åˆ˜å»ºå…¨æ•™æŽˆä¸ºå…±åŒé€šè®¯ä½œè€…的文章《Genomic structural variation is associated with hypoxia adaptation in high-altitude zokors》å‘表于Nature Ecology Evolution. +- date: 20. April 2023 + headline: Jiaqi Chen, Wei Shen will join us as MSc students, and Weilan Miao will join us as PhD students --welcom
硕士生陈佳çªï¼Œæ²ˆè–‡åŠ å…¥è¯¾é¢˜ç»„,åšå£«ç”Ÿè‹—å«å…°åŠ å…¥è¯¾é¢˜ç»„ï¼Œæ¬¢è¿Žï¼ -- date: 1. October 2021 - headline: Maialen will join us within a collaboration with the Swart Lab -- welcome Maialen! +- date: 14. April 2022 + headline: Xiaojie Yang will join us as PhD students --welcom
åšå£«ç”Ÿæ¨æ™“æ´åŠ å…¥è¯¾é¢˜ç»„ï¼Œæ¬¢è¿Žï¼ -- date: 15. September 2021 - headline: Amber will join us with Casimir-Nanofront PhD fellowship -- welcome Amber! - -- date: 28. June 2021 - headline: Welcome Jinwon! - -- date: 16. March 2021 - headline: "Koen wrote about his research in EurophysicsNews (page 12)." - -- date: 16. February 2021 - headline: "Our new paper on twisted bilayer graphene from our Leiden-ICFO collaboration in PRR." - -- date: 22. January 2021 - headline: "Koen wins the Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa prize for best physics thesis of the Netherlands!" - -- date: 21. January 2021 - headline: "New paper on arXiv, on Cooper pairs above Tc" - -- date: 16. January 2021 - headline: "Our YSR paper is out, in collaboration with Copenhagen." - -- date: 08. December 2020 - headline: "Our new paper is out, in collaboration with the groups of Baumberger, Perry and Mackenzie." - -- date: 02. November 2020 - headline: "Maarten's paper is published in Microsyst Nanoeng." - -- date: 15. October 2020 - headline: "Welcome Jiasen!" - -- date: 29. September 2020 - headline: "TGB paper (led by ICFO and Geneva) is in Nature Physics! See also coverage by Dorine Schenk in NRC" - -- date: 14. September 2020 - headline: "Maarten's paper is published in PRB." - -- date: 18. March 2020 - headline: "LION made a nice video about Koen and his research." - -- date: 8. January 2020 - headline: "Irene wins discoverer of the year by the faculty of Science! (Press release)!" - -- date: 10. December 2019 - headline: "Koen defends his PhD with a cum laude (top 5%)!" - -- date: 5. September 2019 - headline: "The noise doubling paper is published in Phys. Rev. B!" - -- date: 25. August 2019 - headline: "Doohee got an assistant professor job at Yonsei University!" - -- date: 25. July 2019 - headline: "The inhomogeneous superfluid paper is published in Nature!" - -- date: 15. July 2019 - headline: "We imaged the doubling of shot noise due to Andreev reflections in a STM, posted on arXiv." - -- date: 24. May 2019 - headline: "The smart tip paper is finally published ! A collaboration with the Gröblacher Lab at TU Delft." - -- date: 08. May 2019 - headline: "Irene defends her PhD!" - -- date: 08. May 2019 - headline: "Dome makes it on the University website. " - -- date: 13. December 2018 - headline: "Our paper about how to construct an STM is in Review of Scientific Instruments. " - -- date: 08. October 2018 - headline: "We discovered charge trapping in a high-Tc superconductor! Publication in Nature Physics. " - -- date: 27. September 2018 - headline: "Our MHz amplifier for STM is published in Review of Scientific Instruments. " - -- date: 16. May 2018 - headline: "Milan, Koen and Irene talk about superconductivity in Made in Leiden." +- date: 13. April 2022 + headline: Sanyuan Liu and Zhilong Feng will join us as MSc students -- welcome
ç¡•å£«ç”Ÿåˆ˜ä¸‰å…ƒï¼Œå†¯å¿—é¾™åŠ å…¥è¯¾é¢˜ç»„ã€‚æ¬¢è¿Žï¼ -- date: 4. May 2018 - headline: "Welcome Ram!" - -- date: 5.-9. March 2018 - headline: "Irene and Milan are at the March Meeting (Talk Tue 10am, session E45)" - -- date: 13. November 2017 - headline: " New paper published in collaboration with the group of Jan van Ruitenbeek" - -- date: 10. November 2017 - headline: "Doohee makes the third place at the LION Image Award. " - -- date: 9. October 2017 - headline: "We contributed to Miguel and Jan's new paper. " - -- date: 12. August 2017 - headline: "We got an ERC starting grant." - -- date: 10. August 2017 - headline: "Our paper is published in SciPost Physics." - -- date: 17. - 21. July 2017 - headline: "Milan wins the Bryan R. Coles prize at SCES 2017, Prague. Koen received the best poster presentation award. " - -- date: 17. - 21. July 2017 - headline: "Koen, Maarten and Milan will be at SCES 2017, Prague. Come check out our posters on Tuesday&Thursday and talk on Thursday!" - -- date: 18. June 2017 - headline: "Paper on poor electronic screening published in PRB as Editors' selection! " - -- date: 15. May 2017 - headline: Welcome Doohee! - -- date: 13. - 17. March 2017 - headline: Koen & Irene give talks at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans. - -- date: 27. January - 3. March 2017 - headline: "We are looking forward to co-hosting the workshop on unconventional superconductivity at the Lorentz center. " - -- date: 17-18. January 2017 - headline: Irene, Koen, Maarten and Milan will be at Physics@Veldhoven 2017. (Talk at PT6.1 and poster at P9.022). - -- date: 25. November 2016 - headline: "We are part of a newly granted Vrije Programma on strange metals, together with the groups of Hussey, Golden, vHeumen, Zaanen, Schalm, Stoof and Vandoren, see press release. We also got a Projectruimte." - -- date: 19. September 2016 - headline: " Our first paper from Leiden is online at Nature Physics! " - -- date: 12. September 2016 - headline: Koen is at Correl16, Julich. - -- date: 01. July 2016 - headline: Milan is at the strongly correlated electron GRC 2016. - -- date: 24. June 2016 - headline: Felix Baumberger is visiting. - -- date: 17. June 2016 - headline: Irene is at SNS2016. - -- date: 28. April 2016 - headline: Our results on the Mott & pseudo gap physics posted on arXiv ! - -- date: 14. May 2016 - headline: Ivan Bozovic is visiting. - -- date: 17. March 2016 - headline: Koen, Irene & Vitaly present a poster at Sun Sailing Science. - -- date: 17. Jan 2016 - headline: "We discover electronic order and pseudogap in a non-cuprate materal! " - -- date: 01. Jan 2016 - headline: Welcome Vitaly! - -- date: 17. June 2015 - headline: Welcome Kees! +- date: 15. September 2021 + headline: Undergraduate students Ling Li and Qijiao Duan will join us as MSc students next year -- welcome Ling and Qijiao!
本科生æŽçŽ²ï¼Œæ®µçªå¨‡å°†åœ¨æ˜Žå¹´åŠ å…¥è¯¾é¢˜ç»„ã€‚æ¬¢è¿Žï¼ -- date: 17. June 2015 - headline: "Maarten wins the LION image award! Check out his submission." +- date: 1. September 2021 + headline: Xiaolong Liang and Xuan An joined us as PhD students -- welcome Xiaolong and Xuan!
åšå£«ç”Ÿæ¢å°é¾™ï¼Œå®‰ç»šåŠ å…¥è¯¾é¢˜ç»„ã€‚æ¬¢è¿Žï¼ -- date: 17. June 2015 - headline: " We win a Vidi grant: 800kEUR to invest in science! (Leiden news, FOM news item) " +- date: 1. September 2021 + headline: Zhuoran Kuang and Leyan Mao joined us as MSc students -- welcome Zhuoran and Lryan!
硕士生匡å“然,毛ä¹è¨€åŠ å…¥è¯¾é¢˜ç»„ã€‚æ¬¢è¿Žï¼ -- date: 01. Sept 2015 - headline: "Welcome Koen and Maarten: from Master- to PhD-students" +- date: 7. July 2021 + headline: A new paper we participated in just published on Molecular Biology and Evolution!
课题组å‚与研究的论文å‘表在MBE上 -- date: 17. June 2015 - headline: "We got our commercial STM from Unisoku, and we are already busy modifying." +- date: 15. June 2021 + headline: Fang Li from Mudanjiang Nomral University will join us as a visiting student-- welcome Fang!
研究生交æµç”ŸæŽèŠ³åŠ å…¥è¯¾é¢˜ç»„ï¼Œæ¬¢è¿Žï¼ -- date: 01. Jan 2015 - headline: Welcome Irene, Gijsbert & Milan — our lab is officially starting! +- date: 4. December 2020 + headline: A new paper we led published on PNAS! diff --git a/_data/pictures_Leiden.yml b/_data/pictures_Leiden.yml index a86e9249844..fb830b0fcbb 100644 --- a/_data/pictures_Leiden.yml +++ b/_data/pictures_Leiden.yml @@ -1,34 +1,36 @@ - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0366.JPG + image: 1.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0368.JPG -- title: pic_description - image: 20150918_145800.jpg + image: 2.jpg +- title: pic1_description + image: 17.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0030.jpg + image: 18.jpg +- title: pic_description + image: 3.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0051.jpg + image: 4.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0116.jpg + image: 5.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0119.jpg + image: 6.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0128.jpg + image: 7.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0139.jpg + image: 8.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0636.jpg + image: 9.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0683.jpg + image: 10.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0696.jpg + image: 11.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: DSC_0757.jpg + image: 12.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: IMG_4334.jpg + image: 13.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: IMG_4376.jpg + image: 15.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: tamagochi.jpg + image: 16.jpg - title: pic1_description - image: tmp2-2.jpg + image: 19.jpg diff --git a/_data/publist.yml b/_data/publist.yml index be05b98d1fa..bb3c155be04 100644 --- a/_data/publist.yml +++ b/_data/publist.yml @@ -1,342 +1,131 @@ -- title: "Imaging moiré deformation and dynamics in twisted bilayer graphene" - image: TBG_SL.png - description: Why is there so much variation in TBG devices? And are open devices more disordered than encapsulated ones? We introduce a new method to continuously map inhomogeneities of a moiré lattice and apply it to open-device TBG to show that twist angle variation is small over areas of hundreds of nm. - authors: TA de Jong, T Benschop, X Chen, EE Krasovskii, MJA de Dood, RM Tromp, MP Allan, SJ van der Molen +- title: "**Genomic structural variation is associated with hypoxia adaptation in high-altitude zokors (2024)**" + authors: An X, Mao L, Wang Y, Xu Q, Liu X, Zhang S, Qiao Z, Li B, Li F, Kuang Z, Wan N, Liang X, Duan Q, Feng Z, Yang X, Liu S, Nevo E, Liu J\*, Storz JF\*, Li K\*. link: - url: https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.013153 - display: arXiv:2107.14716 (2021) - highlight: 0 - news2: + url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-023-02275-7 + display: Nat Ecol Evol, 2024 -- title: "Measuring local moiré lattice heterogeneity of twisted bilayer graphene" - image: TBG_SL.png - description: Why is there so much variation in TBG devices? And are open devices more disordered than encapsulated ones? We introduce a new method to continuously map inhomogeneities of a moiré lattice and apply it to open-device TBG to show that twist angle variation is small over areas of hundreds of nm. - authors: T Benschop *, TA de Jong*, P Stepanov*, Xiaobo Lu, V Stalman, SJ van der Molen, DK Efetov, MP Allan +- title: "**Sympatric speciation of the spiny mouse from Evolution Canyon in Israel substantiated genomically and methylomically(2022)**" + authors: Wang Y, Qiao Z, Mao L, Li F, Liang X, An X, Zhang S, Liu X, Kuang Z, Wan N, Nevo E\*, Li K\*. link: - url: https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.013153 - display: Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013153 (2021) - highlight: 1 - news2: See also [arXiv:2107.14716](https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14716) + url: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2121822119?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed + display: PNAS, 119(13) -- title: "Direct evidence for Cooper pairing without a spectral gap in a disordered superconductor above Tc" - image: TiNHigh.png - description: We use our atomic-scale scanning tunneling noise setup on a disordered superconductor, and discover a state above TC that, much like an ordinary metal, has no (pseudo)gap, but carries charge via paired electrons. - authors: KM Bastiaans, D Chatzopoulos, J-F Ge, D Cho, WO Tromp, JM van Ruitenbeek, MH Fischer, PJ de Visser, DJ Thoen, EFC Driessen, TM Klapwijk, MP Allan +- title: "**Genomic insights into zokors' phylogeny and speciation in China (2022)**" + authors: Liu X, Zhang S, Cai Z, Kuang Z, Wan N, Wang Y, Mao L, An X, Li F, Feng T, Liang X, Qiao Z, Nevo E*, Li, K\* link: - url: https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.08535 - display: arXiv:2101.08535 (2021) - highlight: 1 + url: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2121819119?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub++0pubmed + display: PNAS, 119(19) -- title: "Spatially dispersing Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in the unconventional superconductor FeTe0.55Se0.45" - image: YSR.png - description: We report on a peculiar, spatially dispersing YSR state in Fe(Se,Te) that can be tuned by the tip. - authors: D Chatzopoulos, Doohee Cho, KM Bastiaans, GO Steffensen, D Bouwmeester, A Akbari, Genda Gu, J Paaske, BM Andersen, MP Allan +- title: "**Local Adaptation of Bitter Taste and Ecological Speciation in a Wild Mammal (2021)**" + authors: 1. Jiao, H., Wang, Q., Wang, B. J., **Li, K.**, Lövy, M., Nevo, E., Li, Q., Su, W., Jiang, P., Zhao, H.* link: - url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-20529-x - display: Nature Communications 12, 298 (2021) - highlight: 1 + url: https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/38/10/4562/6317515 + display: Mol Bio Evol, 38(10), 4562-4572 -- title: "Multi-Atom Quasiparticle Scattering Interference for Superconductor Energy-Gap Symmetry Determination" - image: TBG_ARPES.png - description: - authors: R Sharma, A Kreisel, MA Sulangi, J Böker, A Kostin, MP Allan, H Eisaki, AE Böhmer, PC Canfield, I Eremin, JC Davis, PJ Hirschfeld, PO Sprau +- title: "**Genome evolution of blind subterranean mole rats: Adaptive peripatric versus sympatric speciation (2021)**" + authors: Li, K.\*, Zhang, S., Song, X., Weyrich, A., **Wang, Y.**, **Liu, X.**, **Wan, N.**, Liu, J., Lövy, M., Cui, H., Frenkel, V., Titievsky, A., Panov, J., Brodsky, L., Nevo, E.\* link: - url: https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41535-020-00303-4 - display: npj Quantum Materials 6, 7 (2021) - highlight: 0 - news2: + url: https://www.pnas.org/content/117/51/32499 + display: PNAS, 117(51), 32499-32508 - -- title: "Observation of flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene" - image: TBG_ARPES.png - description: A first paper from the TBG collaboration is online, with beautiful data from the Baumberger group in Geneva, and great devices from the Efetov group at ICFO. We measured STM on the device. - authors: S Lisi*, X Lu*, T Benschop*, TA de Jong*, Petr S, JR Duran, F Margot, I Cucchi, E Cappelli, A Hunter, A Tamai, V Kandyba, A Giampietri, A Barinov, J Jobst, V Stalman, M Leeuwenhoek, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, L Rademaker, SJ van der Molen, MP Allan, DK Efetov, F Baumberger - link: - url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-020-01041-x - display: Nature Physics 17, 198 (2020) - highlight: 1 - news2: News coverage by NRC - -- title: "Direct comparison of ARPES, STM, and quantum oscillation data for band structure determination in Sr2RhO4" - image: Direct.png - authors: I Battisti, WO Tromp, S Riccò, RS Perry, AP Mackenzie, A Tamai, F Baumberger, MP Allan - description: We directly test the consistency of results from these three techniques by comparing data from the correlated metal Sr2RhO4. Using ARPES, STM, and quantum oscillations, we find good agreement for the Fermi surface topography and carrier effective masses. Hence, the apparent absence of such an agreement in other quantum materials, including the cuprates, suggests that the electronic states in these materials are of different, non-Fermi liquid-like nature. Collaboration with the groups of Baumberger, Perry, and Mackenzie. - link: - url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41535-020-00292-4 - display: npj Quantum Materials 5, 91 (2020) - highlight: 1 - news2: - -- title: "Fabrication of on-chip probes for double-tip scanning tunneling microscopy" - image: TBG_ARPES.png - authors: M Leeuwenhoek, F Groenewoud, K van Oosten, T Benschop, MP Allan, S Gröblacher - description: - link: - url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41378-020-00209-y - display: Microsyst. Nanoeng. 6, 99 (2020) - highlight: 0 - news2: - -- title: "Modeling Green's functions measurements with two-tip scanning tunneling microscopy" - image: TBG_ARPES.png - description: A first paper from the TBG collaboration is online, with beautiful data from the Baumberger group in Geneva, and great devices from the Efetov group at ICFO. We measured STM on the device. - authors: M Leeuwenhoek, S Gröblacher, MP Allan, YaM Blanter - link: - url: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.115416 - display: PRB 102, 115416 (2020) - highlight: 0 - news2: - -- title: "A strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in an iron-based superconductor" - image: STS_news.png - description: We succeeded in measuring the superfluid density with atomic resolution on an unconventional superconductor! In contrast to expectations for conventional superconductors, we find that the superfluid densisty is strongly inhomogeneous in FeTe0.55Se0.45. - authors: D Cho* & KM Bastiaans* & D Chatzopoulos*, GD Gu, MP Allan +- title: "**Genome evolution of blind subterranean mole rats: Adaptive peripatric versus sympatric speciation (2020)**" + authors: Li, K., Ren, X., Song, X., Li, X., Zhou, Y., Harlev, E., Sun, D., Nevo, E.\* link: - url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1408-8 - display: Nature 571, 541 (2019) - highlight: 1 - news2: + url: http://dx.doi.org/10.26508/lsa.202000827 + display: Life Sci alliance, 3(12) -- title: "Nanofabricated tips as a platform for double-tip and device based scanning tunneling microscopy" - image: SmartPub.png - description: We introduce a platform for bringing new, device-based functionality to STM, with the goal of utilizing decades of progress in device engineering for the field of scanning probe. - authors: M Leeuwenhoek, RA Norte, KM Bastiaans, Doohee Cho, I Battisti, YaM Blanter, S Gröblacher, MP Allan +- title: "**Genome-wide analysis revisits incipient sympatric and allopatric speciation in a beetle (2020)**" + authors: Hong, W., **Li, K.**, Sharaf, K., Song, X., Pavlìcek, T., Zhao, H., Nevo, E.\* link: - url: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6528/ab1c7f/pdf - display: Nanotechnology 30, 335702 (2019) - highlight: 1 - news2: See also our papers on the theoretical modeling of such measurements, and the paper about fabrication. + url: http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/22244662-bja10018 + display: Isr J Ecol Evol, 1(aop), 1-12 -- title: "Imaging doubled shot noise in a Josephson scanning tunneling microscope" - image: PbSpub.png - description: We have imaged the doubling of the current noise due to Andreev reflections in a Josephson scanning tunneling microscope. - authors: KM Bastiaans, D Cho, D Chatzopoulos, M Leeuwenhoek, C Koks, MP Allan +- title: "**Convergent reduction of V1R genes in subterranean rodents (2019)**" + authors: Jiao, H., Hong, W., Nevo, E., **Li, K.**, Zhao, H.* link: - url: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.104506 - display: Phys. Rev. B 100, 104506 (2019) - highlight: 1 - news2: + url: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12862-019-1502-4 + display: BMC Evol Biol, 19(1), 1-9 -- title: "Definition of design guidelines, construction and performance of an ultra-stable scanning tunneling microscope for spectroscopic imaging" - image: DomePub.png - description: Our first completely home-built STM is alive! And it has the world’s highest resonance frequency. - authors: I Battisti, G Verdoes, K van Oosten, KM Bastiaans, and MP Allan +- title: "**Adaptive response of a soil fungus, Aspergillus niger, to changed environmental conditions in a soil transplant experiment (2018)**" + authors: Grishkan, I.*, Wakamatsu, K., Perl, T., **Li, K.**, Nevo, E. link: - url: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5064442 - display: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 123705 (2018) - highlight: 1 - news2: + url: https://academic.oup.com/biolinnean/article/125/4/821/5151196 + display: Biol J Linn Soc. -- title: "Charge trapping and super-Poissonian noise centres in a cuprate superconductor" - image: Pub_BCl.png - description: Using our newly developed noise-spectroscopy technique we discover charge trapping in a cuprate high-temperature superconductor. - authors: KM Bastiaans* & D Cho*, T Benschop, I Battisti, Y Huang, MS Golden, Q Dong, Y Jin, J Zaanen, MP Allan +- title: "**Transcriptome profiling of high-altitudinal adaptations of Myospalax to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau stresses (2018)**" + authors: Cai, Z.\*, Wang, L.\*, Song, X.*, Li, X., Zhang, Y., **Li, K.**, Gao, D., Zhang, T., Nevo, E. link: - url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-018-0300-z - display: Nature Physics 14, 1183 (2018) - highlight: 1 - news1: Instrument details in Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 093709 (2018) - news2: See also quantum universe (in dutch), Phys.org , Leiden University news, UvA news. + url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-40701-8 + display: Sci Rep 16;8(1):1-1 -- title: "Amplifier for scanning tunneling microscopy at MHz frequencies" - image: Fano.png - description: We develop, build and test a novel amplifier circuit capable of measuring the tunneling current in the MHz regime while simultaneously performing conventional STM measurements. We are looking forward to performing scanning noise spectroscopy on quantum materials! - authors: KM Bastiaans, T Benschop, D Chatzopoulos, D Cho, Q Dong, Y Jin, MP Allan +- title: "**Regulation of gene expression and RNA editing in Drosophila adapting to divergent microclimates at Evolution Canyon (2017)**" + authors: Yablonovitch, A., Fu, J., **Li, K.**, Mahato, S., Kang, L., Rashkovetsky, E., Korol, A., Tang, H., Michalak, P., Zelhof, A., Nevo, E., Li, J. link: - url: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5043267 - display: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 093709 (2018) - highlight: 0 - news2: - -- title: "Revisiting quasiparticle scattering interference in high-temperature superconductors: the problem of narrow peaks" - image: dummy.png - description: "" - authors: MA Sulangi, MP Allan, J Zaanen - link: - url: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.134507 - display: PRB 96, 134507 (2017) - highlight: 0 - news2: Coverd in Superconductor Week, November 30, 2017 Vol. 31, No. 10 - -- title: Robust procedure for creating and characterizing the atomic structure of scanning tunneling microscope tips - image: dummy.png - description: "" - authors: S Tewari, KM Bastiaans, MP Allan, JM van Ruitenbeek + url: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-017-01658-2 + display: Nat Commun, 8(1), 1570 + +- title: "**Genetic diversity and sex bias dispersal of plateau pika in Tibetan plateau (2017)**" + authors: Zhang, L., Qu, J., **Li, K.**, Li, W., Yang, M., Zhang, Y. link: - url: http://www.beilstein-journals.org/bjnano/content/pdf/2190-4286-8-238.pdf - display: Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 8, 2389 (2017) - highlight: 0 - news2: + url: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ece3.3289 + display: Ecol Evol -- title: Creating better superconductors by periodic nanopatterning - image: SCAUweb.jpg - description: - We propose an approach to transform a ‘pristine’ material into a better (meta-) superconductor by making use of modern fabrication techniques -- designing and engineering the electronic properties of thin films via periodic patterning on the nanoscale. - authors: - MP Allan, MH Fischer, O Ostojic, A Andringa +- title: "**Sympatric speciation of spiny mice, Acomys, unfolded transcriptomically at Evolution Canyon, Israel (2016)**" + authors: Li, K., Wang, H., Cai, Z., Wang, L., Xu, Q., Wang, Z., Nevo, E.\* link: - url: https://scipost.org/SciPostPhys.3.2.010/pdf - display: SciPost Phys. 3, 010 (2017) - highlight: 1 + url: https://www.pnas.org/content/113/29/8254 + display: PNAS, 113(29), 8254-8259 -- title: Poor electronic screening in lightly doped Mott insulators observed with scanning tunneling microscopy - image: TIBB.png - description: - We develop a simple model to interpret STM results on lightly doped Mott insulators, and find that the effective Mott gap measured by STM correspons to the one measured with other techniques when taking into account the poor electronic screeing. - authors: - I Battisti, V Fedoseev, KM Bastiaans, A de la Torre, RS Perry, F Baumberger, MP Allan +- title: "**Transcriptome, genetic editing, and microRNA divergence substantiate sympatric speciation of blind mole rat, Spalax (2016)**" + authors: Li, K., Wang, L., Knisbacher, B. A., Xu, Q., Levanon, E. Y., Wang, H., ... & Buchumenski link: - url: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.95.235141 - display: Phys. Rev. B 95, 235141, Editors' suggestion (2017) - highlight: 0 + url: https://www.pnas.org/content/113/27/7584 + display: PNAS, 113(29), 8254-8259 -- title: Universality of pseudo gap and emergent order in lightly doped Mott insulators - image: Mott_phase_sep.jpg - description: - We discover of electronic order, pseudo gap phase separation and an impurity-band Mott transition in an iridate compound, cuprate-style. Along the way, we gained unique knowledge on how a Mott state collapses. - authors: - I. Battisti* & K.M. Bastiaans*, V. Fedoseev, A. de la Torre, N. Iliopoulos, A. Tamai, E.C. Hunter, R.S. Perry, J. Zaanen, F. Baumberger, M.P. Allan +- title: "**Mechanisms regulating proteostasis are involved in sympatric speciation of the blind mole rat, Spalax galili (2016)**" + authors: Rodriguez, K. A., **Li, K.**, Nevo, E., & Buffenstein, R. link: - url: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphys3894.html - display: Nature Physics 13, 21 (2017) - highlight: 1 - news2: See also Leiden University news by Erik Arends, Phys.org - -- title: Identifying the fingerprint of antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in iron pnictide superconductors - image: Pub_FP.png - description: - Both the density of states and the QPI dispersion of LiFeAs shows signatures of electron-boson coupling. Comparing these with fingerprints of different boson couplings to conclude that these signatures stem from AF spin fluctuations. - authors: - MP Allan* & Kyungmin Lee* & AW Rost*, MH Fischer, F Massee, K Kihou, C-H Lee, A Iyo, H Eisaki, T-M Chuang, AP Mackenzie, JC Davis, DJ Scalapino, E-A Kim - link: - url: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v11/n2/full/nphys3187.html - display: Nature Physics 11, 177 (2015) - highlight: 1 - news1: - news2: See also Cornell Chronicle by Anne Ju, Phys.org - -- title: Direct evidence for a magnetic f-electron mediated Cooper pairing mechanism of heavy fermion superconductivity in CeCoIn5 - image: dummy.png - description: "" - authors: - J Van Dyke, F Massee, MP Allan, JC Davis, C Petrovic, and DK Morr - link: - url: http://www.pnas.org/content/111/32/11663 - display: PNAS 111, 11663 (2014) - highlight: 0 - news1: News item in Science - news2: - -- title: Imaging Cooper pairing of heavy fermions in CeCoIn5 - image: Pub_CeCoIn5.png - description: - The heavy Fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 has a d-wave gap with nodes along the (1,1) direction, as we find using QPI. - authors: - MP Allan* & F Massee*, DK Morr, J van Dyke, AW Rost, AP Mackenzie, C Petrovic, JC Davis - link: - url: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nphys2671.html - display: Nature Physics 9, 468 (2013) - highlight: 1 - news1: Featured in 'News and Views' by L Taillefer - news2: See also Phys.org, DoE headliner - -- title: Formation of heavy d-electron quasiparticles in Sr3Ru2O7 - image: Pub_327.png - description: - Using APRES, we find that the bands in Sr3Ru2O7 look more like in heavy fermion material than in a normal metal. We present a detailed investigation into the formation of this particular electronic structure. - authors: - MP Allan, A Tamai, E Rozbicki, MH Fischer, J Voss, PDC King, W Meevasana, S Thirupathaiah, E Rienks, J Fink, A Tennant, RS Perry, JF Mercure, MA Wang, J Lee, CJ Fennie, E-A Kim, MJ Lawler, KM Shen, AP Mackenzie, Z-X Shen, F Baumberger - link: - url: http://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/15/6/063029 - display: New Journal of Physics 15, 063029 (2013) - highlight: 1 - news: Video abstract available - -- title: Anisotropic impurity states, quasiparticle scattering and nematic transport in underdoped Ca(Fe1−xCox)2As2 - image: Pub_nemat2b.png - description: - We elucidate on the formation of the electronic nematic state in Co-CaFe2As2, finding that the Cobalt dopant atoms play a key role. - authors: - MP Allan, T-M Chuang, F Massee, Y Xie, N Ni, SL Bud’ko, GS Boebinger, Q Wang, DS Dessau, PC Canfield, MS Golden, JC Davis - highlight: 1 - link: - url: http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v9/n4/full/nphys2544.html - display: Nature Physics 9, 220 (2013) - news2: See also Tech Connect by Jennifer Rocha, Phys.org by Bill Steele - -- title: Anisotropic energy gaps of iron-based superconductivity from intraband quasiparticle interference in LiFeAs - image: Pub_LiFeAs.png - description: - In contrast to earlier photoemission reports, we show that the gaps in iron based superconductors are not isotropic but modulated with angle. - authors: - MP Allan⋆ & AW Rost⋆, AP Mackenzie, Y Xie, JC Davis, K Kihou, CH Lee, A Iyo, H Eisaki, T-M Chuang + url: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080%2F15548627.2016.1143592 + display: Autophagy, 12(4), 703-704 + +- title: "**Adaptive methylation regulation of p53 pathway in sympatric speciation of blind mole rats, Spalax (2015)**" + authors: Zhao, Y., Tang, J. W., Yang, Z., Cao, Y. B., Ren, J. L., Ben-Abu, Y., **Li, K.**, & Nevo, E. link: - url: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6081/563 - display: Science 336, 563 (2012) - highlight: 1 - news2: See also Cornell Cornincle by Bill Steele, Eureka Alert + url: https://www.pnas.org/content/113/8/2146 + display: PNAS, 113(8), 2146-2151 -- title: How Kondo-holes create intense nanoscale heavy-fermion hybridization disorder - image: dummy.png - description: "" - authors: MH Hamidian, AR Schmidt, IA Firmo, MP Allan, P Bradley, JD Garrett, TJ Williams, GM Luke, Y Dubi, AV Balatsky, JC Davis +- title: "**Sympatric speciation revealed by genome-wide divergence in the blind mole rat Spalax (2014)**" + authors: Li, K., Hong, W., Jiao, H., Wang, G. D., Rodriguez, K. A., Buffenstein, R., ... & Zhao, H. link: - url: http://www.pnas.org/content/108/45/18233 - display: PNAS 108, 18233 (2011) - highlight: 0 - news2: + url: https://www.pnas.org/content/112/38/11905 + display: PNAS, 112(38), 11905-11910 -- title: Nematic electronic structure in the “parent†state of the iron-based superconductor Ca(Fe1−xCox)2As2 - image: Pub_nemat1.png - description: - We discovered an electronic nematic in the iron based superconductor Co-CaFe2As2! This state is by now confirmed and quite well characterized by transport, photoemission, and more SI-STM experiments. - authors: - T-M Chuang* & MP Allan*, J Lee, Y Xie, N Ni, SL Bud’ko, GS Boebinger PC Canfield, JC Davis +- title: "**Genome-wide adaptive complexes to underground stresses in blind mole rats Spalax (2014)**" + authors: Fang, X., Nevo, E., Han, L., Levanon, E. Y., Zhao, J., Avivi, A., **Li, K.**, ... & Krogh, A. link: - url: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/327/5962/181 - display: Science 327, 181 (2010) - highlight: 1 - news1: Featured in a ‘Perspective’ by E Fradkin & SA Kivelson - news2: See also Article on NewScientist by Colin Barras + url: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms4966 + display: Nat Commun, 5 -- title: Heavy d-electron quasiparticle interference and real-space electronic structure of Sr3Ru2O7 - image: Pub_hBN.png - description: - QPI in Sr327. - authors: Jinho Lee* & M. P. Allan*, M. A.Wang, J. Farrell, S. A. Grigera, F. Baumberger, J. C. Davis and A. P. Mackenzie +- title: "**Molecular characterization of transgene integration by next-generation sequencing in transgenic cattle (2012)**" + authors: Zhang, R., Yin, Y., Zhang, Y., **Li, K.**, Zhu, H., Gong, Q., ... & Li, N. link: - url: https://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v5/n11/full/nphys1397.html - display: Nature Physics 5, 800 (2009) - highlight: 0 + url: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0050348 + display: PLoS ONE, 7(11), e50348 -- title: Fermi surface and van Hove singularities in the itinerant metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7 - image: Pub_hBN.png - description: - We determine the Fermi surface of Sr327. - authors: - A Tamai, MP Allan, JF Mercure, W Meevasana, R Dunkel, DH Lu, RS Perry, AP Mackenzie, David J Singh, Z-X Shen, F Baumberger +- title: "**Effectiveness of 10 polymorphic microsatellite markers for parentage and pedigree analysis in plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) (2010)**" + authors: Li, K., Geng, J., Qu, J., Zhang, Y., & Hu, S. link: - url: http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.026407 - display: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 026407 (2008) - highlight: 0 + url: https://bmcgenomdata.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2156-11-101 + display: BMC Genet, 11(1), 101 -- title: Tunable self-assembly of one-dimensional nanostructures with orthogonal directions - image: Pub_hBN.png - description: - Hexagonal boron nitride shows fancy superstructures on the Mo(111) surface. - authors: - MP Allan, S Berner, M Corso, T Greber, J Osterwalder +- title: "**A modified enrichment method to construct microsatellite library from plateau pika genome (Ochotona curzoniae) (2010)**" + authors: Geng, J., **Li, K.**, Zhang, Y., & Hu, S. link: - url: http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/2/2/94 - display: Nanoscale Research Letters 2, 94 (2007) - highlight: 1 + url: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1672-0229(10)60007-1 + display: Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 8(1), 72-76 -- title: Photoelectron Diffraction for a Look inside Nanostructures - image: dummy.png - description: "" - authors: - J Osterwalder, A Tamai, W Auwärter; MP Allan, T Greber +- title: "**Isolation and characterization of 13 microsatellite loci in the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) (2009)**" + authors: Li, K., Geng, J., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., & Hu, S. link: - url: hhttp://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/scs/chimia/2006/00000060/00000011/art00013 - display: CHIMIA 11, 759 (2006) - highlight: 0 + url: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10592-008-9662-6 + display: Conserv Genet, 10(3), 785-787 diff --git a/_data/staff.yml b/_data/staff.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a6608507d34 --- /dev/null +++ b/_data/staff.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +- name: PI: Kexin Li + photo: li2.jpg + info: Professor, started Nov 2019 + email: likexin@lzu.edu.cn + number_educ: 3 + education1: 2008.9 - 2011.7, PhD, UCAS + education2: 2004.9 - 2007.12, MSc, UCAS + education3: 2000.9 - 2004.7, BSc, QFNU \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_data/students.yml b/_data/students.yml index 5f942d0e71b..2fc480a0053 100644 --- a/_data/students.yml +++ b/_data/students.yml @@ -8,16 +8,43 @@ # education3: # education4: -- name: Thijs van den Munckhof - photo: rock.jpg - info: Master student - email: m.ortego.larrazabal@umail.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 0 - education1: - -- name: João van der Ven - photo: rock.jpg - info: BSc student - email: m.ortego.larrazabal@umail.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 0 - education1: +- name: Xi Liu + photo: liuxi.jpg + info: Graduate student, started Sept 2020 + email: liuxi20@lzu.edu.cn + + +- name: Leyan Mao + photo: leyan2.jpg + info: Graduate Student, started Sept 2021 + email: leyan990403@gmail.com + + +- name: Zhuoran Kuang + photo: zhuoran.jpg + info: Graduate Student, started Sept 2021 + + +- name: Sanyuan Liu + photo: penhuo.jpg + info: Graduate Student, started Sept 2022 + email: kogoorimasaki@outlook.com + + +- name: Qijiao Duan + photo: duan.jpg + info: Graduate Student, started Sept 2022 + + +- name: Zhilong Feng + info: Graduate Student, started Sept 2022 + + +- name: Jiaqi Chen + info: Graduate Student, started Sept 2023 + + +- name: Wei Shen + info: Graduate Student, started Sept 2023 + + diff --git a/_data/team_members.yml b/_data/team_members.yml index fb826817f08..be602946372 100644 --- a/_data/team_members.yml +++ b/_data/team_members.yml @@ -1,119 +1,24 @@ -- name: Milan P Allan - photo: Milan1.jpg - info: Associate professor, started Jan 2015 - email: milan.allan@gmail.com - number_educ: 5 - education1: Master ETHZ, Diplomarbeit with J Osterwalder, University of Zurich - education2: PhD St Andrews (while at Cornell University) with Felix Baumberger and JC Davis - education3: Postdoc Cornell - education4: ETH fellow at ETHZ with Andreas Wallraff - education5: Bryan R. Coles Prize 2017 - -- name: Jianfeng (Jacky) Ge - photo: Jacky.jpg - info: Postdoc, started Oct 2019 - email: ge@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl - number_educ: 3 - education1: Postdoc with Jenny Hoffman, Harvard University - education2: PhD with Jinfeng Jia, Shanghai Jiao Tong University - education3: B.S. East China University of Science and Technology - -- name: Jiasen Niu - photo: Jiasen.png - info: Postdoc, started Oct 2020 - email: niu@physics.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 2 - education1: PhD with Xi Lin and Jian Wei, Peking University - education2: BSc Jilin University - -- name: Jinwon Lee - photo: Jinwon.jpg - info: Postdoc, started July 2021 - email: jwlee0421@postech.ac.kr - number_educ: 2 - education1: PhD with Han Woong Yeom Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) - education2: BSc Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) - -- name: Damianos Chatzopoulos - photo: Damianos.jpg - info: PhD Student, started December 2017 - email: chatzopoulos@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl - number_educ: 2 - education1: Bachelor National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with D Syvridis - education2: Master TU Delft with Herre van der Zant - education3: - -- name: Willem Tromp - photo: website_pic_willem.jpg - info: PhD Student, started September 2018 - email: WTromp@physics.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 1 - education1: Master Leiden University with Felix Baumberger, Milan Allan - education2: - education3: - education4: - -- name: Tjerk Benschop - photo: tjeruk.jpg - info: PhD Student, started November 2018 - email: benschop@physics.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 2 - education1: Master Leiden University with Milan Allan - education2: Casimir PhD fellowship - education3: - education4: - -- name: Amber Mozes - photo: Amber.png - info: PhD Student, started September 2021 - email: b - number_educ: 2 - education1: Master Applied Physics, TU Delft - education2: Casimir/Nanofront PhD fellowship - education3: - education4: - -- name: Maialen Ortego Larrazabal - photo: Maialen.png - info: PhD Student within a collaboration with the Swart Lab - email: b - number_educ: 2 - education1: Master Leiden University - education2: BSc, University of the Basque Country - education3: - education4: - -- name: Kees van Oosten - photo: DSC_1032.JPG - info: FFine mechanical engineer (also associated with the FMD) - email: Oosten@fmd.physics.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 2 - education1: Leidse instrumentmakers School - education2: Associate degree Mechanical Engineering, Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen - -- name: Hugo van Bohemen - photo: hugo.jpg - info: Fine mechanical engineer (also associated with the FMD) - email: h.s.m.van.bohemen@physics.leidenuniv.nl - number_educ: 1 - education1: Leidse Instrumentmakers School - education2: - -- name: Koen M Bastiaans - photo: Koen.jpg - info: Visitor/collaborator, currently postdoc in the Otte Lab - email: Bastiaans@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl - number_educ: 3 - education1: Postdoc in the Allan Lab, Leiden University - education2: PhD with Milan Allan, Leiden University (started Sep 2015) - education3: Master Leiden University with Milan Allan - -- name: "This could be you !" - photo: rock.jpg - info: See openings for more info - email: milan.allan@gmail.com - number_educ: 0 - education1: - education2: - education3: - education4: +- name: Yinjia Wang + photo: yinjia.jpg + info: PhD Student, started Sept 2020 + email: + +- name: Xuan An + photo: anxuan2.jpg + info: PhD Student, started Sept 2021 + email: anx21@lzu.edu.cn + +- name: Xiaolong Liang + photo: xiaolong.jpg + info: PhD Student, started Sept 2021 + email: xlliang0409@gmail.com + +- name: Xiaojie Yang + info: PhD Student, started Sept 2022 + +- name: Weilan Miao + info: PhD Student, started Sept 2023 + +- name: Na Wan + info: PhD Students, started Sept 2023 + photo: wanna2.jpg diff --git a/_data/undergrads.yml b/_data/undergrads.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fe1b3661b3a --- /dev/null +++ b/_data/undergrads.yml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +- name: Ling Li + photo: liling.jpg + info: Undergraduate Student, started September 2021 + email: + + +- name: Yaoting Bu + info: Undergraduate Student, started September 2022 + email: + + + +- name: Zhengyu Lin + info: Undergraduate Student, started September 2023 diff --git a/_data/visitings.yml b/_data/visitings.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..496f3e9351a --- /dev/null +++ b/_data/visitings.yml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +- name: Fang Li + photo: lifang.jpg + info: Visiting graduate student, started Sept 2021 + email: lf2454822793@163.com \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_includes/footer.html b/_includes/footer.html index 83c32077761..9262fec19be 100644 --- a/_includes/footer.html +++ b/_includes/footer.html @@ -4,8 +4,7 @@

© 2016 Allan Lab. Site made with Jekyll; copy and modify it for your own research group.


We are part of the Leiden Institute of Physics at Leiden University.


© 2021 Li Lab. Site made with Jekyll

@@ -13,18 +12,24 @@

- Funding:
- - Vidi and Projectruimte grants from NWO
- - Frontier of Nanosciences, a gravity program from NWO - - ERC starting grant + 通讯地å€:
+ 106A室,
+ 生æ€å­¦åˆ›æ–°ç ”究院,
+ 兰州大学,
+ 天水å—è·¯222å·,
+ 兰州大学 730000,
+ 甘肃çœ,
+ 中国
- Oort building, Leiden University
- Niels Bohrweg 2
- 2333 CA Leiden
- Netherlands
- (Maps, Directions) + Room 106A,
+ Institute of Innovation Ecology,
+ Lanzhou University,
+ No. 222 South Tianshui Road,
+ Lanzhou 730000,
+ Gansu Province,
+ P.R.China
diff --git a/_includes/head.html b/_includes/head.html index 8377eab8f32..ee05902704e 100644 --- a/_includes/head.html +++ b/_includes/head.html @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ - + + {% if jekyll.environment == 'production' %} {% include analytics.html %} diff --git a/_includes/header.html b/_includes/header.html index 83cb6589011..1c1dde0bd5f 100644 --- a/_includes/header.html +++ b/_includes/header.html @@ -8,16 +8,17 @@ - Allan Lab @ Leiden University + Li Lab @ Lanzhou University diff --git a/_includes/news.html b/_includes/news.html index 2fb6bd9fac0..9b17a625af3 100644 --- a/_includes/news.html +++ b/_includes/news.html @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -


diff --git a/_layouts/homelay.html b/_layouts/homelay.html index 29280e74b94..29c7fecb442 100644 --- a/_layouts/homelay.html +++ b/_layouts/homelay.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ---

Welcome to the Allan Lab


Welcome to the Li Lab

{{ content }}
diff --git a/_pages/aboutwebsite.md b/_pages/aboutwebsite.md deleted file mode 100644 index bd18ba1d937..00000000000 --- a/_pages/aboutwebsite.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: "About the website" -layout: textlay -excerpt: "About the website." -sitemap: false -permalink: /aboutwebsite.html ---- - -# Use this website as a template for your academic research group - -This website is powered by [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com) and uses some [Bootstrap](http://www.getbootstrap.com) and [Bootswatch](http://www.bootswatch.com). We tried to make it simple yet adaptable, so that it is easy for you to re-use it for your purpose. - -### Getting started -All pages are written in [markdown](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) for easy editing, and [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com) uses Liquid for the data-driven pages. The publicaion list, news items, and group members are stored as `.yml` data sheets (plain text) in the `_data folder`, so that one can update the website easily. The pages are in the `_pages` folder. Updating and maintaining is easy using [Github](http://www.github.com) (not worldpress-easy, but there are other advantages (see e.g. [this](https://www.taniarascia.com/make-a-static-website-with-jekyll/), or [this](http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2015/11/jekyll-against-the-rest-of-the-world/)). [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com) takes all the markdown and data files, and creates beautiful `html` files in the `_site` folder. - -If you never used [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com), read the [wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jekyll_(software)) article and check out [their website](https://jekyllrb.com). Same for [Github](http://www.github.com), which will host your first website draft. - -Create and open a github account, go to [our repository](https://github.com/allanlab/allanlab), and click 'fork'. This is now your copy of the website, and you can change and adapt it as you want. You don't have to link to us or mention us (but of course we appreciate it). Then change the name of the repository to "your_username" and the name of the branch to "gh-pages". Your website is now automatically published under *your_username.github.io/your_username/*. Except that it probably still looks like our website. - -To modify the webpage, you can either do everything on on github.com (go to a file, click "edit", then "commit", "push"), or install [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com) on your computer and play with your local copy that you sync with the branch on github.com. The former is much easier in the beginning, but a bit less convenient once you start rewriting everythint. To get it to work on your computer (and to learn a bit more about [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com)), [here](https://www.taniarascia.com/make-a-static-website-with-jekyll/) and [here](https://scotch.io/tutorials/getting-started-with-jekyll-plus-a-free-bootstrap-3-starter-theme) are tutorials on how to use it and how set it up locally. Also, consider using the [Github desktop app](http://www.desktop.github.com), I found it helpful. - -### Customization -Now let's make this *your* website. - -First, go to the `news.ylm`, `publist.ylm`, and `team.ylm` files in the `_data` folder and insert your own data into the data fields. Watch out: [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com) is quite strict about extra or missing spaces etc. Adhere to the format. In the beginning, test each change: commit, push, and check the published website. - -For publications, you can add a "1" in the highlight field, then it will be featured prominently. You can add important news items (red, "news1"), and less important news items (blue, "news2"). - -For the news items, just keep adding them. The first 10 will be displayed on the 'home' page. - -For the `team.ylm` file - -Next, change the content of all files in the `_pages` folder. To change the title in the homepage, go to `homelay.html` in the `_layout` folder. - -Lastly, change the footer and perhaps header appropriately (in `_include`). - -You might also want to change the style or theme. I imported style files (in sass) from Bootstrap/Bootwatch, you can replace them with your own (in the `_sass directory`). For small changes, just work on the override stuff in the `main.sass` file in the `CSS` folder. Or change some variables in the `_variables.sass` file, like the background color etc. - -As said, [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com) takes all the markdown and data files, and creates beautiful `html` files in the `_site` folder.In the end, either upload these files to your server, or buy yourself a domain and check the instructions on github on how to host it there. - -### Copyright / credit - -You can use this template as you please. You don't have to link to us or mention us (but of course we appreciate it). We also welcome it if you send us an email with a link to your website, perhaps we'll publish a list here at some point. - -Comments welcome. - -Code released under the MIT License. - - - diff --git a/_pages/home.md b/_pages/home.md index bb0eb19ac41..4f1339bd0d5 100644 --- a/_pages/home.md +++ b/_pages/home.md @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ --- -title: "Allan Lab - Home" +title: "Li Lab - Home" layout: homelay -excerpt: "Allan Lab at Leiden University." +excerpt: "Li Lab at Lanzhou University." sitemap: false permalink: / --- -We are a dynamic research group at the [Leiden Institute of Physics](http://www.physics.leidenuniv.nl). Our aim is to explore and understand [quantum materials](http://condensedconcepts.blogspot.nl/2013/05/what-is-quantum-matter.html), including strange metals, high-temperature superconductors, and quantum critical electron matter. +We are a research group at the [State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystem](http://sklgae.lzu.edu.cn/), [Institute of Innovation Ecology](http://iie.lzu.edu.cn/), [Lanzhou University](http://www.lzu.edu.cn/). Our aim is to explore and understand the population adaption and speciation by various methods, such as genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, metagenomics. +本课题组(动物基因组和适应性进化研究团队)属于兰州大学è‰åœ°å†œä¸šç”Ÿæ€ç³»ç»Ÿå›½å®¶é‡ç‚¹å®žéªŒå®¤ï¼Œç”Ÿæ€å­¦åˆ›æ–°ç ”究院。主è¦ç ”究内容为使用多组学手段,如基因组学ã€è½¬å½•ç»„å­¦ã€è¡¨è§‚é—ä¼ å­¦ã€å®åŸºå› ç»„学等,解决高原物ç§çš„适应性进化和物ç§å½¢æˆç­‰ç”Ÿç‰©å­¦é—®é¢˜ã€‚ +We are located at Lanzhou University, a beautiful city which passed through by Yellow River (see e.g. [Wikipedia: Lanzhou City](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%B0%E5%B7%9E%E5%B8%82)). We exchange ideas and work with our neighbors from [Institute of Innovation Ecology](http://iie.lzu.edu.cn/lzupage/B20180912024139.html), as well as with the colleagues from University of Haifa, Havard University and etc. +实验室ä½äºŽé»„河穿城而过的美丽城市——兰州市。课题组现由多ååšå£«ç”Ÿï¼Œç ”究生以åŠæœ¬ç§‘生组æˆã€‚课题组和以色列海法大学,美国哈佛大学等多所高校åŠç§‘ç ”å•ä½æœ‰å¹¿æ³›çš„åˆä½œä¸Žäº¤æµã€‚ -To this end, we develop novel spectroscopic-imaging scanning tunneling microscopy (SI-STM) tools to visualize the relevant quantum mechanical degrees of freedom. We want to be able to build the perfect instruments to answer the scientific questions we deem most important (see [Research](research)). - -We are located at Leiden University, the birthplace of superconductivity and home to Kamerlingh Onnes, Lorentz, Huygens, Einstein, de Sitter, and others (see e.g. [the wall of signatures from Ehrenfest lecturers](https://www.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl/history/colloquium/muur_heel.html)). We exchange ideas and work with our neighbors from [Quantum Matter & Optics](http://www.physics.leidenuniv.nl/qo-home), as well as with the colleagues from our [world-class theory section](https://www.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl). - - **We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team** [(more info)]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/vacancies) **!** + **We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, Master students and undergraduate students to join the team** [(more info)]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/vacancies) **!** +**欢迎对进化生物学感兴趣的åŒå­¦æŠ¥è€ƒè¯¾é¢˜ç»„的研究生,也欢迎æ¥è‡ªå…°å·žå¤§å­¦çš„本科生æ¥å®žéªŒå®¤è¿›è¡Œç§‘研训练[(更多信æ¯ï¼‰]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/vacancies)** -We are grateful for funding from Leiden University, [NWO](www.nwo.nl) ([Vidi talent scheme](http://www.nwo.nl/en/research-and-results/programmes/Talent+Scheme) and the [Frontiers in Nanoscience program](https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/research/research-projects/science/frontiers-of-nanoscience-nanofront)), and from an [ERC starting grant](https://erc.europa.eu/funding/starting-grants). +We are grateful for funding from Lanzhou University and [National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)](http://www.nsfc.gov.cn/). + diff --git a/_pages/mini_lecture_series.md b/_pages/mini_lecture_series.md index 907898ff83b..833bafd1c57 100644 --- a/_pages/mini_lecture_series.md +++ b/_pages/mini_lecture_series.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: "Allan Lab - AOA" +title: "Li Lab - AOA" layout: textlay excerpt: "AOA" sitemap: false diff --git a/_pages/misc.md b/_pages/misc.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..336022e5b8d --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/misc.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +--- +title: "Li Lab - Misc" +layout: textlay +excerpt: "Misc" +sitemap: false +permalink: /misc.html +--- + +# Misc + +### åŸºæœ¬çŸ¥è¯†å’Œå­¦ä¹ æŒ‡å— + +**(实验室æˆå‘˜å¯ä»¥åŠ å…¥Dropboxå°ç»„获å–书ç±èµ„æºï¼‰** + +**进化生物学和生物信æ¯å­¦ï¼š** +- 生物信æ¯å…¥é—¨å¤§çº²ï¼šå…¥é—¨ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ¯ï¼Œé—¨åœ¨å“ªï¼Ÿ +- 生物进化(第三版):葛颂等 +- Coursera - 生物信æ¯å­¦: 导论与方法(高歌ã€é­ä¸½èè€å¸ˆï¼‰ +- 基因组学分æžï¼ˆæŽç¨‹è€å¸ˆï¼‰ +- 中国大学MOOC - 生物信æ¯å­¦ï¼ˆé­å¤©è¿ªç­‰ï¼‰ + +**日常系统æ“作基础知识等:** +- Linux基础知识:《鸟哥的Linuxç§æˆ¿èœã€‹ +- 代ç å­¦ä¹ ï¼šèœé¸Ÿæ•™ç¨‹ +- Debug: Stack Overflow +- Vim +- 工作环境é…置:Oh My Zsh +- Python学习:Python3.8 Docs +- Snakemakeæµç¨‹æ­å»º +- R:《An Introduction to R》,《Ræ•°æ®ç§‘学》 ,《R语言实战(第三版)》 +- Slurm任务管ç†ç³»ç»Ÿï¼šslurm-v3.pptx +- 兰州大学超算中心 + +**生物统计学:** +- 常用统计检验的Python实现 +- StatQuest with Josh Starmer + +**常用æµç¨‹å‚考:** +- 生信技能树 +- Morriyaty-简书 +- 常用的群体é—传学分æžæµç¨‹å’Œè„šæœ¬ + diff --git a/_pages/openings.md b/_pages/openings.md index 4f215a8f80e..b86eb107159 100644 --- a/_pages/openings.md +++ b/_pages/openings.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: "Allan Lab - Vacancies" +title: "Li Lab - Vacancies" layout: textlay excerpt: "Openings" sitemap: false @@ -8,35 +8,13 @@ permalink: /vacancies # Open positions -**Note: We currently don't have funding for additional PhD and postdoc positions. We can only welcome you if you have a fellowship. I'd be happy to support you after you apply to our group. Take a look at the [veni fellowship](https://www.nwo.nl/en/calls/nwo-talent-programme-veni-science-domain) or the Marie Curie fellowship (currently closed, next deadline probably Fall 2021, [here is last years call]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/h2020-wp1820-msca_en.pdf)).** +### Applications for PhD/Master and Postdoc positions +If you are interested in working with us as a PhD student or postdoc, please send me an [email](likexin@lzu.edu.cn). State briefly why you are interested and attach a CV, including information about the grades you had as an undergraduate. No need for a separate cover letter or certificates. **Important**: please insert _"Application PhD"_ or _"Application Postdoc"_ in the subject line. If you are applying to a specific advertisement, note this in your email. +如果您是希望加入课题组进行åšå£«åŽç ”究的åŒäº‹ï¼Œæˆ–进行åšå£«ç ”究生ã€ç¡•å£«ç ”究生学习的åŒå­¦ï¼Œè¯·å‘é€é‚®ä»¶å¹¶ç®€å•åœ°æ³¨æ˜Žæ‚¨çš„æ„å‘,附上包括您å„阶段学习æˆç»©çš„简历。请在邮件主题中注明:åšå£«åŽ/åšå£«ç”Ÿ/硕士生申请。 +### Undergraduate positions +Sometimes, we take master students or undergraduate students if we get exceptional applicants (this usually means very good grades and a personal recommendation). +如果您是兰州大学的本科生,希望在课题组进行科研训练,也欢迎è”系上述邮箱。 -We are always looking for new group members with passion, talent, and grit! - -You will have the chance to work on the grand challenges of condensed matter physics, often at the interface of instrumental design and new physics. You will be involved in determining the important and interesting questions, creating and improving instrumental setups, performing measurements, and making discoveries. - -### Past open positions - -You find the past job openings here: -[Opening 1]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/GeneralPostdoc_2019_v01.pdf), -[Opening 2]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/PPMS_PhD_2019_v01.pdf), -[Opening 3]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/PD.pdf), -[Opening 4]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/PHD1.pdf), -[Opening 5]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/PHD2.pdf). - -### Applications for PhD and Postdoc positions -If you are interested in working with us as a PhD student or postdoc, please send me an [email](mailto:milan.allan@gmail.com). State briefly why you are interested and attach a CV, including information about the grades you had as an undergraduate. No need for a separate cover letter or certificates. **Important**: please insert _"Application PhD"_ or _"Application Postdoc"_ in the subject line. If you are applying to a specific advertisement, note this in your email. - - -### Master projects for Leiden University students -If you are a Master student at Leiden University looking for a Master project, contact me (or any group member) per email or stop by my office. - -### Bsc / Master students from elsewhere -If you are interested in pursuing a Master degree at Leiden University, see [mastersinleiden.nl](http://www.mastersinleiden.nl/programmes/physics/en/introduction). Sometimes, we take master students or summer interns if we get exceptional applicants (this usually means very good grades and a personal recommendation). - - -
- -
diff --git a/_pages/pictures.md b/_pages/pictures.md index 5956a68e384..cfaed9dca66 100644 --- a/_pages/pictures.md +++ b/_pages/pictures.md @@ -1,18 +1,11 @@ --- -title: "Allan Lab - Pictures" +title: "Li Lab - Pictures" layout: piclay -excerpt: "Allan Lab -- Pictures" +excerpt: "Lib Lab -- Pictures" permalink: /pictures/ --- # Pictures -Jump to: [Leiden](#leiden), [ETHZ](#ethz), [Cornell](#cornell), [St Andrews](#st-andrews) - - -## Leiden - -#### Timelapse of our STM assembling [(see LION news item)](https://www.physics.leidenuniv.nl/index.php?id=11573&news=867&type=lion&ln=EN): - #### Gallery (Right-click *'view image'* to see a larger image.) @@ -26,7 +19,7 @@ Jump to: [Leiden](#leiden), [ETHZ](#ethz), [Cornell](#cornell), [St Andrews](#st {% endif %}
- +
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-First advertisement. -
- -
- - -## ETHZ -From the [group of Andreas Wallraff](http://www.qudev.ethz.ch/). -
- -
- -## Cornell -From the [group of Seamus JC Davis](http://davisgroup.lassp.cornell.edu). -
- -
- -## St Andrews -From the [group of Felix Baumberger](http://dqmp.unige.ch/baumberger/) (now at University of Geneva). -
- -
diff --git a/_pages/publications.md b/_pages/publications.md index f7ab012edbb..b442f6f043e 100644 --- a/_pages/publications.md +++ b/_pages/publications.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: "Allan Lab - Publications" +title: "Li Lab - Publications" layout: gridlay excerpt: "Allan Lab -- Publications." sitemap: false @@ -9,53 +9,7 @@ permalink: /publications/ # Publications -## Group highlights - -(For a full list of publications and patents see [below](#full-list-of-publications) or go to [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.ch/citations?user=TqxYWZsAAAAJ), [ResearcherID](https://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-7763-2012)) - -{% assign number_printed = 0 %} -{% for publi in site.data.publist %} - -{% assign even_odd = number_printed | modulo: 2 %} -{% if publi.highlight == 1 %} - -{% if even_odd == 0 %} -
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- - -## Patents -Milan P Allan, S Gröblacher, RA Norte, M Leeuwenhoek
Novel atomic force microscopy probes with phononic crystals
PCT/NL20-20/050797 (2020) - -Milan P Allan
Methods of manufacturing superconductor and phononic elements
US10439125B2 (2016) +(For a full list of publications and patents see [below](#full-list-of-publications) or go to [ResearchGate](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kexin-Li-22/research)) ## Full List of publications diff --git a/_pages/research.md b/_pages/research.md index 26c628dfe1b..2b84007a443 100644 --- a/_pages/research.md +++ b/_pages/research.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: "Allan Lab - Research" +title: "Li Lab - Research" layout: textlay excerpt: "Allan Lab -- Research" sitemap: false @@ -8,39 +8,73 @@ permalink: /research/ # Research -Our overarching goal is to explore and understand new quantum states of electronic matter on the atomic scale. To do so, we use and develop novel spectroscopic-imaging scanning tunneling microscopy (SI-STM) tools to visualize the relevant quantum mechanical degrees of freedom. - -Our goal is to build instruments and develop techniques that enable us to address the questions we find most interesting. This is possible thanks also to Milan's broad background with different research themes and technologies: he learned his trade in [Seamus Davis’ SI-STM lab](http://davisgroup.lassp.cornell.edu/) and with [Felix Baumberger](http://dpmc.unige.ch/gr_baumberger/index.html), and later moved as an [ETH fellow](http://www.ethfellows.ethz.ch/) to [Andreas Wallraff’s qudev lab](http://www.qudev.ethz.ch/) where he investigated coupled cavity arrays in circuit QED. We further have group members with different background and interests, working together on physics and instrumentation. +Our main aim is to explore and understand the population adaption and speciation by various methods, such as genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, metagenomics. For this, we mainly focus on two study systems. Here are some themes and techniques that we currently work on: -**Scanning tunneling noise spectroscopy (STNS).** We have developed a novel cryogenic MHz amplifier that allows us to measure not only the average tunneling current, but also its fluctuation! This has many applications: one can detect the fluctuations of the electronic states, peculiar tunneling processes, and shot noise. We have used this instrument to discover charge trapping in the insulating layer of the cuprates, connected to the c-axis mystery, and to measure the doubling of the charge due to Andreev processes to the superfluid in a lead sample. +### 地下啮齿动物的适应性进化 + +### Adaptive evolution of subterranean rodents +
+ +
+ +地下鼠是一类终生地下生活的æ¤é£Ÿæ€§å°å“ºä¹³åŠ¨ç‰©çš„总称,全世界地下鼠共有250多ç§ï¼Œå¹¿æ³›åˆ†å¸ƒäºŽäºšæ´²ã€éžæ´²ã€ç¾Žæ´²ã€æ¬§æ´²å¤§é™†ï¼Œå¤šç”Ÿæ´»äºŽå¼€æ”¾åœ°å¸¦å¦‚热带è‰åŽŸã€è‰åŽŸã€å±±åœ°ã€å¹²æ—±åŠåŠå¹²æ—±åœ°åŒºï¼Œä¹Ÿæœ‰ä¸€äº›ç”Ÿæ´»åœ¨èŒ‚密的çŒä¸›å’Œæ£®æž—。 + +在长期的进化过程中,地下鼠形æˆäº†ç‰¹æ®Šçš„适应性进化特å¾ï¼Œè¿™å¯¹äºŽç ”究生物钟调节与长寿现象ã€ä½Žæ°§é€‚应与抗癌特性等具有é‡è¦çš„学术æ„义和应用价值,是值得关注的研究方å‘。有关地下鼠的相关资料自å¤å°±æœ‰è®°è½½ï¼Œã€Šå°”雅·释兽》称鼢鼠ã€é¼¹é¼ â€œåœ°ä¸­è¡Œè€…â€ï¼Œåˆæœ‰ã€Šæœ¬è‰æ‹¾é—》载:“éšé¼ ï¼Œé˜´ç©¿åœ°ä¸­è¡Œï¼Œè§æ—¥æœˆå…‰åˆ™æ­»ï¼ŒäºŽæ·±å±±æž—木下土中有之,主大瘘疮。†+ +'Subterranean rodent' is a general term for a class of small mammals that live underground. There are more than 250 species of underground rats around the world, widely distributed in Asia, Africa, America, and the Europe, living mostly in open areas such as savannas, grasslands, mountains, arid and semi-arid areas, and some of them live in dense thickets and forests. + +During the long-term evolutionary process, the subterranean mice have evolved special adaptive evolutionary characteristics, which are of great study significance and application value for researches of biological clock regulation and longevity, hypoxia adaptation and anti-cancer properties. + +
+ +
+ +我们拟从以下几个方é¢ç ”究地下啮齿动物适应性进化的分å­æœºåˆ¶ï¼Œå¹¶æŽ¢ç´¢å½¢æˆè¿™äº›è¡¨åž‹å¯èƒ½çš„平行进化或趋åŒè¿›åŒ–机制。 + +**1.**åœ°ä¸‹é¼ çš„é•¿å¯¿ç‰¹å¾ +地下鼠的æŸäº›ç§ç±»çš„寿命很长,例如普通鼠类寿命一般为1-3年,而盲鼹鼠的寿命å¯è¾¾22年,裸鼹鼠最长寿命å¯è¾¾31年,是普通鼠类寿命的10å€ä»¥ä¸Šã€‚地下鼠的长寿机制尚ä¸æ¸…楚,推测å¯èƒ½ä¸Žé»‘暗环境中的生物钟调控å˜å¼‚有关。 + +Some species of subterranean rodent have long lifespans. For example, common mice typically live 1-3 years, while blind mole rats can live up to 22 years and naked mole rats can live up to 31 years, which is more than 10 times the lifespan of mice. The mechanism of longevity in subterranean mice remains unknown, ones inferred that it may be related to variation in the regulation of the biological clock in dark environments. + +**2.**地下鼠黑暗环境中的昼夜节律 +生物钟一般严格å—外部光信å·è°ƒèŠ‚,表现出显ç€çš„24å°æ—¶èŠ‚律性。然而,生活在地下黑暗洞é“中的地下鼠å—光周期的影å“å°ï¼Œè¤ªé»‘激素å‚与程度低,进化了出内æºæ€§çš„24å°æ—¶æ˜¼å¤œæ´»åŠ¨èŠ‚律。探索地下鼠在黑暗的洞é“内调节自身的昼夜节律,对光周期紊乱的人群以åŠæ·±æµ·å·¥ä½œäººå‘˜ã€å¤ªç©ºæŽ¢ç´¢äººå‘˜æœ‰ç€é‡è¦ä»·å€¼ã€‚ + +Biological clocks are generally regulated strictly by external light signals and exhibit significant 24-hour rhythmicity. However, subterranean rats living in dark underground cave tunnels are less affected by photoperiod, have low melatonin involvement, and have evolved an endogenous 24-hour circadian rhythm. Exploration of the subterranean rats' regulation of their own circadian rhythms in dark cave tunnels could be of great value to people with photoperiodic disorders, as well as to deep-sea workers and space explorers. + +**3.**地下鼠低氧适应 +地下鼠对低氧的长期适应,使其æˆä¸ºç ”究低氧适应的ç†æƒ³å®žéªŒåŠ¨ç‰©ã€‚色田鼠对急性和慢性低氧å‡å…·æœ‰è¾ƒå¼ºçš„适应能力,分å­æœºåˆ¶ä¸»è¦åŒ…括高效的能é‡åˆ©ç”¨ã€ä¸¥æ ¼çš„血管生æˆè°ƒæŽ§ï¼Œä»¥åŠå¤šå±‚é¢çš„细胞修å¤ä¸Žå‡‹äº¡è°ƒèŠ‚;能é‡ä»£è°¢å’Œç»†èƒžå¢žæ®–/凋亡水平高。 + +The long-term adaptation of the subterranean rats to hypoxia makes it an ideal experimental animal for studying hypoxic adaptation. Chromatic voles have a strong capacity to adapt to both acute and chronic hypoxia, and the molecular mechanisms mainly include efficient energy utilization, strict regulation of angiogenesis, and multi-level regulation of cell repair and apoptosis; high levels of energy metabolism and cell proliferation/apoptosis. + +**4.**地下鼠和抗癌研究 +研究å‘现体外培养的裸鼹鼠æˆçº¤ç»´ç»†èƒžä¼šåˆ†æ³Œå¤§é‡çš„高分å­é‡é€æ˜Žè´¨é…¸ï¼ˆHigh-molecular-mass hyaluronan, HMM-HA),作者们è¯å®žè¿™æ­£æ˜¯è£¸é¼¹é¼ èƒ½å¤ŸæŠµæŠ—癌症å‘生的é‡è¦åŽŸå› ã€‚我们拟以其他地下鼠物ç§ä¸ºå¯¹è±¡ï¼Œç ”究地下鼠类抗癌的分å­æœºåˆ¶ã€‚ + +Research found that in vitro cultured nudibranch fibroblasts secrete large amounts of high-molecular-mass hyaluronan (HMM-HA), which the authors demonstrated to be an important reason for the ability of nudibranchs to resist cancer development. We propose to investigate the molecular mechanisms of cancer resistance in the subterranean rodents by using other subterranean rodent species. +### 高原è‰åœ°å°å“ºä¹³åŠ¨ç‰©é€‚åº”æ€§è¿›åŒ–ä¸Žç®¡ç† -**Mott physics and high-temperature superconductivity.** Questions of interest include: (i), How does the Mott state collapse upon doping and how is this related to the complex phase diagram of high-temperature superconductors? (ii), What is the strange metal phase seen in correlated electron systems? Is this an exotic long-range entangled state? What is the mechanism of dissipation in that state? (iii), Why is the transition temperature in high-temperature superconductors so high? We have worked on iridates, rhodates, and cuprates. +### Adaptive evolution and managment of small mammal in upland grasslands -**Nanofabricated "Smart Tips"**. -![]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/images/respic/SmartTip.png){: style="width: 250px; float: left; margin: 0px 10px"} -One of the  projects back from my job-proposal is to develop nanofabricated STM tips. The idea behind these “smart tips†is to use the technologies that were developed over decades in nanofabrication and make them available for scanning probe by using a nano-device instead of the traditional STM tungsten tip. One gains the flexibility of using different functionalities that are known from the fields of nanofabrication and mesoscopic physics. We are collaborating with the group Simon Groeblacher at TU Delft to realize this concept, benefitting from their unparalleled micro/nano fabrication know how.  A prototype of a smart tip is shown to the left. See publications in Microsyst Nanoeng, Nanotechnology, and PRB. +
+ +
-**Josephson STM.** Josephson STM has the ability to gain insight into spatial variations of the order parameter, or superfluid density. We have managed to, for the first time, use JSTM with atomic resolution on a quantum material. -We have used atomic-resolution Josephson scanning tunneling microscopy to reveal a strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in the iron-based superconductor FeTe0.55Se0.45. The results and their implications are published in Nature. +é’è—高原是我国乃至北åŠçƒæ°”候å˜åŒ–çš„å¯å¼ å™¨å’Œè°ƒèŠ‚器,ä¸ä»…直接影å“我国东部和西å—部气候的å˜åŒ–,对北åŠçƒã€ç”šè‡³å…¨çƒçš„气候å˜åŒ–,都具有明显的æ•æ„Ÿæ€§å’Œè°ƒèŠ‚性。ä¸åŒåœ°åŒºå¯¼è‡´è‰åœ°é€€åŒ–的主è¦å› ç´ ä¸å°½ç›¸åŒï¼Œå¯¼è‡´é’è—高原è‰åœ°é€€åŒ–最主è¦çš„å› å­æ˜¯è¿‡åº¦æ”¾ç‰§å’Œæ¤é£Ÿæ€§å°å“ºä¹³åŠ¨ç‰©ç§ç¾¤çˆ†å‘。 -We also detected and investigated a quite particular YSR state in the same material. +The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the initiator and regulator of climate change in China and even in the northern hemisphere, and not only directly influences the climate change in the eastern and southwestern parts of China, but also has obvious sensitivity and regulation to the climate change in the northern hemisphere and even globally. The main factors leading to grassland degradation vary from region to region, and the most important factors leading to grassland degradation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are overgrazing and outbreaks of vegetative small mammal. -**Ultra-stable SI-STM instrument.** ![]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/images/respic/STMHead.png){: style="width: 250px; float: right; margin: 0px 10px"} -For SI-STM, having the most stable STM head is key. We have used finite element simulations, good choices in material science, and craftsmanship to build the most stable STM head in the world, to our knowledge. See publication in RSI. +高原鼠兔(学å:Ochotona curzoniae)为鼠兔属的哺乳动物,åˆå鸣声鼠ã€çŸ³å…”。分布于é’è—高原åŠé™„近地区。该物ç§çš„模å¼äº§åœ°åœ¨è¥¿è—å—部[1]。高原鼠兔是典型的è‰é£Ÿæ€§åŠ¨ç‰©ï¼Œåœ¨è‰åŽŸä¸Šä»¥é’è‰ä¸ºé£Ÿã€‚ æ ¹æ®åŒ–石è¯æ®æ˜¾ç¤ºï¼Œé«˜åŽŸé¼ å…”的进化å²å·²æœ‰3700万年的时间,在鼠兔属中是éžå¸¸åŽŸå§‹çš„一ç§ã€‚在é’è—高原隆å‡è¿‡ç¨‹ä¸­ï¼Œå®ƒä»¬é€æ¸æ‰©æ•£åˆ°å‘¨è¾¹åœ°åŒºï¼Œè¿œåˆ°æ—¥æœ¬ã€æ¬§æ´²å’Œç¾Žæ´²ã€‚ +The plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a mammal of the genus Ochotona, also known as the songbird and the rock hare. It is distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and nearby areas. The type locality of this species is in southern Tibet. Plateau pika are typical herbivores, feeding on grasses in the grasslands. According to fossil evidence, the plateau pika has an evolutionary history of 37 million years and is a very primitive species in the genus Sage-grouse. During the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, they gradually spread to the surrounding areas, as far as Japan, Europe and America. -**Strange Metals.** The strange metal phase might be the most mysterious phase of high-temperature superconductors. Here, the electrical resistivity grows linearly with temperature T in large areas of the phase diagram, with a mean free path that diminishes to a fraction of the interatomic distance. T-linear resistivity is often associated with quantum critical points and marginal-Fermi-liquid physics. In strange metals, the mystery seems to go even further: we deal with something that looks like a quantum critical phase over an extended range of the phase diagram instead of cumulating in a point. There exists no consistent theory for strange metals, leading to more adventurous new approaches including the holographic theories that use insights from gravity to explain strange metals (a recent textbook on this was written by our colleagues at Leiden University, Schalm and Zaanen). -We are part of the 'Strange Metal consortium NL' that includes the groups of Hussey, Golden, van Heumen, Zaanen, Schalm, Stoof and Vandoren.  +长期的高原è‰åœ°ä¿æŠ¤ç ”究中,人们å‘现,高原鼠兔并éžæ˜¯å¼•èµ·è‰åœ°é€€åŒ–的原因,而是è‰åœ°é€€åŒ–的结果。而且,鉴于它在高原生æ€ç³»ç»Ÿä¸­çš„地ä½ï¼Œç­é¼ åªä¼šé€‚å¾—å…¶å。把鼠兔和它所在的生境作为一个整体,系统地研究和管ç†ã€‚è¿™ç§è§‚点的ä¾æ®æ˜¯ï¼Œé¼ å…”对è‰åœ°çš„作用利弊往往å–决于它们的数é‡å’Œç§ç¾¤å¯†åº¦ã€‚越æ¥è¶Šå¤šçš„科学家认为,应当利用一些综åˆæ€§çš„措施,比如动æ€è½®ç‰§ã€é€€ç‰§è¿˜è‰ã€ç‰§è‰ç§æ¤ã€é¼ å…”控制等方å¼ï¼Œç»´æŒå®¶ç•œã€è‰åœºå’Œé¼ å…”的生æ€å调。 -**Magnetic fluctuations and electron spin resonance.** -![]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/images/respic/SpinFluc.png){: style="width: 70%; float: center; margin: 10px"} +Long-term researches on plateau grassland conservation has revealed that the plateau pika is not the main cause of grassland degradation, but rather the result of it. Moreover, given its position in the plateau ecosystem, it is counterproductive to eradicate the pika. The plateau pika and its habitat should be studied and managed systematically as a whole. This view is based on the fact that the benefits and drawbacks of sage-grouse action on grasslands often depend on their numbers and population densities. A growing number of scientists believe that integrated measures, such as dynamic rotational grazing, grazing restoration, pasture planting, and sage-grouse control, should be used to maintain the ecological harmony of livestock, pasture, and pikas. -**Twisted bilayer graphene and other material with super-periodicities.** -We have proposed that artificial super-periodicities can lead to improved superconductivity, both because of increased density of states and because of phase space arguments (see image from our SciPost publication below). Perhaps for different reasons, twisted bilayer graphene has been shown to superconduct! We are investigate this material with the groups of Efetov, Baumberger, and van der Molen. +我们通过ä¸åŒç ”究ä¸åŒåˆºæ¿€ä½œç”¨ï¼Œå¦‚天敌ã€é£Ÿç‰©ç»„分等,对高原鼠兔生ç†ç”ŸåŒ–和生活状æ€çš„å½±å“,研究高原鼠兔应激的神ç»ç”Ÿç†å­¦æœºåˆ¶å’Œé—传学机制,为高原鼠兔管ç†å’Œé«˜åŽŸè‰åœ°ä¿æŠ¤å¥ å®šåŸºç¡€ã€‚ -![]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/images/respic/SciPost.png){: style="width: 70%; float: center; margin: 0px"} +We study the neurophysiological mechanisms and molecular mechanisms of stress in plateau pika through different effects of different stimuli factors, such as natural enemies and food components, on the physiology, biochemistry and living conditions of plateau pika, and lay the foundation for plateau pika management and plateau grassland conservation. ### ... and more. diff --git a/_pages/team.md b/_pages/team.md index 0a89d3d3e9a..fa89eb418cb 100644 --- a/_pages/team.md +++ b/_pages/team.md @@ -1,19 +1,79 @@ --- -title: "Allan Lab - Team" +title: "Li Lab - Team" layout: gridlay -excerpt: "Allan Lab: Team members" +excerpt: "Li Lab: Team members" sitemap: false permalink: /team/ --- # Group Members - **We are looking for new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team** [(see openings)]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/vacancies) **!** + **We are looking for new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team** [(see openings)]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/vacancies) **!** -Jump to [staff](#staff), [master and bachelor students](#master-and-bachelor-students), [alumni](#alumni), [administrative support](#administrative-support), [lab visitors](#lab-visitors). +{% assign number_printed = 0 %} +{% for member in site.data.staff %} + +{% assign even_odd = number_printed | modulo: 2 %} + +{% if even_odd == 0 %} +
+{% endif %} + +
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email: <{{ member.email }}>
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+ +{% assign number_printed = number_printed | plus: 1 %} -## Staff +{% if even_odd == 1 %} +
+{% endif %} + +{% endfor %} + +{% assign even_odd = number_printed | modulo: 2 %} +{% if even_odd == 1 %} + +{% endif %} + +## PhD Students {% assign number_printed = 0 %} {% for member in site.data.team_members %} @@ -26,7 +86,7 @@ Jump to [staff](#staff), [master and bachelor students](#master-and-bachelor-stu

{{ member.name }}

- {{ member.info }} + {{ member.info }}
{% endif %} -## Former visitors, BSc/ MSc students + +## Undergraduate Students +{% assign number_printed = 0 %} +{% for member in site.data.undergrads %} + +{% assign even_odd = number_printed | modulo: 2 %} + +{% if even_odd == 0 %}
+{% endif %} -


-{% for member in site.data.alumni_visitors %} -{{ member.name }} -{% endfor %} +
+ +

{{ member.name }}

+ {{ member.info }} +
    + + {% if member.number_educ == 1 %} +
  • {{ member.education1 }}
  • + {% endif %} + + {% if member.number_educ == 2 %} +
  • {{ member.education1 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education2 }}
  • + {% endif %} + + {% if member.number_educ == 3 %} +
  • {{ member.education1 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education2 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education3 }}
  • + {% endif %} + + {% if member.number_educ == 4 %} +
  • {{ member.education1 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education2 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education3 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education4 }}
  • + {% endif %} + + {% if member.number_educ == 5 %} +
  • {{ member.education1 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education2 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education3 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education4 }}
  • +
  • {{ member.education5 }}
  • + {% endif %} + +

Master students

-{% for member in site.data.alumni_msc %} -{{ member.name }} -{% endfor %} +{% assign number_printed = number_printed | plus: 1 %} + +{% if even_odd == 1 %}
+{% endif %} -

Bachelor Students

-{% for member in site.data.alumni_bsc %} -{{ member.name }} {% endfor %} -
+{% assign even_odd = number_printed | modulo: 2 %} +{% if even_odd == 1 %}
+{% endif %} - -## Administrative Support -Ellie van Rijsewijk is helping us (and other groups) with administration. diff --git a/downloads/Call+for+proposals+Veni+2021+-+ENG.pdf b/downloads/Call+for+proposals+Veni+2021+-+ENG.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index 7045c2c211c..00000000000 Binary files a/downloads/Call+for+proposals+Veni+2021+-+ENG.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/downloads/GeneralPostdoc_2019_v01.pdf b/downloads/GeneralPostdoc_2019_v01.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index 633f5ac9d78..00000000000 Binary files a/downloads/GeneralPostdoc_2019_v01.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/downloads/PD.pdf b/downloads/PD.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index cec102d9c3c..00000000000 Binary files a/downloads/PD.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/downloads/PHD1.pdf b/downloads/PHD1.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index 8d915930d5b..00000000000 Binary files a/downloads/PHD1.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/downloads/PHD2.pdf b/downloads/PHD2.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index 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