oatools provides 2 additional components to ktools in order to implement the in-memory kernel as an Oasis calculation back-end:
- gendata : pulls required data from SQLServer or MySQL DB into binary files which can be used as input by ktools
- bcp : pushes binary GUL or FM files (outputs of gulcalc and fmcalc respectively) into a SQLServer DB, including table creation (will delete if table exists)
oatools can be compiled in Linux only. ktools must also be compiled in the same environment.
Please click here to download the latest release.
The source code will change on a regular basis but only the releases are supported. Support enquiries should be sent to [email protected].
The installation involves compiling the code, and installing and configuring an odbc driver for the relevant database engine. The two supported database engines are SQL Server and MySQL (gendata only).
Lastly, it is necessary to configure two connection string text files which should be placed in the working directory (where the components are to be invoked).
The g++ compiler, make and libboost needs to be installed in Linux. This can be installed using the following command;
sudo apt-get install g++ make libboost-dev-all
Copy oatools-[version].tar.gz onto your machine and untar.
$ tar -xvf oatools-[version].tar.gz
Go into the oatools folder and configure using the following command;
$ cd oatools-[version]
$ ./configure
Make using the following command;
$ make
Finally, install the executables using the following command;
$ make install
The installation is complete. The executables are located in ~/usr/local/bin.
If installing the latest code from the git repository, clone the oatools repository onto your machine.
Go into the oatools folder and configure using the following command;
$ cd oatools
$ ./kconfigure
Follow the rest of the process as described above.
To use the components, it is necessary to configure a database odbc driver.
The supported SQL Server odbc driver for Unix is freeTDS which needs to be installed locally. This can be installed using the following command;
sudo apt-get install unixodbc unixodbc-dev freetds-dev tdsodbc
To complete configuration, do the following.
Append to /etc/odbc.ini:
Description = “freetds”
Driver = freetds
Append to /etc/odbcinst.ini (ensure .so files are in the directories specified – modify as required):
Description = FreeTDS
Driver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsodbc.so
Setup = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsS.so
UsageCount = 1
Threading = 1
gendata requires odbcconnect.txt which contains:
The first field is 1, for SQLServer or 2, for MySQL.
Enter the IP address of the database server along with the relevant login credentials.
TDS_Version=8.0;Port=1433 is fixed.
bcp requires bcpconnectionstring.txt which contains:;sa;myPassword;OASIS_C1_RESULTS;
The fields are: IP;userNameForDB;passwordForDB;DBName
Email [email protected]