diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index a339494ba..efe2a403d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 - feat: `ppm` parts per million added by [@nebkat](https://github.com/nebkat)
 - feat: `atan2` 2-argument arctangent added by [@nebkat](https://github.com/nebkat)
 - feat: `fmod` floating-point division remainder added by [@nebkat](https://github.com/nebkat)
+- feat: `remainder` IEEE division remainder added by [@nebkat](https://github.com/nebkat)
 - feat: `std::format` support added
 - feat: unit text output support added
 - feat: formatting error messages improved
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/framework_basics/quantity_arithmetics.md b/docs/users_guide/framework_basics/quantity_arithmetics.md
index 62a487cc6..929f08770 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/framework_basics/quantity_arithmetics.md
+++ b/docs/users_guide/framework_basics/quantity_arithmetics.md
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ Among others, we can find there the following:
 - `exp()`,
 - `abs()`,
 - `epsilon()`,
-- `fma()`, `fmod()`,
+- `fma()`, `fmod()`, `remainder()`,
 - `isfinite()`, `isinf()`, `isnan()`,
 - `floor()`, `ceil()`, `round()`,
 - `inverse()`,
diff --git a/src/core/include/mp-units/math.h b/src/core/include/mp-units/math.h
index 6620a63ca..ab4f4ae04 100644
--- a/src/core/include/mp-units/math.h
+++ b/src/core/include/mp-units/math.h
@@ -214,6 +214,23 @@ template<auto R1, typename Rep1, auto R2, typename Rep2>
   return quantity{fmod(x.numerical_value_in(unit), y.numerical_value_in(unit)), ref};
+ * @brief Computes the IEEE remainder of the floating point division operation x / y.
+ */
+template<auto R1, typename Rep1, auto R2, typename Rep2>
+  requires requires(Rep1 v1, Rep2 v2) {
+    common_reference(R1, R2);
+    requires requires { remainder(v1, v2); } || requires { std::remainder(v1, v2); };
+  }
+[[nodiscard]] constexpr QuantityOf<get_quantity_spec(R1)> auto remainder(const quantity<R1, Rep1>& x,
+                                                                         const quantity<R2, Rep2>& y) noexcept
+  constexpr auto ref = common_reference(R1, R2);
+  constexpr auto unit = get_unit(ref);
+  using std::remainder;
+  return quantity{remainder(x.numerical_value_in(unit), y.numerical_value_in(unit)), ref};
  * @brief Returns the epsilon of the quantity
diff --git a/test/runtime/math_test.cpp b/test/runtime/math_test.cpp
index 3671ebf80..7eab3fb16 100644
--- a/test/runtime/math_test.cpp
+++ b/test/runtime/math_test.cpp
@@ -89,6 +89,24 @@ TEST_CASE("fmod functions", "[math][fmod]")
+TEST_CASE("remainder functions", "[math][remainder]")
+  SECTION("remainder should work on the same quantities")
+  {
+    REQUIRE(remainder(4. * isq::length[km], 3. * isq::length[km]) == 1. * isq::length[km]);
+    REQUIRE(remainder(-9. * isq::length[km], 3. * isq::length[km]) == -0. * isq::length[km]);
+    REQUIRE(remainder(3 * isq::length[km], 2 * isq::length[km]) == -1 * isq::length[km]);
+    REQUIRE(remainder(4 * isq::length[km], 2.75f * isq::length[km]) == 1.25 * isq::length[km]);
+  }
+  SECTION("remainder should work with different units of the same dimension")
+  {
+    REQUIRE(remainder(4. * isq::length[km], 3000. * isq::length[m]) == 1000. * isq::length[m]);
+    REQUIRE(remainder(-9. * isq::length[km], 3000. * isq::length[m]) == -0. * isq::length[m]);
+    REQUIRE(remainder(3. * isq::length[km], 2000. * isq::length[m]) == -1000 * isq::length[m]);
+    REQUIRE(remainder(4 * isq::length[km], 2750 * isq::length[m]) == 1250 * isq::length[m]);
+  }
 TEST_CASE("'isfinite()' accepts dimensioned arguments", "[math][isfinite]") { REQUIRE(isfinite(4.0 * isq::length[m])); }
 TEST_CASE("'isinf()' accepts dimensioned arguments", "[math][isinf]") { REQUIRE(!isinf(4.0 * isq::length[m])); }
diff --git a/test/static/math_test.cpp b/test/static/math_test.cpp
index 292a9da6c..68c878486 100644
--- a/test/static/math_test.cpp
+++ b/test/static/math_test.cpp
@@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ static_assert(compare(fmod(9.0 * km, -3.0 * km), 0.0 * km));
 static_assert(compare(fmod(9.5 * km, -2000 * m), 1500.0 * m));
 static_assert(compare(fmod(3 * km, 2 * km), 1.0 * km));
 static_assert(compare(fmod(4 * km, 2.5f * km), 1.5 * km));
+static_assert(compare(remainder(4.0 * km, 3.0 * km), 1.0 * km));
+static_assert(compare(remainder(-4.0 * km, 3.0 * km), -1.0 * km));
+static_assert(compare(remainder(9.0 * km, -3.0 * km), 0.0 * km));
+static_assert(compare(remainder(9.5 * km, -2000 * m), -500.0 * m));
+static_assert(compare(remainder(3 * km, 2 * km), -1.0 * km));
+static_assert(compare(remainder(4 * km, 2.75f * km), 1.25 * km));
 static_assert(compare(pow<0>(2 * m), 1 * one));
 static_assert(compare(pow<1>(2 * m), 2 * m));
 static_assert(compare(pow<2>(2 * m), 4 * pow<2>(m), 4 * m2));