- Removed Ecto.DateTime from the type output and replaced it with naive_datetime
- For MySql, tinyint(1) now maps to boolean type rather than an integer
- Changed MySql and PostgresSQL to use :text rather than :string in order to accomodate char values that are longer than 255 characters
- Updated the required version of Elixir from 1.3 to 1.5
- Started using Travis CI
- Fixed issue with generating output when there are no foreign keys. Previously was erroring out and the new fix will ignore foreign key generation if there are no foreign keys
Updated config generation. We now use config/config.exs as the default location for the configs. You can pass in the flag --config-file with a file name to use a different file (such as the dev.exs in Phoenix)
Foreign key support in PostgeSQL
- Added TINYINT() and BIT() fields from MySQL and mapped them to :integer (this was in 1.1.3 but that is a short-lived release so it is documented here)
- None