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Staging is different from mainnet only in that it uses a different key. Ensure that the key in matches the intended staging key (typically stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct)


  • You have access to the staging program authority wallet (we will assume it is at ~/keys/staging-deploy.json from here on)
  • Anchor 0.30.1
  • Solana 1.18.17


With Anchor

  • Note: this rarely works, the program is probably too chonky.
  • Build with anchor build -p marginfi -- --no-default-features --features staging
  • If this is your first time deploying (to a new key), with anchor build -p marginfi -- --no-default-features --features staging ignore-fee-deploy
  • Ensure anchor.toml is configured like this:
cluster = ""
wallet = "~/keys/staging-deploy.json"

Adjust the cluster as needed if using a custom rpc.

  • Deploy with anchor upgrade target/deploy/ --program-id stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct. Use deploy instead upgrade if this is your first deployment, and use the keypair.json in the target folder instead of the program's id for program-id.

If Anchor is busted (for any number of reasons)

  • Run:
solana program deploy --use-rpc \
  target/deploy/ \
  --program-id stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct \
  --keypair ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --fee-payer ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --url <your rpc>

If this is your first time deploying, use the keypair.json in the target folder instead of the program's id for program-id

  • Failed? That happens often. solana program close --buffers -k ~/keys/staging-deploy.json to recover the buffer funds and try again (Note: this costs you .02 SOL to try again)
  • Still failing? That happens. Try to recover the buffer instead of closing it: solana-keygen recover -o recovered-buffer.json (then enter the buffer seed phrase). Then:
solana program deploy --use-rpc \
  target/deploy/ \
  --program-id stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct \
  --keypair ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --fee-payer ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --url <your rpc ( is usually fine)> \
  --buffer recovered-buffer.json
  • Program buffer full? Use:
solana program extend \
  --url <RPC_URL> \
  --keypair ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  stag8sTKds2h4KzjUw3zKTsxbqvT4XKHdaR9X9E6Rct 10000
  • If you changed your wallet config, make sure to remove the staging wallet from your Solana config to avoid sausage fingers errors in the future: solana config set --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json


Note: Generally, don't bother doing this. Just use the actual mainnet deployment of the program at SVSPxpvHdN29nkVg9rPapPNDddN5DipNLRUFhyjFThE, maintained by the Solana Foundation. If for some reason you don't want to, read on.

The Staked Collateral feature uses spl-single-pool, developed by the Solana Foundation ( This guide will show you how to deploy that program.

First you will need:

  • Agave tools 2.1.0 or later (sh -c "$(curl -sSfL") and possibly agave-install init 2.1.0
  • A wallet with at least 2 SOL (this guide will assume your wallet is at ~/keys/staging-deploy.json). Verify the pubkey of your wallet with solana-keygen pubkey ~/keys/staging-deploy.json and verify you have at least 2 SOL with solana balance -k ~/keys/staging-deploy.json
  • An RPC provider connected to mainnet (solana config set --url The solana public api is usually fine.


  • Clone and pull latest
  • Navigate to programs/single-pool and run cargo build-sbf
  • Navigate back up to root, then navigate to target. Verify that solana-keygen pubkey deploy/spl_single_pool-keypair.json matches the program's declared id. If you want to generate a new id, delete this file and build again to generate a new program keypair. Don't forget to update the declare_id in as needed.
  • Deploy the program with:
solana program deploy \                                                  
  deploy/ \
  --program-id deploy/spl_single_pool-keypair.json \
  --keypair ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --fee-payer ~/keys/staging-deploy.json \
  --url <your_rpc_url (optional, omit this line to use api.mainnet-beta)>