Feel free to contribute to this project by reporting errors, requesting features, and of course by fixing and extending the existing source code.
Both can be accomplished by creating an issue on the project's GitHub or GitLab page, respectively. Please make sure to give a meaningful description of the issue and (in case of an error) a minimal example that triggers the error.
We follow the gitlab flow to develop new features and maintain the existing code base. This flow can be summarized in the following steps:
Every non-trivial change starts with an issue. Create one or pick an existing one.
Create a pull request or merge request with a corresponding feature branch. Base the branch on "master" and (if required) adjust its name.
Work on the solution to the issue and push to the branch to share and discuss your code changes with the other developers.
Feel free to rearrange the commits on the feature branch (e.g., rebase with squash). In fact, it is your duty to provide clean and non-redundant commits before your code can be merged.
Please note that it is not allowed to alter commits outside of the feature branches. Also, be careful when (or avoid altogether) basing your work on a feature branch.
Clean commits:
Meaningful commit message, e.g., ".gitignore: Added generated output files.", "monte-carlo: Fixed indentation." The one-line commit message should be limited to 76 characters. If a detailed description is required, add a multi-line commit description.
Author name and e-mail are set correctly.
Each commit is dedicated to one particular chunk of work.
After each commit all continuous integration (CI) jobs pass, in particular the "format" job (see "Formatting" below).
The commits base on the latest "master" branch so that a fast-forward merge is possible.
Once you feel your code is ready, assign the request to a maintainer and remove the WIP status of the request.
The maintainer may decide to restart the discussion or otherwise performs the merge. The feature branch is removed during the merge.
Please follow the rules below when contributing to the mbsolve project.
Avoid lines with more than 78 characters.
Remove whitespaces at the end of the line. However, insert a newline at the end of the file.
Use UNIX-style newlines (In order to use e.g. Windows-style newlines locally, you can adjust git accordingly).
Use snake case for names (lower case and separate words with underscores, e.g. my_class).
Keep names as short as possible, yet provide a meaningful name (do not name your variables "counter_of_things_i_count", neither name it "ctrtic" -- consider refactoring your code so that you can use "counter" without any collision).
Use two spaces for indentation. No tabs.
Follow the conventions used in the existing code.
The code formatting is based on the Mozilla Style Guide The points where this style is overruled are defined in this file.
Use four spaces for indentation. No tabs.
Use C-style comments even for single lines (/* like this */)
Group the include statements:
- Includes of standard library components
- Includes of system libraries, compilers, external frameworks
- Includes of the Eigen library
- mbsolve headers
and sort each group. Use the version with angular brackets.
#include <solver.hpp> /* Good */ #include "solver.hpp" /* Bad */
The constructor initializers should look like
my_class(many, arg, here) : m_many(many), m_arg(arg), m_here(here)
Do not indent case labels.
After C-style casts, there is a space.
(int) i /* Good */ (int)i /* Bad */
In case the arguments do not fit into a single line, arrange them such that every argument gets a single line:
function_call( arg1, arg2, another_function_call(arg3), arg4);
Do not use nested namespaces, use only the namespace "mbsolve".
Use a space between double angular brackets, e.g.,
std::vector<std::vector<double> > my_matrix;
This is required as SWIG 2 does not fully support C++11.
Run clang-format (6.0) to format the code automatically. It makes sense to integrate this tool into your editor. At least before assigning a merge or pull request to a reviewer it is mandatory that the code is in agreement with the rules above.
Use four spaces for indentation. No tabs.
Follow the conventions used in the existing code.
The file .editorconfig is provided for editors that use the editorconfig project.
Add the following to your .emacs file:
;; indent with spaces
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
;; delete trailing whitespace when saving
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)
;; maintain newline at the end of the file
(setq require-final-newline t)
;; treat CUDA code as C++ source files
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cu$" . c++-mode))
;; treat template files as C++ source files
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tpp$" . c++-mode))
;; indentation size 4 spaces
(setq-default c-basic-offset 4)
;; indent after open brace for parameters
(c-set-offset 'arglist-intro '+)
;; do not indent within namespace region
(c-set-offset 'innamespace 0)
;; automatically reload buffers
(global-auto-revert-mode t)
From the command line, run
$ clang-format -i file.cpp
to format file.cpp in place according to the rules given in the .clang-format
file. If UNIX Makefiles are used, the command make format
runs clang-format
for all source files.
clang-format can be integrated easily into several IDEs and editors. For example, in EMACS it can be executed at save
;; run clang-format when saving in C++ mode
(load "[path-to-clang-format.el]/clang-format.el")
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(global-set-key [f8] 'clang-format-buffer)
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'clang-format-buffer nil 'local)))
- Document your code using Doxygen annotation.
Summarize the changes in
. -
Update version number in the top-level
. Make sure to clear the pre-release version variable. -
Commit the changes using the commit message "Released vX.Y.Z.", where X, Y, and Z denote the major, minor, and patch version number. Merge the commit into "master".
Create a git tag named vX.Y.Z with the message "Version vX.Y.Z." and push it to the repository.
Optionally, create the branch "stable-X.Y.Z" and push it to the repository.