All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
This changelog is inspired by
- Add command line arguments to exit after login (thanks to @TomVollerthun1337)
- Gui and core are now decoupled in order to provide different interfaces.
- Add some basic command line arguments (thanks to @TomVollerthun1337)
- Add cli interface for all basic functions
- dialogs should now be opened in the foreground (thanks to @TomVollerthun1337)
- profiles will correctly updates if config is changed
- slightly increase sts timeouts to avoid sts availability issues
- set text color and text background color to black/white to that not everything is back on a dark themed os
- MFA shell command fetcher does not assume specific token-string format anymore, but you have to provide a bash command that fetches the exact token (see README for example).
- handling of account ids with leading zeros
- catch and handle shell timeouts
- react to keyboard input while qt event loop is running
- option to logout of your current profiles. All profiles will be removed from your .aws/credentials and .aws/config
- session check will now have a timeout to fail faster if no connection can be established
- add option to chain assume profiles
- added writing support file for active group (again)
- removed writing of support files for active account and team
- username will be used as session name
- config dialog now has a button to test the mfa command
- logs will now contain stderr of failed shell commands
- your personal access key will be saved in the 'access-key' profile
- remove hardcoded shell command to fetch mfa token. There is now an input field in the config dialog
- config dialog shows the application version in its title
- check and create .aws directory on startup
- Fix for "write group file" checkbox
- Option to write one of the profiles as default profile
- Config dialog now uses a monospace font
- Tabs are now somewhat usable in config dialog
- Option to write support files
- use layouts in config dialog
- app does not crash with malformed config yaml
- switch profiles
- switch regions
- keeps you logged in
- removes unused profiles
- icon will change color, you see which profiles you are using
- set access key
- rotate access key