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Kubernetes Master Class: A Seamless Approach to Rancher & Kubernetes Upgrades


  • Rancher Server is a set of pods that run the main orchestration engine and UI for Rancher.
  • RKE (Rancher Kubernetes Engine) is the tool Rancher uses to create and manage Kubernetes clusters
  • Local/upstream cluster This is the cluster where the Rancher server is installed; this is usually an RKE built cluster)
  • Downstream cluster(s) are Kubernetes cluster that Rancher is managing

High-Level rules

The following are the high-level rules for planning a Rancher/Kubernetes/Docker upgrade.

  • Do not rush an upgrade.
  • Do not stack upgrades (We recommended at least 24hours between upgrades)
  • Make sure you have a good backup
  • The recommended order of upgrades is Rancher, Kubernetes, and then Docker.
  • All upgrades should be tested in a lab or non-prod environment before being deployed to Production.
  • Review all release notes link
  • Review the support matrix link
  • It is not required, but we recommended pausing any CI/CD pipelines using the Rancher API during an upgrade.

Picking a version

Please see the following recommendations when planning version upgrades.

  • Rancher: perform one minor version jump at a time For example: when upgrading from v2.1.x -> v2.3.x. We encourage upgrading v2.1.x -> v2.2.x -> v2.3.x but this is not required.
  • Kubernetes: perform no more than two minor versions at a time, ideally avoid skipping minor versions entirely as this can increase the chances of an issue due to accumulated changes For example: when upgrading from v1.13.x -> v1.19.x we encourage upgrading v1.13.x -> v1.15.x -> v1.17.x -> v1.19.x
  • RKE: perform one minor RKE versions jump at a time For example: when upgrading from v0.1.x -> v1.1.0 instead do v0.1.x -> v0.2.x -> v.0.3.x -> v1.0.x -> v1.1.x

Creating your change control

Scheduled change window

  • Rancher upgrade - 30Mins for install with 30mins for rollback
  • Kubernetes upgrade - 60Mins for install which may be longer for larger clusters with 60Mins for troubleshooting/rollback

Effect / Impact during the change window

  • Rancher upgrade - Only management of Rancher and downstream clusters are impacted; applications shouldn't know that anything is being done. But any CI/CD pipelines should be paused.
  • Kubernetes upgrade of the local cluster - The Rancher UI should disconnect and reconnect after a few mins due to the ingress-controllers being restarted.
  • Kubernetes upgrade of downstream clusters - Applications might see a short network blip as ingress-controllers and networking is restarted. See link for more details

Maintenance window

  • Rancher upgrade - A maintenance window is not required, but CI/CD pipelines should be paused.
  • Kubernetes upgrade of the local cluster - A maintenance window is not needed, but CI/CD pipelines should be paused.
  • Kubernetes upgrade of downstream clusters - This should be done during a maintenance window or a quiet time

Rancher Upgrade – Prep work

  • Check if the Rancher UI is accessible
    • Check if all clusters in UI are in an Active state
    • Check if all pods in kube-system and cattle-system namespaces are running in both the local and downstream clusters.
      kubectl get pods -n kube-system
      kubectl get pods -n cattle-system
  • Verify etcd has scheduled snapshots configured, and these are working.
    • RKE: if Rancher is deployed on a Kubernetes cluster built with RKE, verify etcd snapshots are enabled and working, on etcd nodes you can confirm with the following:
      ls -l /opt/rke/etcd-snapshots
      docker logs etcd-rolling-snapshots
    • k3s: if Rancher is deployed on a k3s Kubernetes cluster, ensure scheduled backups are configured and working. Please see the k3s Documentation pages for further information on this.
  • Create a one-time datastore snapshot; please see the following Documentation for RKE and k3s and the single node Docker install options for more information
    • RKE: check for expired/expiring Kubernetes certs
      for i in $(ls /etc/kubernetes/ssl/*.pem|grep -v key); do echo -n $i" "; openssl x509 -startdate -enddate -noout -in $i | grep 'notAfter='; done

Rancher Upgrade - Change

  • Update helm repo cache
    helm repo update
    helm fetch rancher-stable/rancher
  • Verify you’re connected to the correct cluster
    kubectl get nodes -o wide
  • Take an etcd snapshot
    rke etcd snapshot-save --config cluster.yaml --name pre-rancher-upgrade-`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
  • Grab the current helm values using helm get values rancher -n cattle-system Example output:
    antiAffinity: required
      level: 2
        source: secret
  • Use the values to build your upgrade command NOTE: The only thing you should change is the version flag.
    helm upgrade --install rancher rancher-stable/rancher \
    --namespace cattle-system \
    --set \
    --set ingress.tls.source=secret \
    --set auditLog.level=2 \
    --set antiAffinity=required \
    --version 2.5.5
  • Wait for the upgrade to finish
    kubectl -n cattle-system rollout status deploy/rancher
  • Official Rancher upgrade Documentation

Rancher Upgrade – Verify

  • Check if the Rancher UI is accessible
    • Check if all clusters in UI are in an Active state
    • Check if all pods in kube-system and cattle-system namespaces are running in both the local and downstream clusters.
      kubectl get pods -n kube-system
      kubectl get pods -n cattle-system
  • Verify new Rancher version (Bottom Left corner)
  • Verify all Rancher, cattle-cluster-agent, and cattle-node-agent is running on the new version on the local cluster
    kubectl get pods -n cattle-system -o wide
  • Verify all downstream cluster are Active
  • Verify all Rancher, cattle-cluster-agent, and cattle-node-agent runs on the new version on all downstream clusters.
    kubectl get pods -n cattle-system -o wide

Take a post-upgrade etcd snapshot rke etcd snapshot-save --config cluster.yaml --name post-rancher-upgrade-`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`

Rancher Upgrade – Backout

  • You can not downgrade Rancher; you must do an etcd restore Documentation
    rke etcd snapshot-restore --name pre-rancher-upgrade-..... --config ./cluster.yaml

RKE Upgrade – Prep work

  • Verify the correct cluster.yaml and cluster.rkestate file
  • Verify SSH access to all nodes in the cluster
  • Verify all nodes are Ready
    kubectl get nodes -o wide
  • Verify all pods are Healthy
    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide | grep -v 'Running\|Completed'
    • We're looking for Pods crashing or stuck.
  • Verify Kubernetes version is available in RKE
    rke config --list-version --all –print
    • You might need to upgrade to a newer RKE version if the recommend k8s version isn't available.

RKE Upgrade – Change

  • Take an etcd snapshot
    rke etcd snapshot-save --config cluster.yaml --name pre-k8s-upgrade-`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
  • Change kubernetes_version in the cluster.yaml
    kubernetes_version: "1.19.7-rancher1-1"
  • If you have an air-gapped setup, please see Documentation

RKE Upgrade - Verify

  • Verify all nodes are Ready and at the new version
  • Verify all pods are Healthy
    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide | grep -v 'Running\|Completed’
    • All pods should be healthy; we're looking for Pods crashing or stuck.

RKE Upgrade – Backout

  • You can not downgrade Rancher; you must do an etcd restore
    rke etcd snapshot-restore --name pre-k8s-upgrade-..... --config ./cluster.yaml

Common issues

Missing cluster.yaml and cluster.rkestate

Setting up a lab environment

  • Build a standard RKE cluster Documentation
  • Delete cluster.rkestate
  • Delete kube_config_cluster.yml

Reproducing the issue

  • rke up
  • You should see rke generating new certificates (See example output below)
INFO[0004] [certificates] Generating CA kubernetes certificates
INFO[0005] [certificates] Generating Kubernetes API server aggregation layer requestheader client CA certificates
INFO[0005] [certificates] GenerateServingCertificate is disabled, checking if there are unused kubelet certificates
INFO[0005] [certificates] Generating Kubernetes API server certificates
INFO[0006] [certificates] Generating Service account token key
INFO[0006] [certificates] Generating Kube Controller certificates
INFO[0006] [certificates] Generating Kube Scheduler certificates
INFO[0006] [certificates] Generating Kube Proxy certificates
INFO[0007] [certificates] Generating Node certificate
INFO[0007] [certificates] Generating admin certificates and kubeconfig


  • SSH to one of controlplane nodes
  • Run the script and follow the instructions given to get a kubeconfig file for the cluster.
  • Run the script and follow the instructions given to get a cluster.yaml and cluster.rkestate file for the cluster.
  • Copy the files cluster.yml, cluster.rkestate, and kube_config_cluster.yml to a safe location.

Upgrading from an old Helm version

Setting up a lab environment

  • Build a standard RKE cluster Documentation
  • Setup helm2
    kubectl -n kube-system create serviceaccount tiller
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
    helm init --service-account tiller --wait
    helm repo add rancher-latest
  • Install Rancher using helm2
    helm install rancher-latest/rancher --name rancher \
    --namespace cattle-system \
    --set \
    --set ingress.tls.source=secret \
    --version 2.3.10

Reproducing the issue

  • Setup helm3
    helm repo add rancher-latest
    helm repo update
  • Try to upgrade Rancher
    helm upgrade --install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
    --namespace cattle-system \
    --set \
    --set ingress.tls.source=secret \
    --version 2.5.5
  • Error message
    Release "rancher" does not exist. Installing it now.
    Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: ServiceAccount "rancher" in namespace "cattle-system" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; label validation error: missing key "": must be set to "Helm"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "rancher"; annotation validation error: missing key "": must be set to "cattle-system"


  • Take an etcd snapshot
    rke etcd snapshot-save --config cluster.yaml --name helm2-helm3-`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
  • Update annotates and labels for Rancher objects
    kubectl annotate --overwrite namespace cattle-system
    kubectl annotate --overwrite namespace cattle-system
    kubectl annotate --overwrite namespace cattle-system
    kubectl label --overwrite namespace cattle-system
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite sa rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite sa rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite sa rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system label --overwrite sa rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite ClusterRoleBinding rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite ClusterRoleBinding rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite ClusterRoleBinding rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system label --overwrite ClusterRoleBinding rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite service rancher app.kubernetes.ianaged-by=helm
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite service rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite service rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system label --overwrite service rancher   
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite Deployment rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite Deployment rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite Deployment rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system label --overwrite Deployment rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite Ingress rancher app.kubernetio/managed-by=helm
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite Ingress rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system annotate --overwrite Ingress rancher
    kubectl -n cattle-system label --overwrite Ingress rancher
  • Upgrade Rancher
    helm upgrade --install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
    --namespace cattle-system \
    --set \
    --set ingress.tls.source=secret \
    --version 2.5.5

Upgrading with a broken node

Setting up a lab environment

  • Build a standard RKE cluster Documentation
  • Install Rancher using helm3
    kubectl create namespace cattle-system
    helm upgrade --install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
    --namespace cattle-system \
    --set \
    --set ingress.tls.source=secret \
    --set antiAffinity=required \
    --version 2.5.5

Reproducing the issue

  • systemctl stop docker one of the nodes in the cluster
  • Error message
    NAME               STATUS     ROLES                      AGE     VERSION
    mmattox-lab-c-01   Ready      controlplane,etcd,worker   9m22s   v1.19.7
    mmattox-lab-c-02   Ready      controlplane,etcd,worker   9m22s   v1.19.7
    mmattox-lab-c-03   NotReady   controlplane,etcd,worker   9m22s   v1.19.7
  • kubectl get pods -n cattle-system -o wide | grep -ve 'Running\|Completed'
    NAME                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE     IP           NODE               NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    rancher-7df6ff577b-nqjfv          0/1     Pending     0          2m11s   <none>       <none>             <none>           <none>


NOTE This should only be done if the node is unrecoverable, and a replacement should be added to the cluster ASAP.

  • Upgrading Rancher
    • Change replicas to 2 for Rancher deployment
      helm upgrade --install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
      --namespace cattle-system \
      --set \
      --set ingress.tls.source=secret \
      --set replicas=2
      --version 2.5.5
  • Upgrading Kubernetes
    • Edit cluster.yml
    • Comment out bad node. NOTE You should only remove one node at a time.
    • Run a rke up
    • Delete the node from the cluster if RKE left to behind kubectl delete node mmattox-lab-c-03