where I left: try to provide the module with minimum data and directory structure necessary to run some tests.
from termcolor import colored
colored('test', 'red')
print(colored('test', 'red'))
print(colored('✓', 'red'))
print(colored('✓', 'green'))
to install SciPy on Ubuntu one needs:
sudo apt-get install gfortran libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev
then SciPy, then scikit-learn
working with many languages makes it more complicated to work with syntactic features as chunkers do not exist for all the languages we considered ()
the training set should contain both positive and negative examples; to create a negative example out of a positive relation, e.g. "rel(arg1,arg2)" is enough to invert it, "rel(arg2,arg1)"
class= (scope_pos | scope_neg)
to output a probability for each classification by SVM pass probabilities=True
self._classifier = svm.SVC(
return the probabilities from citation_extractor.ned.ml::predict()