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Build reliable, traceable, distributed systems with ZeroMQ (ZeroRPC) by Jérôme Petazzoni from dotCloud

Presenter: Jérôme Petazzoni ( (@jpetazzo)

PyCon 2012 presentation page:



Video running time: 36:22

ZeroRPC GitHub repo:

This talk is about ZeroRPC, a library for doing RPC using ZeroMQ, that was recently open-sourced by dotCloud.


Why did we build an RPC system?

(00:22 / 36:22 into the video)

  • dotCloud is a PaaS.
    • We deploy, monitor, and scale your apps (in the cloud!)
  • Many moving parts
  • ... On a large distributed cluster

What the architecture looks like

(00:45 / 36:22 into the video)

Easy Requirements

(01:08 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Expose arbitrary code with minimal modification
    • if we can do import foo;
    • we want to be able to do foo = RemoteService(...);
  • Self-documented system
    • Want to see methods, signatures, and docstrings

More Difficult Requirements

(02:09 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Propagate exceptions
  • Language-agnostic
  • Brokerless, highly available, fast, support fan-in/fan/out - Not necessarily all at the same time!
  • We want to trace & profile nested calls

Why not {x}?

(04:06 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Why not HTTP
  • Why not AMQP

What we came up with

(04:48 / 36:22 into the video)


  • Based on ZeroMQ and MessagePack

  • Supports everything we needed!

  • Multiple implementations

    • Internal "reference" implementation in Python

    • Public "alternative" implementation with gevent

      Internal Node.js implementation (so-so)

Using it

Example: unmodified code

(05:45 / 36:22 into the video)

$ zerorpc-client --server --bind tcp:// urllib

Example: calling code

(06:14 / 36:22 into the video)

  • From the command-line (for testing):
$ zerorpc-client tcp:// quote "hello pycon"
connecting to "tcp://"
  • From Python code:
>>> import zerorpc
>>> remote_urllib = zerorpc.Client()
>>> remote_urllib.connect('tcp://')
>>> remote_urllib.quote('hello pycon')

Example: introspection

(06:38 / 36:22 into the video)

We can list methods:

$ zerorpc-client tcp:// | grep ^q
quote                       quote('abc def') -> 'abc%20def'
quote_plus                  Quote the query fragment of a URL; replacing ' ' with '+'

We can see signatures and docstrings:

$ zerorpc-client tcp:// quote_plus -?
connecting to "tcp://"

quote_plus(s, safe='')

Quote the query fragment of a URL; replacing ' ' with '+'

Example: exceptions

(06:47 / 36:22 into the video)

$ zerorpc-client tcp:// quote_plus
connecting to "tcp://"
Traceback (most recent call last):
zerorpc.exceptions.RemoteError: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/marca/dev/git-repos/zerorpc-python/zerorpc/", line 201, in _async_task
    functor.pattern.process_call(self._context, socket, event, functor)
  File "/Users/marca/dev/git-repos/zerorpc-python/zerorpc/", line 74, in process_call
    result = context.middleware_call_procedure(functor, *event.args)
  File "/Users/marca/dev/git-repos/zerorpc-python/zerorpc/", line 88, in middleware_call_procedure
    return procedure(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/marca/dev/git-repos/zerorpc-python/zerorpc/", line 55, in __call__
    return self._functor(*args, **kargs)
TypeError: quote_plus() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)

Example: load balancing

(07:07 / 36:22 into the video)

Start a load balancing hub:

$ cat foo.yml
in: "tcp://*:1111"
out: "tcp://*:2222"
type: queue
$ foo.yml

Start (at least) one worker:

$ zerorpc-client --server tcp://localhost:2222 urllib

Now connect to the "in" side of the hub:

$ zerorpc-client tcp://localhost:1111

Example: high availability

(07:30 / 36:22 into the video)

Start a local HAProxy in TCP mode, dispatching requests to 2 or more remote services or hubs:

$ cat haproxy.cfg
listen zerorpc
    mode tcp
    server backend_a localhost:2222 check
    server backend_b localhost:3333 check
$ haproxy -f haproxy.cfg

Start (at least) one backend:

$ zerorpc-client --server --bind tcp://0:2222 urllib

Now connect to HAProxy:

$ zerorpc-client tcp://localhost:1111

Non-example: PUB/SUB

(08:01 / 36:22 into the video)

Not in public repo -- yet

  • Broadcast a message to a group of nodes
    • But if a node leaves and rejoins, he'll lose messages
  • Send a continuous stream of information
    • But if a speaker or listener leaves and rejoins...

You generally don't want to do this!

Better pattern: ZeroRPC streaming with gevent

Example: streaming

(09:10 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Server code returns an iterator
  • Client code gets an iterator
  • Small messages, high latency? No problem! - Server code will pre-push elements - Client code will notify server if pipeline runs low
  • Huge messages? No problem! - Big data sets can be nicely chunked - They don't have to fit entirely in memory - Don't worry about timeouts anymore
  • Also supports long polling

Example: tracing

(10:15 / 36:22 into the video)

Not in public repo yet

Implementation details

(11:16 / 36:22 into the video)

This will be useful if:

  • You think you might want to use ZeroRPC
  • You think you might want to hack ZeroRPC
  • You want to implement something similar
  • You just happen to love distributed systems


(11:50 / 36:22 into the video)


(13:28 / 36:22 into the video)

  • MessagePack
  • In our tests, msgpack is more efficient than JSON, BSON, YAML:
    • 20-50x faster
    • serialized output is 2x smaller or better
$ pip install msgpack-python
>>> import msgpack
>>> bytes = msgpack.dumps(data)

Wire format

(14:09 / 36:22 into the video)

Request: (headers, method_name, args)

  • headers dict
    • no mandatory header
    • carries the protocol version number
    • used for tracing in our in-house version
  • args
    • list of arguments
    • no named parameters

Response: (headers, ERR|OK|STREAM, value)


(15:20 / 36:22 into the video)

  • 0MQ does not detect disconnections (or rather, it works hard to hide them)
  • You can't know when the remote is gone
  • Original implementation: 30s timeout
  • Published implementation: heartbeat


(16:13 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Expose a few special calls:
    • _zerorpc_list to list calls
    • _zerorpc_name to know who you're talking to
    • _zerorpc_ping (redundant with the previous one)
    • _zerorpc_help to retrieve the docstring of a call
    • _zerorpc_args to retrieve the argspec of a call
    • _zerorpc_inspect to retrieve everything at once


(17:10 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Published implementation does not include any kind of naming/discovery
  • In-house version uses a flat YAML file, mapping service names to 0MQ addresses and socket types, but ashamed to publish this :-)
  • In progress: use DNS records
    • SRV for host+port
    • TXT for 0MQ socket type (not sure about this!)
  • In progress: registration of services

Security: there is none

(18:00 / 36:22 into the video)

  • No security at all in 0MQ
    • assumes that you are on a private, internal network
  • If you need to run "in the wild", use SSL:
    • bind 0MQ socket on localhost
    • run stunnel (with client cert verification)
  • In progress: authentication layer
  • dotCloud API is actually ZeroRPC, exposed through a HTTP/ZeroRPC gateway
  • In progress: standardization of this gateway

Tracing (not published yet)

(19:26 / 36:22 into the video)

How it works: all calls and responses are logged to a central place, along with a trace_id unique to each sequence of calls.

Tracing: trace_id

(21:14 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Each call has a trace_id
  • The trace_id is propagated to subcalls
  • The trace_id is bound to a local context (think thread local storage)
  • When making a call:
    • If there is a local trace_id, use it
    • If there is none ("root call"), generate one (GUID)
  • trace_id is passed in all calls and responses

Note: this is not (yet) in the GitHub repository:

Tracing: trace collection

(21:42 / 36:22 into the video)

  • If a message (sent or received) has a trace_id, we send out the following things:
    • trace_id
    • call name (or, for return values, OK|ERR+exception)
    • current process name and hostname
    • timestamp

Internal details: the collection is built on top of the standard :mod:`logging` module.

Tracing: trace storages

(22:10 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Traces are sent to a Redis key/value store
    • each trace_id is associated with a list of traces
    • we keep some per=service counters
    • Redis persistence is disabled
    • entries are given a TTL so they expire automatically
    • entries were initially JSON (for easy debugging)
    • ... then "compressed" with msgpack to save space
    • approximately 16 GB of traces per day

Internal details: the logging handler does not talk directly to Redis; it sends traces to a collector (which itself talks to Redis)

The problem with being synchronous

(23:19 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Original implementation was synchronous
  • Long-running calls blocked the server
  • Workaround: multiple workers and a hub
  • Wastes resources
  • Does not work well for very long calls
    • Deployment and provisioning of new cluster nodes
    • Deployment and scaling of user apps

Note: this is not specific to ZeroRPC (Preforking servers, threaded servers, WSGI...)

First shot at asynchronicity

(24:28 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Send asynchronous events & setup callbacks
  • "Please do foo(42) and send the result to this other place once you're done"
  • We tried this. We failed.
    • distributed spaghetti code
    • trees falling in the forest with no one to hear them
  • Might have worked better if we had...
    • better support in the library
    • better naming system
    • something to make sure we don't lose calls (a kind of distributed FSM, maybe?)

Gevent to the rescue!

(26:02 / 36:22 into the video)

  • Gevent --
  • Write synchronous code (a.k.a.: don't rewrite your services)
  • Uses coroutines to achieve concurrency
  • No forks, no threads (no problems? :-))
  • Monkey patch standard library (to replace blocking calls with async versions)
  • Achieve "unlimited" concurrency server-side

The version published on GitHub uses gevent.

Show me the code!

(27:17 / 36:22 into the video)

$ pip install git+git://


Doesn't have:

  • tracing
  • naming
  • helpers for PUB/SUB and PUSH/PULL
  • authentication


(28:25 / 36:22 into the video)
