Change with the name of your folder in Dockerfile and Request Facebook token and put it in variable facebook_access_token
REST API requesting facebook API using GET/userstatus//
uid can 3 values:
- account_handle
- account_id
- account_url
docker build -t temp . docker create --name temp -p 4000:80 temp docker start temp
if you modify you need to run before you run the Url to test the App
running the app: launch: $(docker-machine ip):4000 in a browser.
test the default route : :4000
how the endpoint works: GET :4000/userstatus//
example : if ip is
you can launch this request and you will get a python dictionnary in response. if the access token is valid, you will get a response with mark zuckerberg profile info
- implement OAUTH for /account_id and add tests for better error_handling
- correct regex which doesn't work for account_handle
- implement same regex process for account_handle : (get url html and parse it to manage the two possible cases : error 404 or fb://profile/) + add username without requesting the api