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A Sudoku game that uses Computer Vision and Neural Networks for loading Sudoku to the Sudoku board. When tired of playing Sudoku, solve it by consulting Prolog.


Sudoku Board v1.0.0

Sudoku Board v1.0.0

The Sudoku board is built using Java AWT and Swing components.

  • Load - lets user select an image to load a Sudoku
  • Clear - clears user set values in Sudoku
  • Solve - solves the Sudoku from the current state of Sudoku
  • About - short description of the board game project

Currently it has been built and tested on following systems :

  • Windows (x86-64 bit)
  • Linux (x86-64 bit)

Building this Project

This project can be built from source on Windows and Linux systems running on x86-64 bit machines. Currently there is no binary provided for this project but its libraries are compiled for the mentioned systems. For building the project one needs to have some of the programs installed in their system. After installing these prerequisites (or if it is already installed), one can proceed to build the project.


The following programs should be installed before building the source. One can follow the instructions at the end of this page for installing these prerequisites.

  • Java 1.8.x (JDK)
  • Apache Ant 1.9.x

Note - One should be able to work with lower version of Apache Ant but this project has been tested with Apache Ant 1.9.x

Building Source

This project has been tested by building on Windows_x86_64 and Linux_x86_64 machines. Based on the system follow the instructions.


For building this on a Windows system

  • Open command line and move to the Sudoku project folder

For example

cd "C:\Users\MyAccount\Downloads\NeuralCollection"
  • Create jar from build.xml using ant
ant -f build.xml jar

This should return a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message. One can proceed further after getting this message.

  • To play the game move to the newly created Sudoku folder inside build folder. This Sudoku folder contains Sudoku.jar, run.bat etc.
cd build\Sudoku
  • Run the batch file run.bat

Alternative to run.bat

The batch file run.bat adds path to libraries that are used by Sudoku.jar. As an alternative to running run.bat, one can add libraries to the path and run Sudoku.jar by using the following commands in the built Sudoku folder

set PATH=%PATH%;lib/opencv-3.2.0;lib/swipl-7.4.2/libs;lib/swipl-7.4.2;lib/neuroph2.93
java -Xms100m -Xmx400m -jar Sudoku.jar

Note - After building the project one can move the newly created Sudoku folder (Sudoku folder inside build folder) anywhere. This folder is self-contained and has its dependencies inside it.


For building this on a Linux system

  • Open command line and move to the Sudoku project folder

For example

cd "~/Downloads/NeuralCollection/Sudoku/"
  • Create jar from build.xml using ant
ant -f build.xml jar

This should return a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message. One can proceed further after getting this message.

  • To play the game move to the newly created Sudoku folder inside build folder. This Sudoku folder contains Sudoku.jar, etc.
cd build/Sudoku/
  • Change permission of run script and run it
chmod u+x

Alternative to

The script file adds path to libraries, makes SWI Prolog binary executable (since unzip task of ant build script does not preserve the permissions) and runs Sudoku.jar. As an alternative to running, one can run following commands :

  • Add library paths to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# use absolute path as SWI Prolog (apart from Sudoku) also uses this path
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PWD/lib/opencv-3.2.0:$PWD/lib/swipl-7.4.2:$PWD/lib/neuroph2.93"
  • Make SWI Prolog binary executable and add binary path to $PATH
chmod u+x lib/swipl-7.4.2/bin/swipl

# add SWI Prolog binary path to $PATH
export PATH="$PATH:lib/swipl-7.4.2/bin"
  • Run Sudoku jar
java -Xms100m -Xmx400m -jar Sudoku.jar

Note - After building the project one can move the newly created Sudoku folder (Sudoku folder inside build folder) anywhere. This folder is self-contained and has its dependencies inside it (it has indirect dependencies like c/c++ libraries that were used to build dependent dynamic libraries but these indirect dependencies are very basic and most system definitely have it).

Playing the Game

After building the project, one would get a Sudoku folder inside build folder of the project. This Sudoku folder contains Sudoku.jar, script file, libraries and other requirements for playing the game.

For starting the game run the run script (run.bat or after building the project

Also look at alternatives to running scripts ( Windows or Linux ).


Third party libraries that are used in this project are listed below. These libraries have been added to the lib directory for supported OS (Windows_x86_64 and Linux_x86_64). There is no need to install these libraries separately.

Installing Prerequisites


Below are short description of installing prerequisites on a Windows system.

Java SDK 1.8.x
Apache Ant 1.9.x
  • Download file from
  • Extract the zip to a suitable place or to "C:/Program Files/Apache Ant"
  • Add the path of bin folder of the extracted zip (example - "C:/Program Files/Apache Ant/apache-ant-1.9.x/bin") to PATH environment variable

If there is problem installing Apache Ant, follow the detailed installation instructions here -


Here are short description of installing prerequisites on a Linux machine using apt package manager.

Before going for installation of prerequisites, it is recommended to do an update by executing

sudo apt-get update
Java SDK 1.8.x

To install Java type the following command in a terminal

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

This would install OpenJDK java which is different from Oracle java but would work for us.

Apache Ant

The simplest way to install the latest Ant is to type the following command in a terminal

sudo apt-get install ant

This would install the latest Ant. As of now, on most of the Linux systems, this would be Apache Ant 1.9.x and would work for us.