Command |
Description |
git config --global "Your Name" |
Sets the author name for all future commits. |
git config --global "[email protected]" |
Sets the author email for all future commits. |
git config --global core.editor "nano" |
Sets the default Git text editor to nano |
git config --list |
Lists all current configuration settings. |
Command |
Description |
git init |
Creates a new empty repository in the current folder. |
git status |
Summarizes the current state of the working tree and staging area. |
git log |
Shows all commits in reverse chronological order (most recent first). |
git add |
Stages one or more files. |
git commit |
Records changes in staging area in a new commit. |
git commit -m "message" |
Shortcut to simultaneously commit and specify the commit message. |
git diff |
Shows differences in files between working tree and HEAD. |
git diff --cached |
Shows differences in files between staging area and HEAD. |
git diff COMMIT_ID |
Show differences in files between HEAD and a specific commit. |
git checkout COMMIT_ID |
Temporarily reverts the repository to the state of a specific commit. |
git checkout master |
Restores working tree when in DETACHED HEAD state. |
Command |
Description |
git branch |
Lists existing branches. |
git branch BRANCH |
Creates a new branch BRANCH from the current HEAD. |
git switch BRANCH |
Switches to the specified branch. |
git switch -c BRANCH |
Creates a new branch and switches to it from the current HEAD. |
git merge BRANCH |
Merges commits of BRANCH onto the history of the current branch. |
git branch -D BRANCH |
Deletes branch BRANCH and its associated history. |
Command |
Description |
git clone URL DIR |
Clones (downloads) a repository from URL into a new directory DIR. |
git remote -v |
Lists all remote repositories associated with the current repository. |
git remote add NAME URL |
Adds a remote repository NAME pointing to URL. |
git remote rm NAME |
Removes NAME from the list of tracked repositories. |
git push NAME BRANCH |
Copies commits of the current branch onto branch BRANCH of NAME. |
git pull NAME BRANCH |
Merges commits of branch BRANCH of NAME onto the current branch. |
Command |
Description |
git checkout -- FILE |
Discards changes to a specific file in the working tree. |
git reset HEAD FILE |
Unstages a specific file (opposite of git add) but retains changes. |
git reset HEAD |
Unstages all currently staged files. |
git reset --hard HEAD |
Erases all changes, reverting the repository to the state of HEAD. |
Term |
Description |
branch |
A self-contained collection of commits that represent a line of development. |
commit |
A single point in the Git repository history. |
The commit at the tip of a branch or the most recent version of the repository. |
remote |
A repository hosted elsewhere, often on the cloud. |
repository |
The collection of all files, changes (commits), and branches. |
staging area |
All the files and changes added to the staging area but not yet committed. |
working tree |
All files and changes not yet added to the staging area. |
This cheat sheet was created by @janash, @joaorodrigues, and @vhchavez and is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.