In this tutorial we will train a German to English Sockeye model on a dataset from the Conference on Machine Translation (WMT) 2017.
- Login to the rocket:
- Import the module and create local conda env:
module load python/3.6.3/CUDA-8.0
conda create -n mtenv-cuda8 python=3.6
Activate env:
source activate mtenv-cuda8
- Install sockeye on GPU:
mkdir mt2018
cd mt2018
pip install sockeye --no-deps -r requirements.gpu-cu80.txt
rm requirements.gpu-cu80.txt
Sockeye expects preprocessed data as the input.
Convenient way of doing preprocessing is using moses-scripts:
git clone
Preprocessing usually consists of following steps:
- Tokenization
- Truecasing
- Cleaning
- Subword segmentation
Let's first fetch the data:
Training set:
mkdir data
cd data
tar -xvzf et-en.tgz
Dev set:
download it from the github assigment's repo
Lets now take a small subset of training set for the purpose of this lab:
wc -l wc -l*
head -n 10000 > train.en
head -n 10000 >
- Tokenization
../moses-scripts/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -h
../moses-scripts/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl < train.en > tok.train.en
../moses-scripts/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl < >
Lets compare 2 files now:
head -2 train.en tok.train.en
Describe what tokenization does based on what you see.
- Truecasing
First, train the truecasing model:
../moses-scripts/scripts/recaser/train-truecaser.perl --model en-truecase.mdl --corpus tok.train.en
../moses-scripts/scripts/recaser/train-truecaser.perl --model et-truecase.mdl --corpus
Next, do the truecasing itself:
../moses-scripts/scripts/recaser/truecase.perl --model en-truecase.mdl < tok.train.en > tc.tok.train.en
../moses-scripts/scripts/recaser/truecase.perl --model et-truecase.mdl < >
head tok.train.en tc.tok.train.en
Describe what truecasing does based on what you see.
- Cleaning
It removes strange sentences, and sentences that are not in range 1-100 tokens
../moses-scripts/scripts/training/clean-corpus-n.perl tc.tok.train en et 1 100
- Subwords segmentation
In addition to tokenization we will split words into subwords using Byte Pair Encoding (BPE). In order to do so we use a tool called subword-nmt. Run the following commands to set up the tool:
git clone
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/subword-nmt:$PYTHONPATH
First we need to build our BPE vocabulary:
python -m learn_joint_bpe_and_vocab --input \
-s 3000 \
-o \
--write-vocabulary bpe.vocab.en
Note, that we used 3000 as desired number of result subwords, however, in real setting the recommended number is about 10 as big (concretely, you should use 32000 in your homework)
This will create a joint source and target BPE vocabulary. Next, we use apply the Byte Pair Encoding to our training and development data:
python -m apply_bpe -c --vocabulary bpe.vocab.en --vocabulary-threshold 50 < >
python -m apply_bpe -c --vocabulary --vocabulary-threshold 50 < >
Describe what it does based on what you see.
Now, preprocess the dev sets by yourself.
NB: you must not train truecasing and BPE models for dev sets. You should use the one you trained on train set. Just apply the truecasing and BPE with already trained models.
Having preprocessed our data we can start training. Note that Sockeye will load all training data into memory in order to be able to easily reshuffle after every epoch.
Before we start training we will prepare the training data by splitting it into shards and serializing it in matrix format:
python -m sockeye.prepare_data \
-s \
-t \
-o train_data
While this is an optional step it has the advantage of considerably lowering the time needed before training starts and also limiting the memory usage as only one shard is loaded into memory at a time.
We can now kick off the training process.
cd ..
mkdir experiments
Create following file sbatch file:
#The name of the job is test_job
#SBATCH -J mt_tut
#The job requires 1 compute node
#The job requires 1 task per node
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#The maximum walltime of the job is a 8 days
#SBATCH -t 00:05:00
#SBATCH --mem=5G
#Leave this here if you need a GPU for your job
#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:tesla:1
module load python/3.6.3/CUDA-8.0
source activate mtenv-cuda8
python -m sockeye.train --disable-device-locking \
--device-ids 0 \
-s data/ \
-t data/ \
-vs data/ \
-vt data/ \
-o experiments/wmt_model_tutorial_et2en \
--encoder rnn \
--decoder rnn \
--num-embed 256 \
--rnn-num-hidden 512 \
--rnn-attention-type dot \
--max-seq-len 60 \
--decode-and-evaluate 0 \
--batch-type sentence \
--batch-size 200 \
--max-num-epochs 10 \
--checkpoint-frequency 25
And send it for training :
sbatch train_tut.sbatch
To examine the training process, run:
tail -f -n 50 slurm-xxxxxx.out
This will train a 1-layer bi-LSTM encoder, 1-layer LSTM decoder with dot attention.
Sockeye offers a whole variety of different options regarding the model architecture,
such as stacked RNNs with residual connections (--num-layers
, --rnn-residual-connections
Transformer encoder and decoder (--encoder transformer
, --decoder transformer
ConvS2S (--encoder cnn
, --decoder cnn
various RNN (--rnn-cell-type
) and attention (--attention-type
) types and more.
There are also several parameters controlling training itself.
Unless you specify a different optimizer (--optimizer
) Adam will be used.
Additionally, you can control the batch size (--batch-size
), the learning rate schedule (--learning-rate-schedule
and other parameters relevant for training.
Training will run until the validation perplexity stops improving.
Sockeye starts a decoder in a separate process at every checkpoint running on the same device as training in order to evaluate metrics such as BLEU.
Note that these scores are calculated on the tokens provided to Sockeye, e.g. in this tutorial BLEU will be calculated on the sub-words we created above.
As an alternative to validation perplexity based early stopping you can stop early based on BLEU scores (--optimized-metric bleu
To make sure the decoder finishes before the next checkpoint one can subsample the validation set for
BLEU score calculation.
For example --decode-and-evaluate 500
will decode and evaluate BLEU on a random subset of 500 sentences.
We sample the random subset once and keep it the same during training and also across trainings by
fixing the random seed.
Therefore, validation BLEU scores across training runs are comparable.
Perplexity will not be affected by this and still be calculated on the full validation set.
Training a model on this data set is going to take a while. In the next section we discuss how you can monitor the training progress.
Try to translate following sentence:
>> tere hommikust !
Write down what you got as a translation:
Congratulations! You have successfully preprocessed the data and trained your first "real" Sockeye translation model.