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File metadata and controls

78 lines (63 loc) · 1.48 KB

Go Documentation

  1. Introduction to Go

    • What is Go?
    • History of Go
    • Features of Go
    • Advantages of using Go
  2. Getting Started

    • Installing Go
    • Setting up your Go environment
    • Hello World program
  3. Basics of Go

    • Syntax
    • Variables and Constants
    • Data Types
    • Operators
    • Control Structures (if, else, switch, loops)
    • Functions
    • Packages
  4. Advanced Go Concepts

    • Pointers
    • Structs
    • Arrays and Slices
    • Maps
    • Methods
    • Interfaces
    • Goroutines and Concurrency
    • Channels
  5. Error Handling

    • Error handling in Go
    • Panic and Recover
  6. Testing

    • Writing tests in Go
    • Running tests
    • Testing tools and frameworks
  7. Standard Library

    • Overview of the standard library
    • Commonly used packages (fmt, io, os, etc.)
  8. Advanced Topics

    • Reflection
    • Writing and using packages
    • Dependency management (Modules)
    • Embedding
    • Context
    • Profiling and Optimization
  9. Tools

    • go command
    • gofmt, govet, golint
    • go modules
    • IDEs and Text Editors for Go development
  10. Best Practices

  • Code organization
  • Naming conventions
  • Documentation and comments
  • Error handling best practices
  • Concurrency patterns
  1. Community and Resources
  • Official Go website
  • Go forums and communities
  • Online tutorials and guides
  • Recommended books and blogs
  1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Common issues and solutions
  • Troubleshooting tips