I am an undergrad student in Neurosciences at Université de Montréal. The program really focuses on cellular and molecular neurosociences, but we also had an introduction class to MATLAB and R. I think this is a good start to understand how the brain works, but I am more intersted into studying the whole brain insted of studyning it at the neuron scale. I am really interested into all kinds of neuroimagery. For this summer, i'll be doing an internship with Dr Pierre Bellec and Dr Aman Badhwar here at CRIUGM. The project will touch the fields of structural MRI, fMRI, preprocessing pipelines, etc.
As you can see in the previous section, I don't have a strong background in computing. Therefore, for me Brainhack School is more about improving my computing skills.
- Project : Run fMRIprep and Niak preprocessing pipelines in a docker container and analyse the results.
- Get familiar with GitHub
- Get familiar with Docker
- Learn how to use Compute Canada ressources
- Transform dicom into BIDS